- Intended Audience
- Documentation Accessibility
- Structure
- Related Documents
- Conventions
- What is JDBC?
- Overview of the Oracle JDBC Drivers
- Common Features of Oracle JDBC Drivers
- JDBC Thin Driver
- JDBC OCI Driver
- JDBC Server-Side Thin Driver
- About Permission for the Server-Side Thin Driver
- JDBC Server-Side Internal Driver
- Choosing the Appropriate Driver
- Overview of Application and Applet Functionality
- Applet Basics
- Applets and Security
- Applets and Firewalls
- Packaging and Deploying Applets
- Oracle Extensions
- Server-Side Basics
- Session and Transaction Context
- Connecting to the Database
- Environments and Support
- Supported JDK and JDBC Versions
- Backward Compatibility
- Forward Compatibility
- JNI and Java Environments
- JDBC and IDEs
- Changes At This Release
- New Features
- Deprecated Features
- Desupported Features
- Interface Changes
- Compatibilities for Oracle JDBC Drivers
- Backward Compatibility
- Forward Compatibility
- Verifying a JDBC Client Installation
- Check Installed Directories and Files
- Check the Environment Variables
- JDBC OCI Driver
- JDBC Thin Driver
- Make Sure You Can Compile and Run Java
- Determine the Version of the JDBC Driver
- Testing JDBC and the Database Connection: JdbcCheckup
- Datasources
- A Brief Overview of Oracle Datasource Support for JNDI
- Datasource Features and Properties
- DataSource Interface and Oracle Implementation
- DataSource Properties
- Creating a Datasource Instance and Connecting (without JNDI)
- Creating a Datasource Instance, Registering with JNDI, and Connecting
- Initialize Connection Properties
- Register the Datasource
- Open a Connection
- Logging and Tracing
- Database URLs and Database Specifiers
- Database Specifiers
- Thin-style Service Name Syntax
- TNSNames Alias Syntax
- First Steps in JDBC
- Importing Packages
- Opening a Connection to a Database
- Specifying a Database URL, User Name, and Password
- Specifying a Database URL That Includes User Name and Password
- Supported Connection Properties
- Using Roles for Sys Logon
- Bequeath Connection and Sys Logon
- Remote Connection
- Properties for Oracle Performance Extensions
- Creating a Statement Object
- Executing a Query and Returning a Result Set Object
- Processing the Result Set
- Closing the Result Set and Statement Objects
- Making Changes to the Database
- Committing Changes
- Closing the Connection
- Sample: Connecting, Querying, and Processing the Results
- Datatype Mappings
- Table of Mappings
- Notes Regarding Mappings
- Regarding User-Defined Types
- Regarding NUMBER Types
- Java Streams in JDBC
- Streaming LONG or LONG RAW Columns
- LONG RAW Data Conversions
- LONG Data Conversions
- Streaming Example for LONG RAW Data
- Avoiding Streaming for LONG or LONG RAW
- Streaming CHAR, VARCHAR, or RAW Columns
- Data Streaming and Multiple Columns
- Streaming Example with Multiple Columns
- Bypassing Streaming Data Columns
- Streaming LOBs and External Files
- Streaming BLOBs and CLOBs
- Streaming BFILEs
- Closing a Stream
- Notes and Precautions on Streams
- Streaming Data Precautions
- Using Streams to Avoid Limits on setBytes() and setString()
- Streaming and Row Prefetching
- Stored Procedure Calls in JDBC Programs
- PL/SQL Stored Procedures
- Java Stored Procedures
- Processing SQL Exceptions
- Retrieving Error Information
- Printing the Stack Trace
- Introduction
- JDBC 2.0 Support: JDK 1.2.x and Higher Versions
- Datatype Support
- Standard Feature Support
- Extended Feature Support
- Standard versus Oracle Performance Enhancement APIs
- Migration from JDK 1.1.x
- JDBC 3.0 Support: JDK 1.4 and Previous Releases
- Overview of Supported JDBC 3.0 Features
- Unsupported JDBC 3.0 Features
- Transaction Savepoints
- Creating a Savepoint
- Rolling back to a Savepoint
- Releasing a Savepoint
- Checking Savepoint Support
- Savepoint Notes
- Savepoint Interfaces
