Table 1. Summary of Emacs TAGS Commands

Keys		Command			Function

M-. find-tag Prompt for a tag, select the buffer containing its definition and move the point there

C-x 4 . f ind-tag-other-window Like find-tag, but puts the tag's buffer in a new window

C-u M-. n/a Find the next match of a tag (could also used M-0 M-.)

C-u - M-. n/a Find the previous match of a tag

M-TAB complete-tag Expand a name in place using the tags table. In xemacs, the function is called tag-complete-symbol. This might not be bound.

M-? display-tag-info Display summary of tag's definition in modeline (xemacs only)

n/a tags-search Find a regex in all files referenced in TAGS file

n/a tags-query-replace Replace a regex in all referenced files

n/a tags-apropos Display list of matching tags

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