A rectangle with a movable top-left point. More...
#include <qcanvas.h>
Inherits QCanvasPolygonalItem.
Paints a rectangle in a QBrush and QPen.
Constructs a rectangle (0,0,32,32) on canvas.
Constructs a rectangle positioned and sized by r on canvas.
Constructs a rectangle with position x, y and size width by height, on canvas.
Destructs the rectangle.
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Reimplemented from QCanvasPolygonalItem.
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Reimplemented from QCanvasItem.
[virtual protected]
Draws the rectangle on p.
Reimplemented from QCanvasPolygonalItem.
Returns the height of the rectangle.
Returns the integer-converted x(), y() position and size() of the rectangle as a QRect.
Returns 5.
See also QCanvasItem::rtti().
Reimplemented from QCanvasItem.
Sets the width and height of the rectangle.
Returns the width() and height() of the rectangle.
See also rect() and setSize().
Returns the width of the rectangle.
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