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Oracle® Database Error Messages
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10744-01
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18 ORA-33000 to ORA-37134

ORA-33000: (AGOPEN00) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be accessed because it was compiled by a more recent version of string.
Cause: The AGGMAP was already compiled by a more recent version of the product than was being used to execute this command.
Action: Recompile the AGGMAP in the current version.
ORA-33002: (XSAGDNGL00) In AGGMAP workspace object, the FLOOR argument of number must be less than the CEILING argument of number.
Cause: The user specified a floor argument greater than the ceiling argument.
Action: Adjust the floor and ceiling arguments so that the floor is less than the ceiling. OBSOLETE, please remove this
ORA-33003: (XSAGDIMDROP) workspace object, to be transformed during data load, must be a base dimension and not otherwise referenced in the AGGMAP.
Cause: The user tried to specify a dimension in a dataflow-related clause in an aggmap which is already in another RELATION statement, DIMENSION statement, or possibly dimensioning the AGGMAP, or they specified a composite or conjoint dimension, or an object which is not a dimension
Action: Remove the conflicting reference or specify a valid object
ORA-33004: (XSAGDNGL01) workspace object is not a relationship array.
Cause: A RELATION clause in the AGGMAP named a workspace object that is not a relation.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement.
ORA-33005: (XSAGDIMBREAK) Invalid breakout for dimension workspace object.
Cause: The user specified something that was not a valid dimension or relation on a BREAKOUTDIM line in an aggmap. This might be because the object was not a valid relation, was not over the specified dimension or was multidimensional
Action: Use a valid relation instead
ORA-33006: (XSAGDNGL02) The relation workspace object is not related to itself.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a self-relation.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement.
ORA-33008: (XSAGDNGL03) The relation workspace object is not a relation over a base dimension of AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a relation for a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement, that is, one that has a dimension that dimensions the AGGMAP.
ORA-33010: (XSAGDNGL04) Relation workspace object is duplicated in the AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: Two RELATION statements in the AGGMAP reference the same relation object.
Action: Remove the duplicate RELATION statement.
ORA-33012: (XSAGDNGL05) AGGMAP workspace object contains invalid syntax.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains invalid syntax.
Action: Change the line to have valid syntax.
ORA-33014: (XSAGDNGL06) In AGGMAP workspace object, variable operator workspace object cannot be dimensioned by rollup dimension workspace object.
Cause: Operator variables cannot have the rollup dimension as one of their base dimensions.
Action: Modify the definition of the operator variable so that the current rollup dimension is not one of its bases.
ORA-33016: (XSAGDNGL07) In AGGMAP workspace object, workspace object is not a valid operator or variable name.
Cause: An invalid argument was supplied to the OPERATOR clause in the relation statement.
Action: Fix the OPERATOR clause so that it specifies either a valid variable name or a valid operator.
ORA-33018: (XSAGDNGL08) In AGGMAP workspace object, the data type of workspace object must be TEXT, not string.
Cause: An operator variable was supplied whose data type is not TEXT.
Action: Change the operator clause to reference a TEXT variable.
ORA-33020: (XSAGDNGL09) In AGGMAP workspace object, the MIN argument of number must be less than the MAX argument of number.
Cause: The min argument was greater than the max argument.
Action: Adjust the max and max arguments so that min is less than max. OBSOLETE, please remove this
ORA-33022: (XSAGDNGL10) The measure dimension workspace object must be a TEXT or ID base dimension that does not dimension AGGMAP workspace object, but is in the same analytic workspace.
Cause: A MEASUREDIM was supplied in the AGGMAP that was not acceptable.
Action: Modify the MEASUREDIM clause to specify a valid dimension.
ORA-33024: (XSAGDNGL11) AGGMAP workspace object contains duplicate information.
Cause: The aggmap contains multiple instances of a clause that can only be specified once.
Action: Remove the extra clause.
ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements.
Cause: The AGGMAP either specified multiple PROTECT statements not on a RELATION line, or specified PROTECT statements both independently and on RELATION lines.
Action: Correct the AGGMAP to have valid syntax.
ORA-33036: (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option workspace object must be a TEXT variable.
Cause: An ARGS value had a non-text data type.
Action: Use a text variable for ARGS.
ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause.
Cause: The AGGMAP contained multiple SCREENBY clauses.
Action: Remove one of the SCREENBY clauses from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33048: (XSAGDNGL23) In AGGMAP workspace object, the relation workspace object and the relation workspace object are both over the same base dimension.
Cause: The AGGMAP contains incompatible RELATION statements.
Action: Remove one of the RELATION statements from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33050: (XSAGDNGL24) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be used to aggregate workspace object, because it is defined in a different analytic workspace.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable in another analytic workspace.
Action: Create an AGGMAP in the other analytic workspace to aggregate that variable.
ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable with different dimensions than the AGGMAP. This is only possible with undimensioned AGGMAPs.
Action: Create a new undimensioned AGGMAP.
ORA-33054: (XSAGDNGL26) In AGGMAP workspace object, a MIN argument of number must be less than a FLOOR argument of number.
Cause: The user specified a MIN argument that was greater than or equal to the FLOOR argument.
Action: Reduce the MIN argument. OBSOLETE, please remove this
ORA-33056: (XSAGDNGL27) In AGGMAP workspace object, the MAX argument of number must be greater than the CEILING argument of number.
Cause: The user specified a MAX argument that was less than or equal to the CEILING argument.
Action: Increase the MAX argument. OBSOLETE, please remove this
ORA-33058: (XSAGDNGL28) In AGGMAP workspace object, error code string is greater than the maximum error code of number.
Cause: The user specified an invalid ERRORMASK value.
Action: Remove the invalid value from the ERRORMASK list.
ORA-33060: (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value for the ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX of 0 or a negative number.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a positive number.
ORA-33064: (XSAGDNGL31) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy dimension QDR workspace object cannot refer to the related dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid hierarchy dimension qualified data reference.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33066: (XSAGDNGL32) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy dimension QDR workspace object must be a hierarchy dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33068: (XSAGDNGL33) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension workspace object must specify a positive dimension offset.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33070: (XSAGDNGL34) In AGGMAP workspace object, all QDRs of dimension workspace object must map to the same dimension position.
Cause: The user specified two conflicting hierarchy dimension qualified data references.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a consistent qualified data reference.
ORA-33072: (XSAGDNGL35) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension workspace object must be specified for every relation dimensioned by that hierarchy dimension.
Cause: Multiple dimensions share the same hierarchy dimension, but it is only qualified within a subset of the AGGMAP relations.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses consistent qualified data references.
ORA-33074: (XSAGDNGL36) In AGGMAP workspace object, the offset number is not a valid offset into dimension workspace object.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33076: (XSAGDNGL37) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value 'number' is not a valid value of dimension workspace object.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33078: (XSAGDNGL39) In AGGMAP workspace object, the hierarchy dimension QDR workspace object must refer to a dimension.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33080: (XSAGDNGL40) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot reference dimension workspace object with both a RELATION statement and a DIMENSION statement.
Cause: The user included both RELATION and DIMENSION statements in the AGGMAP referring to the same AGGMAP.
Action: Remove one of the conflicting clauses.
ORA-33082: (XSAGDNGL41) In AGGMAP workspace object, the non-dimensioned valueset workspace object must have a parent QDR in its VALUESET statement over the VALUESET's base dimension.
Cause: The VALUESET statement specified a scalar valueset but did not include a qualified data reference to specify the parent.
Action: Add a qualified data reference specifying the parent to the VALUESET statement.
ORA-33084: (XSAGDNGL42) In AGGMAP workspace object, you cannot qualify the dimensioned valueset workspace object.
Cause: The VALUESET line referred to a dimensioned valueset.
Action: Use a non-dimensioned valueset to limit the status of the dimensioned one.
ORA-33086: (XSAGINIT01) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Cause: The specified AGGMAP was dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the conjoint to a composite dimension.
ORA-33092: (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace.
Cause: An invalid model name was attached to an AGGMAP.
Action: Remove the model from the AGGMAP or create a model with that name.
ORA-33094: (XSAGGMAPLIST01) Your expression uses too much execution space. Eliminate recursion or reduce the levels of nesting.
Cause: formulas likely refer to each other recursively or with a great deal of depth.
Action: eliminate recursion and flatten formula trees.
ORA-33098: (APABBR01) A value of 'string' is not valid for the workspace object option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33100: (APABBR02) Value 'number' is not valid for the workspace object option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33213: (CINSERT06) The target position for MAINTAIN ADD or MAINTAIN MOVE cannot fall in the range of session-only values.
Cause: The user specified a BEFORE or AFTER clause specifying a position in the range of SESSION dimension values.
Action: Do not use a position clause, or specify a position before the first SESSION value.
ORA-33214: (CINSERT02) The workspace object dimension is too large.
Cause: The dimension has too many values.
Action: Deleted values can still take up space in the dimension and cause this error. Try removing the deleted values by exporting the dimension to EIF and reimporting it with the REPLACE DELETE option.
ORA-33215: (CINSERT07) You cannot add session-only values to the workspace object dimension.
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION dimension value while a spreadsheet spreadsheet cursor was open.
Action: Try adding the SESSION value while the cursor is not active.
ORA-33217: (CINSERT20) Custom member values cannot be added to concat dimension workspace object, or to any of its bases, because it is not defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-33218: (CINSERT04) %K is not a valid value for the workspace object dimension. Values for this dimension can have at most number significant digits after rounding to number decimal places.
Cause: The user attempted to insert a value that had too many digits into a NUMBER dimension. For instance, the user might have tried to insert the value 99999 (5 digits) into a dimension with data type NUMBER(4).
Action: Use a smaller number for the dimension value, or define a new dimension with a larger precision and replace the old dimension with the new one.
ORA-33219: (CINSERT05) %K cannot be added to workspace object because it is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension workspace object, from leaf dimension workspace object.
Cause: A value cannot be added to a dimension if it conflicts with an existing value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
Action: The concat(s) causing the conflict could be CHGDFNed to NOT UNIQUE, or either of the duplicate values could be renamed to make them UNIQUE.
ORA-33223: (CMOVE03) You cannot move a session-only dimension value.
Cause: The user named a SESSION dimension value in the MAINTAIN MOVE command.
Action: Do not try to MAINTAIN MOVE session-only dimension values.
ORA-33247: (CRENAME03) %K is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension workspace object, from leaf dimension workspace object.
Cause: A value cannot be renamed in a dimension if the new value conflicts with an existing value in a unique concat dimension containing this dimension.
Action: The concat(s) causing the conflict could be CHGDFNed to NOT UNIQUE, or either of the duplicate values could be changed to make them UNIQUE.
ORA-33261: (DBERRLEN) Analytic workspace string extension number truncated at number bytes while trying to read at number.
Cause: Either an internal error or a mistaken user has truncated the AW
Action: Export any data if possible and restore from backup
ORA-33262: (DBERR01) Analytic workspace string does not exist.
Cause: The analytic workspace requested does not seem to be in the current database
Action: Check that you are in the correct schema and have access to the requested AW.
ORA-33263: Could not create analytic workspace string
Cause: A serious error was encountered while trying to set up the tables for the named analytic workspace. Possibilities include a tablespace that can't be written to, corrupted metadata about which AWs exist, bogus tables with names the code expects to be able to use, or the remains of a partially removed AW.
Action: There should be another error on the error stack. Consult it to determine what is causing the problem and remove that table.
ORA-33265: (DBERRBSZ) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened. Tablespace blocksize number does not match database cache size number.
Cause: The blocksize of the containing tablspace didn't match database cache size.
Action: Change either size to make them consistent.
ORA-33267: (DBERRRLS) Analytic workspace string cannot be accessed because it has fine-grained access control applied to it
Cause: An attempt was made to access the specified analytic workspace's LOB table. The OLAP option detected the table had fine-grained security applied to it. The OLAP option requires full access to this table to operate correctly.
Action: Remove the fine-grained access control.
ORA-33270: (DBERR05) Analytic workspace string already exists.
Cause: The AW CREATE command was passed the name of an analytic workspace that already exists
Action: Specify a different name.
