$Revision: 1.4 $
$Date: 2002/06/12 11:18:36 $
setinfo — Meta-information for a Set
setinfo ::= ((graphic|mediaobject|legalnotice|modespec|subjectset|keywordset| itermset|abbrev|abstract|address|artpagenums|author|authorgroup| authorinitials|bibliomisc|biblioset|collab|confgroup| contractnum|contractsponsor|copyright|corpauthor|corpname| corpcredit|date|edition|editor|invpartnumber|isbn|issn|issuenum| orgname|biblioid|citebiblioid|bibliosource|bibliorelation| bibliocoverage|othercredit|pagenums|printhistory|productname| productnumber|pubdate|publisher|publishername|pubsnumber| releaseinfo|revhistory|seriesvolnums|subtitle|title|titleabbrev| volumenum|citetitle|personname|honorific|firstname|surname| lineage|othername|affiliation|authorblurb|contrib|indexterm)+)
Name | Type | Default |
contents | IDREFS | None |
SetInfo contains meta-information about an entire set of Books.
Suppressed. Many of the elements in this wrapper may be used in presentation, but they are not generally printed as part of the formatting of the wrapper. The wrapper merely serves to identify where they occur.
AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed from the inline content of SetInfo in DocBook V4.0. A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with authors, editors, and other contributors.
The following elements occur in setinfo: abbrev, abstract, address, affiliation, artpagenums, author, authorblurb, authorgroup, authorinitials, bibliocoverage, biblioid, bibliomisc, bibliorelation, biblioset, bibliosource, citebiblioid, citetitle, collab, confgroup, contractnum, contractsponsor, contrib, copyright, corpauthor, corpcredit, corpname, date, edition, editor, firstname, graphic, honorific, indexterm, invpartnumber, isbn, issn, issuenum, itermset, keywordset, legalnotice, lineage, mediaobject, modespec, orgname, othercredit, othername, pagenums, personname, printhistory, productname, productnumber, pubdate, publisher, publishername, pubsnumber, releaseinfo, revhistory, seriesvolnums, subjectset, subtitle, surname, title, titleabbrev, volumenum.
Contents, if specified, should contain a list of all the IDs of the book-level subelements in the Set, presumably in their natural order.