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Oracle® Database Error Messages
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10744-01
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38 CLSR-00001 to CLSR-06507

CLSR-00001: Oracle error number encountered
Cause: Oracle-related error is encountered.
Action: Check alert log and trace file for more detail.
CLSR-00002: Oracle error encountered while executing string
Cause: Oracle-related error is encountered while executing a request.
Action: Check alert log for more detail.
CLSR-00003: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set
Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.
CLSR-00004: Error encountered at string, category=number, operation=string, OS error=number
Cause: Operating system error occurred.
Action: Check for the error message for more detail.
CLSR-00005: Error encountered during memory allocation
Cause: System memory is insufficient.
Action: Check the availability of memory in the system before retrying.
CLSR-00006: Error encountered when writing file string
Cause: Error when writing file.
Action: Check the permission of the file and the existence of its path.
CLSR-00007: Error encountered when reading file string
Cause: Error when reading file.
Action: Check the permission and existence of the file.
CLSR-00501: Error number encountered when connecting to EVM daemon
Cause: Error encountered when connecting to EVM daemon.
Action: Check status of EVM daemon and log file for detail.
CLSR-00502: Error number encountered when subscribing an EVM event
Cause: Error encountered when subscribing an EVM event.
Action: Contact customer support.
CLSR-00503: Error number encountered when creating an EVM event
Cause: Error encountered when creating an EVM event.
Action: Contact customer support.
CLSR-00504: Error number encountered when posting an EVM event
Cause: Error encountered when posting an EVM event.
Action: Contact customer support.
CLSR-00505: Empty event type is specified
Cause: Empty event type is specified.
Action: Try again with a valid event type.
CLSR-00506: Unmatched resource name prefix string is specified
Cause: Specified resource name prefix does not match as required.
Action: Try again with a valid resource name prefix.
CLSR-00507: The length of the facility name string exceeds the limit (number)
Cause: The given facility name is too long.
Action: Try again with a short facility name.
CLSR-00508: Invalid message number number
Cause: An incorrect message number is specified.
Action: Try again with a correct message number.
CLSR-00509: Unable to initialize NLS
Cause: Failed to initialize callback structure for NLS.
Action: Contact customer support.
CLSR-00510: Unable to load NLS data
Cause: Failed to initialize NLS data loading.
Action: Not action required as default data loading will be used.
CLSR-00511: Error number encountered when handling incoming EVM message
Cause: Error encountered when handling incoming EVM message.
Action: Check log file for detail.
CLSR-00512: Invalid CAA trigger event type [string]
Cause: Invalid CAA trigger event type is specified.
Action: Try again with a valid type.
CLSR-00513: Message file is not found
Cause: The requested OCI message file is not found.
Action: Check if the message file is properly installed.
CLSR-00514: Unable to locate PMON [pid=string]
Cause: Cannot find PMON with this pid.
Action: Check the existence of PMON.
CLSR-00515: A service member is already running on this node
Cause: There is a service member of the same service running on this node.
Action: No action required as the service member will try to start on another node.
CLSR-00516: No service provider found at this node
Cause: No suitable service provider is found on this node.
Action: No action required as the service member will try to start on another node.
CLSR-00517: Failed to register a service name
Cause: The requested service name cannot be registered.
Action: Check log file for detail.
CLSR-00518: Failed to register a preconnect service name
Cause: The requested preconnect service name cannot be registered.
Action: Check log file for detail.
CLSR-00519: No instance found
Cause: No instance is found running for the database resource.
Action: No action required as the database resource will fail itself.
CLSR-00520: No service member found
Cause: No service member is found running for the composite service resource.
Action: No action required as the composite service resource will fail itself.
CLSR-00521: Event string is rejected by EVM daemon
Cause: No template has been registered for the event or caller is not authorized to post the event.
Action: Check if there is a template registered for this event and the authority of posting this event.
CLSR-00522: Resource string is not registered
Cause: CRS resource is not registered.
Action: Register the CRS resource.
