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Oracle® Database Error Messages
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10744-01
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19 ORA-38029 to ORA-39961

ORA-38029: object statistics are locked
Cause: An attept was made to modify optimizer statistics of the object.
Action: Unlock statistics with the DBMS_STATS.UNLOCK_TABLE_STATS procedure on base table(s). Retry the operation if it is okay to update statistics.
ORA-38101: Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause: string
Cause: INSERT VALUES clause refers to the destination table columns
Action: none
ORA-38102: Invalid column in the INSERT WHERE Clause: string
Cause: INSERT WHERE clause refers to the destination table columns
Action: none
ORA-38103: Invalid column in the UPDATE SET Clause: string
Cause: UPDATE SET clause refers to the source table columns in the LHS
Action: none
ORA-38104: Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated: string
Cause: LHS of UPDATE SET contains the columns referenced in the ON Clause
Action: none
ORA-38105: Delete not yet supported when Update row-migration is possible
Cause: When Update Row-Migration is possible, Delete in MERGE is not yet supported
Action: none
ORA-38201: assert if pin during flush
Cause: internal use only
Action: enables checking for bugs in upper layers when there is a pin on a buffer or there are users for buffer and we are trying to flush the object associated with the buffer
ORA-38303: invalid option for PURGE TABLESPACE
Cause: Either a token other than USER was found following the tablespace name or some text was found following USER <user name>.
Action: Place nothing or only USER <user name> after the tablespace name
ORA-38304: missing or invalid user name
Cause: A valid user name was expected.
Action: Specify a valid user name.
ORA-38305: object not in RECYCLE BIN
Cause: Trying to Flashback Drop an object which is not in RecycleBin.
Action: Only the objects in RecycleBin can be Flashback Dropped.
ORA-38306: this object is not recoverable standalone
Cause: Trying to flashback drop an object other than of type TABLE.
Action: Only tables are recoverable.
ORA-38307: object not in RECYCLE BIN
Cause: Trying to Purge the object which is not in RecycleBin.
Action: Only the objects in RecycleBin can be PURGEDED.
ORA-38309: object not purgable
Cause: An attempt was made to purge an object that is either not purgable or else dependent upon some other object.
Action: Cannot purge this object.
ORA-38310: cannot purge tablespace for other users
Cause: An attempt was made to purge the tablespace for a different user by a user who does not have system DBA priviledges.
Action: Cannot purge the tablespace for some other user.
ORA-38311: cannot purge objects owned by other users
Cause: An attempt was made to purge an object which is owned by some other user.
Action: Cannot purge this object.
ORA-38312: original name is used by an existing object
Cause: An attempt was made to recover an object preserving the original name, but that name is taken up by some other object.
Action: use the RENAME clause to recover the object with a different name.
ORA-38401: synonym string not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to use a synonym for a data type of an attribute or a table alias.
Action: Use the object name instead of the synonym.
ORA-38402: invalid name: empty string or spaces in the name
Cause: There were spaces in the name.
Action: Remove spaces in the name or use quotes around the name.
ORA-38403: attribute set name may not be longer than 22 characters
Cause: The attribute set name was longer than 22 characters.
Action: Choose a name that has 22 or fewer characters.
ORA-38404: schema extension not allowed for the attribute set name
Cause: There was a schema extension for the attribute set name. Attribute sets are always created in the current schema and thus schema extended names are not allowed.
Action: Create the attribute set from the appropriate schema.
ORA-38405: quotes not allowed in the attribute set name
Cause: The attribute set name contained quotes.
Action: Remove quotes in the attribute set name.
ORA-38406: attribute set string already exists
Cause: An attribute set with a matching name already exists in the current schema.
Action: Drop the existing attribute set or choose a different name.
ORA-38407: The ADT associated with the attribute set already exists.
Cause: The Abstract type (ADT) with the same name as the attribute set already exists in the current schema.
Action: Create the attribute set for the existing ADT or drop the ADT.
ORA-38408: The ADT "string" does not exist in the current schema.
Cause: An attempt was made to create the attribute set from a nonexistent ADT.
Action: Make sure that the ADT with the same name as the attribute set exists in the current schema.
ORA-38409: invalid name or option for the attribute set: string
Cause: An invalid name or option was used for the attribute set.
Action: Set serveroutput ON and repeat the operation for additional information.
ORA-38410: schema extension not allowed for the table name
Cause: An attempt was made to use a schema extended name for the table storing expressions.
Action: The table storing expressions and the corresponding attribute set should be created in the same schema.
ORA-38411: invalid datatype for the column storing expressions
Cause: An attempt was made to create an expression column from a column of invalid datatype.
Action: Create a VARCHAR2 or CHAR column to store expressions in a table.
ORA-38412: Expression set column string does not exist.
Cause: The column storing expressions does not exist.
Action: Pass a valid name for the column storing expressions.
ORA-38413: elementary attribute name may not be longer than 32 characters
Cause: An attempt was made to create an elementary attribute with a name longer than 32 characters.
Action: Use a shorter name for the elementary attribute.
ORA-38414: invalid datatype for the attribute string
Cause: The datatype specified for the attribute was invalid.
Action: If the datatype is an ADT, make sure that the ADT exists and the current user has execute permissions to it.
ORA-38415: invalid name or datatype for the attribute: string
Cause: An invalid name or datatype was used for the attribute.
Action: Set serveroutput ON and repeat the operation for additional information.
ORA-38416: A stored attribute may not be longer then 300 characters.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a stored or indexed attribute longer than 300 characters.
Action: A predicate with such attribute may not be indexed. It will be evaluated as sparse predicate.
ORA-38417: attribute set string does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use an attribute set that does not exist.
Action: Create the attribute set or choose an existing attribute set.
ORA-38418: ADT associated with the attribute set string does not exist
Cause: The ADT with the same name as the attribute set was not found in the current schema.
Action: Drop the attribute set and recreate it.
ORA-38419: invalid identifier in attribute : string
Cause: An identifier used in the stored/indexed attribute sub-expression was not defined or was invalid.
Action: Create all the required elementary attributes and user-defined functions and try again.
ORA-38420: invalid stored attribute sub-expression: string
Cause: The sub-expression used for the stored expression was invalid.
Action: Set serveroutput ON and repeat the operation for additional information.
ORA-38421: attribute string already exists
Cause: An attribute with a matching name (or form) already exists in the attribute set.
Action: Drop the existing attribute or choose a different name for the new attribute.
ORA-38422: invalid datatype for the attribute: string
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute with invalid datatype.
Action: If the data type of the attribute is an ADT, make sure that the type exists.
ORA-38423: Attribute set created from an ADT may not be extended.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an elementary attribute to an attribute set created from an ADT.
Action: Create a new attribute set and add all the required elementary attributes one at a time.
ORA-38424: no attribute set currently assigned to the expression set
Cause: An attempt was made to un-assign an attribute set from an expression set when there is no attribute set assigned to it.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-38425: attribute set used for an index object may not be unassigned
Cause: An attempt was made to un-assign an attribute set from an expression set when there is an Expression Filter index defined on the column.
Action: Drop the index before un-assigning the attribute set.
ORA-38426: attribute set assigned to an expression set may not be dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an attribute set when it is still associated with an expression set.
Action: Un-assign the attribute set from the expression set before dropping it.
ORA-38427: attribute string does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to use an attribute set that does not exist.
Action: Create the attribute set.
ORA-38428: too many attributes selected for indexing
Cause: An attempt was made to create an expression filter index with more than 490 indexed attributes.
Action: Remove some of the indexed attributes. Make sure that the default indexed attributes associated with the attribute set combined with the indexed attributes specified in the Create Index Parameters clause are less than or equal to 490.
ORA-38429: invalid datatype for a stored attribute: string
Cause: The (resulting) datatype for the attribute was not appropriate for storing.
Action: Choose a stored attribute that has a resulting datatype of NUMBER, VARCHAR2, CHAR or DATE.
ORA-38430: Operation "string" not supported in the current release.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an unsupported operation.
Action: Do not use the operation.
ORA-38431: could not evaluate subexpression "string" for rowid "string"
Cause: Either the expression was not a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects.
Action: Correct the expression.
ORA-38432: EVALUATE operator only allowed on an expression column
Cause: An attempt was made to use the EVALUATE operator on a column not configured as a column storing expressions.
Action: Assign an attribute set to the column.
ORA-38433: index "string" could not be maintained due to "string"
Cause: The error was caused by the recursive operation.
Action: Fix the error and retry.
ORA-38434: could not evaluate expression "string"
Cause: Either the expression was not in a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects or there is a missing attribute value.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for more details.
ORA-38435: missing elementary attribute value or invalid name-value pairs
Cause: The second argument to the EVALUATE operator had either a missing attribute or an invalid value for an attribute.
Action: Try again after fixing the error.
ORA-38436: attribute set used for an Expression set may not be modified.
Cause: An attempt was made to add an elementary attribute to an attribute set assigned to an expression set.
Action: Un-assign the attribute set and try again.
ORA-38437: The ADT "string" may not contain any user methods.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an ADT that has one or more user methods.
Action: Drop the ADT and recreate it with no user methods.
ORA-38438: getVarchar not possible due to "string" datatype in the attribute set
Cause: An attempt was made to use the getVarchar API when the attribute set has one or more non-scalar types.
Action: Use AnyData conversion to encode the data item.
ORA-38439: invalid operation "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid operation.
Action: Use one of the following operations : ADD, DROP
ORA-38440: attribute set string does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to copy an attribute set that is not accessible from the current schema.