ORA-33278: (DBERR09) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode until the changes made and updated in MULTI mode are committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and not committed when the workspace was attached in MULTI mode.
Action: Either try attaching the workspace is RO or MULTI mode or commit or roll back the transaction before trying to attach the workspace in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode.
ORA-33280: (DBERR10) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in MULTI mode until the changes made and updated in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode are committed or rolled back.
Cause: There are still changes to this analytic workspace that were updated and not committed when the workspace was attached in RW or EXCLUSIVE mode.
Action: Either try attaching the workspace is RO, RW, or EXCLUSIVE mode or commit or roll back the transaction before trying to attach the workspace in MULTI mode.
ORA-33282: (DBERR11) Cannot wait for analytic workspace string to become available since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Trying to wait for the workspace to become available caused a deadlock.
Action: Release an analytic workspace that some other user might be waiting for before proceeding to attach this analytic workspace in this mode.
ORA-33284: (DBERR12) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened in MULTI mode before converting it by the latest version of string.
Cause: The AW is stored in 9i format.
Action: Convert the AW to a later format
ORA-33288: (DBERR15) Another user has incompatible access to analytic workspace string, and the wait timeout has expired.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's access, and the timeout specified has elapsed.
Action: Wait until the conflicting user is done.
ORA-33290: (DBERR17) Analytic workspace string cannot be attached in the mode you requested because another user has it attached in an incompatible mode.
Cause: An attempt to access an analytic workspace conflicted with another user's access, and no timeout was specified
Action: Wait unitl the conflicting user is done.
ORA-33300: (DBERR22) Analytic workspace string cannot be opened because it was last modified by an incompatible version of string.
Cause: The user attempted to attach an old OLAP Services analytic workspace that cannot be convered by this version of OLAP Services.
Action: Either create a new analytic workspace or try using a version of OLAP Services compatible with the one that created this analytic workspace.
ORA-33302: (DBVALID01) SEVERE ERROR: Record number multiply used.
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected an error in the structure of the analytic workspace. This error will result in the corruption of one or more objects
Action: Export what you can of the analytic workspace.
ORA-33304: (DBVALID02) Note: Record number was allocated but not used. This can result in wasted space.
Cause: This is a benign message. The AW VALIDATE command found an analytic workspace has some inaccessible space.
Action: Either nothing, or export and recreate the analytic workspace
ORA-33306: (DBVALID03) The AW VALIDATE command cannot be used with read-only analytic workspace string.
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command does not support read-only access.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace read/write and try again.
ORA-33308: (DBVALID04) SEVERE ERROR: Record number used but not allocated
Cause: The AW VALIDATE command has detected a problem that will result in corruption of the analytic workspace. There is no corruption yet.
Action: Export and recreate the analyitic workspace.
ORA-33313: (DELDENT05) workspace object cannot be deleted because it is the target of an external partition of a partitioned variable.
Cause: User attempted to delete a variable, but some partitioned variable was defined to use that variable as the target of one of its external partitions.
Action: DELETE the partitioned variable or CHGDFN DROP PARTITION the the external partition from the partitioned variable, then delete the target variable.
ORA-33332: (DSSEXIST01) Use the AW command to establish a current analytic workspace. Then start your current activity again.
Cause: There is no currently active analytic workspace. The command that generated the error requires an active analytic workspace to operate on.
Action: Execute an AW ATTACH or AW CREATE command to establish an active workspace.
ORA-33334: (DSSEXIST04) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33336: (DSSEXIST04A) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33338: (DSSEXIST05) You cannot specify the EXPTEMP analytic workspace.
Cause: The command requires a non-temporary analytic workspace to operate on.
Action: Specify an analytic workspace other than EXPTEMP.
ORA-33425: (EIFMAKEF15) CAUTION: Exporting NTEXT objects using string for the EIF file character set can cause loss of data. To preserve all NTEXT data, export using the UTF8 character set for the EIF file.
Cause: The user exported an object with data type NTEXT, but the EIF file that will result from the EXPORT command is not written in Unicode. Because no non-Unicode file can represent all possible Unicode data, it is possible that some data will be lost when converting from the Unicode NTEXT object to the EIF file. The EIF file will be written in the character set indicated by the "nls_charset" argument of the EXPORT command, or, if no such argument is present, in the database character set.
Action: If the user is certain that the contents of the NTEXT object can be represented in the specified character set, then no action is necessary. Otherwise, the user can add "nls_charset 'UTF8'" to the EXPORT command string. This will result in the EIF file being written in UTF8 Unicode, which can represent all the data contained in NTEXT objects.
ORA-33427: (EIFMAKEF16) CAUTION: NTEXT object workspace object will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an object whose data type is NTEXT, but but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT data type. The object will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
Action: No action needed.
ORA-33429: (EIFMAKEF17) CAUTION: NTEXT expression will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an expression whose data type is NTEXT, but but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT data type. The expression will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
Action: No action needed.
ORA-33443: (ESDREAD14) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: A program used an analytic workspace name in a qualified object name. The named analytic workspace is not attached at program run time.
Action: No action necessary. The program will be automatically recompiled. It is likely that the recompile will fail with an appropriate exception code, in which case the signaled condition should be corrected and the program re-run.
ORA-33445: (ESDREAD15) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because workspace object and workspace object, which were not partition-dependent when the code was compiled, are now partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other. If object names referred to non-partition-dependent variables at compile time but refer to partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33447: (ESDREAD16) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because workspace object and workspace object, which were partition-dependent when the code was compiled, are now not partition-dependent.
Cause: Two variables are "partition-dependent" if they share any external partition target variables, or if one is the target of an external partition of the other. If object names referred to partition-dependent variables at compile time but refer to non-partition-dependent variables in the run-time context, the OLAP DML program, formula, or model will be automatically recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33448: (ESDREAD04) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number now has string data, whereas it had string data when the code was compiled.
Cause: The datatype of the specified variable has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33449: (ESDREAD17) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because the partition method or partition dimension of number has changed since it was compiled.
Cause: The partitioning method (LIST, RANGE, or CONCAT) or the partition dimension of the partition template is sufficiently different from what it was when the code was compiled that the code must be recompiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33450: (ESDREAD05) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number now has more or fewer dimensions than it had when the code was compiled.
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33452: (ESDREAD06) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number is now dimensioned by workspace object. It was dimensioned by workspace object when the code was compiled.
Cause: The dimensionality of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33454: (ESDREAD07) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number is now string workspace object, whereas it was string workspace object when the code was compiled.
Cause: The specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33456: (ESDREAD08) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number is a(n) string, which string did not expect to find in a compiled program.
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33458: (ESDREAD09) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number is now type string, whereas it was type string when the code was compiled.
Cause: The type of the specified object has changed.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33460: (ESDREAD10) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because object workspace object is not in analytic workspace string.
Cause: The specified object is not in the same analytic workspace it was in when the compiled object was compiled.
Action: None needed.
ORA-33462: (ESDREAD10A) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because object number is not in analytic workspace string.
Cause: The specified object was not in the same analytic workspace it was when the compiled object was compiled
Action: None needed.
ORA-33468: (ESDREAD13) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because number is no longer a surrogate of dimension workspace object.
Cause: When the compiled code was saved, the specified object was a surrogate of a certain dimension. Now the specified object is a surrogate of a different dimension.
Action: No action needed; program automatically recompiles.
ORA-33625: (FRASSIGN02) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with concat dimension workspace object.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a CONCAT target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
Action: APPENDing a value to one of the CONCATs leaves automatically appends to the CONCAT.
ORA-33883: (MAKEDCL36) You cannot use the string attribute when you define an EXTERNAL partition with an existing target.
Cause: User gave the TEMPORARY keyword in the definition of an external partition whose target variable was previously defined.
Action: Any storage characteristics of the external partition are determined by the target variable. These attributes should be set when the target is defined, not when the external partition is defined.
ORA-33911: (MAKEDCL29) You cannot define a string in analytic workspace string because it has not been upgraded to version string.
Cause: User attempted to define an object that requires a certain compatibility setting in an AW that has not been upgraded to that compatibility level.
Action: Make sure that the database is running in the appropriate compatibility mode, and upgrade the AW.
ORA-33918: (MAKEDCL33) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension workspace object because it is a string.
Cause: Not all kinds of dimensions can have surrogates. The user attempted to define a surrogate of a prohibited kind of dimension.
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33920: (MAKEDCL34) The string SURROGATE must have one of the following data types: ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate without specifying a valid data type.
Action: Specify the data type (ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER) in the definition of the surrogate.
ORA-33922: (MAKEDCL35) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension workspace object because it is a time dimension.
Cause: The user attemped to define a surrogate on a dimension that has type DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33998: (MODCOMP12) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace object as model dimensions, because workspace object is a surrogate of workspace object.
Cause: The user attempted to include both a dimension and its surrogate in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either the dimension or the surrogate in the DIMENSION statement of the model, but not both.
ORA-34000: (MODCOMP13) You cannot use both workspace object and workspace object as model dimensions, because they are both surrogates of dimension workspace object.
Cause: The user attempted to include two dimension surrogates of the same dimension in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either of the two surrogates in the DIMENSION statement of the model, but not both.
ORA-34001: (MODCOMP14) Concat leaf dimension workspace object already is used in a DIMENSION statement, either explicitly or as a leaf of another concat dimension.
Cause: Either two concat dimensions which share a common leaf dimension, or a concat and one of its leaves where both specified in the DIMENSION statement(s).
Action: Do not specify overlapping concat dimensions, or any leaves of specified concat dimensions.
ORA-34019: (MSCGADD03) workspace object is not a LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a RANGE or CONCAT partition template.
Action: Partitioning in a RANGE or CONCAT partition template cannot be changed using the MAINTAIN command.
ORA-34021: (MSCGADD04) You must specify a partition when maintaining PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object.
Cause: User attempted to MAINTAINT ADD or DELETE a list value from a LIST parititon template, but didn't specify which partition to add to or delete from.
Action: Specify the partition: maintain (template) add to partition (partitionname) (values) or maintain (template) delete from partition (partitionname) (values)
ORA-34059: (MSEXECUT12) You cannot delete non session-only dimension values from unique concat dimension workspace object.
Cause: The user tried to apply MAINTAIN DELETE to a non-SESSION value.
Action: Only use MAINTAIN DELETE to remove SESSION values from a concat dimension.
ORA-34061: (MSEXECUT11) Session-only values cannot be added to non-unique concat dimension workspace object, or any of its base dimensions.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-34141: (MXCGPUT00) You cannot use the ASSIGN keyword with DIMENSION workspace object.
Cause: User used the ASSIGN keyword on a DIMENSION target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
Action: To create a new dimension value in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command, use the APPEND keyword.
ORA-34143: (MXCGPUT02) You cannot assign values to SURROGATE workspace object because it is type INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to assign a value to a dimension surrogate whose data type is INTEGER. INTEGER surrogates, like INTEGER dimensions, cannot have values assigned to them. They can only be referenced by position.
Action: Do not attempt to assign values to an INTEGER surrogate. Values will automatically appear and disappear from the INTEGER surrogate as positions are added to or removed from the underlying dimension.
ORA-34145: (MXCGPUT03) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with SURROGATE workspace object.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a SURROGATE target in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command.
Action: To assign a value to a SURROGATE in a FILEREAD, SQL FETCH or SQL SELECT command, use the ASSIGN keyword.
ORA-34164: (MXCGVAR01) A dimension used to define a local string variable cannot be located. Execution cannot continue.
Cause: A local relation or valueset has become invalid, most probably because an object used by the currently executing program has been deleted.
Action: This is an internal error that should be referred to Oracle technical support.
ORA-34177: (MXCHGDCL19) number cannot be deleted because one or more partitioned variables instantiate it.
Cause: User attempted to CHGDFN DELETE a partition template, but some partitioned variable had data in the partition specified for deletion.
Action: Drop the partitions that are causing the problem, then retry.
ORA-34179: (MXCHGDCL20) workspace object is not a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partition template where a partition template is required.
Action: Supply the name of a partition template.
ORA-34181: (MXCHGDCL21) workspace object is not a partitioned VARIABLE.
