The QIconDragItem class is the internal data structure of a QIconDrag More...
#include <qiconview.h>
This class is used internally in the QIconDrag to store the data of each item (in fact, a list of QIconDragItems is used by QIconDrag).
So, normally for each iconview item which is dragged, a QIconDragItem class (or a class derived from QIconDragItem) is created and stored in the QIconDrag object.
See QIconView::dragObject() for more information.
An example, how to implement this, is in the QtFileIconView example. (qt/examples/qfileiconview/qfileiconview.h and qt/examples/qfileiconview/qfileiconview.cpp).
Examples: iconview/main.cpp
Constructs a QIconDragItem with no data.
Returns the data of this QIconDragItem.
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Sets the data of this QIconDragItem.
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