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Oracle® Database Upgrade Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10763-01
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1 Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of the database upgrade process, as well as information about running multiple releases of the Oracle Database. This chapter also provides information about changing the word size of your database during an upgrade or downgrade.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of the Database Upgrade Process

This section includes an overview of the major steps required to upgrade an existing Oracle Database to the new Oracle Database 10g release. These procedures transform an existing Oracle Database system (including associated applications) into an Oracle Database 10g system. Oracle Database 10g is compatible with all earlier Oracle Database releases. Therefore, databases upgraded using the procedures described in this book can work in the same manner as in earlier releases and, optionally, can leverage new Oracle Database 10g functionality.

Careful planning and use of Oracle Database 10g tools can ease the process of upgrading a database to the new Oracle Database 10g release. Oracle Database 10g supports the following methods for upgrading a database:

Before you upgrade a database using any of these methods, you should understand the major steps in the upgrade process. These steps are illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Major Upgrade Steps

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Description of the illustration upgrd001.gif


The upgrade steps apply to all operating systems, with the possible exception of a few operating system-specific details identified in your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

The following sections contain a brief outline of the major steps in the upgrade process. For detailed instructions, refer to the appropriate chapters later in this book.

Step 1: Prepare to Upgrade

Step 2: Test the Upgrade Process

Step 3: Test the Upgraded Test Database

Chapter 2, " Preparing to Upgrade" provides detailed information about Steps 1 through 3.

Step 4: Prepare and Preserve the Production Database

Step 5: Upgrade the Production Database

Chapter 3 describes Steps 4 and 5 when using the Database Upgrade Assistant or when performing a manual upgrade. Chapter 4 describes the backup procedure after the upgrade and other post-upgrade tasks.

Step 6: Tune and Adjust the New Production Database

During the upgrade, multi-versioning can be a useful feature because you can keep multiple copies of the same database on one computer. You can use the existing release as your production environment while you test the new release.

Role of the Database Administrator During the Upgrade

Typically, the database administrator (DBA) is responsible for ensuring the success of the upgrade process. The DBA is usually involved in each step of the process, except for steps that involve testing applications on the upgraded database.

The specific DBA duties typically include the following:

  • Meeting with everyone involved in the upgrade process and clearly defining their roles

  • Performing test upgrades

  • Scheduling the test and production upgrades

  • Performing backups of the production database

  • Completing the upgrade of the production database

  • Performing backups of the newly upgraded Oracle Database production database

Role of the Application Developer During the Upgrade

The application developer is responsible for ensuring that applications designed for the current database work correctly with the upgraded Oracle Database. Application developers often test applications against the upgraded Oracle Database and decide which new features of Oracle Database 10g should be used.

Before upgrading the production database, the DBA or application developer should install an Oracle Database test database. Then, the application developer can test and modify the applications, if necessary, until they work with their original (or enhanced Oracle Database) functionality.

The following references provide information about identifying differences in the upgraded Oracle Database that could affect particular applications. Application developers can use these differences to guide modifications to existing applications:

Oracle Database includes features that aid in upgrading existing applications to Oracle Database, for example:

  • Oracle Net Services and Net8 support communication between Oracle Database releases.

  • The programming interface is unchanged between Oracle Database releases.

  • Oracle's backward compatibility accommodates small incompatibilities between different releases.

Oracle Release Numbers

This book describes moving between different releases of the Oracle database server. Figure 1-2 describes what each part of a release number represents.

Figure 1-2 Example of an Oracle Release Number

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Description of the illustration upgrd004.gif


Starting with Oracle9i release 9.2, maintenance releases of Oracle are denoted by a change to the second digit of a release number. In previous releases, the third digit indicated a particular maintenance release.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle release numbers

When a statement is made in this book about a major database release number, the statement applies to all releases within that major database release. References to Oracle Database include release 10.1; references to Oracle9i include release 9.0.1 and release 9.2.

