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CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

CGI Programming on the World Wide Web

By Shishir Gundavaram
1st Edition March 1996

This book is out of print, but it has been made available online through the O'Reilly Open Books Project.

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Wall, Larry : Set UID/GID Wrapper
web browsers
animation and : Client Pull
caching virtual documents : The "Expires" and "Pragma" Headers
gateways to (see gateways)
information from
Check the Client Browser
name of : Check the Client Browser
web documents (see forms)
forms (see forms)
virtual (see dynamic documents)
web gateways (see gateways)
web servers
Where does my Perl CGI program have...
What Is CGI?
cgi-bin diretory : Internal Workings of CGI
configuring : Configuring the Server
decoding form input : Understanding the Decoding Process
domain-based access
Restricting Access for Specified Domains
environment variables for : About This Server
finding referring : Where Did You Come From?
graphing access to
Web Server Accesses
Web Server Accesses
graphing load on
Another Example: System Load Average
System Load Average
for Macintosh : Other Languages on Macintosh Servers
for Microsoft Windows : Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
reducing load on
with complete headers
Complete (Non-Parsed) Headers
with server redirection : Server Redirection
referral : Where Did You Come From?
sending data to
Sending Data to the Server
Understanding the Decoding Process
serach/index gateways
Search/Index Gateway
winhttpd : Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
WebSite server
WWW Server Information
Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
WebSTAR server
WWW Server Information
Other Languages on Macintosh Servers
Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
Perl for Windows NT
Windows 95 : Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
Windows NT : Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
Perl for : Perl for Windows NT
windows with scrollbars (see scrolled lists)
winhttpd server : Other Languages Under Microsoft Windows
World Wide Web (WWW)
Network News on the Web
surveys and polls over
Survey/Poll and Pie Graphs
Drawing the Pie Chart
wrapper command : Set UID/GID Wrapper
WRONG (response type) : Quiz/Test Form Application

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