- Pre-JDK1.4 Savepoint Support
- JDBC 3.0 LOB Interface Methods
- About Statement Caching
- Basics of Statement Caching
- Implicit Statement Caching
- Explicit Statement Caching
- Using Statement Caching
- Enabling and Disabling Statement Caching
- Enabling and Disabling Implicit Statement Caching
- Enabling and Disabling Explicit Statement Caching
- Checking for Statement Creation Status
- Physically Closing a Cached Statement
- Using Implicit Statement Caching
- Allocating a Statement for Implicit Caching
- Disabling Implicit Statement Caching for a Particular Statement
- Implicitly Caching a Statement
- Retrieving an Implicitly Cached Statement
- Using Explicit Statement Caching
- Allocating a Statement for Explicit Caching
- Explicitly Caching a Statement
- Retrieving an Explicitly Cached Statement
- The Implicit Connection Cache
- Using the Connection Cache
- Turning Caching On
- Opening a Connection
- Setting Connection Cache Name
- Setting Connection Cache Properties
- Closing A Connection
- Implicit Connection Cache Example
- Connection Attributes
- Getting Connections
- Attribute Matching Rules
- Setting Connection Attributes
- Checking a Returned Connection's Attributes
- Connection Attribute Example
- Connection Cache Properties
- Limit Properties
- InitialLimit
- MaxLimit
- MaxStatementsLimit
- MinLimit
- Timeout Properties
- InactivityTimeout
- TimeToLiveTimeout
- AbandonedConnectionTimeout
- PropertyCheckInterval
- Other Properties
- AttributeWeights
- ClosestConnectionMatch
- ConnectionWaitTimeout
- LowerThresholdLimit
- ValidateConnection
- Connection Property Example
- Connection Cache Manager API
- createCache
- removeCache
- reinitializeCache
- existsCache
- enableCache
- disableCache
- refreshCache
- purgeCache
- getCacheProperties
- getCacheNameList
- getNumberOfAvailableConnections
- getNumberOfActiveConnections
- setConnectionPoolDataSource
- Example Of ConnectionCacheManager Use
- Advanced Topics
- Attribute Weights And Connection Matching
- ClosestConnectionMatch
- AttributeWeights
- Connection Cache Callbacks
- Introduction
- What Can Fast Connection Failover Do?
- Using Fast Connection Failover
- Fast Connection Failover Prerequisites
- Configuring ONS For Fast Connection Failover
- ONS Configuration File
- Client-side ONS Configuration
- Server-side ONS Configuration Using racgons
- Enabling Fast Connection Failover
- Querying Fast Connection Failover Status
- Understanding Fast Connection Failover
- What The Application Sees
- What's Happening
- Comparison of Fast Connection Failover and TAF
- Overview
- Distributed Transaction Components and Scenarios
- Distributed Transaction Concepts
- Switching Between Global and Local Transactions
- Mode Restrictions On Operations
- Oracle XA Packages
- XA Components
- XA Datasource Interface and Oracle Implementation
- XA Connection Interface and Oracle Implementation
- XA Resource Interface and Oracle Implementation
- XA Resource Method Functionality and Input Parameters
- Start
- End
- Prepare
- Commit
- Roll back
- Forget
- Recover
- Check for same RM
- XA ID Interface and Oracle Implementation
- Error Handling and Optimizations
- XA Exception Classes and Methods
- Mapping between Oracle Errors and XA Errors
- XA Error Handling
- Oracle XA Optimizations
- Implementing a Distributed Transaction
- Summary of Imports for Oracle XA
- Oracle XA Code Sample
- Introduction to Oracle Extensions
- Support Features of the Oracle Extensions
- Support for Oracle Datatypes
- Support for Oracle Objects
- Support for Schema Naming
- OCI Extensions
- Oracle JDBC Packages and Classes
- Package oracle.sql
- Classes of the oracle.sql Package
- General oracle.sql.* Datatype Support
- Overview of Class oracle.sql.STRUCT
- Overview of Class oracle.sql.REF
- Overview of Class oracle.sql.ARRAY
- Overview of Classes oracle.sql.BLOB, oracle.sql.CLOB, oracle.sql.BFILE