Cause: User specified an object that is not a partitioned variable in a place where a partitioned variable is required.
Action: Supply the name of a partitioned variable.
ORA-34183: (MXCHGDCL22) Partition number already exists.
Cause: User attempted to ADD a partition that already existed to a partitioned variable.
Action: None required - the partition already exists.
ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.
Cause: The user attempted to redefine a conjoint dimension as a composite, but the conjoint has one or more surrogates defined. A dimension that has surrogates cannot be redefined as a composite.
Action: Either delete all surrogates for the dimension, or do not attempt to redefine the dimension as a composite.
ORA-34243: (MXDCL11) You can only use the string keyword when defining a COMPOSITE.
Cause: User supplied the COMPRESSED keyword when defining an object that was not a COMPOSITE.
Action: If the intent is to create a compressed composite, make sure that the object type is COMPOSITE. Otherwise, remove the COMPRESSED keyword from the command string and rerun.
ORA-34260: (MXDCL25) You cannot use number to dimension a string because it is, or involves, a dimension composite. Use the composite's bases instead.
Cause: The user attempted to use a COMPOSITE in the dimension list of an object that does not allow for such dimensions.
Action: Use the base dimensions of the COMPOSITE in the dimension list.
ORA-34276: (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a NUMBER variable or dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) as the dataype in a definition for some object other than a DIMENSION or VARIABLE, such as a FORMULA or PROGRAM. This error can also be produced in cases where a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all.
Action: Use the NUMBER type without specifying a precision or scale. If a NUMBER data type is not allowed at all, this fix will only change the exception message to something more specific.
ORA-34279: (MXDCL37) CONCAT can only be used when defining a DIMENSION.
Cause: The CONCAT keyword was used incorrectly.
Action: Retry the command without the CONCAT keyword.
ORA-34286: (MXDCL53) workspace object cannot be used in this context because it is a string.
Cause: User specified a dimension composite, conjoint, or partition template in a place where that kind of dimension is not allowed. For instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a composite, and only a variable can dimensioned by a partition template.
Action: Usually, the offending dimension can be replaced with its bases. For instance, a relation cannot be dimensioned by a a composite of PRODUCT and GEOG, but it can be dimensioned by both PRODUCT and GEOG instead.
ORA-34296: (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a fixed precision and scale, using the form NUMBER(precision) or NUMBER(precision, scale).
Cause: The user attempted to define a NUMBER dimension without specifying a precision. The proper format for declaring a number dimension is NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale). NUMBER with no precision or scale is not allowed.
Action: Use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) to specify the datatype of a NUMBER dimension.
ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.
Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save changes to the specified analytic workspace.
Action: None, unless it was desired to save changes to the analytic workspace. In that case, detach and reattach the analytic workspace read-write.
ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an analytic workspace that is not currently attached, or the name of the analytic workspace is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace or correct the spelling.
ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The string analytic workspace cannot be detached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is an internal workspace and may not be detached by the user.
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace to detach.
ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) string is used only for internal purposes and cannot be accessed as an analytic workspace.
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an internal analytic workspace used by the system.
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace.
ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) string is an open analytic workspace.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently in use.
Action: The desired action requires an analytic workspace that is not currently in use.
ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) string is not an alias of analytic workspace string.
Cause: User attempted to use AW UNALIAS on a non-existent alias.
Action: Make sure that the command specified the correct analytic workspace and alias. The alias must have been assigned (using AW ALIAS) during the current session and must not have been removed by a previous AW UNALIAS or AW DETACH command.
ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) number other users reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) string appears twice in the alias list.
Cause: User included the same name twice in the alias list of an AW ALIAS or AW UNALIAS command.
Action: Remove the duplicate name and try again.
ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34361: (MXDSS12) number other user reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None
ORA-34363: (MXDSS13) number other user writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d == 1
Action: None
ORA-34481: (MXMAINT07) You cannot string values of PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object.
Cause: User attempted to use the MAINTAIN command with some keyword other than ADD or DELETE on a partition template.
Action: It is not possible to MAINTAIN a partition template, except to add or delete values of a partition list.
ORA-34487: (MXMAINT08) You cannot string values of non-unique concat dimension workspace object.
Cause: The specified MAINTAIN operation can only be applied to UNQUE concats.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the concat dimension to UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-34489: (MXMAINT06) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is a SURROGATE.
Cause: The user attempted to use the MAINTAIN command on a dimension surrogate. The MAINTAIN command can only be used with real dimensions, not surrogates.
Action: Use the MAINTAIN command to modify the underlying dimension of the surrogate instead.
ORA-34514: (MXOPERR) You cannot string string data in the expression that begins with 'string'.
Cause: The user attempted an invalid operation.
Action: none
ORA-34656: (MXSQL24) Additional WHERE clause conditions with CURRENT OF <cursor name> syntax
Cause: A SQL UPDATE or DELETE statement tried to use the CURRENT of <cursor name> syntax with a WHERE clause containing multiple conditions.
Action: When using the CURRENT OF <cursor name> syntax make sure it is the only condition in the WHERE clause.
ORA-34719: (NLSCHARSET03) Character data loss in NTEXT/TEXT conversion
Cause: When character set conversion happens between TEXT and NTEXT either implicitly or explicitly, some characters are lost due to no mapping characters in the destination character set.
Action: Make sure all the characters can be mapped to destination character set or set NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP to be FALSE. Note: This message is the OLAP equivalent of ORA-12713.
ORA-34722: (NLSCHARSET05) CAUTION: Character data loss in character set conversion from string to string
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set, but the string contained characters that didn't exist in the new character set.
Action: Choose different character sets.
ORA-34726: (NLSCHARSET06) CAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from string to string
Cause: Some operation required a string to be converted into a different character set. The string required more bytes in the new encoding, and exceeded some byte limit on its allowable length, causing some characters to be removed from the end of the string.
Action: If the byte limit is due to using the ID datatype, consider using the CHAR datatype instead. If the byte limit is due to the limit of 4000 bytes per line of CHAR data, break the long line up into multiple lines.
ORA-34802: (OCI11) OLAP OCI operation caused ROLLBACK past an UPDATE of an attached analytic workspace. Current operation canceled.
Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. The current operation is aborted, and the Analytic Workspace detached.
Action: Change the called SQL procedure to avoid the ROLLBACK
ORA-34871: (PERMIT06) Session-only value 'value' of workspace object has been deleted because a PERMIT change has revealed a duplicate value.
Cause: Execution of a PERMIT command revealed a permanent dimension or surrogate value having the same name as the SESSION value.
Action: If the SESSION value is still needed, add it with a different name.
ORA-34896: (PPMONTHS00) At least 12 month names must be given. Only number were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each month. Not enough names were provided.
Action: Provide at least 12 names.
ORA-34897: (PPMONTHS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the MONTHNAMES option.
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the MONTHNAMES option. We do not allow blank month names.
Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.
ORA-34900: (PPWKDAYS00) At least 7 day names must be given. Only number were provided.
Cause: There must be at least one name for each day. Not enough names were provided.
Action: Make sure there are at least 7 names in the string.
ORA-34901: (PPWKDAYS01) Blank lines are not allowed in the DAYNAMES option.
Cause: There is at least one blank line in the string populating the DAYNAMES option. We do not allow blank day names.
Action: Remove the blank line(s) from the string.
ORA-35062: (QFGET01) Duplicate files found for extension number number of EIF file string.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and found two EIF extension files with the same name (differing at most by the case used in the final name component.
Action: Delete, rename or move any files that are not to be read by IMPORT.
ORA-35066: (QFGET03) Extension number number is missing for EIF file string.
Cause: IMPORT searched the directories specified in EIFEXTENSIONPATH and could not find the appropriately numbered extension file.
Action: Move the missing file into one of the searched directories.
ORA-35071: (QFHEAD06) EIF file string cannot be imported because analytic workspace string has not been upgraded to version string.
Cause: User attempted to import from an EIF file that was created by a newer version of the product into an AW that was created by a older version of the product.
Action: Make sure that the compatibility mode parameter in the init.ora of the importing instance specifies a version that is at least as high as the parameter was in the exporting instance. Then, convert the AW to the latest storage format and reexecute the import command. Alternatively, change the EIFVERSION option of the exporting instance to a lower number, recreate the EIF file, and import the new file.
ORA-35074: (QFHEAD02) EIF file string cannot be read by this version of string.
Cause: The EIF file was created with an internal version number indicating it may contain objects that are not compatible with the current Oracle OLAP version, or the EIF file is in an obsolete format.
Action: If possible, set EIFVERSION in the exporting instance to a lower number, recreate the EIF file, and import the new file.
ORA-35076: (QFHEAD04) CAUTION: The textual data in EIF file string is encoded in a character set that is not recognized by this version of string.
Cause: IMPORT could not recognize the character set specification in the EIF file.
Action: Check the imported text data. If it was not imported correctly, recreate the EIF file with a character set supported by the current Oracle version.
ORA-35078: (QFHEAD05) An EIF extension file header for string is not in the correct format.
Cause: An EIF extension file in multi-file IMPORT did not contain correct header information.
Action: Check to be sure that EIFEXTENSIONPATH is set correctly and that all the extension files for the current IMPORT were created by the same EXPORT command as the main EIF file.
ORA-35095: (QFSVNS01) One or more imported values of fixed-width dimension workspace object have been truncated.
Cause: The data in the EIF file was exported from a dimension with wider values than the target dimension will accommodate.
Action: Change the definition of the target dimension, or check to be sure that multiple values from the target dimension havve not become identical during the import process. This could cause data loss as data from later dimension values overstores data imported earlier.
ORA-35180: (SNSYN103) The format of the OUTFILE command is: OUTFILE [APPEND] {EOF | TRACEFILE | filename [NOCACHE] [NLS_CHARSET name]}
Cause: The user specified incorrect syntax for the OUTFILE command.
Action: none
ORA-35276: (SNSYN163) The format of the ALLOCATE command is: ALLOCATE varname [SOURCE svarname] [BASIS bvarname [ACROSS dimname]] [TARGET tvarname [TARGETLOG logvarname]] [ USING aggmap ]
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the ALLOCATE command.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
ORA-35280: (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is: AGGREGATE varname1 [varname2 varname3 ...] USING aggmap-name [COUNTVAR intvar-name1 [intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...]] [FUNCDATA] [THREADS #]
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE command.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is: AGGREGATE(varname USING aggmap-name [COUNTVAR intvar-name] [FORCECALC])
Cause: The user used incorrect syntax for the AGGREGATE function.
Action: Correct the calling syntax.
ORA-35578: (SQLOUT11) SQL cursor 'number' cannot be used with CURRENT OF <cursor name> syntax
Cause: The CURRENT OF <cursor> syntax in the WHERE clause tried to use a cursor that was not declared with the FOR UPDATE [ of <column name> ] SQL syntax.
Action: Add the FOR UPDATE [ OF <column name> ] SQL syntax to the cursor specified.
ORA-35587: (SQLOUT20) The nesting of table functions and SQL commands has exceeded the maximum of number levels.
Cause: The nesting of table functions with the PREDMLCMD token populated with an OLAP DML expression that use the embedded SQL support to access another table function which contains a table functions with the PREDMLCMD token filled in with an OLAP DML expression that uses the embedded SQL support.
Action: Reduce the level of nesting between table functions and OLAP DML embedded SQL support.
ORA-35756: (VCTODT02) 'number' is not a valid date because number is out of range for a year.
Cause: n'%1p'
Action: none
ORA-35917: (XSHIDE05) You cannot HIDE model workspace object because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version string.
Cause: User attempted to apply the HIDE command to a model in an AW that has not been upgraded to the necessary compatibility level.
Action: Make sure that the database is running in the appropriate compatibility mode, and upgrade the AW.
ORA-36154: (XSMXAGGR01) workspace object is not a data variable.
Cause: An object was specified on the Aggregate command line that was not a variable
Action: Specify a variable instead
ORA-36155: (XSMXAGGRFROM) workspace object must be a variable or formula of a similar data type to workspace object to be used with FROM, or a TEXT variable or formula to be used with FROMVAR.
