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Oracle® Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10765-01
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C Oracle Real Application Clusters Tools Messages

This appendix describes the Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) management tools messages. The messages in this appendix appear alphabetically by message prefix in the following groups:

See Also:

Oracle Database Platform Guide for Windows for Windows-based messages and for all other messages refer search online at

Overview of Real Application Clusters-Specific Messages

Within Oracle Database 10g, RAC messages use the same ORA prefix and reside in the same e*.msg files as non-RAC or single-instance messages. Additionally, some RAC messages are issued by the single-instance Oracle database. These messages appear online by way of a Tahiti error message search as described in the Oracle database documentation in the Preface of this book under the heading "Related Documents".

Prefixes and Message Codes for RAC-Specific Messages

Message prefixes indicate where to find information about the messages in this chapter. In addition, the prefixes indicate which RAC component issued the messages.

Types of Real Application Clusters Messages and Related Files

The RAC high availability and cluster database management tools use the following syntax for internal messages:

PRKx-0000: Cause description "variable" text {variable} text {variable}

A message might appear as follows:

PRKC-1022 "Could not get "node name" for node {0} in {1}"

The variables in the previous example represent numbers, names, and character strings for objects in the physical or logical cluster and the cluster database. you can ignore empty variables.

PRKA—Cluster Node Applications Messages

PRKA-2001: GSD already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to create the Global Services Daemon (GSD) application while there is a running GSD application.
Action: Stop the running GSD, delete it and create the GSD application again using 'srvctl add nodeapps'
PRKA-2002: Listener already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Listener application while there is a running Listener application.
Action: Stop the running Listener, delete it and create the Listener application again using 'srvctl add nodeapps'
PRKA-2010: VIP already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to create a Virtual IP while there is a running Virtual IP application.
Action: Stop the running Virtual IP application, delete it and create the Virtual IP application using 'srvctl add nodeapps'