- Classes oracle.sql.DATE, oracle.sql.NUMBER, and oracle.sql.RAW
- Classes oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP, oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ, and oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPLTZ
- Overview of Class oracle.sql.ROWID
- Class oracle.sql.OPAQUE
- Package oracle.jdbc
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleStatement
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet
- Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSetMetaData
- Class oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
- Method getJavaSqlConnection()
- Oracle Character Datatypes Support
- SQL CHAR Datatypes
- SQL NCHAR Datatypes
- Class oracle.sql.CHAR
- oracle.sql.CHAR Objects and Character Sets
- Constructing an oracle.sql.CHAR Object
- oracle.sql.CHAR Conversion Methods
- Additional Oracle Type Extensions
- Oracle ROWID Type
- Example: ROWID
- Oracle REF CURSOR Type Category
- Example: Accessing REF CURSOR Data
- Data Conversion Considerations
- Standard Types Versus Oracle Types
- Converting SQL NULL Data
- Testing for NULLs
- Result Set and Statement Extensions
- Comparison of Oracle get and set Methods to Standard JDBC
- Standard getObject() Method
- Oracle getOracleObject() Method
- Example: Using getOracleObject() with a ResultSet
- Example: Using getOracleObject() in a Callable Statement
- Summary of getObject() and getOracleObject() Return Types
- Other getXXX() Methods
- Return Types and Input Parameter Types of getXXX() Methods
- Special Notes about getXXX() Methods
- Casting Your get Method Return Values
- Example: Casting Return Values
- Standard setObject() and Oracle setOracleObject() Methods
- Example: Using setObject() and setOracleObject() in a Prepared Statement
- Other setXXX() Methods
- Input Parameter Types of setXXX() Methods
- Setter Method Size Limitations
- Setter Methods That Take Additional Input
- Method setFixedCHAR() for Binding CHAR Data into WHERE Clauses
- Using Result Set Meta Data Extensions
- Providing Globalization Support
- NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, NCLOB and the defaultNChar Property
- JDBC Methods Dependent On Conversion
- Mapping Oracle Objects
- Using the Default STRUCT Class for Oracle Objects
- STRUCT Class Functionality
- Standard java.sql.Struct Methods
- Oracle oracle.sql.STRUCT Class Methods
- STRUCT Descriptors
- Creating STRUCT Objects and Descriptors
- Steps in Creating StructDescriptor and STRUCT Objects
- Using StructDescriptor Methods
- Serializable STRUCT Descriptors
- Retrieving STRUCT Objects and Attributes
- Retrieving an Oracle Object as an oracle.sql.STRUCT Object
- Retrieving an Oracle Object as a java.sql.Struct Object
- Retrieving Attributes as oracle.sql Types
- Retrieving Attributes as Standard Java Types
- Binding STRUCT Objects into Statements
- STRUCT Automatic Attribute Buffering
- Creating and Using Custom Object Classes for Oracle Objects
- Relative Advantages of ORAData versus SQLData
- Understanding Type Maps for SQLData Implementations
- Creating a Type Map Object and Defining Mappings for a SQLData Implementation
- Adding Entries to an Existing Type Map
- Creating a New Type Map
- Materializing Object Types not Specified in the Type File
- Understanding the SQLData Interface
- Understanding the SQLInput and SQLOutput Interfaces
- Implementing readSQL() and writeSQL() Methods
- Reading and Writing Data with a SQLData Implementation
- Reading SQLData Objects from a Result Set
- Retrieving SQLData Objects from a Callable Statement OUT Parameter
- Passing SQLData Objects to a Callable Statement as an IN Parameter
- Writing Data to an Oracle Object Using a SQLData Implementation
- Understanding the ORAData Interface
- Understanding ORAData Features
- Retrieving and Inserting Object Data
- Reading and Writing Data with a ORAData Implementation
- Reading Data from an Oracle Object Using a ORAData Implementation