Action: Grant execute permissions on the corresponding ADT to the current user and try again.
ORA-38441: System could not derive the list of STORED and INDEXED attributes.
Cause: The attribute set was created without default index parameters.
Action: Specify the default index parameters for the attribute set or include a valid PARAMETERS clause for the CREATE INDEX command.
ORA-38442: The ADT "string" is not in a valid state.
Cause: An attempt was made to use an ADT that is not in a valid state.
Action: Check the INCOMPLETE field in the user_types catalog view to make sure that the ADT is in a valid state. Drop the invalid ADT and recreate the corresponding attribute set.
ORA-38443: An attribute set should be assigned to the expression set for statistics collection.
Cause: An attempt was made to collect statistics for an expression set with no attribute set assigned to it.
Action: Assign an attribute set to the expression set before collecting the statistics.
ORA-38444: statistics do not exist for the expression set
Cause: An attempt was made to clear the statistics that do not exist.
Action: No action was required.
ORA-38445: TOP clause not allowed with no statistics
Cause: An attempt was made to use the TOP parameters clause with no statistics available for the expression set.
Action: Collect statistics for the expression set and try again.
ORA-38446: Error with embedded ADT "string" in the attribute set.
Cause: The embedded ADT has errors.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information.
ORA-38447: Type required for the embedded ADT attribute "string" is missing
Cause: Object type required for the embedded ADT was missing.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information.
ORA-38448: Indexing predicates with "string" operator is not supported.
Cause: An unsupported operator was used in the exf$indexoper array.
Action: Choose the operators from this list : =, <, >, <=, >=, !=, is null, is not null, nvl, and between.
ORA-38449: table "string" does not exist or is not accessible
Cause: An attempt was made to create a table alias for a table that does not exist or is not accessible.
Action: Grant select privileges on the table to the current user.
ORA-38450: error computing a stored attribute for the expression set.
Cause: Either values for one of the attributes was incorrect or a stored attribute was invalid due to broken dependencies.
Action: Correct the input.
ORA-38451: index is in an inconsistent state
Cause: One or more secondary objects used to maintain the index did not exist
Action: Drop the index and recreate it.
ORA-38452: Expression Filter index name may not be longer than 25 characters
Cause: An attempt was made to use a name longer than 25 characters for the Expression Filter index.
Action: Choose a name that has 25 or fewer characters
ORA-38453: ExpFilter index should be created in the same schema as the base table.
Cause: An attempt was made to create the Expression Filter index in a schema other than that of the base table.
Action: Create the index in the same schema as the base table.
ORA-38454: attribute set not defined for the column being indexed
Cause: An attempt was made to create an Expression Filter index on a column with no attribute set association.
Action: Assign an attribute set to the expression set column begin indexed.
ORA-38455: Expression Filter index should be created by the owner.
Cause: An attempt was made to create the Expression Filter index by a user who is not the owner of the index.
Action: Create the index using owner's privileges.
ORA-38456: The attribute set "string" is in an inconsistent state.
Cause: The attribute set was in an inconsistent state due to broken dependencies.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for more details. The attribute set may not be reused after this error.
ORA-38457: The attribute "string" is not a valid XMLType attribute.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a non-XMLType attribute to configure XPath filtering.
Action: Use an attribute of sys.XMLType datatype to configure XPath filtering.
ORA-38458: invalid operation "string" for XPATH_FILTER_PARAMETERS
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid operation.
Action: Use one of the following operations : ADD, DROP.
ORA-38459: XML Tag "string" not found for the XMLType attribute "string"
Cause: An Attempt was made to use a non-existent XML Tag.
Action: Correct the name of the XML Tag or the XMLType attribute.
ORA-38460: filtering based on datatype "string" not supported for XML Tags
Cause: An attempt was made to configure XPath filtering with an XML Tag of unsupported datatype.
Action: Leave the XML Tag out of filter parameters. It will be processed as sparse predicate
ORA-38461: XML Tag "string" already exists for the XMLType attribute "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to create a duplicate XML Tag.
Action: Choose a different XML Tag.
ORA-38462: invalid attribute list
Cause: The input was missing an attribute list or had null values for the attribute names.
Action: Correct the input.
ORA-38463: invalid XML Tag list
Cause: The input was missing a tag list or had null values for the tag names.
Action: Correct the input.
ORA-38464: expression set is not empty.
Cause: An attempt was made to assign an attribute set to a non-empty expression set.
Action: Use FORCE = 'TRUE' to validate all the existing expressions.
ORA-38465: failed to create the privilege checking trigger due to: string
Cause: Creation of the trigger failed due to the error listed in the message.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for more information.
ORA-38466: user does not have privileges to CREATE/MODIFY expressions
Cause: An attempt was made to INSERT or UPDATE a column storing expression without appropriate permissions.
Action: Appropriate privileges on the expression set should be granted by the owner of the expression set.
ORA-38467: user cannot GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from himself
Cause: An attempt was made to GRANT or REVOKE privileges to or from the current user.
Action: The the to_user or from_user field should be different from the user performing the operation.
ORA-38468: column "string" is not identified as a column storing expressions.
Cause: An attempt was made to grant permission on a nonexistent expression set.
Action: Make sure that the table and the column exist and an attribute set is associated with the column.
ORA-38469: invalid privilege for an expression set: string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid privilege.
Action: See documentation for a valid privilege.
ORA-38470: cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted.
Cause: An attempt was made to revoke a privilege that had not been granted.
Action: Check catalog views to see if the user has the privilege.
ORA-38471: ROWIDs for table aliases cannot be null
Cause: An attempt was made to pass a null value for the table alias attribute in the data item, which is not permitted.
Action: Pass a valid rowid value for the table alias.
ORA-38472: VARCHAR representation of the data item is too long.
Cause: The VARCHAR representation of data item was too long.
Action: Use the EVALUATE operator with AnyData argument instead.
ORA-38473: cannot drop a type used for Expression Filter attribute set
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an ADT that was used to maintain an attribute set for the Expression Filter.
Action: Query USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTE_SETS view to see the dependency.
ORA-38474: attribute set may not have attributes of TABLE COLLECTION type.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute with a TABLE COLLECTION type.
Action: Use VARRAYs instead of table collection, if possible.
ORA-38475: The attribute set and the associated ADT are out of sync.
Cause: The ADT was directly modified by CREATE or ALTER operations.
Action: Drop the attribute set and recreate it from scratch.
ORA-38476: abstract type used for an Attribute set may not be modified.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a type (ADT) that is used to maintain an attribute set of an Expression set.
Action: Do not modify the ADT directly. Use DBMS_EXPFIL APIs instead.
ORA-38477: attribute set cannot be derived from an evolved type or a subtype.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an evolved ADT or a subtype.
Action: The ADT used for the attribute set cannot be an evolved type or a subtype.
ORA-38478: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed
Cause: The creation of the system trigger EXPFIL_DROPOBJ_MAINT failed due to missing Expression Filter dictionary tables.
Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, the Expression Filter dictionary could have some stale entries.
ORA-38479: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed
Cause: The creation of system trigger EXPFIL_RESTRICT_TYPEEVOLVE failed due to missing Expression Filter dictionary tables.
Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, the user will be able to evolve ADTs associated with the attribute set, thus causing spurious errors.
ORA-38480: creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed.
Cause: The creation of system trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT failed due to errors in SYS.EXF$DBMS_EXPFIL_SYSPACK package.
Action: Try a clean installation again. If this error is ignored, a RENAME of the expression table may cause the EVALUATE queries to fail.
ORA-38481: ADT "string" is used for a dependent object.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an attribute set from an ADT which is used by one or more dependent objects.
Action: Use a new ADT instead.
ORA-38482: no elementary attributes defined in the attribute set
Cause: An attempt was made to use an empty attribute set.
Action: Create one or more elementary attributes for the attribute set.
ORA-38483: invalid FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE name: "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid name format.
Action: The function/package/type name should be specified in the following format [owner.]object_name
ORA-38484: FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE string does not exist
Cause: Attempt was made to use a object that does not exist.
Action: Query ALL_OBJECT view to ensure that the object exists.
ORA-38485: invalid object type for the user-defined function
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid object as a function.
Action: Valid object types are FUNCTION / PACKAGE / TYPE
ORA-38486: FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE already exists for the attribute set
Cause: An attempt was made to add a duplicate function to the list.
Action: Use a different object name.
ORA-38487: FUNCTION/PACKAGE/TYPE "string" not allowed in the expression
Cause: An attempt was made to use an un-approved function in the expression.
Action: Add the function to the corresponding attribute set
ORA-38488: attribute set already assigned to the column storing expressions
Cause: An attempt was made to reassign an attribute set to an expression column.
Action: Query USER_EXPFIL_EXPRESSION_SETS view to find the attribute set assigned the expression set
ORA-38489: predicate table creation failed due to: ORAstring
Cause: Predicate table creation failed due to the reported error.
Action: Set serveroutput ON for additional information
ORA-38490: invalid name: quotes do not match
Cause: The quotes in the name did not match.
Action: Correct the name to match the quotes.
ORA-38491: could not evaluate subexpression for rowid "string"
Cause: Either the expression was not in a valid SQL-WHERE clause format or it had references to nonexistent schema objects.
Action: Correct the expression.
ORA-38492: invalid ALTER INDEX parameters clause "string"
Cause: An invalid parameters clause was specified with the ALTER INDEX command.
Action: See documentation for a valid list of parameters.
ORA-38493: feature not enabled : Expression Filter index
Cause: An attempt was made to create an Expression Filter index in Standard Edition.