PRKC—Cluster Command Messages

PRKC-1000 "No active nodes detected in the cluster"
Cause: The active node list of the cluster could not be retrieved. This can occur if the clusterware was not functioning properly in one or more nodes in the cluster, or because there was no clusterware installed on the machine.
Action: Check the state of the cluster by running 'olsnodes' binary from your <crs home>/bin and see if it prints the node list correctly.
PRKC-1001 "Error submitting commands in the buffer"
Cause: An internal error has occurred. This error is not exposed to the clients.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKC-1002 "All the submitted commands did not execute successfully"
Cause: This could happen either because some node in the cluster failed in the middle of a manageability operation or because the communication channel between nodes failed.
Action: This could happen either because some node in the cluster failed in the middle of a manageability operation or because the communication channel between nodes failed.
PRKC-1004 "Problem in copying file to nodes"
Cause: Attempted file copy operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those copy file operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: Check that the source file exists. Check that all nodes in the cluster are up.Check that destination directory had write permission for the user. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to all the nodes.
PRKC-1005 "Problem in removing file from nodes"
Cause: Attempted file remove operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those file remove operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: See earlier error message for details.
PRKC-1006 "Problem in moving file to nodes"
Cause: Attempted file move operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those move file operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: See earlier error message for details.
PRKC-1007 "Problem in creating directories on the nodes"
Cause: Attempted directory create operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those directory create operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: See earlier error message for details.
PRKC-1009 "Failed to start the service on all nodes"
Cause: Attempted to start a service on all the nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those services did not start successfully.
Action: Check if all the nodes in cluster are up.
PRKC-1010 "Failed to stop the service on all nodes"
Cause: Attempted to stop a service on all the nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those services did not start successfully.
Action: Check if all the nodes in cluster are up.
PRKC-1011 "Failed to delete the service from all nodes"
Cause: Attempted to delete a service on all the nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those services did not start successfully.
Action: Check if all the nodes in cluster are up.
PRKC-1012 "Failed to create the service on all node"
Cause: Attempted to delete a service on all the nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those services did not start successfully.
Action: Check if all the nodes in cluster are up.
PRKC-1016 "Problem in retrieving value of the enviornment variable"
Cause: Attempted to retrieve value of an environment variable which was not defined.
Action: Define the environment variable.
PRKC-1017 "Problem restarting GSD"
Cause: GSD (Global Services Daemon) could not be started on the local node. This can occur if the clusterware was not functioning properly or there is already a running GSD.
Action: Check the state of your clusterware by running 'lsnodes' from <crs home>/bin. It should list the nodes in the cluster. Try 'gsdctl stop' and then 'gsdctl start' again.
PRKC-1018 "Error getting coordinator node"
Cause: This can occur if the clusterware was not functioning properly.
Action: Use 'gsdctl stop' on each node to stop the GSDs. Use 'gsdctl start' on each node in the cluster.
PRKC-1019 "Error creating handle to daemon on the node {0}"
Cause: Global Services Daemon was not running on the node.
Action: Use 'gsdctl stat' to check the status of the daemon. Use 'gsdctl start' to start it.
PRKC-1020 "Exception while executing the operation on the remote node {0}"
Cause: Attempted to execute an operation on the remote node when the Global Services Daemon was not up on the remote node {0}.
Action: Start the Global Services Daemon on the remote node using 'gsdctl start'.
PRKC-1021 "Problem in the clusterware"
Cause: The clusterware cannot be contacted. This can occur because the clusterware was not functioning properly.
Action: Check the state of the clusterware.
PRKC-1022 "Could not get "node name" for node {0} in {1}"
Cause: The clusterware cannot be contacted. This can occur because the clusterware was not functioning properly.
Action: Check the state of the clusterware using 'olsnodes -n'.
PRKC-1023 "Invalid IP address format: {0}"
Cause: The given IP address is not valid.
Action: Check the format of the IP address.
PRKC-1024 "Invalid netmask: {0}"
Cause: Netmask passed was invalid.
Action: Check that it was a valid netmask.
PRKC-1025 "Failed to create a file in directory {0}"
Cause: Attempted file create operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those copy file operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: Check that all nodes in the cluster are up.Check that destination directory had write permission for the user. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to all the nodes.
PRKC-1026 "Failed doing I/O to file {0}"
Cause: Attempted to write to or read from a file.
Action: Check the file exists. Check that the file has read/write permission for the user.
PRKC-1027 "Error checking existence of file {0} on {1}"
Cause: Attempted to check the existence of a file on a given node.
Action: Check that the user has execute permission on the given directory. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to the given node.
PRKC-1028 "Error checking write permission for directory {0} on {1}"
Cause: Attempted to check the write permission for the given directory on the given node.
Action: On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to the given node.
PRKC-1029 "Failed to get modification time for file {0} on {1}"
Cause: Cannot do rsh/ssh to the given node.
Action: On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/ssh/scp' to the given node.
PRKC-1030 "Error checking accessibility for node {0}"
Cause: Cannot do rsh/ssh to the given node.
Action: On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/ssh/scp' to the given node.
PRKC-1031 "Error checking free space for {0} on {1}"
Cause: Cannot get free amount of available free space on a given node.
Action: On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/ssh/scp' to the given node.
PRKC-1032 "Directory {0} does not exist"
Cause: Attempted an operation on a directory which does not exist.
Action: Make sure that the directory exists.
PRKC-1033 "Executable {0} does not exist"
Cause: Attempted an invoke the given executable.
Action: Make sure that the executable exists.
PRKC-1034 "No local node name found for host {0}"
Cause: Could not find the node name for a given host.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1035 "Node names for this cluster could not be retrieved"
Cause: Could not retrieve the node names for the Oracle clusterware. This could be caused if the Oracle clusterware was never installed on the system or if your Oracle Cluster Registry got corrupted.
Action: Install Oracle clusterware. Contact your local customer service representative
PRKC-1036 "CRS_HOME name passed to the method was null"
Cause: ORA_CRS_HOME retrieved from Oracle Cluster Registry was null.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1037 "Error removing files listed in {0} from node {1}"
Cause: Attempted to remove the given file from the given node.
Action: Check that all nodes in the cluster are up.Check that destination directory had write permission for the user. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to all the nodes.
PRKC-1038 "Error copying files listed in {0} to node {1}"
Cause: Attempted file create operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those copy file operations failed. The possible causes are, one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: Check that all nodes in the cluster are up.Check that destination directory had write permission for the user. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to all the nodes.
PRKC-1039 "Error creating directories listed in {0} on node {1}"
Cause: Attempted directory create operation(s) from the local node to one or more nodes in the cluster and one or multiple of those copy file operations failed. The possible causes are that one or more nodes failed during the operation, the destination directory did not have write permission for the user on one or more of the nodes, the source file did not exist, or the 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' command to one or more nodes failed on UNIX platforms.
Action: Check that all nodes in the cluster are up.Check that destination directory had write permission for the user. On UNIX based platforms check that user can do 'rcp/rsh/scp/ssh' to all the nodes.
PRKC-1040 "Remote Shell is not known yet."}
Cause: Cannot determine the location of your remote shell command (rsh/ssh).
Action: Make sure you have rsh/ssh program installed on your system.
PRKC-1041 "Remote Copy command is not known yet."}
Cause: Cannot determine the location of your remote copy command (rcp/scp).
Action: Make sure you have rcp/scp program installed on your system.
PRKC-1042 "The Remote Shell {0} requested by client is not recognized "
Cause: Cannot determine the location of your remote shell command (rcp/scp).
Action: Make sure you have rsh/ssh program installed on your system.
PRKC-1043 "The Remote Copy command {0} requested by client is not recognized"
Cause: Cannot determine the location of your remote copy command (rcp/scp).
Action: Make sure you have rcp/scp program installed on your system.
PRKC-1044 "Failed to check remote command execution setup for node {0} using shells {1} and {2} "
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative. PRKC-1045 "Node name passed to the method was null."
PRKC-1046 "The file list passed to the method was null"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1047 "The directory list passed to the method was null"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1048 "{0} is not supported on Windows platform"
Cause: Attempted to use a facility on Windows which is not supported.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1049 "CRS is not supported in version {0}. It is supported from version {1} onwards"
Cause: Attempted to use cluster ready services facilities from a program which is at a prior version. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1050 "EVM is not supported in version {0}. It is supported from version {1} onwards"}
Cause: Attempted to use cluster ready services facilities from a program which is at a prior version. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1051 "Invalid data to set for registry key {0}."
Cause: Attempted to set data unrecognized by Windows operating system to a Windows registry key.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1052 "Invalid data type for registry key {0}."
Cause: Attempted to set an invalid data type to a Windows registry key.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1053 "Error returned from node {0} is \"{1}\"" }
Cause: An error was returned.
Action: Contact your local customer service representative.
PRKC-1054 "Node {0} is not accessible"
Cause: One of the nodes on the cluster is not accessible.
Action: Check the network connectivity.
PRKC-1055 "Directory name passed was null"
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKC-1056 "Failed to get the hostname for node {0}"
Cause: Couldn't retrieve the host name from one of the nodes.
Action: Make sure hostnames are configured on all nodes.
PRKC-1057 "The computername and hostname do not match for node {0}. Make sure that they match."
Cause: The computer name and the hostname didn't match on one of the nodes.
Action: Make sure that they match.
PRKC-1058 "The hostname registry key {0} has an empty value on node {1}"
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKC-1059 "The computername registry key {0} has an empty value on node {1}"
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKC-1060 "Cluster misconfigured on node \"{0}\", \"{1}\" property in {2} does not match with configured data in Oracle Cluster Registry"
Cause: Cluster is misconfigured on the given node.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

PRKD — Global Services Daemon Messages

PRKD-3000 "Failed to initialize and register with clusterware"
Cause: This can occur if cluster synchronization services was not functioning properly.
Action: Check the state of your clusterware by running olsnodes from ORA_CRS_HOME/bin. It should list the nodes in the cluster.
PRKD-3001 "Ready to receive client requests"
Cause: Global Services Daemon is ready.
Action: No action needed at this time.

PRKE — Global Services Daemon Controller Utility Messages

PRKE-1008 "Failed to get list of active nodes from clusterware"
Cause: Not operating in cluster mode, failure to load srvm libraries, failure to initialize clusterware context.
Action: Check for the health of clusterware using "lsnodes" utility to get the list of active nodes in the cluster. Also, check for the presence of srvm libraries in the load library path. If these two checks get cleared, please contact your customer support representative.
PRKE-1009 "Failed to start GSD on local node"
Cause: GSD is already running on the local node, or GSD could not be started because of some other reason.
Action: Run "gsdctl stat" to check if a daemon is already running on the local node. If a daemon is not running on local node, please contact your customer support representative to check for the other reasons for failure.
PRKE-1010 "Failed to stop GSD on local node"
Cause: GSD is not running on the local node, or GSD could not shutdown gracefully.
Action: Run "gsdctl stat" to check if a GSD is running on the local node. If a GSD is running, please contact your customer support representative to check for other reasons for failure.
PRKE-1011 "Failed to get status of GSD on local node"
Cause: Failure to get the list of active nodes from the cluster, or failure to query the list of live daemons from the clusterware.
Action: Run "lsnodes" to check the health of the clusterware. If the clusterware is working fine, check for the presence of srvm libraries in the load library path. If the libraries are present, please contact your customer support representative for further assistance.

