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Sample Optional Parameters

This appendix shows how to complete the pages for some optional features. It includes pages from Network Manager and sample configuration files. The parameters illustrated here include the following:

This appendix continues the sample network used in Appendix A.

Using Network Manager

This section describes the optional features and gives some examples of completed property sheet pages for them. The next section provides sample configuration files created by Network Manager on the basis of the property sheets.

Oracle Names

When you include Oracle Names in a network, you store the network definition in a database, and you install Names Server software on nodes in the network. The Names Servers read the network definition from the database and store it locally to provide name-to-address mapping. For detailed information about Oracle Names, see the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide

If you create a network using Oracle Names version 2 and the Dynamic Discovery Option, network services register themselves with Names Servers on the network, and very few configuration files are required. If you create a network using Oracle Names version 2 and you do not want to use the Dynamic Discovery Option, turn it off in each Names Server.

Selecting Names Server Nodes

Select nodes as Names Servers that can be easily accessed by the clients that use them. You must have at least one Names Server in every community; putting Names Server software on nodes that also serve as Oracle MultiProtocol Interchanges is an efficient way to meet this requirement. Oracle Corporation recommends that you have more than one Names Server in each community to provide redundancy in case one becomes unavailable.

Defining Names Servers

In the sample network, use Network Manager to define the parameters needed by the Names Server. In the sample network, a Names Server would be placed on the node that also acts as a MultiProtocol Interchange. In the sample network, that node is Heather. The property sheet would be similar to that shown in Figure B - 1.

Figure B - 1. Names Server Property Sheet for Heather

You must also provide addresses for the Names Server. Heather is in two communities, so you must provide two addresses.

You may also want to set parameters on the Tuning page.

You might want SNMP support for this service. See the section on SNMP support later in this chapter for an example of a completed SNMP page.

Security Services

Security services are bundled into Oracle Advanced Networking Option (ANO), an optional product that enables you to use various third-party security services in a SQL*Net network. These security services were formerly available as a product known as Secure Network Services. Services include encryption, checksumming, and authentication. For detailed information about ANO, see Oracle Advanced Networking Option Administrator's Guide.

Defining Secure Network Services Parameters

All parameters for security services in ANO are defined in the Client Profile property sheet. Both client and server requirements are set through the client profile. For encryption and checksumming, the level of service is determined by a negotiation between the client and the server.

Pages for the various security services are very similar. The pages for client encryption and server encryption in the TCPCOM community are shown in Figure B - 2 and Figure B - 3.

Figure B - 2. Encryption Page for Client in the Client Profile

Figure B - 3. Encryption Page for Server in the Client Profile

Notice that the level of encryption for the server is Requested and for the client, Requested. However, the same SQLNET.ORA file can have different values for encryption and checksumming for the client and server.

SNMP Support

Oracle SNMP support allows services in a SQL*Net network to be monitored by third-party software that uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For detailed information about SNMP support, see Oracle SNMP Support Reference Guide.

Use Network Manager to configure SNMP support for the following services:

Defining SNMP Support Parameters

Each of the services has an SNMP page on its property sheet. The SNMP pages for the Names Server and the Interchange on Heather are shown in Figure B - 4 and Figure B - 5.

Figure B - 4. SNMP Page for Names Server on a Node

Figure B - 5. SNMP Page for MultiProtocol Interchange on a Node

Notice that the two services have different values for SNMP Index. Each service on the network must have a unique SNMP Index (greater than 0) to identify it.

Names Services

The Oracle Native Naming Adapters make it possible for those who are already using a naming service, such as Network Information Service (NIS), to use that service in a SQL*Net network. Native Naming Adapters are part of Oracle Advanced Networking Option (ANO).

You can use Native Naming on just one of the communities or on all. For example, in the sample network, you can have native naming on TCPCOM only, not SPXCOM. You can also have some clients in a community use one Native naming service, and some another. To do this, you must create separate client profiles for the different clients.

For example, within a TCP/IP community, all the personal computers might use one Naming service, and thus be assigned one client profile, while all the UNIX clients might use another, and therefore be assigned a different client profile.

Note: Oracle Network Manager creates a client profile for each community on the network. You can create another client profile by selecting a new Client Profile property sheet and entering information into its pages. A more efficient way to create a new client profile is to use the Copy and Paste commands in the Edit menu or the Tool Bar to copy an existing client profile, and then edit the copy to change its name and the parameters you want to vary.

The client profile assigned to a machine is determined by which client profile is distributed to it.

Suppose that the DCE CDS naming service was the preferred method of name resolution for the SPXCOM community in the sample network. The administrator would open the Names Services page on the Client Profile property sheet, select DCE CDS from the Available column, and would then use the Demote button to lower TNSNAMES.ORA and Oracle Names so that DCE CDS was at the top of the selected list. The Names Services page before and after this operation is shown in Figure B - 6 and Figure B - 7.

Figure B - 6. Names Services Page with Default Selected

Figure B - 7. Names Services Page with DCE CDS Selected

For further information about the Native Naming Adapters, see Part III of Oracle Advanced Networking Option Administrator's Guide.

Sample Configuration Files

This section shows how the information entered into the property sheets is used in network configuration files.

Note: Only a few pertinent configuration files are included in this section.

SQLNET.ORA File Showing Encryption, Checksumming, and Native Naming Parameters

This configuration file includes parameters set for client and server encryption, client and server checksumming, and native names services.

# Filename......: sqlnet.ora
# Name..........:
# Date..........: 21-SEP-95 16:31:2
SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED = "205835856917202066457586"
        (ADDRESS = 
          (COMMUNITY =
          (PROTOCOL = SPX)
          (Service = heather_SRV_1)
        (ADDRESS = 
          (COMMUNITY =
          (PROTOCOL = SPX)
          (Service = heather_SRV_1)

NAMES.ORA for the Names Server on Heather

This configuration file is created for every Names Server. All values are defaults. For information about the meanings of these parameters, see the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.

# Filename......: names.ora
# Name..........:
# Date..........: 21-SEP-95 16:31:27
names.server_name =
names.admin_region= (REGION=
                      (TYPE= ROSFILE)
                      (FILE =D:\ORAWIN\NETWORK\
                      (DOCNAME = PROTO)
                      (VERSION = 35659776)
                      (RETRY = 600))
names.config_checkpoint_file = cfg0041d
names.trace_level = OFF
names.trace_unique = FALSE

SNMP.ORA for the Interchange and Names Server on Heather

An SNMP.ORA file is created for every node containing a service. If a node has more than one service, the SNMP.ORA file includes information for all of them. The SNMP.ORA file for Heather includes both an Interchange and a Names Server. An SNMP.ORA file for another node might include parameters for a listener and a database.

# Filename......: snmp.ora
# Name..........:
# Date..........: 21 SEP-95 16:31:27
SNMP.INDEX.NameServer = 2
SNMP.CONTACT.INTCHG_1 = "m. wizard 444-3232"
SNMP.CONTACT.NameServer = "m. wizard 444-3232"

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