Action: Do not attempt to use this feature.
ORA-38494: column in the table alias and an attribute have matching names
Cause: One of the attributes in the set has the same name as the name of one of the columns in the table configured for table alias.
Action: If possible, use a different name for the attribute.
ORA-38495: data type for the stored attribute string is inconsistent.
Cause: The actual data type for the stored attribute configured for the Expression Filter index object did not match the data type recorded in the Expression Filter dictionary.
Action: Delete the attribute from the default index attributes and recreate it.
ORA-38496: Expression Filter index is not in a valid state
Cause: An attempt was made to REBUILD an Expression Filter index that was not valid.
Action: Use DEFAULT keyword in the parameters clause to rebuild the index from defaults or drop and recreate the index.
ORA-38497: Expression Filter index does not exist
Cause: Index with a matching name does not exist or the index was not created using ExpFilter indextype.
Action: Identify the correct index using the Expression Filter catalog views
ORA-38498: invalid stored attribute for the index object : string
Cause: The expression filter index object has a stored or indexed attribute that had broken dependencies.
Action: Make sure that all the identifiers used in the attribute are valid.
ORA-38499: expression set already configured for stored/indexed attributes
Cause: The expression set already had a list of stored and indexed attributes. Additional attributes cannot be specified in the CREATE INDEX parameters clause.
Action: Remove TOP, STOREATTRS and INDEXATTRS clauses from the parameters clause or clear the expression set statistics using DBMS_EXPFIL.INDEX_PARAMETERS API.
ORA-38500: %s
Cause: There was a generic error
Action: See documentation for further information.
ORA-38501: sub-query not allowed in the expression
Cause: An attempt was made to use a sub-query in the expression.
Action: Do not use sub-queries in the expressions.
ORA-38502: invalid XML tag: string
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid XML tag for the index.
Action: Correct the XML tag and retry.
ORA-38503: index already defined using the parameters
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the index parameters after the index creation.
Action: Drop the index and retry.
ORA-38504: this operator not allowed with the configured attribute set
Cause: An attempt was made to use the operator binding with an attribute set containing more than one (table alias) attribute. This is not permitted.
Action: Use a different operator binding.
ORA-38601: FI Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: string
Cause: The memory size did not satisfy the minimum memory requirement.
Action: In workarea_size_policy='manual' mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, In workarea_size_policy='auto' mode, this error should never happen.
ORA-38602: FI invalid input cursor
Cause: The input cursor did not return exactly two columns for transactional input format or the input cursor didn't have consistent data types for horizontal input format
Action: For transactional input format, specify that the input cursor returns exactly two columns: one for transaction-id, one for item-id. For horizontal input format, make sure the input cursor's columns have the same data types.
ORA-38603: FI including & excluding cursor can only return one column
Cause: The including & excluding cursor did not return exactly one column.
Action: Specify that the cursor return only one column: item-id.
ORA-38604: FI including & excluding cursor item-id type must match input cursor item-id type
Cause: The including & excluding cursor item-id type did not match input cursor item-id type
Action: Specify that the item-id type of the cursors match each other.
ORA-38605: FI not enough memory(stringK) for candidate generation(stringK)
Cause: There was insufficient available memory for candidate generation.
Action: In workarea_size_policy='manual' mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, in workarea_size_policy='auto' mode, set pga_aggregate_target to a reasonably larger value.
ORA-38606: FI support threshold not between [0, 1]
Cause: The user inputed a support threshold not in the range of [0, 1].
Action: The user should adjust the input value in the range of [0, 1].
ORA-38607: FI minimum and maximum itemset length not between [1, string]
Cause: The inputed minimum or maximum itemset length exceed the internal maximum itemset length or less than 1.
Action: The user should adjust the input value not larger than the internal maximum itemset length and not less than 1.
ORA-38608: FI itemset minimum-length(string) should not be greater than maximum length(string)
Cause: The user inputed minimum length is more than maximum length.
Action: The user should adjust the input values to make the minimum length less than or equal to the maximum length.
ORA-38609: FI Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least stringKB
Cause: The memory size did not satisfy the minimum memory requirement for tree counting.
Action: In workarea_size_policy='manual' mode, set _fic_area_size to a reasonably larger value. Or, In workarea_size_policy='auto' mode, this error should never happen.
ORA-38610: FI "string" name prefix is reserved for frequent itemset counting
Cause: An error occurred because DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET and prefix ORA_FI are reserved for the DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET package's internal use.
Action: Do not re-define functions with names starting with DBMS_FREQUENT_ITEMSET package or ORA_FI.
ORA-38611: FI input cursor's item type is not supported
Cause: The input cursor's item type is not number or character type
Action: Redefine the input cursor so that item type is number or character type.
ORA-38612: FI item length cannot exceed half of one database block.
Cause: The item's length was more than half of one database block.
Action: Redefine the data type of the item column so that its maximum length is less than half of one database block.
ORA-38700: Limit of string flashback database logs has been exceeded.
Cause: The maximum number of flashback database log files was exceeded.
Action: DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET may be set to high. Modify it to a smaller value.
ORA-38701: Flashback database log string seq string thread string: "string"
Cause: This message reports the filename for details of another message.
Action: Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.
ORA-38702: Cannot update flashback database log file header.
Cause: Could not write to the flashback database log file.
Action: Restore access to the file.
ORA-38703: Type string in header is not a flashback database log file.
Cause: A corrupt flashback database log file header was read.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38704: Checksum error in flashback database log file header.
Cause: The flashback database log file header contained a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header was corrupt.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38705: Expected block size string does not match string in log header.
Cause: When the flashback log file header was read, the block size in the control file did not match the block size contained in the header.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38706: Cannot turn on FLASHBACK DATABASE logging.
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed. Other messages in the alert log describe the problem.
Action: Fix the problem and retry.
ORA-38707: Media recovery is not enabled.
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because media recovery was not enabled.
Action: Turn on media recovery with an ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command and then retry the command.
ORA-38708: not enough space for first flashback database log file
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because there was not enough space in the Recovery Area for the first flashback database log file.
Action: Make more space in the Recovery Area. For example, this can be done by increasing the value of DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE.
ORA-38709: Recovery Area is not enabled.
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because the Recovery Area was not enabled.
Action: Set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to a location and retry.
ORA-38710: Flashback log version string is incompatible with ORACLE version string.
Cause: The flashback database log file was rejected because it appeared to be written by an incompatible version of Oracle.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38711: Corrupt flashback log block header: block string
Cause: A corrupt Flashback Database log file block header was read. More information was dumped to the trace file.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38712: Corrupt flashback log record header: block string, offset string.
Cause: A corrupt flashback database log record header was read. Either the record type or length were incorrect. More information was dumped to the trace file.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38713: Flashback Database logging is already turned on.
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command had no effect because flashback database logging was already on.
Action: No action required.
ORA-38714: Instance recovery required.
Cause: An ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command failed because the database either crashed or was shutdown with the ABORT option.
Action: Open the database and then enter the SHUTDOWN command with the NORMAL or IMMEDIATE option.
ORA-38715: Invalid log number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.
Cause: An invalid log number was used when dumping a flashback database log file.
Action: Specify a valid flashback database log number.
ORA-38716: Must supply an integer for the TYPE option.
Cause: An invalid value was specified for TYPE in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.
Action: Specify an integer value.
ORA-38717: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK option.
Cause: An invalid option was specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command. Currently the only options allowed are: DBA, TYPE, and LOGICAL.
Action: Retry the command with the correct options.
ORA-38718: Invalid thread number specified in the DUMP FLASHBACK command.
Cause: An invalid thread number was used in dumping the flashback database log files for a thread.
Action: Specify a valid thread number.
ORA-38719: Invalid DUMP FLASHBACK object.
Cause: An invalid object was specified in a DUMP FLASHBACK command. Currently the only objects allowed are: LOGFILE or THREAD.
Action: Retry the command with the correct options.
ORA-38720: Missing log file number.
Cause: A log file number was missing in a DUMP FLASHBACK LOGFILE command.
Action: Supply a valid log file number.
ORA-38721: Invalid file number.
Cause: An invalid file number was specified in the DBA clause of a DUMP FLASHBACK command.
Action: Supply a valid file number.
ORA-38722: ON or OFF expected.
Cause: The ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK command was specified without the ON or OFF keyword.
Action: Retry the command with the ON or OFF keyword.
ORA-38723: Invalid SCN expression.
Cause: The SCN keyword was specified in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command but the SCN expression was invalid.
Action: Retry the command using a valid SCN number.
ORA-38724: Invalid option to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
Cause: An invalid option was specified to the FLASHBACK DATABASE command. Valid options are: SCN or TIMESTAMP.
Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.
ORA-38725: specified name "string" does not match actual "string"
Cause: The database name specified in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command did not match the name of the currently mounted database.
Action: Correct the database name spelling or DISMOUNT the mounted database and mount the correct database.
ORA-38726: Flashback database logging is not on.
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command was tried but flashback database logging has not been enabled.
Action: Flashback database logging must be enabled via the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON command before a FLASHBACK DATABASE command can be tried. If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete recovery must be performed.
ORA-38727: FLASHBACK DATABASE requires a current control file.
Cause: The control file being used is a backup control file.
Action: FLASHBACK DATABASE cannot be used with a backup control file. If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed.
ORA-38728: Cannot FLASHBACK DATABASE to the future.
Cause: An SCN or time stamp provided in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command was in the future.
Action: Supply a proper SCN or time stamp and retry the command.