Similarly, when a statement is made in this book about a maintenance release, the statement applies to all component-specific and platform-specific releases within that maintenance release. So, a statement about release 9.2 applies to release, release, and all other platform-specific releases within release 9.2.

Running Multiple Oracle Releases

You can run different releases of the Oracle Database on the same computer at the same time. However, each release can only access a database that is consistent with its release number. For example, if you have Oracle9i and Oracle Database 10g installed on the same computer, then the Oracle9i database server can access Oracle9i databases but not Oracle Database 10g databases, and the Oracle Database 10g database server can access Oracle Database 10g databases but not Oracle9i databases. The following sections provide general information about running multiple releases of the Oracle Database.


It is not possible to install release 10.1 products into an existing Oracle home. This functionality was only available for certain previous releases and has not been continued. An Oracle Database release must be installed in a new Oracle home that is separate from previous releases of Oracle. Also, you cannot have more than one release per Oracle home. Oracle recommends that you adopt an Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) when creating multiple Oracle homes. See "Using Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)" for more information.

See Also:

Your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for more information about running multiple releases of Oracle on your operating system. Restrictions may apply on some operating systems.

Install Databases in Multiple Oracle Homes on the Same Computer

You can install Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle Database 10g databases in multiple (separate) Oracle homes on the same computer and have Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle Database 10g clients connecting to any or all of the databases.

Install Databases in Multiple Oracle Homes on Separate Computers

You can install Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle Database 10g databases in multiple (separate) Oracle homes on separate computers and have Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle Database 10g clients connecting to any or all of the databases.

Upgrade a Database to the Current Release

You can upgrade an Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, or Oracle Database 10g database to the new Oracle Database 10g release and have Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle Database 10g clients connecting to the upgraded database. You cannot upgrade the database in the same Oracle home.

Upgrade Clients to the Current Release

You can upgrade any or all of your Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, or Oracle Database 10g clients to the new Oracle Database 10g release. You can also upgrade your Oracle8, Oracle8i, Oracle9i, or Oracle Database 10g database to the new Oracle Database 10g release at a later date.

Using Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)

Oracle recommends the Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) standard for your Oracle Database installations. The OFA standard is a set of configuration guidelines for efficient and reliable Oracle databases that require little maintenance.

OFA provides the following benefits:

If you are not currently using the OFA standard, then switching to the OFA standard involves modifying your directory structure and relocating your database files.

See Also:

Changing Word Size

You can implicitly change the word size of your database during an upgrade or downgrade. A change in word size includes the following scenarios:

If you are changing word size during an upgrade or downgrade, then no additional action is required. The word size is changed automatically during either of these operations. However, if you want to explicitly change the word size within the same release, then follow the instructions in "Changing the Word Size of Your Current Release". For example, if you have the 32-bit installation of release 10.1 and you want to switch to the 64-bit installation of release 10.1, then you must complete this procedure.

The following information applies if you are switching from 32-bit hardware to 64-bit hardware or from 64-bit hardware to 32-bit hardware:

The on-disk format for database data, redo, and undo is identical for the 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Oracle. The only internal structural differences between the 32-bit and 64-bit installations are the following:

Rolling Upgrades

The term rolling upgrade refers to upgrading different databases or different instances of the same database (in a Real Application Clusters environment) one at a time, without stopping the database.

See Also:

Deinstalling Options

If you want to deinstall old options when you upgrade to the new Oracle Database release, then use the Oracle Universal Installer to deinstall them. You can deinstall them before or after you upgrade, but you must use the release of the installer that corresponds with the items you want to remove.

For example, if you are running release 9.0.1 with Oracle Text installed, and you decide that you do not need this option when you upgrade to the new Oracle Database release, then you should deinstall Oracle Text in one of the following ways:


After you deinstall an option, extraneous data dictionary tables may remain in the database.

See Also:

Your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for information about using the Oracle Universal Installer