The QPicture class is a paint device that records and replays QPainter commands. More...
#include <qpicture.h>
Inherits QPaintDevice.
A picture serializes painter commands to an IO device in a platform-independent format. A picture created under Windows can be read on a Sun SPARC.
Pictures are called meta-files on some platforms.
Qt pictures use a proprietary binary format. Unlike native picture (meta-file) formats on many window systems, Qt pictures have no limitations regarding the contents. Everything that can be painted can also be stored in a picture (fonts, pixmaps, regions, transformed graphics etc.)
Example of how to record a picture:
QPicture pic; QPainter p; p.begin( &pic ); // paint in picture p.drawEllipse( 10,20, 80,70 ); // draw an ellipse p.end(); // painting done "drawing.pic" ); // save picture
Example of how to replay a picture:
QPicture pic; pic.load( "drawing.pic" ); // load picture QPainter p; p.begin( &myWidget ); // paint in myWidget p.drawPicture( pic ); // draw the picture p.end(); // painting done
Examples: xform/xform.cpp picture/picture.cpp
Constructs an empty picture.
The formatVersion parameter may be used to create a QPicture that can be read by applications that are compiled with earlier versions of Qt. Currently supported is formatVersion == 1, which will make a QPicture which is stored in a format that is binary compatible with Qt 1.x programs, and formatVersion == 2, for a format compatible with Qt 2.0.x programs.
Reading of pictures generated by earlier versions of Qt is supported and needs no special coding; the format is automatically detected.
Destructs the picture.
Returns a pointer to the picture data. The returned pointer is null if the picture contains no data.
Returns TRUE if the picture contains no data, otherwise FALSE.
Loads a picture from the file specified by fileName and returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
See also save().
Examples: xform/xform.cpp picture/picture.cpp
[virtual protected]
Internal implementation of the virtual QPaintDevice::metric() function.
Use the QPaintDeviceMetrics class instead.
A picture has the following hard coded values: width=640, height=480, dpi = 72, numcolors=16777216 and depth=24.
Reimplemented from QPaintDevice.
Makes this picture be a deep copy of p.
Replays the picture using painter and returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the internal picture data is inconsistent.
This function does exactly the same as QPainter::drawPicture().
Saves a picture to the file specified by fileName and returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
See also load().
Examples: picture/picture.cpp
Sets the picture data directly from data and size. This function copies the input data.
Returns the size of the picture data.
See also data().
[virtual protected]
For internal use only.
Reimplemented from QPaintDevice.
Reads a QPicture from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
Writes a QPicture to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
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