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Oracle® C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10778-01
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5 Metadata

This chapter describes how to retrieve metadata about result sets or the database as a whole.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of Metadata

Database objects have various attributes that describe them; you can obtain information about a particular schema object by performing a DESCRIBE operation. The result can be accessed as an object of the Metadata class by passing object attributes as arguments to the various methods of the Metadata class.

You can perform an explicit DESCRIBE operation on the database as a whole, on the types and properties of the columns contained in a ResultSet class, or on any of the following schema and subschema objects:

You must specify the type of the attribute you are looking for. By using the getAttributeCount(), getAttributeId(), and getAttributeType() methods of the MetaData class, you can scan through each available attribute.

All DESCRIBE information is cached until the last reference to it is deleted. Users are in this way prevented from accidentally trying to access DESCRIBE information that is already freed.

You obtain metadata by calling the getMetaData() method on the Connection class in case of an explicit describe, or by calling the getColumnListMetaData() method on the ResultSet class to get the metadata of the result set columns. Both methods return a MetaData object with the described information. The MetaData class provides the getxxx() methods to access this information.

Notes on Types and Attributes

When performing DESCRIBE operations, be aware of the following issues:

  • The ATTR_TYPECODE returns typecodes that represent the type supplied when you created a new type by using the CREATE TYPE statement. These typecodes are of the enumerated type TypeCode, which are represented by OCCI_TYPECODE constants.


    Internal PL/SQL types (boolean, indexed table) are not supported.

  • The ATTR_DATA_TYPE returns types that represent the datatypes of the database columns. These values are of enumerated type Type. For example, LONG types return OCCI_SQLT_LNG types.

Describing Database Metadata

Describing database metadata is equivalent to an explicit DESCRIBE operation. The object to describe must be an object in the schema. In describing a type, you call the getMetaData() method from the connection, passing the name of the object or a RefAny object. To do this, you must initialize the environment in the OBJECT mode. The getMetaData() method returns an object of type MetaData. Each type of MetaData object has a list of attributes that are part of the describe tree. The describe tree can then be traversed recursively to point to sutures containing more information. More information about an object can be obtained by calling the getxxx() methods.

If you need to construct a browser that describes the database and its objects recursively, then you can access information regarding the number of attributes for each object in the database (including the database), the attribute ID listing, and the attribute types listing. By using this information, you can recursively traverse the describe tree from the top node (the database) to the columns in the tables, the attributes of a type, the parameters of a procedure or function, and so on.

For example, consider the typical case of describing a table and its contents. You call the getMetaData() method from the connection, passing the name of the table to be described. The MetaData object returned contains the table information. Since you are aware of the type of the object that you want to describe (table, column, type, collection, function, procedure, and so on), you can obtain the attribute list as shown in Table 5-1. You can retrieve the value into a variable of the type specified in the table by calling the corresponding getxxx() method.

Table 5-1 Attribute Groupings

Attribute Type Description
Parameter Attributes Attributes belonging to all elements
Table and View Attributes
Attributes belonging to tables and views
Procedure, Function, and Subprogram Attributes
Attributes belonging to procedures, functions, and package subprograms
Package Attributes
Attributes belonging to packages
Type Attributes
Attributes belonging to types
Type Attribute Attributes
Attributes belonging to type attributes
Type Method Attributes
Attributes belonging to type methods
Collection Attributes
Attributes belonging to collection types
Synonym Attributes
Attributes belonging to synonyms
Sequence Attributes
Attributes belonging to sequences
Column Attributes
Attributes belonging to columns of tables or views
Argument and Result Attributes
Attributes belonging to arguments / results
List Attributes
Attributes that designate the list type
Schema Attributes
Attributes specific to schemas
Database Attributes
Attributes specific to databases

Metadata Code Examples

This section provides code examples for obtaining:

  • Connection metadata

  • ResultSet metadata

Example 5-1 How to Obtain Metadata About Attributes of a Simple Database Table

The following code example demonstrates how to obtain metadata about attributes of a simple database table:

/* Create an environment and a connection to the HR database */
/* Call the getMetaData method on the Connection object obtainedv*/
MetaData emptab_metaData = connection->getMetaData(
      "EMPLOYEES", MetaData::PTYPE_TABLE);
/* Now that you have the metadata information on the EMPLOYEES table,
   call the getxxx methods using the appropriate attributes */

