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17 Adding New Procedures to MySQL

In MySQL, you can define a procedure in C++ that can access and modify the data in a query before it is sent to the client. The modification can be done on row-by-row or GROUP BY level.

We have created an example procedure in MySQL Version 3.23 to show you what can be done.

Additionally we recommend you to take a look at 'mylua', which you can find in the Contrib directory. See section D Contributed Programs. Which this you can use the LUA language to load a procedure at runtime into mysqld.

17.1 Procedure Analyse

analyse([max elements,[max memory]])

This procedure is defined in the `sql/sql_analyse.cc'. This examines the result from your query and returns an analysis of the results:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... PROCEDURE ANALYSE([max elements,[max memory]])

17.2 Writing a Procedure

For the moment, the only documentation for this is the source.

You can find all information about procedures by examining the following files:

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