CLSR-00523: Resource string is not enabled
Cause: CRS resource is not enabled.
Action: Enable the CRS resource.
CLSR-00524: Resource string is stopping, resource string cannot start
Cause: Resource cannot start because its composite resource is stopping.
Action: Retry to start the resource when its composite resource is not stopping.
CLSR-00525: prsr initialization failed
Cause: See the related error message.
Action: Run crs_stat to make sure CSS and OCR working properly.
CLSR-00526: Failed to retrieve database configuration in OCR
Cause: See the related error message.
Action: Run crs_stat to make sure CSS and OCR working properly and database configuration in ocr is initialized.
CLSR-00527: OCR operation failed
Cause: See related error messages about the OCR operation.
Action: Fix the related error. Then try again.
CLSR-00528: RACGONS: host and port number already configured in OCR
Cause: host and port number already configured in OCR.
Action: None.
CLSR-00529: RACGONS: host and port number to be removed does not exist
Cause: host and port number to be removed is not configured in OCR.
Action: None.
CLSR-00530: Can not get user name
Cause: Error caused by OSD layer.
Action: Contact Oracle support.
CLSR-00531: Can not get primary group name
Cause: There is no primary group for this OS.
Action: Not faital. None.
CLSR-01001: Unsupported open mode number is specified
Cause: Unsupported open mode is specified for mounting database.
Action: Retry again with a valid open mode.
CLSR-01002: Unable to process instance startup
Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.
Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.
CLSR-01003: Error number encountered during mounting database
Cause: Unexpected error occurs when mounting database.
Action: Check current status of database before retrying.
CLSR-01004: Failed to mount database
Cause: Database cannot be mounted by an instance.
Action: Check alert log for error detail.
CLSR-01005: Error number encountered during altering database open mode
Cause: Unexpected error occurs when altering database open mode.
Action: Check current database status.
CLSR-01006: Unable to process instance shutdown
Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.
Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.
CLSR-01007: Connection to database was not established
Cause: Connection to database is failed to establish.
Action: Make sure connection and environment are properly set up.
CLSR-01008: Error number encountered during querying for PMON status
Cause: Unexpected error encountered when querying v$process for PMON.
Action: Check alert log and connection to database.
CLSR-01009: database management module failed to start
Cause: Error encountered during initializing database management module.
Action: Check previous error message for detail.
CLSR-01010: Unable to record PMON pid to string
Cause: Failed to write os pid for PMON to file.
Action: Check file system for disk space and access privilege.
CLSR-01011: Invalid instance startup mode [string] is specified
Cause: Invalid startup mode is specified.
Action: Retry again with a valid startup mode.
CLSR-01012: Invalid instance stop mode [string] is specified
Cause: Invalid stop mode is specified.
Action: Retry again with a vaild stop mode.
CLSR-06500: Invalid input arguments
Cause: Invalid input arguments are specified.
Action: Retry again with a valid argument.
CLSR-06501: Exceeds maximum number of arguments
Cause: Too many input arguments are specified.
Action: Retry again with correct number of arguments.
CLSR-06502: Failed to connect to database
Cause: Failed to connect to database.
Action: Check database and log file for details.
CLSR-06503: Service name already registered
Cause: Requested service name has been registered by another service.
Action: Choose another service name and retry registration again.
CLSR-06504: Service name not in SERVICE_NAMES
Cause: Requested service name is not registered.
Action: Make sure the correct service name is specified in the request.
CLSR-06505: SERVICE_NAMES found null and fixed
Cause: SERVICE_NAMES parameter becomes null after the delete operation.
Action: Not action required as SERVICE_NAMES is set to default value.
CLSR-06506: Error number encountered when executing string
Cause: Error occurred when executing the SQL statement.
Action: Check alert log for more detail.
CLSR-06507: Cannot add to SERVICE_NAMES, SERVICE_NAMES will be too long
Cause: Adding the service name will exceed the limit of SERVICE_NAMES.
Action: Change the configuration to avoid SERVICE_NAMES becomes too long.