PRKH—Server Manager (SRVM) Messages

PRKH-1000: "Unable to load the SRVM HAS shared library"
Cause: The system cannot find, or load the srvm has shared library.
Action: Check your system's library load path. Verify that the library exists, and that the libraries it depends on are readable and are in the load path.
PRKH-1001: "HASContext Internal Error"
Cause: An unexpected internal error has occurred while attempting to communicate with CRS.
Action: Contact Oracle support
PRKH-1002: "Internal HASContext Error: JNI Native Call Failure"
Cause: An unexpected internal error has occurred while executing native code from java.
Action: Contact Oracle support
PRKH-1003: "Failed to allocate memory in native layer: "
Cause: The SRVM framework was unable to allocate memory.
Action: Your system is running low on memory. Check the memory and swap space, resolve the problem and retry.
PRKH-1004: "Failed to execute remote join cluster alias {0} for nodes: "
Cause: Unable to execute a join cluster alias operation on another node.
Action: Check the failed nodes. Verify that the system can execute remote commands on those nodes. Check the cluster alias and it's related functionality.
PRKH-1005: "Failed to execute remote leave cluster alias {0} for nodes: "
Cause: Unable to execute a leave cluster alias operation on another node.
Action: Check the failed nodes. Verify that the system can execute remote commands on those nodes. Check the cluster alias and it's related functionality.
PRKH-1006: "The following nodes are either not active or not configured: "
Cause: The system was unable to find a node requested.
Action: Please check the node list supplied and verify that the node is available and configured.
RKH-1007: "Exception Caused by: "
Cause: The current exception was caused by another earlier exception.
Action: Examine all of the nested exceptions to determine the root cause of the error.
PRKH-1008: "Internal HASContext Error: Argument {0} must be set."
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
PRKH-1009: "CRS HOME must be defined in the environment or in the Oracle Cluster Registry"
Cause: The system is unable to determine the ORA_CRS_HOME for this CRS installation.
Action: Check that the Oracle Cluster Registry is properly configured and available to this node.
PRKH-1010: "Unable to communicate with CRS services."
Cause: The system is unable to communicate with the CRS services.
Action: Check that all the CRS daemons are running and are properly configured. Verify that the current program is attempting to communicate with the correct CRS daemons.
PRKH-1011: "Process does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested operation. {0}"
Cause: The user running the current operation is not permitted to execute a given operation.
Action: Check other messages in the error stack to determine which operation failed. Verify that you are running the operation as the correct user.
PRKH-1012: "Unable to find or resolve user {0}."
Cause: The system was unable to find the username supplied.
Action: Check the username and try again.
PRKH-1013: "The oracle home {0} does not exist."
Cause: The system was unable to find the oracle home supplied.
Action: Check the full path of the oracle home and try again.

PRKN— Server Manager (SRVM) System Library Messages

PRKN-1008: Unable to load the shared library "{0}" or a dependent library, from {1}={2} [{3}]
Cause: The SRVM framework was unable to load a shared library to perform native operations.
Action: Make sure that the library in question is installed and in a location where it can be loaded. Check the environment setting that determines shared library loading on your platform.
PRKN-1009: Native System Internal Error
Cause: An unexpected internal error occurred while attempting to execute a native operation from Java.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKN-1010: This system is not properly configured as a cluster
Cause: SRVM was unable to find the system libraries which are required in order to use the system as a cluster.
Action: Verify that the CRS installation was done properly, try to execute 'srvctl status' command to get more diagnostic information.
PRKN-1011: Failed to retrieve value for "{0}" under registry key "{1}" on node "{2}", {3}
Cause: There was a problem accessing the Windows registry key.
Action: Open Windows registry editor on the node, check if the registry key exists and it contains the subkey.

