The QTimerEvent class contains parameters that describe a timer event. More...
#include <qevent.h>
Inherits QEvent.
Timer events are sent at regular intervals to objects that have started one or more timers. Each timer has a unique identifier. A timer is started with QObject::startTimer().
The QTimer class provides a high-level programming interface that uses signals instead of events. It also provides one-shot timers.
The event handler QObject::timerEvent() receives timer events.
See also QTimer, QObject::timerEvent(), QObject::startTimer(), QObject::killTimer() and QObject::killTimers().
Examples: grapher/grapher.cpp xform/xform.cpp progress/progress.cpp qmag/qmag.cpp forever/forever.cpp scrollview/scrollview.cpp
Constructs a timer event object with the timer identifier set to timerId.
Returns the unique timer identifier, which is the same identifier as returned from QObject::startTimer().
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