ORA-38729: Not enough flashback database log data to do FLASHBACK.
Cause: There was not enough flashback database log data to do the FLASHBACK DATABASE.
Action: If the database must be taken back in time then a restore and incomplete recovery must be performed.
ORA-38730: Invalid SCN/TIMESTAMP expression.
Cause: The expression supplied in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command was invalid.
Action: Retry the command using a valid number or time stamp expression.
ORA-38731: Expected version string does not match string in log header.
Cause: The version of the flashback database log file header was corrupt.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38732: Expected file size string does not match string.
Cause: The file size indicated in the control file did not match the file size contained in the flashback log file header. The flashback database log file was corrupt.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38733: Physical size string less than needed string.
Cause: A flashback database log file shrank in size. This was likely to have been caused by operator or operating system error.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38734: Flashback log is inconsistent; belongs to another database.
Cause: The database ID in the flashback database log file did not match the database ID in the control file.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38735: Wrong log number string in flashback log file header.
Cause: The log file number in the flashback database log file did not match the control file.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38736: Wrong thread number string in flashback log file header.
Cause: The thread number in the flashback database log file did not match the control file.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38737: Expected sequence number string doesn't match string
Cause: The flashback database log is corrupted or is an old version.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38738: Flashback log file is not current copy.
Cause: A check of flashback database log file header at database open found that the flashback database log appeared to be an incorrectly restored backup. Flashback database log files cannot be backed up and restored.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38739: Flashback log file is more recent than control file.
Cause: The control file change sequence number in the flashback database log file was greater than the number in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file was being used. Note that repeatedly causing this error can make it stop happening without correcting the real problem. Every attempt to open the database will advance the control file change sequence number until it is great enough.
Action: FLASHBACK DATABASE can only be used with the current control file. If it is not available, then a restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38740: Usable blocks value string is not valid.
Cause: A flashback database log file header contained a usable blocks value greater than the file size. The flashback database log file file is corrupt.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38741: Formatted blocks value string is not valid.
Cause: The formatted blocks value in the flashback database log file was greater than the file size. The flashback database log file was corrupt.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38742: Flashback log file has incorrect log reset status.
Cause: The flashback database log file header had log reset data that was different than the control file. The log was probably an incorrectly restored backup. Flashback database logs cannot be backed up.
Action: If you are doing a FLASHBACK DATABASE, then the flashback cannot be performed because of the corrupted log. A restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38743: Time/SCN is in the future of the database.
Cause: The Time/SCN provided in a FLASHBACK DATABASE command was in the future of the database.
Action: Retry the command with a correct Time/SCN or RECOVER the database.
ORA-38744: file string is not the same file seen at start of flashback
Cause: A different copy of the file was accessed the last time FLASHBACK DATABASE looked at the file header. A backup of the file was restored or the meaning of the file name changed during FLASHBACK DATABASE.
Action: Ensure the correct file is available, then retry FLASHBACK DATABASE.
ORA-38746: error occurred while restoring data block (file# string, block# string)
Cause: An error occurred during a FLASHBACK DATABASE command. See other errors on error stack.
Action: Investigate why the error occurred. It may be that the flashback database log data is corrupt. If so, a restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38747: corrupt before image (file# string, block# string)
Cause: A corrupt data block before image was encountered during a FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
Action: The flashback log data is probably corrupt. If so, a restore and an incomplete recovery must be performed instead.
ORA-38748: cannot flashback data file string - file is in use or recovery
Cause: An attempt to do FLASHBACK DATABASE found that the file was not available for recovery. Either it was online and the database was open in some instance, or another process was currently doing media recovery or flashback on the file.
ORA-38749: A media recovery has been started.
Cause: An attempt was made to start a FLASHBACK DATABASE in the same session as a media recovery.
Action: Complete or cancel the first media recovery session.
ORA-38750: FLASHBACK DATABASE may not be performed using a dispatcher.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a dispatcher process for FLASHBACK DATABASE. Memory requirements disallow this recovery method.
Action: Connect to the instance via a dedicated server process to perform FLASHBACK DATABASE.
ORA-38752: file string does not exist
Cause: During an RMAN FLASHBACK DATABASE conversation, a file was listed which was not part of the database. The RMAN conversation was aborted.
Action: Retry the conversation with the appropriate file numbers.
ORA-38753: Cannot flashback data file string; no flashback log data.
Cause: An attempt to perform a FLASHBACK DATABASE failed because the file does not have enough flashback log data to cover the time to flash back. Either the file did not have flashback generation enabled for it, or had flashback generation turned off for it some time during the time span of the flashback.
Action: The file cannot be flashed back. The file must be taken offline or the tablespace dropped before continuing with the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
ORA-38754: FLASHBACK DATABASE not started; required redo log is not available
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command did not start. A redo log needed for the recovery part of FLASHBACK DATABASE could not be found or accessed.
Action: See trace files for details of the problem.
ORA-38755: Flashback is already turned on for this tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to turn on flashback database logging for a tablespace that already has flashback turned on.
Action: No action required.
ORA-38756: Flashback is already turned off for this tablespace.
Cause: An attempt was made to turn off flashback database logging for a tablespace that already has flashback off.
Action: No action required.
ORA-38757: Database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open to FLASHBACK.
Cause: An attempt to Flashback a database was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.
Action: Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the FLASHBACK command.
ORA-38758: cannot flashback data file string; restored since last recovery
Cause: An attempt to do FLASHBACK DATABASE found that the file was restored since the last standby recovery. The file cannot be flashed back.
Action: The file must be taken offline before continuing with the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
ORA-38759: Database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE and not open.
Cause: An attempt to turn on or off Flashback Database logging was made when the database was not mounted EXCLUSIVE or was already open.
Action: Mount the database EXCLUSIVE and retry the command.
ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database
Cause: Database flashback is on but this instance failed to start generating flashback data. Look in alert log for more specific errors.
Action: Correct the error or turn off database flashback.
ORA-38761: thread string redo log sequence number string could not be accessed
Cause: A redo log needed for the recovery portion of FLASHBACK could not be read or opened. The FLASHBACK operation failed.
Action: Restore the log and retry the FLASHBACK command.
ORA-38762: thread string redo log with scn string could not be found
Cause: A redo log needed for the recovery portion of FLASHBACK could not be found. The FLASHBACK operation failed.
Action: Restore the log and retry the FLASHBACK command.
ORA-38763: flashback not started; enabled threads have changed
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command did not start. The set of enabled threads changed during the time to flash back.
Action: The flashback cannot be performed. Perform a restore and an incomplete recovery instead.
ORA-38764: flashback not started; datafile string enabled threads are different
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command did not start. The datafile was restored from a backup taken when the enabled threads were different than at the time of the flashback.
Action: The flashback cannot be performed. Perform a restore and an incomplete recovery instead.
ORA-38765: Flashed back database cannot be opened read-only.
Cause: A complete recovery was performed after a database flashback but the database was not opened for read-write access, or a FLASHBACK DATABASE command failed.
Action: If a complete recovery was performed after a database flashback, open the database for read-write access. If a FLASHBACK DATABASE command failed, fix what caused the command to fail and retry the command, or recover and open the database for read-write access.
ORA-38766: cannot flashback data file string; file resized smaller
Cause: An attempt to do FLASHBACK DATABASE found that the file was shrunk during the time to flash back.
Action: The file cannot be flashed back. The file must be taken offline or the tablespace dropped before continuing with the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
ORA-38767: flashback retention target parameter mismatch
Cause: The value of parameters DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET must be same in all instances. All databases must have same flashback retention target parameters.
Action: Check DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET values in all instances.
ORA-38768: resizing datafile string failed
Cause: An operating system error occurred when Flashback Database tried to shrink (resize) a datafile. Flashback shrinks a file in order to undo the effects of a file expand, for example, an autoextension of the file.
Action: Recover the database to return it to its previous state, or fix the cause of the operating system error and retry the Flashback. If that is not possible, then the file can be taken offline and the Flashback command retried. The file will have to be restored from a backup and rolled forward.
ORA-38769: FLASHBACK DATABASE failed after modifying data.
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command failed after modifying the the database. Look in the alert log for more information about the failure.
Action: Recover the database to return it to its previous state, or fix the cause of the error and retry the Flashback.
ORA-38770: FLASHBACK DATABASE failed during recovery.
Cause: A FLASHBACK DATABASE command successfully restored the database but failed during the recovery step. Look in the alert log for more information about the failure.
Action: Fix the error and then recover the database to the same SCN or timestamp used in the FLASHBACK DATABASE command.
ORA-38771: unnamed datafile(s) added to controlfile by flashback recovery
Cause: The recovery step of FLASHBACK DATABASE encountered the creation of a datafile that could not be added to the controlfile. An entry has been added to the controlfile for the new datafile, but with the file name UNNAMEDnnnn, where nnnn is the file number. Related error messages provide the file names that were originally used to create the files.
Action: Rename the file in the controlfile, or use the ALTER ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command to create a file suitable for recovery. If the file is not going to be recovered, then take it offline with the FOR DROP option. The recovery step of Flashback can be resumed by entering a RECOVERY command with the same SCN or timestamp as used in the FLASHBACK DATABASE command. For example, RECOVER AUTOMTAIC DATABASE UNTIL CHANGE <flashback-scn>.
ORA-38772: cannot add datafile 'string' - file could not be created
Cause: The recovery step of FLASHBACK DATABASE encountered the creation of a datafile and could not recreate the file. The error from the creation attempt is displayed in another message. The controlfile file entry for the file is 'UNNAMEDnnnnn'.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement to create the file.
