An Oracle database server appears as a hub, with messages traveling along spokes linking the hub with applications and users at the edges of the illustration. Inside the database hub are labels for Rules and Transformations and Advanced Queues.

A second Oracle database is linked to the hub with a spoke labeled Internet Propagation. A third Oracle database is linked to the hub with a spoke labeled Internet Propagation (Oracle Net). This third Oracle database is also linked by a double-headed arrow to an array of databases labeled Global Agents, Global Subscriptions, Global Events. The array is linked to the hub, so the array and two Oracle databases form a triangle.

Internet Users are linked to the hub by a spoke labeled XML-Based Internet Transport (HTTP(s), SMTP) and Internet Access. OCI, PL/SQL, Java Clients are linked to the hub with an unlabeled spoke, as is a representation of a third-party message system labeled MQ Series.