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Oracle® Database Error Messages
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10744-01
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41 PROT-00001 to PROT-00807

PROT-00001: Failed to initialize ocrconfig
Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrconfig
Action: Check log file for details about the failure
PROT-00002: Export file already exists
Cause: Requested export file exists in the given path
Action: Change the location for export file or remove the old export file
PROT-00003: Failed to create export file
Cause: Unable to create or open file for exporting cluster registry data
Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path
PROT-00004: Failed to retrieve data from the cluster registry
Cause: Unable to retrieve necessary information from the cluster registry
Action: Check the availability of the cluster registry and the details of the failure from the log file
PROT-00005: Clusterware is not running properly
Cause: Unable to register with clusterware for access to the cluster registry
Action: Check the status of clusterware running on the machine
PROT-00006: The specified import file cannot be found
Cause: The import file does not exist
Action: Check the file and its correct path and try again
PROT-00007: Failed to open the specified import file
Cause: Unable to access the specified import file
Action: Check access privilege of the import file
PROT-00008: Failed to import data from specified file to the cluster registry
Cause: Unable to read data from the import file and import to the cluster registry
Action: Check availability of the cluster registry and the details of the failure from the log file
PROT-00009: Failed to open the specified import file
Cause: Unable to access the specified import file
Action: Check access privilege of the import file
PROT-00010: Failed to open the specified source cluster registry
Cause: Unable to access the specified source cluster registry
Action: Check access privilege and location of the source cluster registry, and the log file for more detail
PROT-00011: Failed to open the specified destination cluster registry
Cause: Unable to access the specified destination cluster registry
Action: Check access privilege and location of the destination cluster registry. Also check the log file for more details
PROT-00012: Oracle Cluster Registry to be upgraded has an unsupported version
Cause: Oracle Cluster Registry to be upgraded has an unsupported version
Action: Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry to a version supported
PROT-00013: Oracle Cluster Registry is in current version
Cause: Oracle Cluster Registry is in current version
Action: No action required
PROT-00014: Oracle Cluster Registry to be downgraded has an earlier version
Cause: Oracle Cluster Registry to be downgraded has an earlier version
Action: No action required
PROT-00015: Unimplemented feature
Cause: Requested feature has not been implemented in current release
Action: Try the feature again in the next release.
PROT-00016: Internal Error
Cause: This is a generic internal error for ocrconfig
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support
PROT-00017: Fatal Error
Cause: This is a generic fatal error for ocrconfig
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support
PROT-00018: Failed to open file
Cause: File does not exist or user does not have permission to open the file
Action: Try with a different file name
PROT-00114: Please ensure you have file creation privileges in the executing directory before running this tool.
Cause: ocrconfig called with incorrect or missing options
Action: Use ocrconfig with correct options
PROT-00301: Dump is not feasible when clusterware is running
Cause: Unable to dump cluster registry data when clusterware is running
Action: Stop the clusterware before retrying ocrdump
PROT-00302: Failed to initialize ocrdump
Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrdump
Action: Check log file for details about the failure
PROT-00303: Dump file already exists
Cause: Requested dump file exists in the given path
Action: Change the location for the dump file or remove the old dump file
PROT-00304: Failed to create dump file
Cause: Unable to create or open file for dumping cluster registry data
Action: Check access privilege or disk space of the requested path
PROT-00410: Please ensure you have file creation privileges in the executing directory before running this tool.
Cause: ocrdump called with incorrect or missing options
Action: Use ocrdump with correct options
PROT-00601: Failed to initialize ocrcheck
Cause: Unable to initialize and start ocrcheck
Action: Check log file for details about the failure
PROT-00707: Cluster registry integrity check failed
Cause: ocrcheck called
Action: None
PROT-00807: Please ensure you have file creation privileges in the executing directory before running this tool.
Cause: ocrcheck called with incorrect or missing options
Action: Use ocrcheck with correct options