ORA-38773: cannot add data file 'string' - file already part of database
Cause: The recovery step of FLASHBACK database encountered the creation of a datafile and could not create the file because the file name is already in use in the database. The controlfile file entry for the file is 'UNNAMEDnnnnn'.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement to create the file with a different name.
ORA-38774: cannot disable media recovery - flashback database is enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to disable media recovery while flashback database was enabled.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement to disable flashback database, then disable media recovery.
ORA-38775: cannot disable flash recovery area - flashback database is enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to null while flashback database was enabled. Flashback database requires DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to be set.
Action: Use the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement to disable flashback database, then disable the flash recovery area.
ORA-38776: cannot begin flashback generation - flash recovery area is disabled
Cause: During a database mount, the RVWR process discovered that the flash recovery area was disabled. DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST must have been set null or removed from the INIT.ORA file while the database was unmounted.
Action: Flashback database requires the flash recovery area to be enabled. Either enable the flash recovery area by setting the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameters, or turn off flashback database with the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF command.
ORA-38900: missing mandatory column "string" of error log table "string"
Cause: Mandatory column of error logging table is not present
Action: Add the named column to the error logging table. Consult ORACLE documentation for the correct data type.
ORA-38901: column "string" of table "string" must be one of the first "number" columns
Cause: Mandatory information column of error logging table is present, but must be at the beginning of the row.
Action: Create the error logging table correctly. Consult ORACLE documentation for the correct format of an error logging table.
ORA-38950: Source platform string not cross platform compliant
Cause: Cross platform transport was not allowed for this platform.
Action: For a list of supported platforms, query fixed view SYS.V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM.
ORA-38951: Target platform string not cross platform compliant
Cause: Cross platform transport was not allowed for this platform.
Action: none
ORA-38952: Source database not compatible
Cause: Cross platform transport is not supported unless database compatibility is advanced to or higher
Action: Use the compatible parameter to advance source database compatibility and redo the transport
ORA-38954: Cross platform transport is not supported between source platform identifier string and target platform identifier string
Cause: The platform identifier in the transported file indicated that the datafile format was different than the target database datafile format.
Action: For a list of supported platforms, query fixed view SYS.V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM. If both platforms are present, Contact Oracle support
ORA-38955: Source platform string not cross platform compliant
Cause: The platform identifier in the transported file indicated that this platform is not supported for a cross platform transport.
Action: For a list of supported platforms, query fixed view SYS.V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM.
ORA-38956: Target platform string not cross platform compliant
Cause: Cross platform transport was not allowed for this platform.
Action: For a list of supported platforms, query fixed view SYS.V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM.
ORA-38957: Target database not compatible
Cause: Cross platform transport is not supported unless database compatibility is advanced to or higher
Action: Use the compatible parameter to advance source database compatibility
ORA-38958: Source platform string is in different byte order than target platform string
Cause: Probably a conversion was not done before the import phase of the transport.
Action: Use RMAN CONVERT functionality to convert endian ordering.
ORA-38959: Failed to update block 0 to new version 10 format
Cause: An attempt was made to update block 0 to version 10 format.
Action: check additional error messages and contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
Cause: The user specified a dump file that could not be used in the current job. Subsequent error messages describe the inadequacies of the dump file.
Action: Specify a dump file that is usable for the job.
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
Cause: The user specified API parameters were of the wrong type or value range. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.
Action: Correct the bad argument and retry the API.
ORA-39002: invalid operation
Cause: The current API cannot be executed because of inconsistencies between the API and the current definition of the job. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.
Action: Modify the API call to be consistent with the current job or redefine the job in a manner that will support the specified API.
ORA-39003: unable to get count of total workers alive
Cause: Attempt to get count of total worker processes alive failed.
Action: Check the additional error messages to see what caused the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (e.g. expdp or impdp), try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39004: invalid state
Cause: The state of the job precludes the execution of the API.
Action: Rerun the job to specify the API when the job is an appropriate state.
ORA-39005: inconsistent arguments
Cause: The current API cannot be executed because of inconsistencies between arguments of the API call. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.
Action: Modify the API call to be consistent with itself.
ORA-39006: internal error
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while processing a Data Pump job. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39012: Client detached before the job started.
Cause: The client detached or ended their session before the Data Pump job was started.
Action: Create new job and remain attached to the job until it is started.
ORA-39013: All of the workers exited before the job completed.
Cause: All of the worker processes exited before the job was completed. With no workers, the master process will terminate the job.
Action: Rerun the job. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited.
Cause: One or more of the worker processes exited before the job was completed. With no workers, the master process will terminate the job.
Action: Rerun the job. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39015: job is not running
Cause: An API was executed that required the job to be running, but the job was not active.
Action: Retry the API. If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39016: Operation not supported when job is in string state.
Cause: The state of the job precludes the execution of the API.
Action: Rerun the job to specify the API when the job is an appropriate state.
ORA-39017: Worker request not supported when job is in string state.
Cause: The state of the job precludes the execution of a worker request. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39018: master process received invalid message number string
Cause: Internal Error
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39019: invalid operation type string
Cause: User specified an invalid operation name on an DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN API or an invalid operation name was specified in the master table for a restart API.
Action: Correct the operation name and recreate the job.
ORA-39020: invalid mode type string
Cause: User specified an invalid mode on an DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN API or an invalid mode was specified in the master table for a restart API.
Action: Correct the mode and recreate the job.
ORA-39021: Database compatibility version string is not supported.
Cause: User selected COMPATIBLE as the version on an DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN API, but the current database compatibility version is not supported by the Data Pump API. Database versions before 9.2 are not supported by the Data Pump.
Action: Specify a supported version and recreate the job.
ORA-39022: Database version string is not supported.
Cause: User selected LATEST as the version on an DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN API, but the current database version is not supported by the Data Pump API. Database versions before 9.2 are not supported by the Data Pump.
Action: Specify a supported version and recreate the job.
ORA-39023: Version string is not supported.
Cause: User specified an explicit version on an DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN API, but the current database version is not supported by the Data Pump API. Database versions before 9.2 are not supported by the Data Pump.
Action: Specify a supported version and recreate the job.
ORA-39024: wrong schema specified for job
Cause: Internal error caused by the master process finding inconsistencies between the schemas specified for the job.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39025: jobs of type string are not restartable
Cause: Attempt to restart a job which was not restartable.
Action: Recreate the job via the open API.
ORA-39026: master table is inconsistent on validation string
Cause: Job cannot be restarted because it failed a validation check. Validation checks are of the form -xx.y where -xx is the value of the PROCESS_ORDER column in the master table where the error was detected and y is the actual validity check for the row.
Action: Recreate the job. If master table has not been modified, but problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39027: wrong version of master table
Cause: Job cannot be restarted because the version of the database upon which the job started is different than the current version of the database and the format of the master table has changed between the versions.
Action: Recreate the job.
ORA-39028: cannot restart job from string state
Cause: The job was not in a suitable state for restart. Jobs must begin executing before they can be restarted.
Action: Recreate the job.
ORA-39029: worker string with process name "string" prematurely terminated
Cause: The specified worker process terminated unexpectedly. Subsequent messages describe the reason for the termination.
Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39030: invalid file type string
Cause: An invalid filetype was specified for an DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE API call.
Action: Correct the filetype parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39031: invalid filter name string
Cause: An invalid filter name was specified on a DBMS_DATAPUMP.DATA_FILTER
Action: Correct the filter name parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39032: function string is not supported in string jobs
Cause: The specified API is not supported for the specified class of jobs.
Action: Recreate the job with the appropriate mode or operation type.
ORA-39033: SUBQUERY data filter is inconsistent with direct path
Cause: The user specified that the data access method for the job was direct which precludes the use of the SUBQUERY filter.
Action: Use SUBQUERY data filter with automatic data access method.
ORA-39034: Table string does not exist.
Cause: The user referenced a table in an API that did not exist.
Action: Correct table name and retry API.
ORA-39035: Data filter string has already been specified.
Cause: The user has already specified a data filter that matches on the filter name, schema name, and table.
Action: Specify a different data filter.
ORA-39036: invalid metadata filter name string
Cause: An invalid metadata filter name was specified on a DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_FILTER API call.
Action: Correct the metadata filter name parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39037: Object type path not supported for string metadata filter.
Cause: An object type path was specified for the filter, but the filter does not support the object type path parameter.
Action: Remove the object type path parameter.
ORA-39038: Object path "string" is not supported for string jobs.
Cause: The specified object type path is invalid for the job mode.
Action: Correct the object type path.
ORA-39039: Schema expression "string" contains no valid schemas.
Cause: The specified SCHEMA_EXPR filter resulted in no schemas being selected.
Action: Correct the the SCHEMA_EXPR filter specification.
ORA-39040: Schema expression "string" must identify exactly one schema.
Cause: For TABLE mode jobs, the SCHEMA_EXPR filter must identify exactly one schema.
Action: Correct the the SCHEMA_EXPR filter specification.
ORA-39041: Metadata filter has no selectivity.
Cause: INCLUDE_PATH_EXPR or EXCLUDE_PATH_EXPR Metadata filter either returns all objects or no objects in the job.
Action: Correct the the metadata filter specification.
ORA-39042: invalid transform name string
Cause: An invalid transform name was specified on a DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_TRANSFORM API call.
Action: Correct the transform name parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39043: Object type string is not supported for string jobs.
Cause: The specified object type is invalid for the job mode.
Action: Correct the object type.
ORA-39044: Metadata transform string has already been specified.
