$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2002/06/12 11:18:03 $
calloutlist — A list of Callouts
A CalloutList is a list of annotations or descriptions. Each Callout points to the area on a Graphic, ProgramListing, or Screen that it augments.
The areas are identified by coordinates in an an Area or AreaSet, or by an explicit CO element.
These elements contain calloutlist: answer, appendix, article, bibliodiv, bibliography, blockquote, callout, caption, caution, chapter, colophon, constraintdef, dedication, entry, example, footnote, glossary, glossdef, glossdiv, graphicco, highlights, imageobjectco, important, index, informalexample, legalnotice, listitem, msgexplan, msgtext, note, para, partintro, preface, procedure, programlistingco, qandadiv, qandaset, question, refsect1, refsect2, refsect3, refsection, refsynopsisdiv, revdescription, screenco, sect1, sect2, sect3, sect4, sect5, section, setindex, sidebar, simplesect, step, taskprerequisites, taskrelated, tasksummary, td, textobject, th, tip, warning.
areaspec, co, coref, graphicco, imageobjectco, itemizedlist, listitem, mediaobjectco, orderedlist, programlistingco, screenco, segmentedlist, simplelist, variablelist.