/* Call getString */

   cout<<"EMPLOYEES is a table"<<endl;
    cout<<"EMPLOYEES is not a table"<<endl;

/* Call getInt to get the number of columns in the table */
int columnCount=emptab_metaData.getInt(MetaData::ATTR_NUM_COLS);
cout<<"Number of Columns:"<<columnCount<<endl;

/* Call getTimestamp to get the timestamp of the table object */
Timestamp tstamp = emptab_metaData.getTimestamp(MetaData::ATTR_TIMESTAMP);
/* Now that you have the value of the attribute as a Timestamp object,
   you can call methods to obtain the components of the timestamp */
int year;
unsigned int month, day;
tstamp.getData(year, month, day);

/* Call getVector for attributes of list type,for example ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS */

/* Each of the list elements represents a column metadata,
   so now you can access the column attributes*/
for (int i=0;i<listOfColumns.size();i++
   MetaData columnObj=listOfColumns[i];
   cout<<"Column Name:"<<(columnObj.getString(MetaData::ATTR_NAME))<<endl;
   cout<<"Data Type:"<<(columnObj.getInt(MetaData::ATTR_DATA_TYPE))<<endl;
   /* and so on to obtain metadata on other column specific attributes */

Example 5-2 How to Obtain Metadata from a Column Containing User Defined Types

/* Create an environment and a connection to the HR database */
/* Call the getMetaData method on the Connection object obtained */
MetaData custtab_metaData = connection->getMetaData(
      "CUSTOMERS", MetaData::PTYPE_TABLE);

/* Have metadata information on the CUSTOMERS table; call the getxxx methods */
/* Call getString */
   cout<<"CUSTOMERS is a table"<<endl;
   cout<<"CUSTOMERS is not a table"<<endl;

/* Call getVector to obtain list of columns in the CUSTOMERS table */

/* Assuming metadata for column cust_address_typ is fourth element in list*/
MetaData customer_address=listOfColumns[3];

/* Obtain the metadata for the customer_address attribute */
int typcode = customer_address.getInt(MetaData::ATTR_TYPECODE);
   cout<<"customer_address is an object type"<<endl;
   cout<<"customer_address is not an object type"<<endl;

string objectName=customer_address.getString(MetaData::ATTR_OBJ_NAME);

/* Now that you have the name of the address object,
   the metadata of the attributes of the type can be obtained by using
   getMetaData on the connection by passing the object name
MetaData address = connection->getMetaData(objectName);

/* Call getVector to obtain the list of the address object attributes */
vector<MetaData> attributeList = 

/* and so on to obtain metadata on other address object specific attributes */

Example 5-3 How to obtain object metadata from a reference

The following code example demonstrates how to obtain metadata about an object when using a reference to it:

Assuming the following schema structure:

Type ADDRESS(street VARCHAR2(50), city VARCHAR2(20));
Table Person(id NUMBER, addr REF ADDRESS);
/* Create an environment and a connection to the HR database */
/* Call the getMetaData method on the Connection object obtained */
MetaData perstab_metaData = connection->getMetaData(
      "Person", MetaData::PTYPE_TABLE);

/* Now that you have the metadata information on the Person table,
   call the getxxx methods using the appropriate attributes */
/* Call getString */

   cout<<"Person is a table"<<endl;
   cout<<"Person is not a table"<<endl;

/* Call getVector to obtain the list of columns in the Person table*/

/* Each of the list elements represents a column metadata,
   so now get the datatype of the column by passing ATTR_DATA_TYPE
   to getInt */
for(int i=0;i<numCols;i++)
   int dataType=colList[i].getInt(MetaData::ATTR_DATA_TYPE);
   /* If the datatype is a reference, get the Ref and obtain the metadata
      about the object by passing the Ref to getMetaData */
      RefAny refTdo=colList[i].getRef(MetaData::ATTR_REF_TDO);

   /* Now you can obtain the metadata about the object as shown
   MetaData tdo_metaData=connection->getMetaData(refTdo);

   /* Now that you have the metadata about the TDO, you can obtain the metadata
      about the object */

Example 5-4 How to Obtain Metadata About a Select List from a ResultSet Object

/* Create an environment and a connection to the database */
/* Create a statement and associate it with a select clause */
string sqlStmt="SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES";
Statement *stmt=conn->createStatement(sqlStmt);

/* Execute the statement to obtain a ResultSet */
ResultSet *rset=stmt->executeQuery();

/* Obtain the metadata about the select list */

/* The metadata is a column list and each element is a column metaData */
int dataType=cmd[i].getInt(MetaData::ATTR_DATA_TYPE);

The getMetaData method is called for the ATTR_COLLECTION_ELEMENT attribute only.