Cause: The user has already specified the metadata transform for the same class of object types.
Action: Specify a different object_type for the transform.
ORA-39045: invalid metadata remap name string
Cause: An invalid metadata remap name was specified on a DBMS_DATAPUMP.METADATA_REMAP API call.
Action: Correct the metadata remap name parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39046: Metadata remap string has already been specified.
Cause: The user has already specified a metadata remap that matches on the remap name and original value.
Action: Specify a different original value.
ORA-39047: Jobs of type string cannot use multiple execution streams.
Cause: The user specified a value of parallelism that is precluded by the operation type or mode of the job.
Action: Specify only a parallelism of 1 for this type of job.
ORA-39048: Unable to start all workers; only string worker(s) available.
Cause: The full degree of parallelism could not be honored due process limits, resource limits, or other internal errors.
Action: Increase process/resource limits for the job.
ORA-39049: invalid parameter name string
Cause: An invalid parameter name was specified on a DBMS_DATAPUMP.SET_PARAMETER API call.
Action: Correct the parameter name and reissue the API request.
ORA-39050: parameter string is incompatible with parameter string
Cause: Two parameters were set that were incompatible with each other. Only the first parameter setting will be used.
Action: Decide which parameter is to be used and stick to it.
ORA-39051: parameter string specified multiple times
Cause: The user has already specified a parameter that matches on the name and the specific parameter doesn't support duplicate definitions.
Action: Specify non-repeatable parameters only once.
ORA-39052: cannot specify SKIP_CURRENT on initial start of a job.
Cause: The user has already specified SKIP_CURRENT for a job that has never executed.
Action: Only specify SKIP_CURRENT when restarting a job.
ORA-39053: parameter or attribute string must be defined for a string job
Cause: The job being defined cannot be started because it is missing the specified definition.
Action: Specify the omitted parameter or attribute before starting the job.
ORA-39054: missing or invalid definition of the SQL output file.
Cause: The job being defined cannot be started because it is missing the file to receive the SQL output of the job or the definition is unusable.
Action: Specify a valid directory name and file name for the SQL file.
ORA-39055: invalid bad file specification.
Cause: The bad file for the job was incorrectly specified.
Action: Specify a valid directory name and file name for the bad file.
ORA-39056: invalid log file specification.
Cause: The log file for the job was incorrectly specified.
Action: Specify a valid directory name and file name for the log file.
ORA-39057: invalid worker request string for string jobs.
Cause: The worker process sent a message that wasn't supported for the current job.
Action: Internal error -- contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39058: current object skipped: string of type string
Cause: The user specified SKIP_CURRENT when restarting a job. This message is a confirmation that the object will not be imported.
Action: User must manually define the object in the target database.
ORA-39059: dump file set is incomplete
Cause: An IMPORT or SQL_FILE operation was being performed but not all of the files from the EXPORT dump file set were included.
Action: Check the export log file and make sure all of the files that were exported are included in the current job.
ORA-39060: table(s) dropped because of conflict with master table
Cause: A table specified by a job was not included because its definition would collide with the master table definition for the current job.
Action: After the job completes. Import the conflicting tables using a unique job name to avoid conflicts with normal user tables.
ORA-39061: import mode string conflicts with export mode string
Cause: The mode used for import cannot be used with a dump file set of specified mode. Transportable jobs are not compatible with other modes.
Action: Perform the import using a mode compatible with the export.
ORA-39062: error creating master process string
Cause: An attempt to create the listed master process failed.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Check the trace log for the failed process to see if there is any information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39064: unable to write to the log file
Cause: Errors were detecting while writing to the log file. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.
Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.
ORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in string
Cause: An unhandled exception was detected internally within the master control process for the Data Pump job. This is an internal error. messages will detail the problems.
Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39067: Unable to close the log file.
Cause: Errors were detecting while closing the log file. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.
Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.
ORA-39068: invalid master table data in row with PROCESS_ORDER=string
Cause: A corruption was detected in the master table in the specified row(s). Either the row wasn't found, it was missing columns or had illegal values in its columns.
Action: Rerun the job with an uncorrupted master table.
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
Cause: Errors were detecting while opening the log file. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.
Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.
ORA-39071: Value for string filter is badly formed.
Cause: The value of the user specified filter did not contain legitimate SQL clause. Subsequent messages will detail the problems.
Action: Fix the problems outlined in the secondary messages.
ORA-39076: cannot delete job string for user string
Cause: Unable to delete a job. Refer to the any following or prior error messages for clarification.
Action: Eliminate the problems indicated.
ORA-39077: unable to subscribe agent string to queue "string"
Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to attach one of its processes to the control or status queue. Subsequent messages will detail the problem.
Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39078: unable to dequeue message for agent string from queue "string"
Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to retrieve a message from the control or status queue. Subsequent messages will detail the problem.
Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39079: unable to enqueue message string
Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to send the specified message on the control or status queue. Subsequent messages will detail the problem.
Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39080: failed to create queues "string" and "string" for Data Pump job
Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to create the status and control queues required for interprocess communication. Subsequent messages will detail the problem.
Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Support.
ORA-39081: failed to unsubscribe agent string from queue "string"
Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to unsubscribe a process from the control or status queue. Subsequent messages will detail the problem.
Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39082: Object type string created with compilation warnings
Cause: The object in the SQL statement following this error was created with compilation errors. If this error occurred for a view, it is possible that the base table of the view was missing.
Action: This is a warning. The object may have to be recompiled before being used.
ORA-39083: Object type string failed to create with error: string Failing sql is: string
Cause: Examine original error code to determine actual cause
Action: Original error code will contain more information
ORA-39084: cannot detach job string for user string
Cause: Unable to detach a job from the session. Refer to any following error messages for clarification.
Action: Eliminate the problems indicated.
ORA-39085: cannot update job string for user string
Cause: Unable to update the fixed table information for a job. Refer to any following or prior error messages for clarification.
Action: Eliminate the problems indicated.
ORA-39086: cannot retrieve job information
Cause: Unable to retrieve fixed table information for a job. Refer to the secondary error messages that follow this one for clarification.
Action: Eliminate the problems indicated by the secondary errors.
ORA-39087: directory name string is invalid
Cause: A corresponding directory object does not exist.
Action: Correct the directory object parameter, or create a corresponding directory object with the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
ORA-39088: file name cannot contain a path specification
Cause: The name of a dump file, log file, or sql file contains a path specification.
Action: Use the name of a directory object to indicate where the file should be stored.
ORA-39090: Cannot add devices to file oriented job.
Cause: Attempt to add a device to a job that already contains more than one disk file.
Action: Only specify one file for jobs that contain sequential devices.
ORA-39091: unable to determine logical standby and streams status
Cause: An error occurred when determining if the Data Pump job needed to support logical standby or streams.
Action: The subsequent message describes the error that was detected. Correct the specified problem and restart the job.
ORA-39092: unable to set SCN metadata for object "string.string" of type string
Cause: An error occurred when applying a SCN to the specified object to support logical standby or streams.
Action: The subsequent message describes the error that was detected. Correct the specified problem and restart the job.
ORA-39093: FLASHBACK automatically enabled to preserve database integrity.
Cause: A Data Pump job was required to enable flashback support to specific SCNs in order to preserve the consistency of a logical standby or streams instantiation.
Action: None
ORA-39094: Parallel execution not supported in this database edition.
Cause: Parallel execution of Data Pump jobs is not supported for this database edition.
Action: Specify a parallelism of 1 for jobs not running on Enterprise Edition databases.
ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate string bytes
Cause: The Export job ran out of dump file space before the job was completed.
Action: Reattach to the job and add additional dump files to the job restarting the job.
ORA-39096: invalid input value string for parameter string
Cause: A NULL or invalid value was supplied for the parameter.
Action: Correct the input value and try the call again.
ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error string
Cause: An unexpected, potentially non-fatal error occurred while processing a Data Pump job.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39098: Worker process received data objects while loading metadata. Invalid process order range is string..string
Cause: This is an internal error. Messages will detail the problem.
Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39099: cannot create index for "string" on master table string
Cause: One or more indexes couldn't be created on the master table. subsequent error messages describe the failure.
Action: Correct the condition that is preventing the indexes from being created.
ORA-39102: Timeout before master process string finished initialization. Master error:
Cause: The master process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39103: Timeout before worker process string finished initialization. Worker error:
Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but did not finish its initialization within the allowed time limit.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39104: cannot call this function from a SQL parallel query slave process
Cause: Called a Data Pump process model function from a process which is a SQL parallel query slave process
Action: A SQL parallel query slave process cannot create a Data Pump master process. This is not supported. If this error occurs from a Data Pump client (for example, expdp or impdp), contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39105: Master process string failed during startup. Master error:
Cause: The master process whose name is listed failed during startup.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39106: Worker process string failed during startup. Worker error:
Cause: The worker process whose name is listed failed during startup.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39107: Master process string violated startup protocol. Master error:
Cause: The master process whose name is listed started up but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39108: Worker process string violated startup protocol. Worker error:
Cause: The worker process whose name is listed started up but then exited before notifying the creating process that it was finished with initialization.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Also, check the trace log for the failed process, if one was created, to see if there is any additional information about the failure. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39109: Unprivileged users may not operate upon other users' schemas
Cause: An unprivileged user attempted to reference another user's schema during a Data Pump operation. Because of this, no schemas were were selected for the job.
Action: Retry the operation under a username owning the schema.
ORA-39110: error deleting worker processes
Cause: An attempt to delete the worker processes failed.