Cause: The user specified an illegal variable for use with FROM or FROMVAR on the AGGREGATE command line
Action: Specify a legal variable instead
ORA-36157: (XSMXAGGRCOMMIT) To use the AUTOCOMMIT keyword, you must also specify the AUTOUPDATE keyword.
Cause: The user specified AUTOCOMMIT but not AUTOUPDATE on the AGGREGATE command line, which is illegal
Action: Either also specify AUTOUPDATE or don't specify AUTOCOMMIT
ORA-36160: (XSMXAGGR04) You may not use AGGREGATE on scalar VARIABLE workspace object.
Cause: The user specified a scalar variable to use for AGGREGATE
Action: Specify a dimensioned variable instead
ORA-36178: (XSAGGR01) To be used with AGGREGATE, AGGMAP workspace object must be declared with the AGGMAP command.
Cause: The user used the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so the AGGMAP can only be used with the ALLOCATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.
Action: Use the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP.
ORA-36179: (XSNOAGM) No AGGMAP was specified for VARIABLE workspace object.
Cause: The user used the AGGREGATE command without specifying an AGGMAP on the command line, with a variable which had no $AGGMAP property.
Action: Specify an AGGMAP on the AGGREGATE command line, or add the $AGGMAP property to the variable in question.
ORA-36180: (XSAGGR08) AGGREGATE cannot function because there is a permission clause associated with variable workspace object.
Cause: When using AGGREGATE, only simple permissions and permissions on base dimensions are valid.
Action: Remove the permissions clause from the variable causing problems.
ORA-36182: (XSAGGR09) Could not locate a value for variable number in measure dimension workspace object.
Cause: A measure dimension was supplied in the AGGMAP, but a position for the variable was not found in it.
Action: Add a position for the variable in the measure dimension.
ORA-36184: (XSAGGR10) You do not have sufficient permissions for the variable workspace object.
Cause: The user lacked the permissions necessary for the aggregation variable.
Action: Remove the restricting permissions from the variable or base dimension.
ORA-36188: (XSAGGR16) AGGREGATE read a value less than 1 out of COUNTVAR variable workspace object. Either the values of the COUNTVAR variable are stored improperly, or there is problem in AGGREGATE. If no one has modified the values in this COUNTVAR, contact Oracle customer support.
Cause: Either someone improperly changed the COUNTVAR variable, or AGGREGATE has an error.
Action: Set the COUNTVAR variable to NA before starting AGGREGATE. If you previously set the COUNTVAR variable to NA, then contact Oracle OLAP technical support.
ORA-36198: (XSAGGR33) The AGGREGATE operator string does not require a weight, but ARGS variable workspace object specified %4p as a weight.
Cause: The ARGS variable specified a weight even though one is not needed.
Action: Modify the ARGS variable so that it does not specify a weight for that operation.
ORA-36200: (XSAGGR34) AGGREGATE operator string requires a WEIGHTBY clause, but ARGS variable workspace object did not specify one.
Cause: The given operator requires a WEIGHT specification, but the ARGS variable did not supply one.
Action: Modify the ARGS variable to specify a weight for the operation.
ORA-36202: (XSAGOP01) 'number' is not a valid aggregation operator.
Cause: An invalid string was provided for an aggregation operator.
Action: Check the spelling of the operator to make sure you are specifying a valid one.
ORA-36204: (XSAGOP04N) In AGGMAP workspace object, the NAOPERATOR string must be HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.
Cause: An invalid NAOPERATOR was specified.
Action: Specify HFIRST, HLAST or HEVEN.
ORA-36206: (XSAGOP04R) In AGGMAP workspace object, REMOPERATOR string must be MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, HFIRST or HLAST.
Cause: An invalid REMOPERATOR was specified.
Action: Specify one of the legal operators.
ORA-36208: (XSAGOP05N) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify NAOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL or EVEN operators, not string.
Cause: The user specified an NAOPERATOR when you were not using PROPORTIONAL or EVEN.
Action: Remove the NAOPERATOR clause from the RELATION line.
ORA-36210: (XSAGOP05R) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the REMOPERATOR string with the PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN operators, not string.
Cause: The user specified a REMOPERATOR without using PROPORTIONAL, EVEN, or HEVEN.
Action: Remove the REMOPERATOR clause from the RELATION line.
ORA-36212: (XSAGOP06) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can only specify the MIN, MAX, FLOOR, and CEILING arguments while using the PROPORTIONAL operator, not string.
Cause: The user specified MIN, MAX, FLOOR, or CEILING when using an operator other than PROPORTIONAL.
Action: Remove the incorrect argument from the RELATION line.
ORA-36258: (XSAGINFO00) When the AGGMAPINFO function is called, workspace object must be an AGGMAP.
Cause: The AGGMAPINFO function was called with an object that is not an AGGMAP.
Action: Modify the call to AGGMAPINFO to specify an AGGMAP object.
ORA-36260: (XSAGHIERPART00) Aggregating from partition %J to partition %J over hierarchy workspace object creates an increase in sparsity.
Cause: In the partition creation / aggmap creation a situation developed such that when aggregating over a particular dimension of the aggmap a partition boundery was crossed such that the sparsity of the target partition included dimensions that were not in the sparisty of the source partition. Since the process of aggregation always densifies rather than sparsifying this is an extremely suboptimal design and it is not supported by the aggregate system.
Action: Set up your partitioning such that for any partition boundary the source and target partitions of the aggregation will always move towards denser partitions. For any child (c) and any parent (p) where (c) and (p) are in different partitions it must be the case that the parent partition contains no dimension in the composite that the child partition does not contain in it's composite.
ORA-36261: (XSAGPARTDEP00) Can not Aggregate PARTITION TEMPLATE %J because the path of aggregation would recursively enter partition %J.
Cause: The partitioning scheme was such that while aggregating there exists a cell (m) such that both one of it's descendents and one of it's ancestors are both in the referenced partition, whil (m) is in a different partition.
Action: Change the partitioning scheme.
ORA-36266: (XSCGMDLAGG00) Invalid context for the AGGREGATION function
Cause: Aggregation function is not used in model
Action: Use aggregation function only in model
ORA-36268: (XSCGMDLAGG01) 'string' is not a valid dimension value.
Cause: Not a valid dimension value
Action: Use the valid dimension value
ORA-36270: (XSCGMDLAGG03) The right-hand side of the AGGREGATION function includes duplicate values.
Cause: Use the duplicate values
Action: Use the distinct values
ORA-36272: (XSCGMDLAGG04) 'workspace object' is not a valid operator for the AGGREGATION function.
Cause: Use an invalid operator
Action: Use the valid operator
ORA-36274: (XSCGMDLAGG05) The operator used in this equation needs a weight variable.
Cause: No a valid weight variable
Action: Use the valid weight variable
ORA-36276: (XSCGMDLAGG06) Current operator does not need the weight variable.
Cause: Use the weight variable in wrong context
Action: Remove the weight variable
ORA-36278: (XSCGMDLAGG07) workspace object is not a valid valueset.
Cause: Use an invalid object name or a non-valueset object
Action: Use the valueset object
ORA-36280: (XSCGMDLAGG08) The dimension of valueset workspace object is not in the dimension list of the current compiling model.
Cause: Use the wrong valueset
Action: Use the valueset which limits over the dimension of model.
ORA-36290: (EIFMAKEF14) You cannot export object workspace object, because EIFVERSION is set to number. That version does not support dimensions of type NUMBER.
Cause: The user tried to export a NUMBER dimension to an EIF file with the EIFVERSION option set to a number less than 80000. Versions previous to that eversion do not support NUMBER dimensions.
Action: A NUMBER dimension cannot be used in a version of older than 9.2.0. If the EXPORT file is going to be read by version 9.2.0 or higher, set EIFVERSION to a number greater than or equal to 80000 and execute the EXPORT command again.
ORA-36312: (PHYS00) workspace object must be a dimension or dimensioned variable.
Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL function
Action: Specify a valid object
ORA-36314: (PHYS01) workspace object must be a dimension, relation or variable.
Cause: The user specified an invalid OLAP object while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command
Action: Specify a valid object
ORA-36316: (PHYS02) Relation workspace object must be a single-dimensional relation that relates one INTEGER dimension to another.
Cause: The user specified an invalid relation while attempting to use the PHYSICAL command
Action: Specify a valid relation
ORA-36341: (SNSYN130) The format of the PARTITIONCHECK function is: PARTITIONCHECK(aggmap, partition_template)
Cause: Bad syntax
Action: Correct syntax
ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is: CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3...] [USING aggmap]
Cause: The syntax for the CLEAR command was invalid.
Action: Modify your syntax using the correct format.
ORA-36376: (XSAGZERO) AGGREGATE attempted to divide by zero. Set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES if you want NA to be returned as the result of a division by zero.
Cause: A calculation in the current AGGREGATE command attempted to divide by zero as a result of an AVERAGE, WAVERAGE, HAVERAGE or HWAVERAGE operation.
Action: Either fix the data, or set DIVIDEBYZERO to YES to return NA instead of signalling an error.
ORA-36378: (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) While running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable workspace object specified by your ARGS variable workspace object must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: While running AGGREGATE in threaded mode, you attempted to specify a WEIGHT variable in another analytic workspace.
Action: Use a weight variable from the same analytic workspace as the aggmap and rollup variable.
ORA-36380: (AGGRECURSE) AGGREGATE was called recursively, which is not allowed.
Cause: A model, NATRIGGER, or other object called the AGGREGATE function or command while another AGGREGATE function or command was already in progress.
Action: Modify your objects so that they do not need to have two AGGREGATE commands or functions executing at once.
ORA-36389: (XSAGPARTDEP01) Can not aggregate from PARTITION number into PARTITION number due to increasing sparsity along DIMENSION %J.
Cause: The user is attempting to use partitions as a means of sparsity control, however they have set up their partitions in a manner that simply makes no sense. It is a simple fact that during aggregation data becomes more dense, not less dense, and yet thier partitions indicate the opposite.
Action: Modify the partition template add the specified dimension into the source composite, or removing it from the target composite.
ORA-36391: (XSMXCLEA01) When CLEAR is used with the STATUS keyword or an AGGMAP, workspace object must be dimensioned identically to workspace object.
Cause: The user specified objects whose dimensionality didn't match
Action: Break up the CLEAR command into multiple commands where the dimensionality of the objects matches
ORA-36392: (XSMXCLEA02) When using CLEAR with the PRECOMPUTES or NONPRECOMPUTES options, you must supply an AGGMAP.
Cause: The user didn't specify an AGGMAP with the CLEAR command
Action: Specify the AGGMAP used to aggregate the variable being cleared
ORA-36393: (XSMXCLEA03) When using the CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword.
Cause: The user didn't use the ALL keyword when using CHANGES or CACHE
Action: Specify the ALL keyword
ORA-36394: (XSMXCLEA04) When using CLEAR on the AGGMAP workspace object, CACHE is the only valid directive.
Cause: The user attempted to CLEAR an AGGMAP using a directive other than CACHE
Action: Amend the CLEAR line to only use the CACHE keyword with AGGMAPs.
ORA-36398: (XSSPROP01) Property name 'number' is invalid because only system-reserved property names can begin with "$".
Cause: The user attempted to add a property which starts with $ but is not a reserved property name
Action: Remove the $ from the property name
ORA-36400: (XSSPROP02) workspace object is not a valid variable name.
Cause: Not a valid variable name
Action: Change to a valid variable name
ORA-36402: (XSSPROP03) The property '$string' requires a leading "$" because it is a system-reserved property name.
Cause: The user tried to specify a property name which is reserved, but did not use a leading $
Action: Either add a leading $ or choose another property name
ORA-36403: (XSBADSPROP) number is an illegal value for system-reserved property string on workspace object.
Cause: The user tried to specify an illegal value for a special property
Action: Specify a legal value.
ORA-36608: (XSAGHOVERFLOW) The depth of the hierarchies encountered while processing a composite dimension in AGGREGATE caused a counter overflow.
Cause: The depth of the hierarchies that are part of a composite exceeded 4 billion levels during the merge.
Action: Reduce the number of levels in the hierarchies, reduce the number of dimensions in the composite, or do not aggregate over all dimensions at once.
ORA-36610: (XSLMS00) Unable to locate a message file for product 'value' and facility 'value'.
