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Table of Contents

Emphasis: Databases


PostgreSQL--The Linux of Databases by Rolf Herzog
A close look at the PostgreSQL database, including programming interfaces and using it for WWW applications.

The Qddb Database Suite by Eric H. Herrin, II and Gilbert J. Benson, Jr.
An introduction the freely available database suite called Qddb.

Beagle SQL, A Client/Server Database for Linux by Rob Klein
Mr. Klein introduces us to a database called Beagle SQL that he developed as a learning experience.

Portable Database Management with /rdb by Ed Petron
Web server analysis logs and mailing list management is made easy by using the /rdb database system--here's how to do it.

News & Articles

Linux Network Programming, Part 1: BSD Sockets by Ivan Griffin and John Nelson
This is the first of a series of articles about how to devlop networked applications using the various interfaces available on Linux.

Linux Helps Bring Titanic to Life by Darryl Strauss and Wook
First article in a two part series on using Linux for visual effects in "Titanic". This article will focus on the technical aspects of the project.

The Quick Start Guide to the GIMP, Part Four by Michael J. Hammel
Our series winds up with a detailed description of the toolbox, plug-ins and keyboard acceleration.

A Partner's Survival Guide by Telsa Gwynne
A view of life with a hacker brought to us by a mischievous spouse who should know--Ms. Gwynne is married to Alan Cox.

Tokyo Linux Users Group Grows Up by Craig Oda



Web Counting with mSQL and Apache by Randy Jay Yarger
Learn all about Apache modules and mSQL programming using a web counting program as an example.

Linux Works for Me and You by Maan Bsat
A high school student tells us about using Linux as a server at school, at home and at work.

At the Forge: Attaching Files to Forms by Reuven M. Lerner
Mr. Lerner shows us a way to use file elements to allow web site visitors to upload information or program files to the site.


Letters to the Editor

From the Editor
Databases by Marjorie Richardson

From the Publisher
Needed: Linux Banking Software by Phil Hughes

Stop the Presses
COMDEX/Fall '97 by Carlie Fairchild

Linux Apprentice
Setting Up E-mail by Jonathan Walther
This article will give you a properly working e-mail setup and an overview of various pieces of e-mail software.

Take Command
ispell: Spelling Checker by Marjorie Richardson
Don't know how to spell? This is the command for you.

Linux Means Business
United Railway Signal Group, Inc. by Lester Hightower and Hank Leininger
The story of how Progressive Computer Concepts has turned United Railway into a Linux shop.

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