PRKO—Server Control (SRVCTL) Utility Messages

PRKO-2001: "Invalid command line syntax"
Cause: An invalid SRVCTL command line was entered.
Action: Use -h SRVCTL command line option to find out the correct command line syntax and re-enter the command.
PRKO-2002: "Invalid command line option: "
Cause: An invalid SRVCTL command line option was entered.
Action: Use -h SRVCTL command line option to find out the correct command line syntax and re-enter the command.
PRKO-2003: "Invalid command line option value: "
Cause: An invalid SRVCTL command line option value was entered.
Action: Use -h SRVCTL command line option to find out the correct command line syntax and re-enter the command.
PRKO-2004: "Repetition of command line option: "
Cause: Duplicate SRVCTL command line option was entered.
Action: Eliminate the duplicate and re-enter the command.
PRKO-2005: "Application error: Failure in getting Cluster Database Configuration for: "
Cause: An error occurred while getting Cluster Database configuration for the named database.
Action: Run the 'srvctl config' command to make sure that the database has been configured. Run the 'srvctl add' command to add the configuration.
PRKO-2006: "Invalid node name: "
Cause: An invalid node name was entered.
Action: Use the correct node name. A valid node name should match the output from 'olsnodes' and must not contain domain name.
PRKO-2007: "Invalid instance name: "
Cause: An invalid instance name was entered.
Action: Use the correct instance name for the database. Run 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to find out all instances of a database in the Cluster Database Configuration.
PRKO-2008: "Invalid connect string: "
Cause: An invalid connect string was entered.
Action: Use the correct connect string syntax: <user>/<password>[as <role>]
PRKO-2009: "Invalid name/value string: "
Cause: An invalid environment name/value pair was entered during SRVCTL setenv command.
Action: Make sure that the correct name/value string format is used: <name>=<value>. Try using quotes for values that contain spaces or special characters.
PRKO-2010: "Error in adding instance to node: "
Cause: An error occurred when adding instance to Cluster Database configuration.
Action: Use 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to check if the database has been configured in Cluster Database Configuration Repository. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2011: "Error in removing instance: "
Cause: An error occurred when removing an instance from Cluster Database Configuration.
Action: Use 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to check if the database and instance have been configured in Cluster Database Configuration Repository. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2012: "Error in moving instance to node: "
Cause: An error occurred when changing the instance and node mapping in Cluster Database Configuration.
Action: Use 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to check if the database and instance have been configured in Cluster Database Configuration Repository. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2013: "Error in setting env: "
Cause: An error occurred when setting environment variables for a database or an instance.
Action: Use 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to check if the database and/or the instance have been configured in Cluster Database Configuration Repository. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2014: "Error in unsetting env: "
Cause: An error occurred when unsetting environment variables for a database or an instance.
Action: Use 'srvctl getenv' command to check if the environment variable exists for the database or instance; make sure that the database and/or the instance have been configured in Cluster Database Configuration Repository. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2015: "Error in checking condition of instance on node: "
Cause: Could not get status information of an instance.
Action: Use 'srvctl config database -d <db_name>' command to check if the instance has been configured in the Oracle database. If it is a permission issue, run as the user who created the database configuration.
PRKO-2016: "Error in checking condition of listener on node: "
Cause: Could not get status information of a listener.
Action: Check if the listener has been configured in the listener configuration file through the attribute LISTENER_<nodename>.
PRKO-2017: Service {0} does not exist for database {1}.
Cause: The specified service name does not exist.
Action: Verify that the service name is correct. Run a 'srvctl add service' command for adding the service.
PRKO-2018: "Mutual exclusive command line options -c and -q cannot be used at the same time."
Cause: Mutually exclusive command line options specified on the command line.
Action: Use either -c or -q option but not both.
PRKO-2101: "Instance is disabled: "
Cause: Attempt to relocate a service on an instance that is disabled.
Action: Enable the instance by running the command 'srvctl enable instance'.
PRKO-2102: "Service {0} is not supported on instance {1}."
Cause: The specified instance is neither preferred instance nor available instance for the service.
Action: Try another instance that is configured for the service.
PRKO-2104: "Error in checking condition of service: "
Cause: Possible error with the crs_stat command or a permission error.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to determine if the daemon responds.
PRKO-2105: "Error in checking condition of VIP on node: "
Cause: Cannot obtain status of VIP due to issues in CRS daemon.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to determine if the daemon responds.
PRKO-2106: "Error in checking condition of GSD on node: "
Cause: Cannot obtain status of GSD due to issues in CRS daemon.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to see if CRS daemon responds.
PRKO-2108: "Node applications are still running on node: "
Cause: Node-level applications are still running and cannot be removed.
Action: Stop node applications before removing.
PRKO-2109: "Invalid address string: "
Cause: Bad address string format.
Action: Execute the srvctl -h command to see the correct address string format; try again.
PRKO-2110: "Invalid IP range string: "
Cause: Bad IP range format.
Action: Execute the srvctl -h command to see the correct IP range format; try again.
PRKO-2111: "Failure in getting VIP range for the cluster"
Cause: Cannot get IP range due to OCR issue.
Action: Make sure the OCR is configured; make sure CRS daemon is running by running the crs_stat command.
PRKO-2112: "Some or all node applications are not removed successfully on node: "
Cause: Some node applications are not successfully removed due to issues in CRS daemon or the OCR.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running by running the crs_stat command; make sure OCR is configured.
PRKO-2113: "Instance {0} is already a preferred instance for service {1}."
Cause: Attempt to add an instance as a preferred instance which is already preferred.
Action: No action required.
PRKO-2114: "Instance {0} is already an available instance for service {1}."
Cause: Attempt to add an instance as a available instance which is already available.
Action: No action required.
PRKO-2115: "Cannot remove node-level applications on node {0}, because a listener application exists. Remove the listener application first, then re-run this command."
Cause: A listener application exists already.
Action: Remove the listener application using the Network Configuration Assistant or crs_unregister, then re-run this command.
PRKO-2116: "Error in checking condition of ONS daemon on node: "
Cause: Cannot obtain status of Oracle Notification Service daemon due to issues in CRS daemon.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to determine if CRS daemon responds.
PRKO-2117: "This command should be executed as the system privileged user."
Cause: A privileged command is run by the non-privileged user.
Action: Obtain root access or become a member of the Administrators group on Windows.
PRKO-2118: "Error in checking condition of ASM instance {0} on node {1}."
Cause: Cannot obtain status of ASM instance due to issues in CRS daemon.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to determine if CRS daemon responds.
PRKO-2119: "Error in checking enable/disable status of ASM instance {0} on node {1}."
Cause: Cannot obtain status of ASM instance due to issues in CRS daemon.
Action: Make sure CRS daemon is running; execute the crs_stat command to determine if CRS daemon responds.
PRKO-2120: "The internal database service {0} cannot be managed with srvctl."
Cause: Attempt to manage the internal database service with srvctl.
Action: Use another service name for this service.
PRKO-2318: Target instance {0} already supports service {1}.
Cause: Modify service failed because the target instance is already part of service configuration.
Action: Use an instance that does not support the service.
PRKO-2319: Instance {0} is not an available instance for service {1}.
Cause: Instance is not in service configuration.
Action: Pick an instance that supports the service.

