/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qabstractlayout.h 2.2.1 edited 2000-08-25 $ ** ** Definition of the abstract layout base class ** ** Created : 960416 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef QABSTRACTLAYOUT_H #define QABSTRACTLAYOUT_H #ifndef QT_H #include "qobject.h" #include "qsizepolicy.h" #include "qwidget.h" #endif // QT_H #ifndef QT_NO_LAYOUT class QMenuBar; class QWidget; struct QLayoutData; class QLayoutItem; class QLayout; class QSpacerItem; class QDomElement; class QConfigureLayoutEvent; class Q_EXPORT QGLayoutIterator : public QShared { public: virtual ~QGLayoutIterator(); virtual QLayoutItem *next() = 0; virtual QLayoutItem *current() = 0; virtual QLayoutItem *takeCurrent() = 0; }; class Q_EXPORT QLayoutIterator { public: QLayoutIterator( QGLayoutIterator *i ) :it(i) {} QLayoutIterator( const QLayoutIterator &i ) :it( i.it ) { if ( it ) it->ref(); } ~QLayoutIterator() { if ( it && it->deref() ) delete it; } QLayoutIterator &operator=( const QLayoutIterator &i ) { if ( i.it ) i.it->ref(); if ( it && it->deref() ) delete it; it = i.it; return *this; } QLayoutItem *operator++() { return it ? it->next() : 0; } QLayoutItem *current() { return it ? it->current() : 0; } QLayoutItem *takeCurrent() { return it ? it->takeCurrent() : 0; } void deleteCurrent(); private: QGLayoutIterator *it; }; class Q_EXPORT QLayoutItem { public: QLayoutItem( int alignment = 0 ) :align(alignment) {} virtual ~QLayoutItem(); virtual QSize sizeHint() const = 0; virtual QSize minimumSize() const = 0; virtual QSize maximumSize() const = 0; virtual QSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const =0; virtual void setGeometry( const QRect& ) = 0; virtual QRect geometry() const = 0; virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0; virtual bool hasHeightForWidth() const; virtual int heightForWidth( int ) const; virtual void invalidate(); virtual QWidget *widget(); virtual QLayoutIterator iterator(); virtual QLayout *layout(); virtual QSpacerItem *spacerItem(); int alignment() const { return align; } virtual void setAlignment( int a ); protected: int align; }; class Q_EXPORT QSpacerItem : public QLayoutItem { public: QSpacerItem( int w, int h, QSizePolicy::SizeType hData=QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::SizeType vData= QSizePolicy::Minimum ) :width(w), height(h), sizeP(hData, vData ) {} void changeSize( int w, int h, QSizePolicy::SizeType hData=QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::SizeType vData=QSizePolicy::Minimum ); QSize sizeHint() const ; QSize minimumSize() const ; QSize maximumSize() const ; QSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const; bool isEmpty() const; void setGeometry( const QRect& ); QRect geometry() const; QSpacerItem *spacerItem(); private: int width, height; QSizePolicy sizeP; QRect rect; }; class Q_EXPORT QWidgetItem : public QLayoutItem { public: QWidgetItem( QWidget *w ) : wid(w) {} QSize sizeHint() const ; QSize minimumSize() const ; QSize maximumSize() const ; QSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const; bool isEmpty() const; void setGeometry( const QRect& ) ; QRect geometry() const; //void invalidate(); virtual QWidget *widget(); bool hasHeightForWidth() const; int heightForWidth( int ) const; private: //QSize cachedSizeHint; QWidget *wid; }; class Q_EXPORT QLayout : public QObject, public QLayoutItem { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS( ResizeMode ) Q_PROPERTY( int margin READ margin WRITE setMargin ) Q_PROPERTY( int spacing READ spacing WRITE setSpacing ) Q_PROPERTY( ResizeMode resizeMode READ resizeMode WRITE setResizeMode ) public: QLayout( QWidget *parent, int margin=0, int space=-1, const char *name=0 ); QLayout( QLayout *parentLayout, int space=-1, const char *name=0 ); QLayout( int space=-1, const char *name=0 ); ~QLayout(); int margin() const { return outsideBorder; } int spacing() const { return insideSpacing; } virtual void setMargin( int ); virtual void setSpacing( int ); enum { unlimited = QWIDGETSIZE_MAX }; #if 1 //OBSOLETE int defaultBorder() const { return insideSpacing; } void freeze( int w, int h ); void freeze() { setResizeMode( Fixed ); } #endif enum ResizeMode { FreeResize, Minimum, Fixed }; void setResizeMode( ResizeMode ); ResizeMode resizeMode() const; #ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR virtual void setMenuBar( QMenuBar *w ); QMenuBar *menuBar() const { return menubar; } #endif QWidget *mainWidget(); bool isTopLevel() const { return topLevel; } virtual void setAutoAdd( bool ); bool autoAdd() const { return autoNewChild; } void invalidate(); QRect geometry() const; bool activate(); void add( QWidget *w ) { addItem( new QWidgetItem( w ) ); } virtual void addItem ( QLayoutItem * ) = 0; QSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const; QSize minimumSize() const; QSize maximumSize() const; void setGeometry( const QRect& )=0; QLayoutIterator iterator()=0; bool isEmpty() const; int totalHeightForWidth( int w ) const; QSize totalMinimumSize() const; QSize totalMaximumSize() const; QSize totalSizeHint() const; QLayout *layout(); bool supportsMargin() const { return marginImpl; } void setEnabled( bool ); bool isEnabled() const; protected: bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * ); void addChildLayout( QLayout *l ); void deleteAllItems(); void setSupportsMargin( bool ); QRect alignmentRect( const QRect& ) const; private: void setWidgetLayout( QWidget *, QLayout * ); void init(); int insideSpacing; int outsideBorder; uint topLevel : 1; uint autoMinimum : 1; uint autoNewChild : 1; uint frozen : 1; uint activated : 1; uint marginImpl : 1; uint enabled : 1; QRect rect; QLayoutData *extraData; #ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR QMenuBar *menubar; #endif private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY) QLayout( const QLayout & ); QLayout &operator=( const QLayout & ); #endif }; inline void QLayoutIterator::deleteCurrent() { delete takeCurrent(); } #endif //QT_NO_LAYOUT #endif
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