Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol which works on the local filesystem. More...
#include <qlocalfs.h>
Inherits QNetworkProtocol.
This class is a subclass of QNetworkProtocol and works on the local filesystem. If you want to write a network transparent application using QNetworkProtocol, QUrlOperator, etc. this class is used for accessing the local filesystem by QUrlOperator.
See also QUrlOperator and QNetworkProtocol.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
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