(PHP 4 CVS only)
file_register_wrapper -- Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class
file_register_wrapper ( string protocol, string classname)
This function is currently only documented by the example below:
Example 1. Implementing a base64 encoding protocol class Base64EncodingStream {
var $fp = null;
function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
$this->fp = fopen($path, $mode);
return is_resource($this->fp);
function stream_close()
function stream_read($count)
return false; // We only allow writing
function stream_write($data)
return fwrite($this->fp, base64_encode($data));
function stream_flush()
return true;
function stream_seek($offset, $whence)
return false;
function stream_gets()
return false;
function stream_tell()
return false;
function stream_eof()
return false;
file_register_wrapper("base64", "Base64EncodingStream")
or die("Failed to register protocol");
copy("/tmp/inputfile.txt", "base64:///tmp/outputfile.txt");
readfile("/tmp/outputfile"); |
file_register_wrapper() will return false if the
protocol already has a handler, or if "fopen
wrappers" are disabled.
This function was introduced in PHP 4.3.0.