- Writing Data to an Oracle Object Using a ORAData Implementation
- Additional Uses for ORAData
- The Deprecated CustomDatum Interface
- Object-Type Inheritance
- Creating Subtypes
- Implementing Customized Classes for Subtypes
- Use of ORAData for Type Inheritance Hierarchy
- Use of SQLData for Type Inheritance Hierarchy
- JPublisher Utility
- Retrieving Subtype Objects
- Using Default Mapping
- Using SQLData Mapping
- Using ORAData Mapping
- Creating Subtype Objects
- Sending Subtype Objects
- Accessing Subtype Data Fields
- Subtype Data Fields from the getAttribute() Method
- Subtype Data Fields from the getOracleAttribute() Method
- Inheritance Meta Data Methods
- Using JPublisher to Create Custom Object Classes
- JPublisher Functionality
- JPublisher Type Mappings
- Categories of SQL Types
- Type-Mapping Modes
- Mapping the Oracle object type to Java
- Mapping Attribute Types to Java
- Summary of SQL Type Categories and Mapping Settings
- Describing an Object Type
- Functionality for Getting Object Meta Data
- Steps for Retrieving Object Meta Data
- Example
- Oracle Extensions for LOBs and BFILEs
- Working with BLOBs and CLOBs
- Getting and Passing BLOB and CLOB Locators
- Retrieving BLOB and CLOB Locators
- Passing BLOB and CLOB Locators
- Reading and Writing BLOB and CLOB Data
- Example: Reading BLOB Data
- Example: Reading CLOB Data
- Example: Writing BLOB Data
- Example: Writing CLOB Data
- Creating and Populating a BLOB or CLOB Column
- Creating a BLOB or CLOB Column in a New Table
- Populating a BLOB or CLOB Column in a New Table
- Accessing and Manipulating BLOB and CLOB Data
- Additional BLOB and CLOB Features
- Additional BLOB Methods
- Additional CLOB Methods
- Creating Empty LOBs
- Shortcuts For Inserting and Retrieving CLOB Data
- Working With Temporary LOBs
- Creating Temporary NCLOBs
- Using Open and Close With LOBs
- Working with BFILEs
- Getting and Passing BFILE Locators
- Retrieving BFILE Locators
- Passing BFILE Locators
- Reading BFILE Data
- Example: Reading BFILE Data
- Creating and Populating a BFILE Column
- Creating a BFILE Column in a New Table
- Populating a BFILE Column
- Accessing and Manipulating BFILE Data
- Additional BFILE Features
- Oracle Extensions for Object References
- Overview of Object Reference Functionality
- Object Reference Getter and Setter Methods
- Result Set and Callable Statement Getter Methods
- Prepared and Callable Statement Setter Methods
- Key REF Class Methods
- Retrieving and Passing an Object Reference
- Retrieving an Object Reference from a Result Set
- Retrieving an Object Reference from a Callable Statement
- Passing an Object Reference to a Prepared Statement
- Accessing and Updating Object Values through an Object Reference
- Custom Reference Classes with JPublisher
- Oracle Extensions for Collections (Arrays)
- Choices in Materializing Collections
- Creating Collections
- Creating Multi-Level Collection Types
- Overview of Collection (Array) Functionality
- Array Getter and Setter Methods
- Result Set and Callable Statement Getter Methods
- Prepared and Callable Statement Setter Methods
- ARRAY Descriptors and ARRAY Class Functionality
- ARRAY Descriptors
- ARRAY Class Methods
- ARRAY Performance Extension Methods
- Accessing oracle.sql.ARRAY Elements as Arrays of Java Primitive Types
- ARRAY Automatic Element Buffering
- ARRAY Automatic Indexing
- Creating and Using Arrays
- Creating ARRAY Objects and Descriptors
- Steps in Creating ArrayDescriptor and ARRAY Objects
- Creating Multi-Level Collections
- Using ArrayDescriptor Methods
- Serializable ARRAY Descriptors
- Retrieving an Array and Its Elements
- Retrieving the Array
- Data Retrieval Methods
- Comparing the Data Retrieval Methods
- Retrieving Elements of a Structured Object Array According to a Type Map
- Retrieving a Subset of Array Elements
