$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2002/06/12 11:18:33 $
screen — Text that a user sees or might see on a computer screen
screen ::= (#PCDATA|footnoteref|xref|abbrev|acronym|citation|citerefentry| citetitle|emphasis|firstterm|foreignphrase|glossterm|footnote| phrase|orgname|quote|trademark|wordasword|personname|link|olink| ulink|action|application|classname|methodname|interfacename| exceptionname|ooclass|oointerface|ooexception|command| computeroutput|database|email|envar|errorcode|errorname| errortype|errortext|filename|function|guibutton|guiicon|guilabel| guimenu|guimenuitem|guisubmenu|hardware|interface|keycap|keycode| keycombo|keysym|literal|code|constant|markup|medialabel| menuchoice|mousebutton|option|optional|parameter|prompt|property| replaceable|returnvalue|sgmltag|structfield|structname|symbol| systemitem|uri|token|type|userinput|varname|nonterminal|anchor| author|authorinitials|corpauthor|corpcredit|modespec|othercredit| productname|productnumber|revhistory|remark|subscript| superscript|inlinegraphic|inlinemediaobject|inlineequation| synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis|fieldsynopsis| constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|indexterm| beginpage|co|coref|textobject|lineannotation)*
Name | Type | Default | |||
width | CDATA | None | |||
linenumbering |
| None | |||
language | CDATA | None | |||
continuation |
| None | |||
format |
| "linespecific" | |||
startinglinenumber | CDATA | None |
A Screen is a verbatim environment for displaying text that the user might see on a computer terminal. It is often used to display the results of a command.
Having less specific semantic overtones, Screen is often used wherever a verbatim presentation is desired, but the semantic of ProgramListing is inappropriate.
This element is displayed “verbatim”; whitespace and linebreaks within this element are significant. Screens are usually displayed in a fixed width font.
The InterfaceDefinition element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.
These elements contain screen: answer, appendix, article, bibliodiv, bibliography, blockquote, callout, caption, caution, chapter, colophon, constraintdef, dedication, entry, example, figure, footnote, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, important, index, indexdiv, informalexample, informalfigure, itemizedlist, legalnotice, listitem, msgexplan, msgtext, note, orderedlist, para, partintro, preface, procedure, qandadiv, qandaset, question, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3, refsection, refsynopsisdiv, revdescription, screenco, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5, section, setindex, sidebar, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, td, textobject, th, tip, variablelist, warning.
The following elements occur in screen: abbrev, acronym, action, anchor, application, author, authorinitials, beginpage, citation, citerefentry, citetitle, classname, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, co, code, command, computeroutput, constant, constructorsynopsis, coref, corpauthor, corpcredit, database, destructorsynopsis, email, emphasis, envar, errorcode, errorname, errortext, errortype, exceptionname, fieldsynopsis, filename, firstterm, footnote, footnoteref, foreignphrase, funcsynopsis, function, glossterm, guibutton, guiicon, guilabel, guimenu, guimenuitem, guisubmenu, hardware, indexterm, inlineequation, inlinegraphic, inlinemediaobject, interface, interfacename, keycap, keycode, keycombo, keysym, lineannotation, link, literal, markup, medialabel, menuchoice, methodname, methodsynopsis, modespec, mousebutton, nonterminal, olink, ooclass, ooexception, oointerface, option, optional, orgname, othercredit, parameter, personname, phrase, productname, productnumber, prompt, property, quote, remark, replaceable, returnvalue, revhistory, sgmltag, structfield, structname, subscript, superscript, symbol, synopsis, systemitem, textobject, token, trademark, type, ulink, uri, userinput, varname, wordasword, xref.
The Format attribute applies the linespecific notation to all Screens. All white space and line breaks must be preserved.
Line numbering indicates whether or not the lines
of a Screen are to be automatically numbered. The details
of numbering (every line or only selected lines, on the left or right, etc.)
are left up to the processing application. Be aware that not all processors
are capable of numbering lines.
Width specifies the width (in characters) of the longest line in this Screen (formatters may use this value to determine scaling or rotation).
computeroutput, lineannotation, literallayout, programlisting, screenshot, synopsis, userinput.
<!DOCTYPE screen PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"> <screen> Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C Directory of C:\ 10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> bin 10/16/97 14:11 <DIR> DOS 10/16/97 14:40 <DIR> Program Files 10/16/97 14:46 <DIR> TEMP 10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> tmp 10/16/97 14:37 <DIR> WINNT 10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM 10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS 11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386 </screen>
Volume in drive C is SYSTEM Serial number is 2350:717C Directory of C:\ 10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> bin 10/16/97 14:11 <DIR> DOS 10/16/97 14:40 <DIR> Program Files 10/16/97 14:46 <DIR> TEMP 10/17/97 9:04 <DIR> tmp 10/16/97 14:37 <DIR> WINNT 10/16/97 14:25 119 AUTOEXEC.BAT 2/13/94 6:21 54,619 COMMAND.COM 10/16/97 14:25 115 CONFIG.SYS 11/16/97 17:17 61,865,984 pagefile.sys 2/13/94 6:21 9,349 WINA20.386
For additional examples, see also lineannotation, screenco.