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Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.

Publishers of Books, Pocket Reference cards and Linux Journal

SSC publishes full-size computer books, pocket references and CD-ROMs about Linux, UNIX and the Internet, as well as the monthly magazine, Linux Journal.

SSC was established in 1968 to provide systems design, training and consulting services to organizations using computers. SSC has specialized in the UNIX operating system since 1980.

Filling the gap in complete and concise information sources, in 1983 SSC started publishing UNIX and C pocket-sized reference cards, reference books and tutorials.

Linux Journal, the monthly magazine of the Linux community, was introduced by SSC in 1994 and for five years was the only magazine devoted entirely to the Linux operating system. Some of SSC's many products include:

SSC's publications are sold through bookstores and national distributors.

SSC's web site gives you an opportunity to learn more about SSC and its products. All of SSC's products are available on-line via, Frank Kasper and other resellers.

SSC maintains an announcement mailing list to help keep customers up-to-date on new products and releases. To subscribe, send e-mail to with subscribe in the Subject: line of the message.