The QDomCharacterData class represents a generic string in the DOM. More...
#include <qdom.h>
Inherits QDomNode.
Inherited by QDomComment and QDomText.
Character data as used in XML specifies a generic data string. More specialized versions of this class are QDomText, QDomComment and QDomCDATASection.
See also QDomText, QDomComment and QDomCDATASection.
Constructs an empty character data object.
Copy constructor.
The data of the copy is shared: modifying one will also change the other. If you want to make a real copy, use cloneNode() instead.
Appends arg to the stored string.
Returns the string stored in this object.
If the node is a null node, it will return a null string.
Deletes the substring starting at position offset with length count.
Inserts the string arg at position offset into the stored string.
Returns TRUE.
Reimplemented from QDomNode.
Returns the length of the stored string.
Returns the type of node this object refers to (i.e. TextNode, CDATASectionNode, CommentNode
or CharacterDataNode).
For a null node
is returned.
Reimplemented from QDomNode.
Assignment operator.
The data of the copy is shared: modifying one will also change the other. If you want to make a real copy, use cloneNode() instead.
Replaces the substring starting at offset with length count with the string arg.
Sets the string of this object to v.
Returns the substring from position offset with length count.
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