Cause: An application called the INTL.MESG function with an incorrect or uninstalled product / facility combination.
Action: Make sure that the appropriate binary message file is stored on the host in the correct location: $ORACLE_HOME/product/facilitylanguage.msb.
ORA-36612: (XSLMS01) An application attempted to retrieve a non-existent user message. (Product: value, Facility: value, Message Number: value)
Cause: The caller of INTL.MESG tried to retrieve a non-existent message.
Action: Add the message to the application's message file, and recompile or reinstall the binary message file.
ORA-36614: (XSLMS02) string attempted to retrieve a nonexistent user message. (Message number number)
Cause: An internal Oracle OLAP error. Oracle OLAP attempted to retrieve a message that does not exist in the installed message file $OLAP_HOME/aps*.msb.
Action: Ignore this error message.
ORA-36628: (XSAGMODLIST03) MODEL workspace object could not be added to AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: The dimension of the model must match a hierarchy of the aggmap.
Action: Add a RELATION statement to the AGGMAP for that dimension.
ORA-36630: (XSDUNION00) An empty base dimension list was specified in the concat dimension definition.
Cause: An empty concat dimension list was specified.
Action: Specify a valid list of dimensions when defining a concat dimension.
ORA-36632: (XSDUNION01) The concat dimension workspace object is not currently defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Attempt was made to CHGDFN a concat, which is already non-unique, to NOT UNIQUE.
Action: Since the concat is already non-unique, this command is unnecessary.
ORA-36634: (XSDUNION02) INTEGER dimension workspace object cannot be used as a concat dimension base.
Cause: The user cannot specify INTEGER base dimensions when defining a concat dimension.
Action: Change the datatype of the INTEGER base dimension, or omit it from the concat.
ORA-36635: (XSDUNION03) The base dimension workspace object has an invalid datatype for use in a UNIQUE concat definition.
Cause: Base dimensions of a unique concat must have TEXT or ID datatypes.
Action: Specify a valid list of dimensions when defining a unique concat dimension.
ORA-36636: (XSDUNION04) The unique concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE, because it is a base of at least one other unique concat dimension.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
Action: CHGDFN any dependent unique concat dimensions to NOT UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-36637: (XSDUNION05) The concat dimension cannot be defined as UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension workspace object.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
Action: CHGDFN any non-unique concat base dimensions to UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-36638: (XSDUNION17) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE because it has a non-unique concat base dimension workspace object.
Cause: A non-unique concat dimension cannot be used as a base of a dependent unique concat.
Action: CHGDFN any non-unique concat base dimensions to UNIQUE and retry.
ORA-36639: (XSDUNION18) UNIQUE cannot be applied to this concat dimension because leaves workspace object and workspace object share the value number.
Cause: Unique concat base dimensions cannot contain duplicate values.
Action: Use MAINTAIN RENAME to change one of the duplicate values and retry.
ORA-36640: (XSDUNION19) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE because base dimension workspace object does not have a TEXT or ID datatype.
Cause: Base dimensions of a unique concat must have TEXT or ID datatypes.
Action: none
ORA-36641: (XSDUNION20) The concat dimension must be defined as UNIQUE because base dimension workspace object contains custom member values.
Cause: The UNIQUE keyword was not specified in the concat dimension definition, and is required if any of its base dimensions contain custom member values.
Action: Define the concat as UNIQUE, or remove all base custom member values.
ORA-36642: (XSDUNION06) Concat dimension list contains duplicate leaf dimension workspace object.
Cause: Duplicate concat leaf dimension was found.
Action: Remove duplicate concat base dimensions and retry.
ORA-36643: (XSDUNION21) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to NOT UNIQUE because it contains custom member values.
Cause: Only UNIQUE concat dimensions can have custom member values or base dimensions which contain custom member values.
Action: Remove all custom member values from the concat and all of its bases, and retry.
ORA-36644: (XSDUNION07) Concat dimension workspace object contains a previously detected leaf dimension.
Cause: Concat dimension contains a previously detected leaf dimension.
Action: none
ORA-36646: (XSDUNION08) Only concat dimensions can be redefined as UNIQUE. workspace object is not a concat dimension.
Cause: UNIQUE keyword was used with an invalid object.
Action: Retry without the UNIQUE keyword.
ORA-36648: (XSDUNION09) Concat dimension workspace object is already defined as UNIQUE.
Cause: Attempt to change a concat dimension to UNIQUE, but it is already UNIQUE.
Action: none
ORA-36650: (XSDUNION10) Concat dimension workspace object cannot be changed to UNIQUE. Leaves workspace object and workspace object share the value number.
Cause: Unique concat base dimensions cannot contain duplicate values.
Action: Use MAINTAIN RENAME to change one of the duplicate values and retry.
ORA-36652: (XSDUNION11) workspace object is not a string type dimension.
Cause: The CHGDFN BASE ADD command is only valid for concat dimensions.
Action: none
ORA-36664: (XSDPART02) You must specify a partitioning method and one or more partition dimensions when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User tried to define a PARTITION TEMPLATE without a PARTITION BY clause.
Action: Add a PARTITION BY clause.
ORA-36665: (XSDPART03) workspace object is not in the dimension list of the PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: While defining a partition template, user attempted to specify a partition dimension that is not a dimension of the partition template itself.
Action: Choose a partition dimension from among the dimensions of the partition template.
ORA-36666: (XSDPART04) workspace object is not a concat dimension.
Cause: User tried to define a partition template with PARTITION BY CONCAT(... dim ...) where dim is not a concat dimension.
Action: Only concat dimensions can serve as partition dimensions with CONCAT partitioning. Choose a different partition dimension.
ORA-36667: (XSDPART05) string is not a legal CONCAT partition.
Cause: User attempted to use RANGE or LIST syntax in defining a CONCAT partition template.
Action: Use CONCAT partition syntax.
ORA-36668: (XSDPART06) string is not a legal RANGE partition.
Cause: User attempted to use CONCAT or LIST syntax in defining a RANGE partition template.
Action: Use RANGE partition syntax.
ORA-36669: (XSDPART07) string is not a legal LIST partition.
Cause: User attempted to use RANGE or CONCAT syntax in defining a LIST partition template.
Action: Use LIST partition syntax.
ORA-36670: (XSDPART08) workspace object is an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension, or contains an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension. INTEGER and NTEXT dimensions cannot be used as partition dimensions.
Cause: User attempted to define a partition template partitioned by an INTEGER or NTEXT dimension or a concat containing an NTEXT leaf.
Action: Either pick a different partition dimension, or redefine the dimension to use a different datatype.
ORA-36671: (XSDPART09) Leaves of workspace object have different datatypes. A partition dimension cannot have more than one datatype when RANGE partitioning is used.
Cause: User attempted to define a range partition template with a concat partition dimension, and the concat had two leaf dimensions with different datatypes.
Action: Pick a different partition dimension.
ORA-36672: (XSDPART10) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE can only have a single partition dimension.
Cause: User attempted to define a RANGE or LIST partition template with more than one partition dimension.
Action: Remove all but one of the dimensions from the PARTITION BY RANGE(...) or PARTITION BY LIST(...) clause of the partition template definition.
ORA-36673: (XSDPART11) Use simple leaf values to identify concat dimension values in a VALUES LESS THAN clause, rather than the <LEAF: VALUE> format.
Cause: When defining a RANGE partition template with a concat dimension for the partition dimension, the user attempted to define a range using the <LEAF: VALUE> format of a concat dimension value.
Action: Use just the leaf value. Instead of "VALUES LESS THAN <leaf: value>", just say, "VALUES LESS THAN value".
ORA-36674: (XSDPART12) Invalid dimension value starting at string.
Cause: When defining a RANGE or LIST partition template, the user specified an invalid value in a VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause. An "invalid value" can be one of two things: a value whose datatype does not match the partition dimension's datatype, or a non-constant value.
Action: Modify the offending VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES phrase.
ORA-36676: (XSDPART14) Missing dimension list for string.
Cause: User attempted to define a CONCAT partition template, and didn't supply a list of dimensions for one of the partition definitions.
Action: Give a dimension list for each partition.
ORA-36677: (XSDPART15) Duplicate value in value lists of number and number
Cause: In a LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE definition, a value appeared in more than one value list, or more than once within a single value list.
Action: List each value only once.
ORA-36678: (XSDPART16) workspace object is missing from one or more partition dimension lists.
Cause: In the definition of a partition template, one of the partitions had a dimension list that did not contain all the dimensions of the partition template.
Action: Add the offending dimension to the partition's dimension list, or delete it from the partition template's dimension list. If using CONCAT partitioning and the missing dimension is a partition dimension, add to the partition dimension list any leaf of the partition dimension or any concat of leaves of the partition dimension.
ORA-36679: (XSDPART17) workspace object contains a leaf (workspace object) that is not part of the partition dimension workspace object.
Cause: In the definition of a CONCAT partition template, one of the partitions was dimensioned by a dimension that is "concat-related" to a partition dimension, meaning it shares some leaves with the partition dimension, but it contained some leaves that are not in the partition dimension.
Action: Either modify the dimensionality of the partition template to include a concat dimension that contains all the desired leaves, or pick a different dimension for the partition.
ORA-36680: (XSDPART18) workspace object is not a dimension of the PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: In the definition of a partition template, one of the partitions was dimensioned by a dimension that was not given in the dimension list of the partition template.
Action: Remove the offending dimension from the partition's dimension list, or add it to the partition template's dimension list.
ORA-36681: (XSDPART19) Partitions string and string are out of order.
Cause: In the definition of a range partition template, a partition with a lower range boundary was listed after a partition with a higher range boundary.
Action: Alter the order of the partition definition list.
ORA-36682: (XSDPART20) Partition name string appears twice.
Cause: User gave a list of AW partitions in which some partition name appeared twice.
Action: Remove all but the first instance of the partition name from the list.
ORA-36683: (XSDPART21) Partition string dimensioned by more than one composite.
Cause: It is illegal to define a partition template in which one of the partitions is dimensioned by more than one composite.
Action: Make sure that the partition template being defined has at most one composite per partition.
ORA-36684: (XSDPART22) You cannot rename values of DIMENSION workspace object because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE workspace object
Cause: User attempted to rename a value of a dimension that serves as the partition dimension of some RANGE or LIST partition template.
Action: It is not possible to rename values in such a dimension without deleting all RANGE and LIST partition templates that are partitioned by it.
ORA-36685: (XSDPART23) Only CONCAT partition templates can be subpartitioned.
Cause: User attempted to define a RANGE or LIST partition template with one or more partitions dimensioned by another partition template.
Action: Use only regular dimensions and composites to dimension each partition of the RANGE or LIST template.
ORA-36686: (XSDPART24) Value number is not in partition number.
Cause: User attempted to reorganize a list partition template by removing a value from some partition's list, but the value was not in the list.
Action: Ensure that the given values match the given partition.
ORA-36688: (NTEXTCNV00) Error during conversion from TEXT to NTEXT.
Cause: An unknown character set conversion error occurred when converting a TEXT value to an NTEXT value.
Action: Unknown.
ORA-36690: (NTEXTCNV01) Error during conversion from NTEXT to TEXT.
Cause: An unknown character set conversion error occurred when converting an NTEXT value to a TEXT value.
Action: Unknown.
ORA-36691: (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: string.
Cause: The user called the UNISTR function on a string that had an invalid escape sequence. The only valid escape sequences in UNISTR are 1.) an escape-escape sequence, and 2.) an escape, followed by exactly four hexadecimal digits.
Action: Make sure that all escape sequences in UNISTR arguments are exactly four hexadecimal digits. To represent codepoints whose value is less than 0x1000, use preceding zeros. WRONG: 0x10; RIGHT: 0x0010.
ORA-36692: (XSRELTBL00) The format of the HIERHEIGHT command is: HIERHEIGHT relation1[(dimension dimvalue, ...)] into relation2 [using relation3 | a | d] [inhierarchy {variable | valueset}].
Cause: The user input the wrong format/object types
Action: Make sure number of arguments and all object types are correct.
ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.
Cause: Unkown.
Action: Check the context and permission for dimension maintenance.