PRKP—Cluster Database Management Messages

PRKP-1000 "Cannot retrive configuration for cluster database {0}"
Cause: The cluster database configuration cannot be retrieved from the repository. This can occur either because the database was never registered, or because the repository itself has not been created.
Action: Check if the database has been configured by printing a list of all cluster databases using 'srvctl config'. If the repository has not been created, use 'srvconfig -init' to create it.
PRKP-1001 "Error starting instance {0} on node {1}"
Cause: The instance could not be started using the SQL*Plus startup command.
Action: Try starting the named instance manually using SQL*Plus to see why it failed.
PRKP-1002 "Error stopping instance {0} on node {1}"
Cause: The SQL*Plus shutdown command returned an error while stopping the instance.
Action: Try stopping the named instance manually using SQL*Plus to see why it failed.
PRKP-1003 "Startup operation partially failed"
Cause: Some components of the cluster database could not be started.
Action: See earlier error message for details
PRKP-1004 "Shutdown operation partially failed"
Cause: Some components of the cluster database reported errors while being stopped
Action: See earlier error messages for details
PRKP-1005 "Failed to start up cluster database {0}"
Cause: The cluster database could not be started.
Action: See earlier error messages for details.
PRKP-1006 "Failed to shut down cluster database {0}"
Cause: The cluster database reported errors while being shut down
Action: See earlier error messages for details
PRKP-1007 "Failed to start all the listeners associated with all the instances of cluster database {0}"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKP-1008 "Failed to start listeners associated with instance {0} on node {1}"
Action: Contact your customer support representative
PRKP-1009 "Failed to stop all the listeners associated with all the instances of cluster database {0}"
Cause: Either the listener name associated with an instance could not be determined, or "lsnrctl stop" failed for a listener.
Action: Verify that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for each instance of the named database, and that the lsnrctl stop command succeeds for those listeners
PRKP-1010 "Failed to stop all the listeners associated with instance {0} on node{1}"
Cause: Either the listener name associated with an instance could not be determined, or "lsnrctl stop" failed for a listener.
Action: Verify that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for each instance of the named database, and that the lsnrctl stop command succeeds for those listeners
PRKP-1011 "Failed to get status of the listeners associated with instance {0} on node{1}"
Cause: Either the listener name associated with the instance could not be determined, or "lsnrctl status" failed for that listener.
Action: Verify that listener.ora contains a SID_LIST entry for the named instance, and that the lsnrctl status command succeeds
PRKP-1012 "Invalid environment variable {0} setting for cluster database {1}"
Cause: The argument to the -t option is not of the form <name>=<value> or it contains special characters.
Action: Ensure that the -t option has an argument of the form <name>=<value>. Enclose the argument to the -t flag in quotes.
PRKP-1013 "{0}: undefined environment variable for cluster database {1}"
Cause: The named environment variable is not defined for the named cluster database
Action: Set a value for the variable with "srvctl set env"
PRKP-1014 "{0}: undefined environment variable for instance {1} of cluster database {2}"
Cause: The named environment variable is not defined for the given instance
Action: Set a value for the variable with "srvctl set env"
PRKP-1015 "{0}: undefined environment variable"
Cause: The named environment variable is not defined
Action: Set a value for the named environment variable with "srvctl set env"
PRKP-1016 "Database {0} already enabled"
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a database that is already enabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1017 "Instance {0} already enabled."
Cause: An attempt was made to enable an instance that is already enabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1018 "Service {0} already enabled."
Cause: An attempt was made to enable a service that is already enabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1019 "Database {0} already disabled."
Cause: An attempt was made to disable a database that is already disabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1020 "Instance {0} already disabled."
Cause: An attempt was made to disable an instance that is already disabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1021 "Service {0} already disabled."
Cause: An attempt was made to disable a service that is already disabled.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1022 "The database {0} is still running."
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a database that is still running.
Action: Stop the database using 'srvctl stop database' before deleting the database.
PRKP-1023 "The instance {0} is still running."
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an instance that is still running.
Action: Stop the instance using 'srvctl stop instance' before deleting the instance.
PRKP-1024 "The service {0} is still running."
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a service that is still running.
Action: Stop the service using 'srvctl stop service' before deleting the service.
PRKP-1025 "The service {0} does not exist."
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a non-configured service.
Action: Check if the service is configured through 'srvctl status service'.
PRKP-1026 "No instance found for database {0}."
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a non-configured instance.
PRKP-1027 "Instance {0} is not found for database {1}."
Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a non-configured instance.
Action: Check if the instance is configured through 'srvctl config instance'.
PRKP-1028 "No preferred instance(s) for service {0}."
Cause: An attempt was made to create a service without preferred instances.
Action: Supply preferred instances for the service through 'srvctl create service'.
PRKP-1029 "Failed to register the service {0}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1030 "Failed to start the service {0}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1031 "Failed to stop the service {0}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1032 "Cannot start the disabled service {0}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1033 "Cannot relocate service {0} from instance {1} to instance {2}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1034 "{0}: undefined environment variable for node {1}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1035 "Invalid environment variable {0} setting for node {1}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1036 "Failed to unregister HA resource {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1037 "Failed to create cluster database {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1038 "Invalid instance {0} specified for the Service {1}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1039 "operation result is null"
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1044 "Failed to enable the database {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1045 "Failed to disable the database {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1046 "Failed to enable the instance {0}."
Cause: Cause
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1047 "Failed to disable the instance {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1048 "Failed to change configuration for service {0}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1049 "{0}: undefined environment variable for service {1} of cluster database {2}"
Cause: The environment variable is not defined for the service.
Action: No action required.
PRKP-1050 "Failed to remove the service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_unregister command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_unregister command succeeds in unregistering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1051 "Failed to remove the service {0} on instance {1}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_unregister command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_unregister command succeeds in unregistering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1052 "Failed to enable the service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_register command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_register command succeeds in registering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1053 "Failed to disable the service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_register command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_register command succeeds in registering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1054 "Failed to enable the service {0} on instance {1}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_register command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_register command succeeds in registering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1055 "Failed to disable the service {0} on instance {1}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_register command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_register command succeeds in registering a CRS resource.
PRKP-1056 "Failed to get the status of the resource {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while executing the crs_stat command.
Action: Verify whether the crs_stat command gives the status of the CRS resources registered.
PRKP-1057 "Failed to set the environment for service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while accessing the OCR configuration registry.
Action: Check whether the OCR registry is accessible by executing a srvctl config command.
PRKP-1058 "Failed to unset the environment for service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while accessing the OCR configuration registry.
Action: Check whether the OCR registry is accessible by executing a srvctl config command.
PRKP-1059 "Failed to get the environment for service {0}."
Cause: There was a problem while accessing the OCR configuration registry.
Action: Check whether the OCR registry is accessible by executing a srvctl config command.
PRKP-1060 "Failed to get CRS home."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1061 "Failed to modify the database {0}. "
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1062 "Service {0} is already running."
Cause: Attempt to start a service that is already running.
Action: None required.
PRKP-1063 "Service {0} is already stopped."
Cause: Attempt to stop a service that is already stopped.
Action: None required.
PRKP-1064 "Service {0} is already running on instance {1}."
Cause: Attempt to start a service on an instance where it is already running.
Action: None required.
PRKP-1065 "Service {0} is already stopped on instance {1}."
Cause: Attempt to stop a service on an instance where it is already stopped.
Action: None required.
PRKP-1066 "Instance {0} is not an available instance for service {1}."
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1067 "Instance {0} is the last available instance for service {1}. Try modify service instead."
Action: Contact support
PRKP-1068 "Cannot stop the critical instance {0} in critical standby database {1} because it would result in a shutdown of the primary database."
Cause: Attempt to stop the critical instance in critical standby database while the primary database is running.
Action: Do not stop the critical instance in critical standby database while the primary database is running.
PRKP-1069 "Failed to change domain of the database {0} to {1}, because this domain name is already used by service {2} configured under the database."
Cause: Attempt to change the database domain when there are services configured with this domain.
Action: Do not change the database domain when there are services configured with that domain.
PRKP-1070 "Service name {0} contains illegal characters."
Cause: Invalid characters have been specified in the service name given.
Action: Supply a name for the service with the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_.].
PRKP-1071 "Service Provider name or instance name {0} contains illegal characters."
Cause: Invalid characters have been specified in the service provider or instance name given.
Action: Supply a name for the service provider or instance with the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_.].
PRKP-1072 "Failed to create service {0} for database {1}, because the specified service domain name is the same as the database domain {2}."
PRKP-1073 "Cannot create database {0} because a database named {1} already exists."
Cause: Attempt to create a database that already exists.
Action: Choose a different name for the database being created.
PRKP-1074 "Failed to relocate a service resource to instance {0} during modifying service configuration for service {1}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support.
PRKP-1075 "Instance {0} is the last preferred instance for service {1}."
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact support