- Retrieving Array Elements into an oracle.sql.Datum Array
- Accessing Multi-Level Collection Elements
- Passing Arrays to Statement Objects
- Passing an Array to a Prepared Statement
- Passing an Array to a Callable Statement
- Using a Type Map to Map Array Elements
- Custom Collection Classes with JPublisher
- Overview
- Result Set Functionality and Result Set Categories Supported in JDBC 2.0
- Scrollability, Positioning, and Sensitivity
- Result Set Types for Scrollability and Sensitivity
- Updatability
- Concurrency Types for Updatability
- Summary of Result Set Categories
- Oracle JDBC Implementation Overview for Result Set Enhancements
- Oracle JDBC Implementation for Result Set Scrollability
- Oracle JDBC Implementation for Result Set Updatability
- Implementing a Custom Client-Side Cache for Scrollability
- Creating Scrollable or Updatable Result Sets
- Specifying Result Set Scrollability and Updatability
- Result Set Limitations and Downgrade Rules
- Result Set Limitations
- Result Set Downgrade Rules
- Verifying Result Set Type and Concurrency Type
- Positioning and Processing in Scrollable Result Sets
- Positioning in a Scrollable Result Set
- Methods for Moving to a New Position
- Methods for Checking the Current Position
- Processing a Scrollable Result Set
- Backward versus Forward Processing
- Presetting the Fetch Direction
- Updating Result Sets
- Performing a DELETE Operation in a Result Set
- Performing an UPDATE Operation in a Result Set
- Example
- Performing an INSERT Operation in a Result Set
- Example
- Update Conflicts
- Fetch Size
- Setting the Fetch Size
- Use of Standard Fetch Size versus Oracle Row-Prefetch Setting
- Refetching Rows
- Seeing Database Changes Made Internally and Externally
- Seeing Internal Changes
- Seeing External Changes
- Visibility versus Detection of External Changes
- Summary of Visibility of Internal and External Changes
- Oracle Implementation of Scroll-Sensitive Result Sets
- Summary of New Methods for Result Set Enhancements
- Modified Connection Methods
- New Result Set Methods
- Statement Methods
- Database Meta Data Methods
- Introduction
- Row Set Setup and Configuration
- Runtime Properties for Row Set
- Row Set Listener
- Traversing Through the Rows
- Cached Row Set
- CachedRowSet Constraints
- JDBC Row Set
- OCI Driver Connection Pooling
- OCI Driver Connection Pooling: Background
- OCI Driver Connection Pooling and Shared Servers Compared
- Defining an OCI Connection Pool
- Importing the oracle.jdbc.pool and oracle.jdbc.oci Packages
- Creating an OCI Connection Pool
- Setting the OCI Connection Pool Parameters
- Checking the OCI Connection Pool Status
- Connecting to an OCI Connection Pool
- Statement Handling and Caching
- JNDI and the OCI Connection Pool
- OCI Driver Transparent Application Failover
- Failover Type Events
- TAF Callbacks
- Java TAF Callback Interface
- Handling the FO_ERROR Event
- Handling the FO_ABORT Event
- OCI HeteroRM XA
- Configuration and Installation
- Exception Handling
- HeteroRM XA Code Example
- Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables
- Overview
- Binding IN Parameters
- Receiving OUT Parameters
- Registering the OUT Parameters
- Accessing the OUT Parameter Values
- Overview
- Benefits of Instant Client
- JDBC OCI Instant Client Installation Process
- When to Use Instant Client
- Patching Instant Client Shared Libraries
- Regeneration of Data Shared Library
- Database Connection Names for OCI Instant Client
- Environment Variables for OCI Instant Client
- Introduction
- JDBC API For End-To-End Metrics
- Update Batching
- Overview of Update Batching Models
- Oracle Model versus Standard Model
- Types of Statements Supported
- Oracle Update Batching
- Oracle Update Batching Characteristics and Limitations
- Setting the Connection Batch Value
- Setting the Statement Batch Value
- Checking the Batch Value
- Overriding the Batch Value