ORA-36696: (XSRELTBL02) QDR dimension workspace object should not be the related dimension of the relation.
Cause: Try to limit relation dimension using qdr list.
Action: Delete the part of qdr list for relation dimension.
ORA-36698: (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension workspace object should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.
Cause: Use other dimensions than dimensions in relation dimensions.
Action: Make sure all dimensions of qdrs dimension the relation.
ORA-36700: (XSRELTBL04) QDR dimension workspace object repeats.
Cause: Repeat the qdr dimesion.
Action: Delete the repeated qdr.
ORA-36702: (XSRELTBL05) The format of the HIERHEIGHT function is: HIERHEIGHT(relation [,] level) level >= 1.
Cause: The HIERHEIGHT function was specified incorrectly.
Action: Make sure the format is correct.
ORA-36704: (XSRELTBL06) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object.
Cause: The level relation is not dimensioned by the source relation dimension.
Action: Make sure the level relation has the correct definition.
ORA-36706: (XSRELTBL07) workspace object should be dimensioned by workspace object and one level dimension.
Cause: The destination relation has the wrong definition.
Action: Make sure the destination relation has the correct dimensions.
ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.
Cause: The user supplied an undimensioned (scalar) variable to the ALLOCATE command.
Action: Use a dimensioned variable.
ORA-36710: (XSMXALLOC01) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must be dimensioned identically to TARGET variable workspace object.
Cause: The user attempted to execute ALLOCATE with mismatching TARGET and TARGETLOG variables
Action: Use TARGET and TARGETLOG variables with matching dimensionality.
ORA-36712: (XSMXALLOC02) Relation workspace object must be a one-dimensional self-relation to be used as a SOURCE or BASIS with ALLOCATE.
Cause: The user specified an invalid source or basis relation on the ALLOCATE command line.
Action: Modify the relation to be a one-dimensional self-relation.
ORA-36714: (XSMXALLOC03) TARGETLOG variable workspace object must have the same data type as TARGET variable workspace object.
Cause: The user specified a TARGETLOG variable that had a different data type from the TARGET variable.
Action: Use TARGETLOG and TARGET variables with an identical data type.
ORA-36716: (XSMXALLOC04) You can only use the ACROSS phrase when allocation BASIS workspace object is a FORMULA.
Cause: The user specified an ACROSS composite when the BASIS is not a FORMULA.
Action: Remove the ACROSS phrase or use a FORMULA for the BASIS.
ORA-36718: (XSALLOC00) You do not have the necessary permissions to use AGGMAP workspace object.
Cause: The user did not have sufficient permissions to run the ALLOCATE command
Action: Change to a user ID with the appropriate permissions, or use objects that you have permission to use.
ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.
Cause: The user used the AGGMAP command to define the AGGMAP, so either the AGGMAP can only be used with the AGGREGATE command, or the AGGMAP has no contents attached to it.
Action: Use the ALLOCMAP command to define the AGGMAP.
ORA-36722: (XSALLOC02) In AGGMAP workspace object, you specified an NA or ZERO sourceval but supplied formula workspace object as your source for ALLOCATE.
Cause: The user requested that source values be modified during the allocation, but that is not possible when using a formula source.
Action: Either use a VARIABLE source or remove the SOURCEVAL specification for your ALLOCMAP.
ORA-36726: (XSALERR00) The character 'character' is not a valid format specifier for the ALLOCATE error log.
Cause: The user specified an invalid formatter in the ALLOCERRLOGHEADER or ALLOCERRLOGFORMAT options.
Action: Correct the option to have a valid format.
ORA-36728: (XSALERR01) While performing the ALLOCATE command with AGGMAP workspace object, the error logging limit of number was exceeded.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX value in the ALLOCMAP, but more errors were encountered while performing the allocation.
Action: Either set ERRORLOG NOSTOP, reduce the allocation errors, or increase the ERRORLOG MAX setting
ORA-36735: A value exceeded the MAX specification
Cause: .
Action: none
ORA-36740: A CHILDLOCK was detected in your valueset
Cause: .
Action: none
ORA-36770: (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) Parallel updating analytic workspace string failed
Cause: Unexpected error occurred to parallel update servers.
Action: Check the error underneath and act accordingly. AW may need to be detached.
ORA-36772: (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=number. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
Action: Increase the amount of temporary tablespace storage.
ORA-36774: (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace string. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
Action: Increase the amount of temporary tablespace storage.
ORA-36776: (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
Action: Increase the amount of temporary tablespace storage.
ORA-36778: (XSPGTRLOW) The amount of available temporary storage is still low. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by UPDATING or DETACHING an analytic workspace.
Cause: Ran out of temporary tablespace storage.
Action: Increase the amount of temporary tablespace storage.
ORA-36779: (XSPGPOOLOUT) Invalid parameter value. Olap_page_pool_size must be between must be between 2097152 and 2147483647. Olap_page_pool_size remain unmodified.
Cause: Specified value for olap_page_pool_size out of range.
Action: NONE.
ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single LOOP statement within the LIMITMAP
Cause: The olap table function given used more than one LOOP statement.
Action: It is currently impossible to specify more than one LOOP composite, either remove one of the statements (and loop densly over relevant dimensions), or create a new composite that encompasses both loops and have a single loop statement refer to that.
ORA-36802: (XSTBLFUNC01) The OLAP_TABLE function must contain a DATAMAP that executes a FETCH command or a LIMITMAP.
Cause: There is no limitmap on the table function and either the datamap does not contain a fetch, or it errored before the fetch was called.
Action: Check the datamap for errors, make sure that it executes a fetch statement, if it is not intended to execute the fetch then make sure that the table function has a valid limitmap.
ORA-36804: (XSTBLFUNC02) The OLAP_TABLE function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.
Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax, or the name resolution failure of an ANALYTIC WORSKPACE OBJECT.
Action: Check the syntax of the limit map, check that the OLAP_TABLE function refers to a valid analytic workspace, check that all analytic workspace objects within the limitmap actually exist within the analytic workspace
ORA-36806: (XSTBLFUNC03) The OLAP_TABLE function refers to an invalid ADT attribute: string.
Cause: The limitmap refers to a matching of ADT attribute to AW object, but the ADT attribute is not an element of the specified ADT table. Most commonly this is a typo.
Action: Add the attribute to the ADT, correct the LIMITMAP, or remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.
ORA-36808: (XSTBLFUNC04) The OLAP_TABLE function LEVELREL clause cannot declare number ADT fields from number AW fields.
Cause: The limitmap has a levelrel clause which has a different number of values in the list to the right of the FROM than it has to the left.
Action: Change the limitmap so that there is a 1:1 mapping of adt and aw elements.
ORA-36810: (XSTBLFUNC05) Analytic workspace object number does not exist.
Cause: The limitmap refers to a non-existent aw object.
Action: Change the limitmap or define the object
ORA-36812: (XSTBLFUNC06) Invalid Syntax at '?'.
Cause: The limitmap has a question mark character outside the context of a string.
Action: Fix the limitmap
ORA-36814: (XSTBLFUNC07) The datatype of the column used in the ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP must be RAW(16).
Cause: Datatype of column used in ROW2CELL clause of a LIMITMAP is not RAW(16).
Action: Change datatype to RAW(16).
ORA-36815: (XSTBLFUNC08) The OLAP_TABLE has attempted to use an AW single row function with the aw_attach parameter set to DURATION QUERY.
Cause: The OLAP_TABLE aw_attach parameter was set to DURATION QUERY.
Action: Change the OLAP_TABLE aw_attach parameter to DURATION SESSION.
ORA-36820: (XSLMINFO00) The LIMITMAPINFO function encountered an error while parsing the LIMITMAP.
Cause: Invalid LIMITMAP syntax.
Action: Correct the syntax of the limit map.
ORA-36871: (XSFTDSC01) Object string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: The object cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.
Action: Remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.
ORA-36872: (XSTFDSC02) Column type specifier cannot be used when the table function data type is specified.
Cause: Column type can only be used with implicitly-specified table functions
Action: Remove column type from reference from the LIMITMAP or remove the explicit table function data type specification.
ORA-36873: (XSTFDSC03) Column type must be specified explicitly.
Cause: Missing column type specification.
Action: Error not used presently
ORA-36874: (XSFTDSC04) Expression string cannot be used to define a column in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: The expression cannot define a column in LIMITMAP most likely because it is of a wrong type such as, for example, a Worksheet.
Action: Remove the reference from the LIMITMAP.
ORA-36875: (XSFTDSC05) LIMITMAP is missing or is not a string literal.
Cause: Table functions that have an automatic ADT require LIMITMAP to be a string literal.
Action: Either specify ADT for the table function or specify LIMITMAP as a string literal.
ORA-36881: (XSSRF00) The OLAP DML ROW2CELL function can only be used in a LIMITMAP.
Cause: Using the ROW2CELL function outside of the LIMITMAP.
Action: Remove use of the ROW2CELL function.
ORA-36882: (XSSRF01) The second parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.
Cause: The second parameter of the AW single row function was NULL
Action: Pass a valid OLAP DML expression as the second parameter of the AW single row function
ORA-36883: (XSSRF02) The first parameter of an AW single row function cannot be NULL.
Cause: The first parameter of the AW single row function was NULL
Action: Make sure the column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause is the first parameter of the AW single row function.
ORA-36884: (XSSRF03) The value of the first parameter of the AW single row function is incorrect.
Cause: The column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause was not the first parameter of the AW single row function.
Action: Make sure the column specified in the LIMITMAP ROW2CELL clause is the first parameter of the AW single row function.
ORA-36902: (XSAGDNGL43) In AGGMAP workspace object, the MODEL workspace object is not a model over a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
Cause: Model may include equations others than dimension values, or blocks other than simple blocks.
Action: Make sure model only includes the simple blocks with dimension values.
ORA-36904: (XSAGDNGL44) In AGGMAP workspace object, RELATION workspace object occurs after a dynamic model. The dynamic model must be the last calculation within the AGGMAP.
Cause: Before the current relation, dynamic model exists.
Action: Make sure the dynamic model is the last statement.
ORA-36906: (XSAGDNGL45) 4. Model only includes one non-step dimension in the equations.
Cause: Not the qualified model.
Action: double check the model.
ORA-36908: (XSAGDNGL46) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object has the repeating dimension with the previous model.
Cause: two models use the same dimension.
Action: merge the equations in the two models.
ORA-36910: (XSAGDNGL47) In AGGMAP workspace object, DYNAMIC MODEL workspace object can only edit the top level of its matching relation hierarchy.
Cause: model edits the node in relation hierarchy which has parent.
Action: change the defination of model.
ORA-36912: (XSAGDNGL48) In AGGMAP workspace object, MODEL workspace object cannot be simultaneous.
Cause: use simultaneous model inside aggmap
Action: change the defination of model.
ORA-36930: Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle OLAP because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace has been performed.
Cause: ROLLBACK past the UPDATE of one of the attached Analytic Workspaces was called. A recursive Oracle OLAP call cannot be made until the control returns to the initial OLAP call and the affected Analytic Workspaces detached.
Action: Change the called SQL procedure to avoid the ROLLBACK
ORA-36950: (XSFCAST22) The list of string values cannot have more than number members. You supplied number.
Cause: There are more than the maximum number of OFFSET or PERIODICITY values.
Action: Remove some of the values.
ORA-36952: (XSFCAST23) You cannot specify a cycle number when querying the string forecasting option.
Cause: A cycle number was specified in a call to FCQUERY to retrieve forecast data not related to a cycle.
Action: Remove the cycle specification from the call to FCQUERY.
ORA-36954: (XSFCAST24) The cycle number must be between 1 and number. You specified number.
Cause: A cycle number less than 1 or greater than the maximum value was specified in a call to FCQUERY.
Action: Specify a number in the indicated range.
ORA-36956: (XSFCAST25) There are only number PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values.
Cause: More OFFSET values were specified than PERIODICITY values.
Action: Supply only as many OFFSETs as there are PERIODICITY values.
ORA-36958: (XSFCAST26) The OFFSET value for cycle number cannot be greater than the cycle's PERIODICITY, which is number. You specified number.