Action: Refer to any following error messages for possible actions. Correct the error, if possible, and try the operation again. If the error occurs again, contact Oracle Customer Support and report the error.
ORA-39111: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string already exists
Cause: During a Data Pump import job, a dependent object is being skipped because its base object already existed.
Action: If the object from the dump file is wanted, drop the base and dependent objects and try to import again using desired filters.
ORA-39112: Dependent object type string skipped, base object type string creation failed
Cause: During a Data Pump import job, a dependent object is being skipped because its base object creation failed.
Action: If the object from the dump file is wanted, drop the base and dependent objects and try to import again using desired filters
ORA-39113: Unable to determine database version
Cause: The Data Pump was unable to determine the compatibility level and version of the current database using SYS.DBMS_UTILITY.DB_VERSION.
Action: Make sure access to the DBMS_UTILITY package is granted to you. If this is a network job, be sure that access to the DBMS_UTILITY package is granted to you on the remote instance.
ORA-39114: Dump files are not supported for string jobs
Cause: An attempt was made to add a dumpfile to a job not configured for dumpfiles. Dumpfiles are not allowed in Export ESTIMATE_ONLY jobs or in Import/Sql_file jobs over a network link.
Action: Do not specify a dumpfile for jobs that do not require dumpfiles.
ORA-39115: %s is not supported over a network link
Cause: An attempt was made to use an option that is not supported over network links such as the PARTITION_LIST filter.
Action: Do not attempt to use Data Pump features on network jobs if they are not compatible with jobs over the network.
ORA-39116: invalid trigger operation on mutating table string.string
Cause: A Data Pump load operation failed because a trigger attempted to fire on the table while it was mutating.
Action: Disable trigger(s) on the specified table. Also see ORA-004091.
ORA-39117: Type needed to create table is not included in this operation. Failing sql is: string
Cause: A create table was attempted and a dependent type does not exist in the dumpfile or on the target database. Either the export or the import Data Pump job was a table mode job and types are not included in table mode jobs.
Action: Determine which type(s) are missing and create them on the target system and run the Data Pump import job again.
ORA-39119: worker process interrupt for delete worker processes call by master process
Cause: The master process that created this worker process called delete worker processes to abort the current operation.
Action: No action is necessary. This is an informational error message.
ORA-39120: Table string can't be truncated, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string
Cause: Table data was about to be loaded into a table that already existed and the table_exists_action parameter is truncate, but the table could not be truncated.
Action: Determine actual cause by looking at base error.
ORA-39121: Table string can't be replaced, data will be skipped. Failing error is: string
Cause: Table data was about to be loaded into a table that already existed and the table_exists_action parameter is replace, but the table could not be dropped.
Action: Determine actual cause by looking at base error.
ORA-39122: Unprivileged users may not perform string remappings.
Cause: A user attempted to remap objects during an import but lacked the IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE privilege.
Action: Retry the job from a schema that owns the IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE privilege.
ORA-39123: Data Pump transportable tablespace job aborted string
Cause: A DBMS_PLUGTS procedure failed and the Data Pump operation could not continue so it was aborted. The DBMS_PLUGTS failure listed describes the original error.
Action: Look at the DBMS_PLUGTS error to determine actual cause.
ORA-39124: dump file name "string" contains an invalid substitution variable
Cause: The substitution variable '%' must be followed by '%','u', or 'U'.
Action: Correct the substitution variable in the dump file name and re-enter the command.
ORA-39125: Worker unexpected fatal error in string while calling string [string]
Cause: An unhandled exception was detected internally within the worker process for the Data Pump job while calling the specified external routine. This is an internal error. Additional information may be supplied.
Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in string [string] string
Cause: An unhandled exception was detected internally within the worker process for the Data Pump job. This is an internal error. Additional information may be supplied.
Action: If problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39127: unexpected error from call to string string
Cause: The exception was raised by the function invocation, a procedural action extension of export.
Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as a Data Pump internal error to customer support.
ORA-39128: unexpected DbmsJava error number from statement string
Cause: The error was returned from a call to a DbmsJava procedure.
Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as a Data Pump internal error to customer support.
ORA-39129: Object type string not imported. Name conflicts with the master table
Cause: The table being imported from the remote instance has the same name as the master table running this Data Pump job.
Action: Rerun the Data Pump job with a nonconflicting name.
ORA-39130: Object type string not imported. Base object name conflicts with the master table
Cause: The object being imported from the remote instance is dependent on an object that has the same name as the master table running this Data Pump job.
Action: Rerun the Data Pump job with a nonconflicting name.
ORA-39132: object type "string"."string" already exists with different hashcode
Cause: An object type could not be created because there was already a type with the same name but a different hashcode on the target system. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be read.
Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the operation.
ORA-39133: object type "string"."string" already exists with different typeid
Cause: An object type in a transportable tablespace set already exists on the target system, but with a different typeid. The typeid could not be changed because the type is used by an existing table. Tables in the transportable tablespace set that use this object type cannot be read.
Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the operation.
ORA-39134: Cannot include "string" tablespace as a Transportable Tablespace
Cause: The user attempt to specify the SYSAUX or SYSTEM tablespace as a member of the transportable tablespace list in the current job. These tablespaces may not be transported between databases.
Action: Specify different tablespaces to be transported.
ORA-39135: SYS schema cannot read data using specific SCNs
Cause: The user was operating under the SYS schema and either explicitly specified an SCN via the FLASHBACK_SCN or FLASHBACK_TIME or TABLE_CONSISTENCY parameters or the job required that a specific SCN be used because of streams or logical replication activity.
Action: Do not perform Data Pump jobs using the SYS schema or 'AS SYSDBA'.
ORA-39136: cannot specify an SCN on a transportable job
Cause: A target SCN was specified for a table in a transportable job by the streams or logical standy components which was not the defaulted SCN for the table.
Action: This is an internal error. Please report it to Oracle support.
ORA-39137: cannot specify a TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION of string for a job with no metadata
Cause: A job was defined with the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter set to REPLACE or SKIP, but without metadata. Without metadata, data could not be loaded for the requested table actions.
Action: Change the setting of the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter to APPEND or TRUNCATE or supply Metadata with the data.
ORA-39138: Insufficient privileges to load data not in your schema
Cause: An unprivileged user attempted to load data into a different schema.
Action: Use a privileged account if you must load data not in your schema
ORA-39139: Data Pump does not support XMLSchema objects. string will be skipped.
Cause: Object has XMLSchema-based columns, which are unsupported by Data Pump.
Action: Use the original exp and imp utilities to move this object.
ORA-39140: dump file "string" belongs to job string
Cause: When a dump file set consists of multiple files, all files in the set must be specified for an import operation, and all files must have been produced by the same export job. One of the files provided does not belong to the original dump file set. For instance, it was created by a different export job than the other files.
Action: Remove the dump file indicated in the message and retry the import operation providing only the complete set of dump files created by a specific export job.
ORA-39141: dump file "string" is a duplicate of dump file "string"
Cause: When a dump file set consists of multiple files, all files in the set must be specified for an import operation. One of the files provided to import was found to be a duplicate of another dump file in the set. This can occur if the files in the dump set were copied or renamed using operating system utilities and the same dump file was inadvertently copied more than once with different destination names.
Action: Remove the dump file indicated in the message and retry the import operation providing only the complete set of dump files created by a specific export job.
ORA-39142: incompatible version number string in dump file "string"
Cause: A dump file was specified for an import operation whose version number is incompatible with the dump file version of the Data Pump product currently running on the system. Usually this message indicates that the dump file was produced by a newer version of the Data Pump export utility.
Action: Import this dump file using the Data Pump import utility with the same version as the export which created the file.
ORA-39143: dump file "string" may be an original export dump file
Cause: A dump file was specified for an import operation which appears to have been created using the original export utility. These dump files cannot be processed by the Data Pump import utility.
Action: Try using the original import utility to process this dump file.
ORA-39144: file name parameter must be specified and non-null
Cause: No file name was provided in an DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE API call.
Action: Correct the file name parameter and reissue the API request.
ORA-39145: directory object parameter must be specified and non-null
Cause: No directory object was provided in either an DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE API call or to the directory parameter used by the Data Pump command line clients.
Action: Correct the directory object parameter and retry the operation.
ORA-39146: schema "string" does not exist
Cause: The specified schema was referenced as the source of a REMAP_SCHEMA parameter, but did not exist in the dump file (for
Action: Specify the correct name of the schema to be remapped.
ORA-39147: cannot migrate Data Pump queue table ownership to this instance
Cause: There are active Data Pump jobs running on another instance in a RAC. All concurrent, active Data Pump jobs must be run on the same instance.
Action: Start this job on the same instance where other active Data Pump jobs are running, or wait until they finish.
ORA-39148: unable to import data into pre-existing queue table string. Table_exists_action of string being ignored for this table
Cause: A Data Pump import detected that a queue table that was to be imported already exists. Importing data into pre-existing queue tables is not supported.
Action: If the data from the dump file is desired, then drop the queue table and perform the import again, or use the import parameter table_exists_action=replace.
ORA-39149: cannot link privileged user to non-privileged user
Cause: A Data Pump job initiated be a user with EXPORT_FULL_DATABASE/IMPORT_FULL_DATABASE roles specified a network link that did not correspond to a user with equivalent roles on the remote database.
Action: Specify a network link that maps users to identically privileged users in the remote database.
ORA-39150: bad flashback time
Cause: A flashback time was specified for the Data Pump job which either could not be parsed or else could not be translated into a system change number (SCN). This typically occurs when
Action: Specify an explicit SCN for the desired flashback rather than a time.
