The QGrid widget performs geometry management on its children More...
#include <qgrid.h>
Inherits QFrame.
The number of rows or columns is defined in the constructor. All its children will be placed and sized according to their sizeHint() and sizePolicy() return values.
Use setMargin() to add space around the edge, and use setSpacing() to add space between the widgets.
For more general control over grid layout, including multi-column and multi-row widgets, use the QGridLayout class directly.
Constructs a grid widget with parent parent and name name. n specifies the number of columns.
Constructs a grid widget with parent parent and name name. If dir is
n specifies the number of columns. If dir is Vertical,
n specifies the number of rows.
[virtual protected]
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Reimplemented from QFrame.
Sets the spacing between children to space.
Reimplemented for internal reasons; the API is not affected.
Reimplemented from QWidget.
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