PRKR—Cluster Registry Messages

PRKR-1001 "cluster database {0} does not exist"
Cause: The cluster database was never configured in the cluster registry.
Action: Check if the database has been configured by printing a list of all cluster databases using 'srvctl config'.
PRKR-1002 "cluster database {0} already exists"
Cause: An attempt was made to configure a cluster database which was already existing in the cluster registry.
Action: Check if the database has already been configured by printing a list of all cluster databases using 'srvctl config'.
PRKR-1003 "instance {0} does not exist"
Cause: The named instance is not configured in the cluster registry.
Action: Use srvctl options to check if the instance was configured in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1004 "instance {0} already exists"
Cause: The named instance is already configured in the cluster registry.
Action: Use srvctl options to check if the instance has already been configured in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1005 "adding of cluster database {0} configuration failed, {1}"
Cause: An error occurred while attempting to add cluster database configuration to the cluster registry.
Action: Check if the cluster registry is accessible by using 'ocrcheck' or 'srvctl config'
PRKR-1006 "deleting of cluster database {0} configuration failed, {1}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1007 "getting of cluster database {0} configuration failed, {1}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1008 "adding of instance {0} on node {1} to cluster database {2} failed, {3}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1009 "deleting of instance {0} from cluster database {1} failed, {2}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1010 "moving of instance {0} to node {1} of cluster database {2} failed, {3}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1011 "renaming of instance {0} to instance {1} of cluster database {2} failed, {3}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1016 "reading of cluster database {0} configuration failed, {1}, {2}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1017 "writing of cluster database {0} configuration failed, {1}, {2}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1018 "reading of directory failed, {0}, {1}"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1019 "writing of directory failed, {0}, {1}"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1020 "reading of version information failed, {0}, {1}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1021 "writing of version information failed, {0}, {1}"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1022 "raw device {0} contains incompatible version, {1} != {2}"
Cause: An attempt was made to use an incompatible version of the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1023 "file {0} does not exist"
Cause: The named file did not exist.
Action: Check if the file exists.
PRKR-1024 "file {0} does not have {1} permissions"
Cause: The named file did not have the specified permission.
Action: Try changing the permission on the file to the specified permission.
PRKR-1025 "file {0} does not contain property {1}"
Cause: The file did not contain the specified property.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1026 "property {0} not set in file {1}"
Cause: The file did not contain the specified property.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1027 "failed to retrieve list of cluster databases"
Cause: Same as PRKR-1005.
Action: See earlier error messages.
PRKR-1028 "raw device {0} is invalid\n[HINT: initialize raw device by using \"srvconfig\" tool]"
Cause: The cluster registry was never initialized.
Action: Use srvconfig -init to initialize the cluster registry.
PRKR-1038 "invalid argument {0} specified to -init option"
PRKR-1039 "invalid option {0} specified"
Cause: The specified option was invalid.
Action: Check usage.
PRKR-1040 "missing <file> argument for {0} option"
Cause: The specified option was invalid for srvconfig
Action: Check usage for details.
PRKR-1045 "raw device version \"{0}\""
Cause: Attempted to retrieve the version of the cluster registry.
Action: No action is required.
PRKR-1046 "srvconfig detected valid raw device \"{0}\"\n[HINT: please specify -init -f option to forcefully initialize it]"
Cause: A valid cluster registry was detected.
Action: No action is required.
PRKR-1047 "raw device {0} is in use by daemon(s) on node(s) {1}"
Cause: An attempt was made to initialize the cluster registry while the Global Services Daemons were up on one or more nodes in the cluster.
Action: Stop all Global Services Daemons on all nodes in the cluster by using 'gsdctl stop' command on every node. Try the 'srvconfig -init' operation again.
PRKR-1050 "file {0} creation in {1} directory failed, check permissions, etc."
Cause: Attempted to create a file in a directory which did not exist or which d id not have the right permissions.
Action: Create the directory if it did not exist or change the permission of the directory.
PRKR-1051 "file {0} does not contain an entry for dbname {1}"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1052 "file name {0} is not of <cluster database name>.conf form"
Cause: An attempt was made to register a cluster database in the cluster registry and the file argument passed was not of <cluster database name>.conf form.
Action: See usage of srvconfig for more information.
PRKR-1053 "invalid range {0} specified in node_list = {1}"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1054 "invalid parameter {0} specified in inst_oracle_sid = {1}"
Cause: Extra number of arguments provided to srvconfig.
Action: See usage of srvconfig for details.
PRKR-1055 "invalid extra arguments {0} specified to {1} option"
Cause: Provided invalid arguments to srvconfig.
Action: See usage of srvconfig for details.
PRKR-1056 "invalid registry entry {0} found, should be of form {1}"
Cause: Detected an invalid registry entry while attempting to add a 8.1.7 or earlier version of Oracle Parallel Server in the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1057 "environment variable does not exist"
Cause: Attempted to retrieve non existing environment variable.
Action: Set the environment variable.
PRKR-1058 "Service {0} does not exist in cluster database {1}."
Cause: The named service is not configured in the cluster registry.
Action: Use srvctl options to check if the service was configured in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1059 "Node {0} does not exist."
Cause: Node applications for the named node are not configured in the cluster registry.
Action: Use srvctl options to check if the node applications were configured for the given node in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1060 "Failed to add configuration for node {0}"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1061 "Failed to run remote command to get node configuration for node {0}"
Cause: An internal error occurred while retrieving configuration for the given node.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1062 "Failed to find configuration for node {0}"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1063 "VIP {0} is already existing"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1064 "SRVM configuration operation failed due to Oracle Cluster Registry error :"
Cause: Error occurred while accessing the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1066 "cluster database domain does not match"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1067 "Failed to get environment for cluster database {0}, {1}"
Cause: Unable to retrieve the environment configuration for the given cluster database from the cluster registry.
Action: Use ocrdump to check if environment was configured for the given cluster database in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1068 "Failed to get environment for instance {1} of cluster database {0}, {2}"
Cause: Unable to retrieve the environment configuration for the given instance from the cluster registry.
Action: Use ocrdump to check if environment was configured for the given instance in the cluster registry.
PRKR-1069 "Failed to set environment for cluster database {0}, {1}"
Cause: Unable to update the environment configuration for the given cluster database to the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1070 "Failed to set environment for instance {1} of cluster database {0}, {2}"
Cause: Unable to update the environment configuration for the given instance to the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1071 "Failed to unset environment for cluster database {0}, {1}"
Cause: Unable to update the environment configuration for the given cluster database to the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1072 "Failed to unset environment for instance {1} of cluster database {0}, {2}"
Cause: Unable to update the environment configuration for the given instance to the cluster registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1073 "\n########## Configuration of nodeapps follows ##########\n"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1074 "\n########## Configuration of vip_range follows ##########\n"
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1075 "Insufficient privileges for doing this operation"
Cause: User did not have sufficient privileges when running this command.
Action: Execute this command as a privileged user.
PRKR-1076 "This command cannot run when the RAC daemons (crsd, evmd, ocssd) are running. Make sure the daemons are not running before invoking this command"
Cause: The RAC daemons were running when this command was invoked.
Action: Make sure that the RAC daemons have been stopped before running this command.
PRKR-1077 "One or more arguments passed to the function are not valid"
Cause: One or more invalid arguments were passed to the given method.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1078 "Database {0} cannot be administered using current version of srvctl. Instead run srvctl from {1}"
Cause: Using incorrect SRVCTL version.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
PRKR-1079 "Failed to initialize the Oracle Cluster Registry"
Cause: Failed to initialize the Oracle Cluster Registry.
Action: Contact your customer support representative.

