$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2002/06/12 11:18:27 $
phrase — A span of text
phrase ::= (#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry| citetitle|emphasis|firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|footnote| phrase|orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink| ulink|action|application|classname|methodname|interfacename| exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|command| computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname| errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel| guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode| keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel| menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter|prompt|property| replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol| systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor| author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| beginpage)*
The Phrase element in DocBook has no specific semantic. It is provided as a wrapper around a selection of words smaller than a paragraph so that it is possible to provide an ID or other attributes for them.
For example, if you are making note of changes to a document using one of the effectivity attributes, you might use Phrase to mark up specific sentences with revisions.
The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.
These elements contain phrase: application, attribution, bibliomisc, bridgehead, citation, citetitle, emphasis, entry, firstterm, foreignphrase, glosssee, glossseealso, glossterm, lineannotation, link, literallayout, lotentry, member, msgaud, olink, para, phrase, primary, primaryie, productname, programlisting, quote, refentrytitle, refpurpose, remark, screen, screeninfo, secondary, secondaryie, see, seealso, seealsoie, seeie, seg, segtitle, simpara, subtitle, synopsis, td, term, tertiary, tertiaryie, textobject, th, title, titleabbrev, tocback, tocentry, tocfront, ulink.
The following elements occur in phrase: abbrev, acronym, action, anchor, application, author, authorinitials, beginpage, citation, citerefentry, citetitle, classname, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, code, command, computeroutput, constant, constructorsynopsis, corpauthor, corpcredit, database, destructorsynopsis, email, emphasis, envar, errorcode, errorname, errortext, errortype, exceptionname, fieldsynopsis, filename, firstterm, footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase, funcsynopsis, function, glossterm, guibutton, guiicon, guilabel, guimenu, guimenuitem, guisubmenu, hardware, indexterm, inlineequation, inlinegraphic, inlinemediaobject, interface, interfacename, keycap, keycode, keycombo, keysym, link, literal, markup, medialabel, menuchoice, methodname, methodsynopsis, modespec, mousebutton, nonterminal, olink, ooclass, ooexception, oointerface, option, optional, orgname, othercredit, parameter, personname, phrase, productname, productnumber, prompt, property, quote, remark, replaceable, returnvalue, revhistory, sgmltag, structfield, structname, subscript, superscript, symbol, synopsis, systemitem, token, trademark, type, ulink, uri, userinput, varname, wordasword, xref.
<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"> <para> Effectivity attributes can be used to keep track of modifications to a document <phrase revisionflag="deleted">at the word or sentence level</phrase><phrase revisionflag="added"> as long as the number and complexity of changes is not too high</phrase>. </para>
Effectivity attributes can be used to keep track of modifications to a document at the word or sentence level as long as the number and complexity of changes is not too high.
For additional examples, see also audioobject, imageobject, informalfigure, inlinemediaobject.