Cause: The OFFSET for a cycle exceeded the PERIODICITY for that cycle.
Action: Supply an OFFSET less than or equal to the PERODICITY for the corresponding cycle.
ORA-36960: (XSFCAST27) The value of the string expression must be an odd number. You specified number.
Cause: An even number was given for an option that requires an odd number.
Action: Supply an odd number or let the option default.
ORA-36961: Oracle OLAP is not available.
Cause: The user attempted to utilize functionality found only in Oracle OLAP, but OLAP has not been enabled in the executable.
Action: Install the Oracle OLAP option
ORA-36962: (XSRELTBL08) string is not a valid qualified data reference for dimension workspace object.
Cause: The qdr is not in its dimension.
Action: Make sure the qdr in its dimension.
ORA-36964: (XSRELTBL09) workspace object is not a valid level relation.
Cause: The level relation includes the invalid content.
Action: In level relation, all parents should be always either greater or less than their children.
ORA-36966: (XSRELTBL10) workspace object must be a dimension.
Cause: Use other objects than dimension in qdr list.
Action: Must use dimensions only in qdr list.
ORA-36968: (XSRELTBL11) workspace object must be a relation.
Cause: Wrong object type for either source or destination
Action: Give the correct object.
ORA-36970: (XSRELTBL12) workspace object must be a self-relation.
Cause: Source relation is not self-relation.
Action: Give a self-relation as source.
ORA-36972: (XSRELTBL13) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.
Cause: Destination relation is not dimensioned by source relation dimension.
Action: Give a correct destination relation.
ORA-36976: (XSRELGID00) The format of the GROUPINGID command is: GROUPINGID [relation1] INTO {variable | relation2 | surrogate} [USING levelrelation] [INHIERARCHY {inhvariable | valueset}] [LEVELORDER levelordervs] The source relation can be omitted only when using both surrogate gid and level order valueset.
Cause: Command format is not correct.
Action: Check the object type and number, and give the correct format.
ORA-36978: (XSRELGID01) workspace object must be a self-relation.
Cause: Source relation is not a self-relation.
Action: Give a source relation as self-relation.
ORA-36980: (XSRELGID02) Variable workspace object must have a numeric data type.
Cause: Destination variable is not numeric type variable.
Action: Make sure the variable is numeric.
ORA-36982: (XSRELGID03) The grouping variable/relation workspace object must be dimensioned by all dimensions of the source relation workspace object which have more than one element in status.
Cause: Destination variable/relation does not have enough dimensionality to hold the result from the multi-dimensional source relation.
Action: Either limit the status of hierarchy dimensions or redefine the destination variable/relation with the extended dimensionality
ORA-36984: (XSRELGID04) A value cannot be inserted into dimension workspace object.
Cause: Unkown.
Action: Make sure the dimension can be inserted.
ORA-36986: (XSRELGID05) Relation workspace object must be dimensioned by workspace object.
Cause: The destination relation is not dimensioned by the dimension of the source relation.
Action: Change the definition of the destination relation to be dimensioned by the dimension of the source relation.
ORA-36988: (XSRELGID06) The related dimension of relation workspace object must be of type NUMBER.
Cause: The destination relation has the wrong dimension type.
Action: Change the definition of the destination relation so that its dimension is Oracle number.
ORA-36990: (XSRELGID07) %a workspace object The level relation %1p should be dimensioned by a level dimension.
Cause: wrong dimension in the level relation
Action: change the definition of the level relation
ORA-36991: (XSRELGID08) The level relation and level order valueset provide inconsistent level mappings.
Cause: the level conflicts between the hierarchy/level relation and level order valueset.
Action: make them match
ORA-36992: (XSRELGID09) A level relation is needed to produce a surrogate dimension gid.
Cause: there is no level relation.
Action: add the level relation.
ORA-36993: (XSRELGID10) OBJECT workspace object must be a VARIABLE, RELATION, or a numeric SURROGATE DIMENSION based on the level dimension workspace object.
Cause: not a surrogate dimension, or the surrogate dimension is not based on the level dimension.
Action: modify/change the surrogate dimension.
ORA-36994: (XSRELGID11) The SURROGATE DIMENSION workspace object must be numeric.
Cause: The surrogate dimension is not numeric
Action: Change the surrogate dimension as numeric
ORA-36995: (XSRELGID12) There are duplicate values in the surrogate dimension gid. Use the levelorder option to resolve the ambiguity.
Cause: more than 1 hiearchies in the current computing scope.
Action: use inhierarchy to limit
ORA-36996: (XSRELGID13) Valueset workspace object should be defined over dimension workspace object.
Cause: Valueset doesn't match the dimension
Action: Change the valueset's dimension
ORA-36997: (XSRELGID14) For variable or relation grouping ids, a level relation is needed when a level order valueset is specified.
Cause: no level relation exists with level order valueset.
Action: provide the level relation.
ORA-36998: (XSRELGID15) LEVEL ORDER VALUESET workspace object and LEVEL RELATION workspace object have the different level dimensions.
Cause: either level order valueset or level relation has wrong level dimension.
Action: choose the correct level dimension
ORA-36999: (XSRELGID16) OBJECT workspace object is not a surrogate dimension, a source relation must be specifed when creating any non-surrogate grouping id.
Cause: use variable/relation gid without providing the source relation
Action: use the surrogate or provide the source relation
ORA-37000: (NOTALIAS00) workspace object is not an ALIAS DIMENSION of workspace object.
Cause: The user specified an object which is not alias dimesnion of the first dimension
Action: Specify an alias dimension of the first dimension
ORA-37001: You have one or more attached but unupdated analytic workspaces.
Cause: The user has attempted to shut down OLAP, but they have active analytic workspaces whose changes have not been saved.
Action: Either issue the update command to update the AWs, or pass TRUE as the force parameter to dbms_aw.shutdown()
ORA-37002: Oracle OLAP failed to initialize. Please contact Oracle OLAP technical support.
Cause: A severe error occured while initializing OLAP.
Action: Contact support (and possibly OLAP development) for help in debugging the issue.
ORA-37003: (AWLISTALL01) number readers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 0
Action: none
ORA-37004: (AWLISTALL02) number reader
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 1
Action: none
ORA-37005: (AWLISTALL03) number readers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is > 1
Action: none
ORA-37006: (AWLISTALL04) number writers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 0
Action: none
ORA-37007: (AWLISTALL05) number writer
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is 1
Action: none
ORA-37008: (AWLISTALL06) number writers
Cause: used in AW(LISTALL) output formatting when %d is > 1
Action: none
ORA-37010: (XSACQUIRE_DIFFAW) When using CONSITENT WITH clause, all objects must come from the same analytic workspace.
Cause: ACQUIRE command cannot keep objects from several workspaces consistent with each other
Action: Omit CONSISTENT WITH clause or make sure all objects being acquired belong to the same analytic workspace.
ORA-37011: (XSACQUIRE_LOCKED) Object workspace object is locked by another user.
Cause: Could not acquire (or acquire consistent) the object since it is locked by another user
Action: Try to acquire this object later
ORA-37012: (XSACQUIRE_TIMEOUT) Object workspace object is locked by another user and the WAIT timed out.
Cause: Could not acquire (or acquire consistent) the object for a while since it is locked by another user
Action: Try to acquire this object later
ORA-37013: (XSACQUIRE_DEADLOCK) Cannot wait to acquire object workspace object since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Waiting to acquire the object would cause a deadlock
Action: Release some other object that another user is waiting for and try to acquire this object again.
ORA-37014: (XSACQUIRE_ACQUIRED) Object workspace object is already acquired.
Cause: The object is already acquired
Action: Do not try to acquire this object again
ORA-37015: (XSACQUIRE_YNRESYNC) Object workspace object is ambiguously listed to be acquired both with and without RESYNC.
Cause: The object is listed in with resync list and no resync list. Such usage is ambigous as to the user's intent on preserving or not preserving private changes.
Action: Do not list the object both with and without RESYNC
ORA-37016: (XSACQUIRE01) You must specify objects to acquire for the ACQUIRE command.
Cause: A list of obejcts to acquire with or without resync is missing
Action: Specify the list of objects to acquire
ORA-37018: (XSACQUIRE03) Multiwriter operations are not supported for object workspace object.
Cause: Multiwriter presently does not work for this object type
Action: Attach the AW in RW or EXCLUSIVE modes to modify this object.
ORA-37020: (XSMULTI01) Analytic workspace string is not in MULTI mode.
Cause: The workspace for an object is not in multiwriter mode. Hence, no multiwriter operations are allowed on the objects in the workspace
Action: Attach the workspace in the multiwriter mode or do not use multiwriter commands with it.
ORA-37021: (XSMULTI02) Object workspace object is not acquired.
Cause: The object must be acquired for this multiwriter operation
Action: Do not use this multiwriter operation on an object that is not acquired
ORA-37023: (XSMLTUPD01) Object workspace object cannot be updated without dimension workspace object.
Cause: One cannot update an object if it is dimensioned by a maintained dimension without updating that dimension or if the object is a relation and the dimension is its target.
Action: Include the maintained dimension in the update list
ORA-37026: (XSMLTRESYNC01) Object workspace object cannot be resynced without dimension workspace object.
Cause: One cannot resync an object if it is dimensioned by a maintained dimension without updating that dimension or if the object is a relation and the dimension is its target.
Action: Include the maintained dimension in the update list
ORA-37027: (XSMLTRESYNC02) Object workspace object cannot be resynced without modified object workspace object because they share a modified composite dimension.
Cause: When one resyncs an object that is dimensioned by a composite dimension, the composite dimension is resynced automatically, dropping all new tuples. This cannot be done, however, if the automatic resync of the composite dimension might cause data in an object that shares the composite dimension to become NA.
Action: Resync both objects together. ALternatively, you can try to acquire the other object (that will ensure that the composite dimension is locked in the latest generation and will not be resynced when resyncning the first object), resync the first object, and release the other object.
ORA-37028: (XSMLTRESYNC03) Object workspace object cannot be resynced without modified object workspace object because they share a modified dimension map.
Cause: When one resyncs an object that is dimensioned by a dimension map, the dimension map is resynced automatically, dropping all changes. This cannot be done, however, if the automatic resync of the dimension map might cause data in an object that shares the dimension map to become NA.
Action: Resync both objects together. ALternatively, you can try to acquire the other object (that will ensure that the dimensions map is locked in the latest generation and will not be resynced when resyncning the first object), resync the first object, and release the other object.
ORA-37030: (XSMLTMAINT01) You cannot maintain workspace object because it is not ACQUIRED.
Cause: One cannot maintain a dimension in a multiwriter AW if it is not acquired.
Action: Acquire the dimension first.
ORA-37031: (XSMLTMAINT02) You cannot MOVE, DELETE, or add SESSION values of dimension workspace object in MULTI mode.
Cause: MOVE, DELETE, and SESSION are not allowed in multiwriter mode
Action: Perform the operations above in a non-multiwriter AW
ORA-37032: (XSMLTMAINT03) You cannot MAINTAIN partition template workspace object in MULTI mode.
Cause: User attempted to add or remove values from a LIST partition template's lists while the AW containing the partition template was attached in multiwriter mode.
Action: Do the maintenance in read only or read-write mode.
ORA-37035: (XSMLTDCL01) You can only DEFINE SESSION objects in analytic workspace string because it is attached in MULTI mode.
Cause: One cannot maintain a dimension in a multiwriter AW if it is not acquired.
Action: Acquire the dimension first.
ORA-37040: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_LOCKED) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition workspace object is locked by another user.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which is locked by another user
Action: Try to acquire this object later
ORA-37041: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_TIMEOUT) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition workspace object is locked by another user and the WAIT timed out.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which could not be locked for a while since it is locked by another user
Action: Try to acquire this object later
ORA-37042: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_DEADLOCK) Cannot wait to acquire composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition workspace object since doing so would cause a deadlock.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition, which would cause a deadlock
Action: Release some other object that another user is waiting for and try to acquire this object again.
ORA-37043: (XSACQUIRE_DEP_OLDGEN) Composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition workspace object cannot be locked since another user has committed a new one already.