Attribute Reference

This section describes the attributes belonging to schema and subschema objects.

Parameter Attributes

All elements have some attributes specific to that element and some generic attributes. Table 5-2 describes the attributes that belong to all elements:

Table 5-2 Attributes that Belong to All Elements

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_OBJ_ID Object or schema ID unsigned int
ATTR_OBJ_NAME Object, schema, or database name string
ATTR_OBJ_SCHEMA Schema where object is located string
ATTR_OBJ_PTYPE Type of information described by the parameter. Possible values are:



PTYPE_PROC, Procedure

PTYPE_FUNC, Function

PTYPE_PKG, Package


PTYPE_TYPE_ATTR, Attribute of a type

PTYPE_TYPE_COLL, Collection type information

PTYPE_TYPE_METHOD, A method of a type

PTYPE_SYN, Synonym

PTYPE_SEQ, Sequence

PTYPE_COL, Column of a table or view

PTYPE_ARG, Argument of a function or procedure

PTYPE_TYPE_ARG, Argument of a type method

PTYPE_TYPE_RESULT, Results of a method



ATTR_TIMESTAMP The TIMESTAMP of the object this description is based on (Oracle DATE format). Timestamp

The sections that follow list attributes specific to different types of elements.

Table and View Attributes

A parameter for a table or view (type PTYPE_TABLE or PTYPE_VIEW) has the following type-specific attributes described in Table 5-3:

Table 5-3 Attributes that Belong to Tables or Views

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_OBJID Object ID unsigned int
ATTR_NUM_COLS Number of columns int
ATTR_LIST_COLUMNS Column list (type PTYPE_LIST) vector<MetaData>
ATTR_REF_TDO REF to the object type that is being described RefAny
ATTR_IS_TEMPORARY Identifies whether the table or view is temporary bool
ATTR_IS_TYPED Identifies whether the table or view is typed bool
ATTR_DURATION Duration of a temporary table. Values can be:

  • OCCI_DURATION_TRANS (transaction)

  • OCCI_DURATION_NULL (table not temporary)


The additional attributes belonging to tables are described in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Attributes Specific to Tables

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_DBA Data block address of the segment header unsigned int
ATTR_TABLESPACE Tablespace the table resides on int
ATTR_CLUSTERED Identifies whether the table is clustered bool
ATTR_PARTITIONED Identifies whether the table is partitioned bool
ATTR_INDEX_ONLY Identifies whether the table is index only bool

Procedure, Function, and Subprogram Attributes

A parameter for a procedure or function (type PTYPE_PROC or PTYPE_FUNC) has the type-specific attributes described in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 Attributes that Belong to Procedures or Functions

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_LIST_ARGUMENTS Argument list; refer to List Attributes . vector<MetaData>
ATTR_IS_INVOKER_RIGHTS Identifies whether the procedure or function has invoker's rights. int

The additional attributes belonging to package subprograms are described in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6 Attributes that Belong to Package Subprograms

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_NAME Name of procedure or function string
ATTR_OVERLOAD_ID Overloading ID number (relevant in case the procedure or function is part of a package and is overloaded). Values returned may be different from direct query of a PL/SQL function or procedure. int

Package Attributes

A parameter for a package (type PTYPE_PKG) has the type-specific attributes described in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7 Attributes that Belong to Packages

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_LIST_SUBPROGRAMS Subprogram list; refer to List Attributes. vector<MetaData>
ATTR_IS_INVOKER_RIGHTS Identifies whether the package has invoker's rights bool

Type Attributes

A parameter for a type (type PTYPE_TYPE) has attributes described in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8 Attributes that Belong to Types

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_REF_TDO Returns the in-memory ref of the type descriptor object for the type, if the column type is an object type. RefAny
ATTR_TYPECODE Typecode. Can be:


Refer to Notes on Types and Attributes.

ATTR_COLLECTION_TYPECODE Typecode of collection if type is collection; invalid otherwise. Can be:


Refer to Notes on Types and Attributes.

