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6. Saying How To Mangle The Packets

So now we know how to select the packets we want to mangle. To complete our rule, we need to tell the kernel exactly what we want it to do to the packets.

6.1 Source NAT

You want to do Source NAT; change the source address of connections to something different. This is done in the POSTROUTING chain, just before it is finally sent out; this is an important detail, since it means that anything else on the Linux box itself (routing, packet filtering) will see the packet unchanged. It also means that the `-o' (outgoing interface) option can be used.

Source NAT is specified using `-j SNAT', and the `--to-source' option specifies an IP address, a range of IP addresses, and an optional port or range of ports (for UDP and TCP protocols only).

## Change source addresses to
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

## Change source addresses to, or
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to

## Change source addresses to, ports 1-1023
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -o eth0 -j SNAT --to


There is a specialized case of Source NAT called masquerading: it should only be used for dynamically-assigned IP addresses, such as standard dialups (for static IP addresses, use SNAT above).

You don't need to put in the source address explicitly with masquerading: it will use the source address of the interface the packet is going out from. But more importantly, if the link goes down, the connections (which are now lost anyway) are forgotten, meaning fewer glitches when connection comes back up with a new IP address.

## Masquerade everything out ppp0.
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

6.2 Destination NAT

This is done in the PREROUTING chain, just as the packet comes in; this means that anything else on the Linux box itself (routing, packet filtering) will see the packet going to its `real' destination. It also means that the `-i' (incoming interface) option can be used.

To alter the destination of locally-generated packets, the OUTPUT chain can be used, but this is more unusual.

Destination NAT is specified using `-j DNAT', and the `--to-destination' option specifies an IP address, a range of IP addresses, and an optional port or range of ports (for UDP and TCP protocols only).

## Change destination addresses to
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j DNAT --to

## Change destination addresses to, or
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j DNAT --to

## Change destination addresses of web traffic to, port 8080.
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -i eth1 \
        -j DNAT --to

## Redirect local packets to to loopback.
# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to


There is a specialized case of Destination NAT called redirection: it is a simple convenience which is exactly equivalent to doing DNAT to the address of the incoming interface.

## Send incoming port-80 web traffic to our squid (transparent) proxy
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 \
        -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

6.3 Mappings In Depth

There are some subtleties to NAT which most people will never have to deal with. They are documented here for the curious.

Selection Of Multiple Addresses in a Range

If a range of IP addresses is given, the IP address to use is chosen based on the least currently used IP for connections the machine knows about. This gives primitive load-balancing.

Creating Null NAT Mappings

You can use the `-j ACCEPT' target to let a connection through without any NAT taking place.

Standard NAT Behaviour

The default behaviour is to alter the connection as little as possible, within the constraints of the rule given by the user. This means we won't remap ports unless we have to.

Implicit Source Port Mapping

Even when no NAT is requested for a connection, source port translation it may occur implicitly, if another connection has been mapped over the new one. Consider the case of masquerading, which it is rather common:

  1. A web connection is established by a box from port 1024 to port 80.
  2. This is masqueraded by the masquerading box to use its source IP address (
  3. The masquerading box tries to make a web connection to port 80 from (its external interface address) port 1024.
  4. The NAT code will alter the source port of the second connection to 1025, so that the two don't clash.

When this implicit source mapping occurs, ports are divided into three classes:

A port will never be implicitly mapped into a different class.

What Happens When NAT Fails

If there is no way to uniquely map a connection as the user requests, it will be dropped. This also applies to packets which could not be classified as part of any connection, because they are malformed, or the box is out of memory, etc.

Multiple Mappings, Overlap and Clashes

You can have NAT rules which map packets onto the same range; the NAT code is clever enough to avoid clashes. Hence having two rules which map the source address and respectively onto is fine.

Furthermore, you can map over real, used IP addresses, as long as those addresses pass through the mapping box as well. So if you have an assigned network (, but have one internal network using those addresses and one using the Private Internet Addresses, you can simply NAT the source addresses onto the network, without fear of clashing:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 \
        -j SNAT --to

The same logic applies to addresses used by the NAT box itself: this is how masquerading works (by sharing the interface address between masqueraded packets and `real' packets coming from the box itself).

Moreover, you can map the same packets onto many different targets, and they will be shared. For example, if you don't want to map anything over, you could do:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 \
        -j SNAT --to --to

Altering the Destination of Locally-Generated Connections

If the destination of a locally-generated packet is changed (ie. by the OUTPUT chain), and that causes the packet to pass out a different interface, then the source address is also changed to that of the interface. For example, changing the destination of a loopback packet to head out eth0 will result in the source also being altered from to the address of eth0; unlike other source mappings this is done immediately. Naturally, both these mappings are reversed on the reply packets which come in.

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