QListBoxPixmap Class Reference
The QListBoxPixmap class provides list box items with a pixmap and an optional text.
#include <qlistbox.h>
Inherits QListBoxItem.
List of all member functions.
Public Members
QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, QListBoxItem * after )
QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap &, const QString & )
QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString &, QListBoxItem * after )
virtual const QPixmap*
pixmap () const
virtual int
height ( const QListBox * ) const
virtual int
width ( const QListBox * ) const
Protected Members
virtual void
paint ( QPainter * )
Detailed Description
The QListBoxPixmap class provides list box items with a pixmap and an optional text.
See also QListBox and QListBoxItem.
Member Function Documentation
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text )
Constructs a new list box item in listbox listbox showing the pixmap
pixmap and the text text
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text, QListBoxItem * after )
Constructs a new list box item in listbox listbox showing the pixmap
pixmap and the string text . The item gets inserted after the
item after.
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pixmap )
Constructs a new list box item in listbox listbox showing the pixmap pixmap.
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( QListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pixmap, QListBoxItem * after )
Constructs a new list box item in listbox listbox showing the pixmap pixmap. The item
gets inserted after the item after.
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text )
Constructs a new list box item in listbox listbox showing the pixmap
pixmap. The item gets inserted after the item after.
QListBoxPixmap::QListBoxPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap )
Constructs a new list box item showing the pixmap pixmap.
QListBoxPixmap::~QListBoxPixmap ()
Destroys the item.
int QListBoxPixmap::height ( const QListBox * lb ) const [virtual]
Returns the height of the pixmap.
See also paint() and width().
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
void QListBoxPixmap::paint ( QPainter * painter ) [virtual protected]
Draws the pixmap using painter.
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
const QPixmap * QListBoxPixmap::pixmap () const [virtual]
Returns the pixmap connected with the item.
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
int QListBoxPixmap::width ( const QListBox * lb ) const [virtual]
Returns the width of the pixmap, plus some margin.
See also paint() and height().
Reimplemented from QListBoxItem.
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