ATTR_VERSION A null terminated string containing the user-assigned version string
ATTR_IS_FINAL_TYPE Identifies whether this is a final type bool
ATTR_IS_INSTANTIABLE_TYPE Identifies whether this is an instantiable type bool
ATTR_IS_SUBTYPE Identifies whether this is a subtype bool
ATTR_SUPERTYPE_SCHEMA_NAME Name of the schema containing the supertype string
ATTR_SUPERTYPE_NAME Name of the supertype string
ATTR_IS_INVOKER_RIGHTS Identifies whether this type is invoker's rights bool
ATTR_IS_INCOMPLETE_TYPE Identifies whether this type is incomplete bool
ATTR_IS_SYSTEM_TYPE Identifies whether this is a system type bool
ATTR_IS_PREDEFINED_TYPE Identifies whether this is a predefined type bool
ATTR_IS_TRANSIENT_TYPE Identifies whether this is a transient type bool
ATTR_IS_SYSTEM_GENERATED_TYPE Identifies whether this is a system-generated type bool
ATTR_HAS_NESTED_TABLE Identifies whether this type contains a nested table attribute bool
ATTR_HAS_LOB Identifies whether this type contains a LOB attribute bool
ATTR_HAS_FILE Identifies whether this type contains a FILE attribute bool
ATTR_COLLECTION_ELEMENT Handle to collection element

Refer to Collection Attributes

ATTR_NUM_TYPE_ATTRS Number of type attributes unsigned int
ATTR_LIST_TYPE_ATTRS List of type attributes

Refer to List Attributes

ATTR_NUM_TYPE_METHODS Number of type methods unsigned int
ATTR_LIST_TYPE_METHODS List of type methods

Refer to List Attributes

ATTR_MAP_METHOD Map method of type

Refer to Type Method Attributes

ATTR_ORDER_METHOD Order method of type; refer to Type Method Attributes MetaData

Type Attribute Attributes

A parameter for an attribute of a type (type PTYPE_TYPE_ATTR) has the attributes described in Table 5-9.

Table 5-9 Attributes that Belong to Type Attributes

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_DATA_SIZE Maximum size of the type attribute. This length is returned in bytes and not characters for strings and raws. Returns 22 for NUMBER. int

Refer to Notes on Types and Attributes.

ATTR_DATA_TYPE Datatype of the type attribute

Refer to Notes on Types and Attributes.

ATTR_NAME A pointer to a string that is the type attribute name string
ATTR_PRECISION Precision of numeric type attributes. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply by NUMBER. int
ATTR_SCALE Scale of numeric type attributes. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. int
ATTR_TYPE_NAME A string that is the type name. The returned value will contain the type name if the datatype is SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF. If the datatype is SQLT_NTY, then the name of the named datatype's type is returned. If the datatype is SQLT_REF, then the type name of the named datatype pointed to by the REF is returned. string
ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME String with the schema name under which the type has been created string
ATTR_REF_TDO Returns the in-memory REF of the TDO for the type, if the column type is an object type. RefAny
ATTR_CHARSET_ID Character set ID, if the type attribute is of a string or character type int
ATTR_CHARSET_FORM Character set form, if the type attribute is of a string or character type int
ATTR_FSPRECISION The fractional seconds precision of a datetime or interval int
ATTR_LFPRECISION The leading field precision of an interval int

Type Method Attributes

A parameter for a method of a type (type PTYPE_TYPE_METHOD) has the attributes described in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10 Attributes that Belong to Type Methods

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_NAME Name of method (procedure or function) string
ATTR_ENCAPSULATION Encapsulation level of the method; can be:


ATTR_LIST_ARGUMENTS Argument list vector<MetaData>
ATTR_IS_CONSTRUCTOR Identifies whether the method is a constructor bool
ATTR_IS_DESTRUCTOR Identifies whether the method is a destructor bool
ATTR_IS_OPERATOR Identifies whether the method is an operator bool
ATTR_IS_SELFISH Identifies whether the method is selfish bool
ATTR_IS_MAP Identifies whether the method is a map method bool
ATTR_IS_ORDER Identifies whether the method is an order method bool
ATTR_IS_RNDS Identifies whether "Read No Data State" is set for the method bool
ATTR_IS_RNPS Identifies whether "Read No Process State" is set for the method bool
ATTR_IS_WNDS Identifies whether "Write No Data State" is set for the method bool
ATTR_IS_WNPS Identifies whether "Write No Process State" is set for the method bool
ATTR_IS_FINAL_METHOD Identifies whether this is a final method bool
ATTR_IS_INSTANTIABLE_METHOD Identifies whether this is an instantiable method bool
ATTR_IS_OVERRIDING_METHOD Identifies whether this is an overriding method bool

Collection Attributes

A parameter for a collection type (type PTYPE_COLL) has the attributes described in Table 5-11.