ORA-39301: schema does not exist or is in use
Cause: The specified schema does not exist, or app upgrade still in progress.
Action: Provide an alternative schema or stop the upgrade in progress in the schema.
ORA-39302: schema clone operation failed
Cause: Clone can not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. This can happen if the source schema is changing rapidly.
Action: Re-start clone from scratch.
ORA-39303: schema sync/swap operation fail because of confilcts
Cause: There are conflicting changes to objects in source and target schema. This might happen if an object has been changed in both schemas.
Action: Re-start clone from scratch.
ORA-39304: during sync/swap, object "string" conflicts: "string"
Cause: Conflicting changes to objects in source and target schemas. This might happen if an object has been changed in both schemas.
Action: Do sync/swap/validation_check with ignore_conflict/force_sync parameters(TRUE), or Re-start clone from scratch.
ORA-39305: specified schema "string" does not exist
Cause: The schema you specified does not exist.
Action: Specify the correct schema, or correct a target schema if it is target schema.
ORA-39306: the schema "string" mismatch: require the schema "string"
Cause: The schema you specified does not match the schema in the initial clone operation.
Action: Specify the correct schema, or re-start clone from scratch if it is a new set of clone/sync/swap operation.
ORA-39307: the operation is illegal without an initial clone
Cause: The operation: sync/swap/validation/clean_up requires an initial clone operation.
Action: Start an clone operation.
ORA-39308: application/database upgrade internal error: "string"
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while processing the application/database upgrade.
Action: Check outside factor, e.g. enough tablespaces. and re-try it. If thr error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-39309: schema sync operation failed
Cause: Clone can not reach a consistent state after a few iterations. This can happen if the source schema is changing rapidly.
Action: Re-start sync operation.
ORA-39310: illegal clean_failed_clone() call: it only applys to failed clones
Cause: Operation clean_failed_clone is illegal here. This can happen if last operation is not a clone, or is done sucessfully.
Action: IF you want to clean up target schema, call clean_target().
ORA-39311: illegal clone_recovery() call: it only applys to failed clones
Cause: Operation clone_recovery is illegal here. This can happen if last operation is not a clone, or is done sucessfully.
Action: Apply other appropriate operations.
ORA-39312: illegal clean_target() call: last clone operation is failed
Cause: Operation clean_target is illegal here. This can happen if last clone operation is failed.
Action: Only available operations are clean_failed_clone or clone_recovery.
ORA-39313: illegal clone() call: clone has been done before
Cause: Operation clone() is illegal here. This can happen if a clone operation has been done before.
Action: apply other operations, or call clean_up() before clone().
ORA-39314: illegal sync_code() call: only applys after clone/sync_code
Cause: Operation sync_code() is illegal here. This can happen if last operation is not clone or sync_code.
Action: apply other operations.
ORA-39315: illegal swap() call: only applys after clone/sync_code
Cause: Operation swap() is illegal here. This can happen if last operation is not clone or sync_code. However, swap() can be applies to other cases if the parameter 'force_swap' is TRUE.
Action: apply other operations, or set force_swap to TRUE.
ORA-39316: illegal clean_up() call: last clone operation is failed
Cause: Operation clean_up() is illegal here. This can happen if last clone operation is failed. To clean up failed clone, call clean_failed_clone.
Action: Only available operations are clean_failed_clone or clone_recovery.
ORA-39317: illegal validation_check() call: only applys after clone/sync_code/valdation_check
Cause: Operation validation_check() is illegal here. This can happen if last operation is not clone/sync_code/valdation_check.
Action: Run clone/sync_code/valdation_check, or clean_up() for new clone.
ORA-39500: failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event for database "string", instance "string" (ignored)
Cause: The instance was unable to obtain the context or information required to notify the CRS framework.
Action: None Required. The error is ignored.
ORA-39501: failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [number] (ignored)
Cause: The instance was unable to communicate with the CRS framework.
Action: None Required. The error is ignored.
ORA-39502: failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [number] (ignored)
Cause: The instance was unable to create an environment context.
Action: None Required. The error is ignored.
ORA-39503: failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [number] (ignored)
Cause: The instance was unable to populate the environment context.
Action: None Required. The error is ignored.
ORA-39504: failed to notify CRS of a Startup/Shutdown event [number] (ignored)
Cause: The instance was unable to find the location of the alert file.
Action: None Required. The error is ignored.
ORA-39600: Queue keys needs to be a suffix of cluster key.
Cause: Attempt to specify queue key columns that don't form a suffix of the cluster key.
Action: Only specify queue key columns as a suffix of cluster key.
ORA-39601: Hash key is required.
Cause: Missing hash key in the cluster key specification.
Action: Specify one or more hash key columns.
ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option
Cause: The database has not been upgraded, but a standard database open was attempted.
Action: Use the UPGRADE option when opening the database to indicate that the database is being opened for upgrade.
ORA-39701: database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE
Cause: The database was mounted for SHARED cluster access.
Action: Set the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter to FALSE and restart the server with the UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE option.
ORA-39702: database not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE
Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked when the database was not open for UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE.
Action: Use STARTUP UPGRADE to open the database for upgrade or to apply a patch set. Use STARTUP DOWNGRADE for running a downgrade script or the reload script.
ORA-39703: server version and script version do not match
Cause: An upgrade, downgrade, reload, or patch script was invoked, but the database instance version was not the version for which the script was intended.
Action: Check that the correct ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables are set. Also check that the SQL script is being invoked from the correct ORACLE_HOME.
ORA-39704: permission to modify component registry entry denied
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an entry in the component registry, but the session user was not authorized; only the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component are authorized to modify the component registry entry.
Action: Connect as either the CONTROL or SCHEMA user for the component.
ORA-39705: component 'string' not found in registry
Cause: No entry in the component registry was found for the specfied component.
Action: Check the spelling of the component ID and use the DBA_REGISTRY view to list the existing components.
ORA-39706: schema 'string' not found
Cause: The schema name specified was not found in the database.
Action: Create the schema before loading the component.
ORA-39707: compatibile parameter string too high for downgrade to string
Cause: A downgrade was attempted, but the compatible initialization parameter value was greater than the downgrade release version.
Action: Once the compatible value has been raised, downgrade to earlier releases is not supported.
ORA-39708: component 'string' not a string component
Cause: The component was not a component for the specified namespace.
Action: Either enter a valid component identifier for the namespace or set the session namespace to the correct component namespace.
ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted
Cause: One or more components did not have a status of DOWNGRADED.
Action: Correct the component problem and re-run the downgrade script.
ORA-39726: unsupported add/drop column operation on compressed tables
Cause: An unsupported add/drop column operation for compressed table was attemped.
Action: When adding a column, do not specify a default value. DROP column is only supported in the form of SET UNUSED column (meta-data drop column).
ORA-39727: COMPATIBLE must be set to or higher
Cause: An add/drop column operation for compressed table has been performed on the database. This requires COMPATIBLE to be set to or higher during upgrade from 9.2 to a 10i or higher release.
Action: Set COMPATIBLE to and retry the upgrade.
ORA-39751: partitioned table on both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to partition both sides of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.
Action: Specify partitioned table on one side of PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN only.
ORA-39752: redundent column in partitioning and join columns is not allowed
Cause: An attempt was made to sepcify redundent columns in partitioning and join columns for NATURAL or named column PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.
Action: Do not specify redundent column in partitioning and join columns.
ORA-39753: unsupported use of subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition
Cause: An attempt was made to use subquery in PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN condition.
Action: Remove subquery from the join condition.
ORA-39754: FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to use FULL PARTITIONED OUTER JOIN.
ORA-39950: invalid parameter for PLSQL warnings flag
Cause: The user either entered invalid value for the PLSQL_WARNINGS flag or the value of the flag conflicts with other values.
Action: Enter correct values for the switch.
ORA-39951: incomplete values specified for PL/SQL warning settings
Cause: The user either did not enter the value for the settings or entered incomplete values.
Action: Enter correct syntax for the switch.
ORA-39952: only numbers can be specified as range values
Cause: The range values did not have numerical values only.
Action: Enter only numerical values.
ORA-39953: the range value specified is beyond allowed range
Cause: The range values were either too low or too high.
Action: Specify only the allowed range values.
ORA-39954: DEFERRED is required for this system parameter
Cause: The ALTER SYSTEM command for PLSQL_WARNINGS did not include the keyword, DEFERRED.
Action: Change the command to use the keyword, DEFERRED.
ORA-39955: invalid PL/SQL warning message number
Cause: The PL/SQL message number specified was not in a valid range.
Action: Specify PL/SQL warning message numbers within the valid range.
ORA-39956: duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter string
Cause: A PL/SQL compiler parameter was set more than once.
Action: Remove the duplicate PL/SQL compiler setting.
ORA-39957: invalid warning category
Cause: The category of the message was incorrect.
Action: Specify a vaild category
ORA-39958: invalid warning category qualifier
Cause: The category qualifier was incorrect.
Action: Specify a vaild category qualifier.
ORA-39959: invalid warning number (string)
Cause: The warning number was incorrect.
Action: Specify a vaild warning number.
ORA-39960: scope can only be SYSTEM or SESSION
Cause: The scope specified was not set.
Action: Specify a vaild scope, either SESSION or SYSTEM.
ORA-39961: message specified was not found
Cause: The message number specified was not set.
Action: specify the message number whise settings have been set in the given scope. /// MAX ERROR NUMBER 65535 /// EOF - Add errors till 40000 ABOVE this line. REGISTER at errorinf.txt