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Listing 1. Hello Persistent World

#include "texas.hh"
#include <stream.h>
PStore* ps = 0;
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
   TEXAS_MAIN_INIT(argc, argv);  // initialize the Texas lib
   ps = open_pstore("hello.pstore"); // open the persistent store
   int* count = 0;
   if (!is_root(ps, "COUNT")) {  // does a named root already exist?
      count = pnew(ps, int)(0);  // create a new persistent integer
      add_root(ps, int, "COUNT", count);  // add a named root
   } else {
      count = get_root(ps, int, "COUNT"); // get the named root
   (*count)++;// increment count
   count << "Hello Persistent World " << *count << endl;
   close_pstore(ps); // close the persistent store, committing
   TEXAS_MAIN_UNINIT(); // uninitialize the library
   return 0;

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