QUrlInfo Class Reference
#include <qurlinfo.h>
List of all member functions.
Public Members
QUrlInfo ( const QUrlOperator & path, const QString & file )
QUrlInfo ( const QString & name, int permissions, const QString & owner, const QString & group, uint size, const QDateTime & lastModified, const QDateTime & lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )
QUrlInfo ( const QUrl & url, int permissions, const QString & owner, const QString & group, uint size, const QDateTime & lastModified, const QDateTime & lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )
virtual void
setName ( const QString & name )
virtual void
setDir ( bool b )
virtual void
setOwner ( const QString & s )
virtual void
setGroup ( const QString & s )
Static Public Members
greaterThan ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy )
lessThan ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy )
equal ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy )
Detailed Description
This class is just a container for storing information about a
URLs. That's why all informations have to be passed in the
Member Function Documentation
QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo ()
Constructs an empty QUrlInfo object with default values.
QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo ( const QString & name, int permissions, const QString & owner, const QString & group, uint size, const QDateTime & lastModified, const QDateTime & lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )
Constructs a QUrlInfo object by specifying all information of the URL.
QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo ( const QUrl & url, int permissions, const QString & owner, const QString & group, uint size, const QDateTime & lastModified, const QDateTime & lastRead, bool isDir, bool isFile, bool isSymLink, bool isWritable, bool isReadable, bool isExecutable )
Constructs a QUrlInfo object by specifying all information of the URL.
QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo ( const QUrlOperator & path, const QString & file )
Constructs a QUrlInfo object with information about the file file
in the path. This constructor tries to find the infos about
file, which should be stored in the QUrlOperator path.
If this is not the case, an empty QUrlInfo object is created.
QUrlInfo::QUrlInfo ( const QUrlInfo & ui )
Copy constructor.
QUrlInfo::~QUrlInfo () [virtual]
bool QUrlInfo::equal ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy ) [static]
Returns TRUE if u1 is equal u2, else FALSE. The objects
are compared by the value, which is specified by sortBy. This has
to be one of QDir::Name, QDir::Time and QDir::Size.
bool QUrlInfo::greaterThan ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy ) [static]
Returns TRUE if u1 is greater than u2, else FALSE. The objects
are compared by the value, which is specified by sortBy. This has
to be one of QDir::Name, QDir::Time and QDir::Size.
QString QUrlInfo::group () const
Returns the group of the URL.
bool QUrlInfo::isDir () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is a directory, else FALSE.
bool QUrlInfo::isExecutable () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is executable, else FALSE.
bool QUrlInfo::isFile () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is a file, else FALSE.
bool QUrlInfo::isReadable () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is readable , else FALSE.
bool QUrlInfo::isSymLink () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is a symbolic link, else FALSE.
bool QUrlInfo::isWritable () const
Returns TRUE, if the URL is writable, else FALSE.
QDateTime QUrlInfo::lastModified () const
Returns the last modification date of the URL.
QDateTime QUrlInfo::lastRead () const
Returns the date at which the URL was read the last time.
bool QUrlInfo::lessThan ( const QUrlInfo & i1, const QUrlInfo & i2, int sortBy ) [static]
Returns TRUE if u1 is less than u2, else FALSE. The objects
are compared by the value, which is specified by sortBy. This has
to be one of QDir::Name, QDir::Time and QDir::Size.
QString QUrlInfo::name () const
Returns the filename of the URL.
QUrlInfo & QUrlInfo::operator= ( const QUrlInfo & ui )
Assings the values of ui to this QUrlInfo object.
bool QUrlInfo::operator== ( const QUrlInfo & i ) const
Compares this QUrlInfo with i and returns TRUE if they
are equal, else FALSE.
QString QUrlInfo::owner () const
Returns the owner of the URL.
int QUrlInfo::permissions () const
Returns the permissions of the URL.
void QUrlInfo::setDir ( bool b ) [virtual]
Specifies if the URL is a directory.
void QUrlInfo::setFile ( bool b ) [virtual]
Specifies if the URL is a file.
void QUrlInfo::setGroup ( const QString & s ) [virtual]
Sets the group if the URL to s.
void QUrlInfo::setLastModified ( const QDateTime & dt ) [virtual]
Sets the last modification date of the URL to dt.
void QUrlInfo::setName ( const QString & name ) [virtual]
Sets the filename or the URL.
void QUrlInfo::setOwner ( const QString & s ) [virtual]
Sets the owner of the URL to s.
void QUrlInfo::setPermissions ( int p ) [virtual]
Sets the permissions of the URL to p.
void QUrlInfo::setReadable ( bool b ) [virtual]
Specifies if the URL is readable.
void QUrlInfo::setSize ( uint s ) [virtual]
Sets the size of the URL to s.
void QUrlInfo::setSymLink ( bool b ) [virtual]
Specifies if the URL is a symbolic link.
void QUrlInfo::setWritable ( bool b ) [virtual]
Specifies if the URL is writable.
uint QUrlInfo::size () const
Returns the size of the URL.
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