
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEMGR)

Software Developer's Kit (SDK)

Production Version 1.6.0

Readme/Release Note


Table of Contents

1. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Contents

2. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Installation

3. Sample Applications

4. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Known Bugs

1. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Contents

1.1. The Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK can be found in the SYSMAN\SDK subdirectory of your ORACLE_HOME. The SDK subdirectory contains:

- Import libraries (VOX.LIB and VOXD.LIB) and header files which are necessary for the development of an integrated application using C++.

The dynamic link libraries VOX.DLL and VOXD.DLL are installed into the ORACLE_HOME\BIN subdirectory when Oracle Enterprise Manager is installed. The VOX libraries are for Release builds, the VOXD libraries are for Debug builds.

- Code for two sample applications which utilize the full set of Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK interfaces.

SMPXSRVC.EXE is an example of a server which implements external service type integration. SMPSRV.EXE is a comprehensive implementation of the rest of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console's APIs. These applications make use of the VOX library.

- Sample Tcl scripts for use as examples of job scripts.

1.2. The following documentation is provided for the OEMGR SDK:

- Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Developer's Guide

- Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Version 1.6.0 Release Note

2. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Installation

2.1. Although the SDK is a separately installable product, it is useful only as a reference if Oracle Enterprise Manager itself is not installed. The two DLLs, VOX.DLL and VOXD.DLL, which contain the development libraries needed for integration are installed only with the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. We therefore recommend that you install the SDK with Oracle Enterprise Manager itself.

All of the other components of the SDK are installed into the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK subdirectory. Among these are the sample applications that are provided as a reference for how the SDK APIs can be used. Visual C++ 5.0 makefiles are included with these samples so that you can build the applications yourself and run them within your debugger to further explore how they work. In a few simple steps, you can integrate the sample executables into the OEMGR Console.

2.2. To make the SMPSRV application appear in your Console's Tools menu and tool palette, follow these steps in order.

- Build the executable using the SMPSRV.MAK file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPSRV directory (see note 2.4 on makefile directory structure assumptions).

- Execute the SMPSRV.REG file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPSRV directory.

- Copy the SMPSRV.EXE file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPSRV directory to the ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory.

The next time you launch the console, you should see the SDK Sample Server Application appear in both the Tools menu and the tool palette. It should launch successfully. If this does not work, be sure you executed each and every one of these steps in the order listed above.

2.3. To use the SMPXSRVC application to support its external service types in the console, follow these steps in order:

- Build the executable using the SMPXSRVC.MAK file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPXSRVC directory (see note 2.4 on makefile directory structure assumptions).

- Execute the SMPXSRVC.REG file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPXSRVC directory.

- Copy the SMPXSRVC.EXE file from the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK\SMPXSRVC directory to the ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory.

The next time you launch the console, you should see containers for the types APPLE and ORANGE in your navigator. If you can expand these containers and see a list of services with the appropriate icons next to them, the installation was successful. Otherwise, be sure you executed all the steps in the order listed above.

2.4. If your ORACLE_HOME is not C:\ORANT, you may need to make some minor modifications to the project settings in the makefiles before you can successfully build. Select Build|Settings from the Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 menu, and select the C/C++ tab in the property sheet. Select the Preprocessor category, and change the include directory c:\orant\sysman\sdk\vox\include to point to the analogous directory based on the location of your ORACLE_HOME. Similarly, you will need to remove the file c:\orant\sysman\sdk\vox\lib\vox.lib from the project and include the version of VOX.LIB in the place where it was installed.

3. Sample Applications

3.1. The SMPSRV sample application is designed primarily to provide clear code examples of the use of the SDK. It is not designed to be a robust application. Functionality within the application was developed only far enough so that each of the APIs can be invoked and fully demonstrated. For example, each of the dialogs which exemplify the use of the Discovery Cache APIs can only execute once per invocation. In order to make another call to the API in question, you should launch the dialog from the menu again.

3.2. Each of the Jobs dialogs are initialized with example data which is well-formed. This is provided for purpose of syntactic prototyping only. Executing the job control APIs with this data will not generally be meaningful on your installed system.

3.3. The services within the SMPXSRVC application are fictitious, as are the nodes that they are designated to reside upon. However, if you alter the names of the nodes to correspond to those on which you have discovered services in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, you can use the services in the SMPXSRVC application for real-world tests.

4. Oracle Enterprise Manager SDK Version 1.6.0 Known Bugs

4.1. No notification message gets sent to the third party application upon successful job deletion of a batch job.

4.2. The "Create" menu item which appears when the user clicks the right mouse button on a container of an externally-defined service type is meaningless. However, the selection of this command has no deleterious side effects.

4.3. If an application registers interest in an event with the empty string ("") as a name twice, the console will pop up a modal error dialog saying "ORA-00001: Unique constraint (SYSTEM.EVT_REGISTRY_CONSTRAINT) violated". Typically, all external interface errors are reported to the submitting application and do not cause error dialogs to appear in the console. It should be noted, however, that the empty string is not a valid event name, so this error condition should never be reached.

4.4. If you build either of the sample applications in place in the SYSMAN/SDK subdirectory of your ORACLE_HOME, the files which are generated will not get removed by a deinstallation of the SDK. This means that even if you deinstall OEMGR and the SDK, there will still be a SYSMAN subdirectory on your disk. Please feel free to delete the appropriate directories after deinstalling the products.

4.5. Similarly, the NT registry entries installed by executing either SMPSRV.REG or SMPXSRVC.REG do not get removed by deinstalling the SDK. Please feel free to delete the appropriate keys after deinstallation. Refer to the contents of these files to see which keys can be safely deleted.