Table 5-11 Attributes that Belong to Collection Types

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_DATA_SIZE Maximum size of the type attribute. This length is returned in bytes and not characters for strings and raws. Returns 22 for NUMBER. int
ATTR_TYPECODE Typecode; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_DATA_TYPE The datatype of the type attribute; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_NUM_ELEMENTS Number of elements in an array; only valid for collections that are arrays. unsigned int
ATTR_NAME A pointer to a string that is the type attribute name string
ATTR_PRECISION Precision of numeric type attributes. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. int
ATTR_SCALE Scale of numeric type attributes. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. int
ATTR_TYPE_NAME String that is the type name. The returned value will contain the type name if the datatype is SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF. If the datatype is SQLT_NTY, then the name of the named datatype's type is returned. If the datatype is SQLT_REF, then the type name of the named datatype pointed to by the REF is returned string
ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME String with the schema name under which the type has been created string
ATTR_REF_TDO Returns the in memory REF of the TDO for the type. RefAny
ATTR_CHARSET_ID Typecode; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_CHARSET_FORM The datatype of the type attribute; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int

Synonym Attributes

A parameter for a synonym (type PTYPE_SYN) has the attributes described in Table 5-12.

Table 5-12 Attributes that Belong to Synonyms

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_OBJID Object ID unsigned int
ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME Null-terminated string containing the schema name of the synonym translation string
ATTR_NAME Null-terminated string containing the object name of the synonym translation string
ATTR_LINK Null-terminated string containing the database link name of the synonym translation string

Sequence Attributes

A parameter for a sequence (type PTYPE_SEQ) has the attributes described in Table 5-13.

Table 5-13 Attributes that Belong to Sequences

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_OBJID Object ID unsigned int
ATTR_MIN Minimum value (in Oracle number format) Number
ATTR_MAX Maximum value (in Oracle number format) Number
ATTR_INCR Increment (in Oracle number format) Number
ATTR_CACHE Number of sequence numbers cached; zero if the sequence is not a cached sequence (in Oracle number format) Number
ATTR_ORDER Identifies whether the sequence is ordered bool
ATTR_HW_MARK High-water mark (in Oracle number format) Number

Column Attributes

A parameter for a column of a table or view (type PTYPE_COL) has the attributes described in Table 5-14.

Table 5-14 Attributes that Belong to Columns of Tables or Views

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_DATA_SIZE Column length in codepoints. The number of codepoints allowed in the column. int
ATTR_DATA_TYPE Type of length semantics of the column. Valid values are 0 for byte-length semantics and 1 for codepoint-length semantics. int
ATTR_NAME Maximum size of the column. This length is returned in bytes and not characters for strings and raws. Returns 22 for NUMBER. string
ATTR_PRECISION The datatype of the column; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_SCALE Pointer to a string that is the column name int
ATTR_IS_NULL Returns TRUE if the attribute is NULL; FALSE otherwise. bool
ATTR_TYPE_NAME Scale of numeric columns. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. string
ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME Returns 0 if null values are not permitted for the column string
ATTR_REF_TDO Returns a string that is the type name. The returned value will contain the type name if the datatype is SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF. If the datatype is SQLT_NTY, then the name of the named datatype's type is returned. If the datatype is SQLT_REF, then the type name of the named datatype pointed to by the REF is returned. RefAny
ATTR_CHARSET_ID Returns a string with the schema name under which the type has been created. int
ATTR_CHARSET_FORM The REF of the TDO for the type, if the column type is an object type int

Argument and Result Attributes

A parameter for an argument or a procedure or function type (type PTYPE_ARG), for a type method argument (type PTYPE_TYPE_ARG), or for method results (type PTYPE_TYPE_RESULT) has the attributes described in Table 5-15.