- Committing the Changes in Oracle Batching
- Update Counts in Oracle Batching
- Standard Update Batching
- Limitations in the Oracle Implementation of Standard Batching
- Adding Operations to the Batch
- Executing the Batch
- Committing the Changes in the Oracle Implementation of Standard Batching
- Clearing the Batch
- Update Counts in the Oracle Implementation of Standard Batching
- Error Handling in the Oracle Implementation of Standard Batching
- Intermixing Batched Statements and Non-Batched Statements
- Premature Batch Flush
- Additional Oracle Performance Extensions
- Oracle Row Prefetching
- Setting the Oracle Prefetch Value
- Oracle Row-Prefetching Limitations
- Defining Column Types
- DatabaseMetaData TABLE_REMARKS Reporting
- Considerations for getProcedures() and getProcedureColumns() Methods
- JDBC Client-Side Security Features
- JDBC Support for Oracle Advanced Security
- OCI Driver Support for Oracle Advanced Security
- Thin Driver Support for Oracle Advanced Security
- JDBC Support for Login Authentication
- JDBC Support for Data Encryption and Integrity
- OCI Driver Support for Encryption and Integrity
- Thin Driver Support for Encryption and Integrity
- Setting Encryption and Integrity Parameters in Java
- JDBC in Applets
- Connecting to the Database through the Applet
- Connecting to a Database on a Different Host Than the Web Server
- Using the Oracle Connection Manager
- Using Signed Applets
- Using Applets with Firewalls
- Configuring a Firewall for Applets that use the JDBC Thin Driver
- Writing a URL to Connect through a Firewall
- Packaging Applets
- Specifying an Applet in an HTML Page
- JDBC in the Server: the Server-Side Internal Driver
- Connecting to the Database with the Server-Side Internal Driver
- Connecting with the OracleDriver Class defaultConnection() Method
- Connecting with the OracleDataSource.getConnection() Method
- Exception-Handling Extensions for the Server-Side Internal Driver
- Example
- Session and Transaction Context for the Server-Side Internal Driver
- Testing JDBC on the Server
- Loading an Application into the Server
- Loading Class Files into the Server
- Loading Source Files into the Server
- Server-Side Character Set Conversion of oracle.sql.CHAR Data
- Valid SQL-JDBC Datatype Mappings
- Supported SQL and PL/SQL Datatypes
- Embedded SQL92 Syntax
- Disabling Escape Processing
- Time and Date Literals
- Date Literals
- Time Literals
- Timestamp Literals
- Scalar Functions
- LIKE Escape Characters
- Outer Joins
- Function Call Syntax
- SQL92 to SQL Syntax Example
- Oracle JDBC Notes and Limitations
- CursorName
- SQL92 Outer Join Escapes
- IEEE 754 Floating Point Compliance
- Catalog Arguments to DatabaseMetaData Calls
- SQLWarning Class
- Binding Named Parameters
- Retaining Bound Values
- Middle-Tier Authentication Through Proxy Connections
- JDBC and Multithreading
- Performance Optimization
- Disabling Auto-Commit Mode
- Example: Disabling AutoCommit
- Standard Fetch Size and Oracle Row Prefetching
- Standard and Oracle Update Batching
- Mapping Between Built-in SQL and Java Types
- Common Problems
- Memory Consumption for CHAR Columns Defined as OUT or IN/OUT Variables
- Memory Leaks and Running Out of Cursors
- Boolean Parameters in PL/SQL Stored Procedures
- Opening More Than 16 OCI Connections for a Process
- Basic Debugging Procedures
- Oracle Net Tracing to Trap Network Events
- Client-Side Tracing
- Server-Side Tracing
- Third Party Debugging Tools
- Transaction Isolation Levels and Access Modes
- General Structure of JDBC Error Messages
- General JDBC Messages
- JDBC Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- JDBC Messages Sorted Alphabetically
- HeteroRM XA Messages
- HeteroRM XA Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- HeteroRM XA Messages Sorted Alphabetically
- TTC Messages
- TTC Messages Sorted by ORA Number
- TTC Messages Sorted Alphabetically