Cause: Some object required locking a composite, concat, dimension map, or internal partition in the present generation, which is not possible since a newer generation already exists.
Action: Try to acquire the main object with resync
ORA-37044: (XSACQUIRE_OLDGEN) Cannot acquire object workspace object without resync.
Cause: Could not acquire the object without resync because another user has committed a newer version of it already.
Action: Try to acquire this object with resync parameter
ORA-37060: (XSMCSESS08) number is not a valid custom member in dimension workspace object.
Cause: No custom member or invalid custom member
Action: Create the custom member or use the correct custom member
ORA-37070: You may not execute OLAP DML programs in a parallel query session.
Cause: The user attempted to execute a DML program inside of a parallel query session, perhaps in parallel aggregate
Action: Adjust the job so that a program does no need to be executed, or disable parallelism
ORA-37071: You may not execute a parallel OLAP operation against updated but uncommitted AW string.
Cause: The user attempted to use a parallel feature against an AW which they updated but which has not been committed
Action: Commit the current changes
ORA-37072: (XSMCSESS00) Object workspace object has the wrong type.
Cause: The object is not of the object type specified in the APPLY clause
Action: Specify the correct object type
ORA-37073: (XSMCSESS01) Applied relation workspace object must be dimensioned by dimension workspace object.
Cause: Applied relation has the different dimension from the dimension currently being maintained
Action: Maintain relation dimension
ORA-37074: (XSMCSESS02) Variable workspace object has no default aggmap.
Cause: The applied variable has no default aggmap
Action: Use variable with the default aggmap or aggmap directly
ORA-37075: (XSMCSESS03) You cannot rename a session-only dimension value.
Cause: The user tried to apply MAINTAIN RENAME to a SESSION value.
Action: Delete the old value and add a new one with the desired name.
ORA-37076: (XSMCSESS04) workspace object is not the type of dimension that can have session-only values. Valid types are TEXT and NTEXT.
Cause: The user tried to add a SESSION value to a dimension type that does not support SESSION values.
Action: Use a dimension of type TEXT or NTEXT.
ORA-37077: (XSMCSESS05) Object workspace object is specified more than once.
Cause: The same object name was given more than once in the apply clause or in the step dimension list.
Action: Remove the repetitions.
ORA-37078: (XSMCSESS06) The dimension being maintained (workspace object) cannot also be used as a step dimension.
Cause: The dimension being maintained was named as a step dimension.
Action: Remove this dimension from the list of step dimensions.
ORA-37079: (XSMCSESS07) Aggmap workspace object cannot be used for AGGREGATE.
Cause: The current aggmap may be for ALLOCATE
Action: Choose the correct aggmap for AGGREGATE only.
ORA-37080: Advice requested for hierarchy with too many levels
Cause: A request was made for advice on a hierarchy with more levels than are supported.
Action: Only request advice for hierarchies with less than 32 levels.
ORA-37081: Requested advice produced no precomputes
Cause: A request was made for advice with insufficient amount of space to do any precomputation.
Action: Increase the percent precomputed target.
ORA-37082: Invalid percent
Cause: A request was made for advice with an illegal percent value.
Action: Request between 0 and 100 percent precomputation.
ORA-37083: Invalid object string
Cause: A request was made for advice with an illegal object name.
Action: Request using valid object names.
ORA-37084: Output valueset string must match string's dimesnionality
Cause: A request was made for advice for a relation with different dimensionality from the output valueset.
Action: Request using objects that have the same dimesnsionality.
ORA-37086: %s is not a valueset
Cause: An operation was attempted that supports only valuesets as precompute expressions in an aggmap, yet a different kind of precompute expression was used.
Action: Replace this limit expression with an equivalent valueset and retry the operation. General precompute expressions are deprecated.
ORA-37100: (XSUNCOMMITTED) You have one or more updated but uncommitted analytic workspaces.
Cause: The user has attempted to shut down OLAP, but they have active analytic workspaces whose changes have not been saved.
Action: Issue the commit command. ---- 37101 - 37110 are reserved for partitioned variables ----
ORA-37101: (XSVPART01) Partitioning information can only be given for variables dimensioned by a PARTITION TEMPLATE.
Cause: User attempted to define or reference an AW object with the "all internal" phrase or internal / external partition list, but the object was not a variable, was not dimensioned by a partition template, or was an already existing target of an external partition.
Action: Eliminate phrases specific to partitioned variables from the definition string, or dimension the variable by a partition template.
ORA-37102: (XSVPART02) Invalid partition name string.
Cause: The user gave an invalid partition name. When defining a partitioned variable, this message indicates that the partition name does not exist in the partition template. In any other context, it indicates that the partitioned variable or partition template does not have a partition with the given name.
Action: Supply a valid partition name.
ORA-37103: (XSVPART03) The dimensionality or datatype of workspace object does not match the dimensionality or datatype of the partition.
Cause: User attempted to define a partitioned variable with an external partition, but the target of the external partition had incorrect dimensionality or datatype.
Action: Pick a different target variable. The target variable must be dimensioned by exactly the same dimensions, composites, and partition templates, in the same order, as are specified in the partition template, and must have the exact same datatype (including width, precision, and scale) as the partitioned variable itself.
ORA-37104: (XSVPART04) A partitioned variable must be dimensioned by a single partition template only.
Cause: User attempted to define a partitioned variable with more than one partition templates, or a partition template and one or more other dimensions, in the dimension list.
Action: Use only a partition template in the dimension list of the variable. All dimensions of the variable must be included in the definition of the partition template.
ORA-37105: (XSVPART05) Only variables dimensioned by a CONCAT PARTITION TEMPLATE can have string partitions.
Cause: User attempted to create an external partition on a partitioned variable, but the variable was dimensioned by a RANGE or LIST partition template.
Action: Declare the partition INTERNAL instead of EXTERNAL, or use a CONCAT partition template in place of the RANGE or LIST partition template.
ORA-37106: (XSVPART06) Invalid partition name number.
Cause: The user gave an invalid partition name.
Action: Supply a valid partition name.
ORA-37107: (XSVPART07) Attempt to write to non-existent partition of workspace object.
Cause: Some action attempted to write data to a partitioned variable, but the variable didn't have a partition for that data. This can result from a partition template that does not assign all possible dimension values to some subcube, or from a partitioned variable that does not have a partition for one of the partitions defined by the partition template.
Action: Make sure that the cell being written is assigned to some partition by the partition template, and that the variable has an actual partition associated with the partition of the template. Use the CHGDFN template DEFINE... command to define new partitions within the template, and the CHGDFN variable ADD... command to add new partitions to the variable. Alternatively, the PARTWRITEERR can be set to false, in which case data being written to a non-existent partition will be silently discarded.
ORA-37111: Unable to load the OLAP API sharable library: (string)
Cause: This happens if: (1) the OLAP API sharable library is missing. (2) a sharable library upon which the OLAP API sharable library depends is missing. (3) the OLAP API sharable library is the wrong version.
Action: Ensure that Oracle is properly installed with the OLAP option. If the RDBMS has been patched, review the patch log for errors. If the problem persists, report it to Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-37112: OLAP API requires Oracle 9.2 or later
Cause: The version of the OLAP API jar files that you used requires Oracle version 9.2 or later.
Action: Ensure that the URL with which the JDBC connection was opened is correct. If the RDBMS instance is running in compatibility mode for a version older than 9.2, it must be upgraded to at least to used with this version of the OLAP API.
ORA-37113: OLAP API initialization error: (string)
Cause: OLAP API initialization failed.
Action: Ensure that Oracle is properly installed with the OLAP option. If the RDBMS has been patched, review the patch log for errors. If the problem persists, report it to Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-37114: OLAP API bootstrap error: (string)
Cause: OLAP API bootstraping failed.
Action: Ensure that Oracle is properly installed with the OLAP option. If the RDBMS has been patched, review the patch log for errors. If the problem persists, report it to Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-37115: New OLAP API history is not allowed
Cause: If there are active OLAP API sessions, it is not allowed to start a new OLAP API history by setting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true.
Action: Wait until all active OLAP API sessions terminate before resetting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true.
ORA-37116: OLAP API table function error: (string)
Cause: OLAP API table function failed.
Action: Ensure that Oracle is properly installed with the OLAP option. If the RDBMS has been patched, review the patch log for errors. If the problem persists, report it to Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-37117: olapi history retention has been disabled
Cause: Under certain circumstances, for example, when the database is read only, olapi history retention is not possible because it requires updating persistent tables from time to time. If olapi history retention has been disabled, setting _olapi_history_retention parameter to true has no effect.
Action: Ensure that Oracle is properly installed with the OLAP option. If the RDBMS has been patched, review the patch log for errors. If the problem persists, report it to Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-37121: AW Spreadsheet invalidated
Cause: While this cursor was open, a command was issued that changed the underlying data to become inconsistent.
Action: Perform the query again, avoid performing dimension maintenance and cache clears during spreadsheet processing.
ORA-37122: AW Session cache disabled
Cause: A SQL Spreadsheet was attempted while the AW Session cache was disabled.
Action: Enable the session cache and perform the query again.
ORA-37126: (XSCCOMP01) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE workspace object can only be used as a base of a single variable.
Cause: The user attempted to DEFINE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE, but that COMPRESSED COMPOSITE is already being used by another VARIABLE.
Action: Create a second COMPRESSED COMPOSITE for the second VARIABLE or add a measure dimension to the first variable.
ORA-37127: (XSCCOMP02) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE workspace object must be last in the dimension list.
Cause: The user attempted to DEFINE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE, but gave a slower varying dimension in the dimension list.
Action: Put the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE last in the dimension list when defining the VARIABLE.
ORA-37128: (XSCCOMP03) It is not possible to PARTITION over a base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user attempted to use a base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE as a partitioning dimension.
Action: Choose a dense dimension as the partition base.
ORA-37129: (XSCCOMP04) The AGGMAP workspace object cannot be used to aggregate the VARIABLE workspace object. All static MODEL statements must precede all RELATION statments over the bases of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The AGGMAP was defined with a MODEL statement after a RELATION statement over a base of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Action: Change the AGGMAP so that the MODEL statements appear before the RELATION statements.
ORA-37130: (XSCCOMP05) Cannot aggregate VARIABLE workspace object using AGGMAP workspace object because there is a PRECOMPUTE clause on a RELATION over the base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: A PRECOMPUTE clause was specified in the AGGMAP for a RELATION over a base of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Action: Remove the PRECOMPUTE clause from the AGGMAP.
ORA-37131: (XSCCOMP06) Cannot aggregate VARIABLE workspace object using AGGMAP workspace object because the OPERATOR string is not supported for bases of a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The user specifed an aggregation OPERATOR that is not supported by COMPRESSED COMPOSITES.
Action: Use a MODEL for the calculation, or use an uncompressed COMPOSITE.
ORA-37132: (XSCCOMP07) Incremental aggregation over the dense DIMENSION workspace object is not supported when aggregating a VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
Cause: The status of the specified dimension did not include all detail cells.
Action: Add all detail cells to the status of the dimension and reissue the AGGREGATE command.
ORA-37133: (XSCCOMP08) Cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access.
Cause: The user attempted to store a value into to a variabled dimensioned by a compressed composite, and the variable had previously been precomputed using the AGGREGATE command. Once the AGGREGATE command is run on a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, it becomes read-only until the computed values are removed with the CLEAR command.
Action: Run the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to remove the computed values from the variable and then rerun the failed operation. Note that CLEAR AGGREGATES will remove all the data computed during the last AGGREGATE command on this variable.
ORA-37134: (XSCCOMP09) You cannot add new values to workspace object because it includes positions for precomputed aggregate values.
Cause: The user attempted to create a new position in a compressed composite, either directly (using MAINTAIN MERGE or MAINTAIN ADD) or by storing a value into the variable dimensioned by the compressed composite. This is not allowed when the variable has been precomputed using the AGGREGATE command. Once the AGGREGATE command is run on a variable dimensioned by a compressed composite, the compressed composite becomes read-only until the computed values are removed with the CLEAR command.
Action: Run the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to remove the computed values from the variable and then rerun the failed operation. Note that CLEAR AGGREGATES will remove all the data computed during the last AGGREGATE command on this variable.