PRKS—Automatic Storage Management Messages

PRKS-1000: "ASM instance "{0}" already exists on node "{1}"
Cause: An attempt was made to add configuration for ASM instance on the node where it already exists.
Action: Check if ASM instance was configured on the node using 'srvctl config asm -n <node>' before adding configuration for it.
PRKS-1001: ASM instance "{0}" does not exist on node "{1}"
Cause: The configuration for ASM instance doesn't exist on the node.
Action: Check if ASM instance was configured on the node using 'srvctl config asm -n <node>' before performing the operation.
PRKS-1002: Failed to create CRS profile for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: 'crs_stat -p' command failed for the ASM instance resource on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1003: Failed to register CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: crs_register command failed for ASM instance resource on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1004: Failed to unregister CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]" }
Cause: crs_unregister command failed for the ASM instance resource on the node.
Action: Check if there is a database instance dependent upon the ASM instance on the node using crs_stat -p ora.<db>.<inst>.inst and see if ASM instance resource name appears in the required resources for the database instance. Remove the database instance's required resource dependency on ASM instance using 'srvctl modify asm' command before retrying this operation.
PRKS-1005: Failed to create CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: crs_register command failed for the ASM instance resource on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1006: ASM instance "{0}" is already running on node "{1}".
Cause: An attempt was made to start a running ASM instance on the node.
Action: None.
PRKS-1007: ASM instance "{0}" is still running on node "{1}".
Cause: An attempt was made to remove the configuration for a running ASM instance on the node.
Action: Stop the ASM instance using 'srvctl stop asm -n <node> -i <inst>' command before performing the remove operation.
PRKS-1008: ASM instance "{0}" is not running on node "{1}".
Cause: An attempt was made to stop a non-running ASM instance on the node.
Action: None.
PRKS-1009: Failed to start ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: crs_start failed for the ASM instance resource on the node, may be due to invalid startup credentials or missing parameter file.
Action: Check if VIP resource is online on the node and then try to startup the ASM instance using SQL*Plus to get more diagnostic information.
PRKS-1010: Failed to start ASM instances "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: See above.
Action: See above.
PRKS-1011: Failed to check status of ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: crs_stat failed for the ASM instance resource on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1012: Failed to stop ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]"
Cause: crs_stop failed for the ASM instances on the node, may be due to CRS resource dependency or invalid stop ASM instance credentials.
Action: Check if there are database instances dependent upon the ASM instance on the node using crs_stat -p ora.<db>.<inst>.inst and see if ASM instance resource names appear in the required resources for the database instance. Stop the database instances first using 'srvctl stop instance' command before retrying ASM instances stop operation or try to stop the ASM instance using SQL*Plus to get more diagnostic information.
PRKS-1013: Failed to stop ASM instances "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]"
Cause: See above.
Action: See above.
PRKS-1014: Failed to enable CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: Failed to set the enable flag of ASM instance configuration in cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config ' command.
PRKS-1015: Failed to enable CRS resources for ASM instances "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]"
Cause: See above for each ASM instance.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config ' command.
PRKS-1016: Failed to disable CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]"
Cause: Failed to reset enable flag of ASM instance configuration in cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config ' command.
PRKS-1017: Failed to disable CRS resources for ASM instances "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]"
Cause: See above for each ASM instance.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config ' command.
PRKS-1019: Cannot create CRS dependency between database instance "{0}" configured on node "{1}" and ASM instance "{2}" configured on node "{3}".
Cause: An attempt was made to create CRS dependency between database instance and ASM instance configured on different nodes.
Action: Make sure that database instance and ASM instance are configured on the same node for creating CRS dependency between them.
PRKS-1020: Failed to create CRS dependency between database instance "{0}" and ASM instance "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: 'crs_register -u' failed to create CRS dependency between the database instance and the ASM instance on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
PRKS-1021: Failed to remove CRS dependency between database instance "{0}" and ASM instance "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: 'crs_register -u' command failed to remove CRS dependency between the database instance and the ASM instance on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1022: Failed to remove CRS dependency between database instance "{0}" and ASM instances "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: See above.
Action: See above.
PRKS-1023: Failed to remove CRS resource for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}", [{2}]
Cause: crs_unregister command failed to unregister CRS resource for the ASM instances on the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
PRKS-1026: ASM Configuration for node "{0}" does not exist in cluster registry."
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve names of ASM instances configured on the node without configuring any ASM instance on it.
Action: First configure ASM instance using 'srvctl add asm' on the node command before executing the get configuration operation.
PRKS-1027: Configuration for ASM instance "{0}" does not exist in cluster registry."
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve node name for a given ASM instance name which is not configured on any cluster nodes.
Action: First configure ASM instance using 'srvctl add asm' command before executing the get configuration operation.
PRKS-1028: Configuration for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" does not exist in cluster registry.
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve configuration for the ASM instance on the node name where it was not configured.
Action: Use "srvctl config asm -n <node>' command to determine the ASM instance names configured on it and then pass one of these names as "-i <inst>" argument to 'srvctl config asm' command.
PRKS-1029: Client version "{0}" is not compatible with ASM instance configuration version "{1}" in cluster registry.
Cause: Version of the client that tried to retrieve ASM instance configuration is not compatible with ASM instance configuration version.
Action: Make sure client version is compatible with ASM instance configuration version before accessing it.
PRKS-1030: Failed to add configuration for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" in cluster registry, [{2}]
Cause: Failed to add configuration for the ASM instance in cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config ' command.
PRKS-1031: "Failed to retrieve configuration for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" from cluster registry, [{2}]
Cause: Failed to retrieve configuration for the ASM instance from cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config' command.
PRKS-1032: Failed to modify configuration for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" in cluster registry, [{2}]
Cause: Failed to modify configuration for the ASM instance on the node in cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config' command.
PRKS-1033: Failed to remove configuration for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" from cluster registry, [{2}]
Cause: Failed to remove configuration for the ASM instance from cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config'
PRKS-1034: Failed to remove configuration for ASM instances "{0}" on node "{1}" from cluster registry, [{2}]"
Cause: See above.
Action: See above.
PRKS-1035: Failed to retrieve ORACLE_HOME value for ASM instance "{0}" on node "{1}" from cluster registry, [{2}]
Cause: Failed to retrieve ORACLE_HOME from the ASM instance configuration in cluster registry.
Action: Check if cluster registry is accessible by executing 'srvctl config'
PRKS-1036: VIP resource for ASM instance node "{0}" does not exist."
Cause: VIP resource for the node doesn't exist, it a required resource for ASM instance configuration on the node.
Action: Configure the VIP resource for the node using 'srvctl add nodeapps' command as privileged user before adding configuration for ASM instance.
PRKS-1037: Failed to check existence of VIP resource for ASM instance node "{0}", [{1}]
Cause: 'crs_stat ora.<node>.vip' failed to check status of the VIP resource for the node.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.