Table 5-15 Attributes that Belong to Arguments / Results

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_NAME Returns a pointer to a string which is the argument name string
ATTR_POSITION Position of the argument in the argument list. Always returns 0. int
ATTR_TYPECODE Typecode; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_DATA_TYPE Datatype of the argument; refer to Notes on Types and Attributes. int
ATTR_DATA_SIZE Size of the datatype of the argument. This length is returned in bytes and not characters for strings and raws. Returns 22 for NUMBER. int
ATTR_PRECISION Precision of numeric arguments. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. int
ATTR_SCALE Scale of numeric arguments. If the precision is nonzero and scale is -127, then it is a FLOAT; otherwise a NUMBER(p, s). If precision is 0, then NUMBER(p, s) can be represented simply as NUMBER. int
ATTR_LEVEL Datatype levels. This attribute always returns 0. int
ATTR_HAS_DEFAULT Indicates whether an argument has a default int
ATTR_LIST_ARGUMENTS The list of arguments at the next level (when the argument is of a record or table type) vector<MetaData>
ATTR_IOMODE Indicates the argument mode; valid values are:



ATTR_RADIX Returns a radix (if number type) int
ATTR_IS_NULL Returns FALSE if NULL values are not permitted for the column. bool
ATTR_TYPE_NAME Returns a string that is the type name, or the package name in the case of package local types. The returned value contains the type name if the datatype is SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF. If the datatype is SQLT_NTY, then the name of the named datatype's type is returned. If the datatype is SQLT_REF, then the type name of the named datatype pointed to by the REF is returned. string
ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME For SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF, returns a string with the schema name under which the type was created, or under which the package was created in the case of package local types string
ATTR_SUB_NAME For SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF, returns a string with the type name, in the case of package local types string
ATTR_LINK For SQLT_NTY or SQLT_REF, returns a string with the database link name of the database on which the type exists. This can happen only in the case of package local types, when the package is remote. string
ATTR_REF_TDO Returns the REF of the TDO for the type, if the argument type is an object RefAny
ATTR_CHARSET_ID Returns the character set ID if the argument is of a string or character type int
ATTR_CHARSET_FORM Returns the character set form if the argument is of a string or character type int

List Attributes

A list type of attribute can be described for all the elements in the list. In case of a function argument list, position 0 has a parameter for return values (PTYPE_ARG).

The list is described iteratively for all the elements. The results are stored in a C++ vector<MetaData>. Call the getVector() method to describe list type of attributes. Table 5-16 displays the list attributes.

Table 5-16 Values for ATTR_LIST_TYPE

Possible Values Description
ATTR_LIST_ARGUMENTS Procedure or function arguments list
ATTR_LIST_OBJECTS Object list within a schema
ATTR_LIST_SCHEMAS Schema list within a database

Schema Attributes

A parameter for a schema type (type PTYPE_SCHEMA) has the attributes described in Table 5-17.

Table 5-17 Attributes Specific to Schemas

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_LIST_OBJECTS List of objects in the schema string

Database Attributes

A parameter for a database (type PTYPE_DATABASE) has the attributes described in Table 5-18.

Table 5-18 Attributes Specific to Databases

Attribute Description Attribute Datatype
ATTR_VERSION Database version string
ATTR_CHARSET_ID Database character set ID from the server handle int
ATTR_NCHARSET_ID Database native character set ID from the server handle int
ATTR_LIST_SCHEMAS List of schemas (type PTYPE_SCHEMA) in the database vector<MetaData>
ATTR_MAX_PROC_LEN Maximum length of a procedure name unsigned int
ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN Maximum length of a column name unsigned int
ATTR_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR How a COMMIT operation affects cursors and prepared statements in the database; values are:
  • OCCI_CURSOR_OPEN for preserving cursor state as before the commit operation

  • OCCI_CURSOR_CLOSED for cursors that are closed on COMMIT, although the application can still reexecute the statement without preparing it again

ATTR_MAX_CATALOG_NAMELEN Maximum length of a catalog (database) name int
ATTR_CATALOG_LOCATION Position of the catalog in a qualified table; values are:


ATTR_SAVEPOINT_SUPPORT Identifies whether the database supports savepoints; values are:


ATTR_NOWAIT_SUPPORT Identifies whether the database supports the nowait clause; values are:


ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT_DDL Identifies whether the autocommit mode is required for DDL statements; values are:


ATTR_LOCKING_MODE Locking mode for the database; values are:

