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CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

By Shishir Gundavaram
1st Edition March 1996

This book is out of print, but it has been made available online through the O'Reilly Open Books Project.

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MacHTTP server : Other Languages on Macintosh Servers
Macintosh (see AppleScript)
Other Languages on Macintosh Servers
AppleScript (see AppleScript)
MacPerl : MacPerl
magic cookies
CGI Side Includes
Magic Cookies
mail : Overview
Mail Gateway
headers : Mail Gateway
receiving forms by : I want the user to fill in a form a...
mailto command : The formmail ...
Main function (VB) : Visual Basic
maintaining state : How do I make a form that maintains...
manual pages
UNIX Manual Page Gateway
MAXLENGTH attribute (<INPUT>) : Text and Password Fields
mcode function : C/C++ decoding using libcgi
Memory game program
Game of Concentration
menus : Menus and Scrolled Lists
<META> tag : Client Pull
METHOD attribute (<FORM>)
A Simple Form
The FORM Tag
Microsoft Windows
Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
Perl for Windows NT
MIME (see Content-type header; ENCTYPE attribute; HTTP headers) module
moveto command : Digital Clock
mSQL : Utilities and Applications
multiline text fields : Multiline Text Fields
multipart data
What CGI modules are available for ...
Multipart Forms
Server Push
CGI Lint--A Debugging/Testing Tool
dynamic images : Inserting Multiple Dynamic Images
Multiple Form Interaction
Netscape Persistent Cookies
Magic Cookies
Cookie Client
as question type
Quiz/Test Form Application
MULTIPLE attribute (<SELECT>) : Menus and Scrolled Lists
multiple-choice questions
Quiz/Test Form Application

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