PRKU—Command Line Parser Utility Messages

PRKU-1000: "Exception Caused by: "
Cause: The current exception was caused by another earlier exception.
Action: Examine all of the nested exceptions to determine the root cause of the error.
PRKU-1001: "The parameter {0} is required."
Cause: The parameter specified is required by a command line utility.
Action: Supply the parameter specified.
PRKU-1002: "Unexpected argument {0}."
Cause: The argument specified is not needed or not understood by this utility.
Action: Verify the arguments on the command you are executing.
PRKU-1003: "The parameter {0} requires an argument."
Cause: The parameter specified must be accompanied by an argument.
Action: Verify the arguments on the command you are executing.

PRKV — Virtual IP Configuration Assistant Messages

PRKV-1013 "A network interface is required"
Cause: A network interface is not provided for configuring virtual IP address.
Action: when running VIPCA in GUI mode, select a suitable network interface from the list. When running VIPCA in silent mode, provide a suitable interface using '-interfaces' option.
PRKV-1014 "Enter a valid IP address for the node \"{0}\"."
Cause: An IP address to be configured as virtual IP is not entered for the node.
Action: Enter an unused IP address to be used for configuring virtual IP address.
PRKV-1015 "Enter a valid subnet mask for the IP address \"{0}\"."
Cause: An IP netmask for the IP address is not entered.
Action: Enter netmask for the IP address.
PRKV-1016 "IP address \"{0}\" is invalid. Enter a valid IP address."
Cause: IP address entered is invalid.
Action: Enter a valid IP address in standard IEEE format.
PRKV-1017 "IP address \"{0}\" does not exist. Enter a valid IP address."
Cause: IP address cannot be resolved in the network.
Action: Add an IP address in DNS or /etc/hosts so it can be resolved.
PRKV-1018 "IP address \"{0}\" has invalid format. Enter a valid IP address."
Cause: IP address is not in standard IEEE format.
Action: Enter a valid IP address in IEEE format.
PRKV-1019 "Netmask entered \"{0}\" has invalid format. Enter a valid netmask."
Cause: Netmask entered in not in standard IEEE format.
Action: Enter a valid IP netmask in IEEE format.
PRKV-1039 "IP address \"{0}\" has already been used. Enter an unused IP address."
Cause: IP address entered is already used by another node as virtual IP address.
Action: Enter an unused IP address.
PRKV-1060 "Invalid node name \"{0}\" entered in an input argument."
Cause: An attempt has been made to configure CRS node applications for the node that is not part of the cluster.
Action: Check if the node is configured in the cluster using '<CRS home>/bin/olsnodes' Enter only the nodes that are part of the cluster, or add the node to the cluster before configuring nodeapps.
PRKV-1061 "Invalid IP address \"{0}\" entered in an input argument."
Cause: The following may be a cause of this error: a) IP address is not in valid IEEE format, b) IP address cannot be resolved in the network, or c) IP address entered is already being used.
Action: Check the format of IP address, check if it exists in network DNS or /etc/hosts, or check if it already been configured to use.
PRKV-1062 "Invalid netmask \"{0}\" entered in an invalid argument."
Cause: IP netmask entered is not in valid IEEE format,
Action: Enter IP netmask in IEEE format.
PRKV-1063 "Invalid interface \"{0}\" entered in an input argument."
Cause: Interface entered as an input are not found on the system.
Action: Check the list of interfaces configured to the system.
PRKV-1064 "Insufficient privileges."
Cause: You do not have Administrative privileges to perform operation.
Action: Login as Administrator and run the tool again.
PRKV-1065 "Failed to obtain handle to CRS."
Cause: An attempt has been made to connect to Oracle Cluster Ready Service while it is not up and running.
Action: Check the status Oracle Cluster Ready Services.
PRKV-1066 "Check the log file \"{0}\" and fix the problem before retrying."
Cause: There is a problem in starting the resource. The exact nature of the problem can be found using the trc file shown. Resource cannot start unless the problem is fixed.
Action: Fix the problem and retry the operation.
PRKV-1067 "Check the log file \"{0}\" for more details"
Cause: The tool could not create or start the resource. Check the specified file for details of the nature of the problem.
Action: Fix the problem first to continue.
PRKV-1068 "Host IP address \"{0}\" cannot be used as virtual IP for the node \"{1}\" Enter a different IP address."
Cause: An attempt has been made to configure the host as virtual IP that can failover to another node.
Action: Enter an unused IP address that different from host IP address.
PRKV-1069 "Host IP address \"{0}\" of cluster node \"{1}\" cannot be used as virtual IP for the node \"{2}\". Enter a different IP address."
Cause: An attempt has been made to configure the remote host as virtual IP that can failover.
Action: Enter an unused IP address that different from host IP address of any node in the cluster.