$Revision: 1.5 $
$Date: 2002/11/26 14:26:23 $
qandaset — A question-and-answer set
qandaset ::= (blockinfo?, (title,titleabbrev?)?, (calloutlist|glosslist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist| simplelist|variablelist|caution|important|note|tip|warning| literallayout|programlisting|programlistingco|screen|screenco| screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|classsynopsis| fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis| methodsynopsis|formalpara|para|simpara|address|blockquote| graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation| informalexample|informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example| figure|table|procedure|anchor|bridgehead|remark|highlights| indexterm)*, (qandadiv+|qandaentry+))
Name | Type | Default | ||||
defaultlabel |
| None |
A QandASet is a list consisting of Questions and Answers. QandASets can be divided into sections.
Every entry in a QandASet must contain a Question, but Answers are optional (some questions have no answers), and may be repeated (some questions have more than one answer).
Common uses for QandASets include reader questionnaires and lists of “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs). For the purpose of an FAQ, DocBook V3.1 added the FAQ class to Article.
Formatted as a displayed block. The DefaultLabel attribute has a significant influence on the presentation of Questions and Answers.
These elements contain qandaset: appendix, article, bibliodiv, bibliography, blockquote, callout, chapter, glossary, glossdiv, index, listitem, msgexplan, msgtext, partintro, preface, procedure, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3, refsection, refsynopsisdiv, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5, section, setindex, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary.
The following elements occur in qandaset: address, anchor, blockinfo, blockquote, bridgehead, calloutlist, caution, classsynopsis, cmdsynopsis, constructorsynopsis, destructorsynopsis, equation, example, fieldsynopsis, figure, formalpara, funcsynopsis, glosslist, graphic, graphicco, highlights, important, indexterm, informalequation, informalexample, informalfigure, informaltable, itemizedlist, literallayout, mediaobject, mediaobjectco, methodsynopsis, note, orderedlist, para, procedure, programlisting, programlistingco, qandadiv, qandaentry, remark, screen, screenco, screenshot, segmentedlist, simpara, simplelist, synopsis, table, tip, title, titleabbrev, variablelist, warning.
DefaultLabel identifies the default label that should be used for Questions and Answers:
If no value is specified, the implied presentation may be any one of these, as defined by the stylesheet. Note that each question and answer can explicitly define a label, regardless of the default label specified.
<!DOCTYPE qandaset PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"> <qandaset defaultlabel='qanda'> <qandaentry> <question> <para> To be, or not to be? </para> </question> <answer> <para> That is the question. </para> </answer> </qandaentry> </qandaset>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"> <article class="faq"> <title>Frequently Asked Questions About Fonts</title> <para>...</para> <qandaset> <qandadiv><title>General Information</title> <para>...</para> <qandadiv><title>Font Houses</title> <qandaentry><question><para>Adobe Systems, Inc.</para></question> <answer><para>...</para></answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry><question><para>Agfa, Inc.</para></question> <answer><para>...</para></answer> </qandaentry> </qandadiv> </qandadiv> </qandaset> </article>