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Contents of the Configuration Files

This appendix describes the contents of the configuration files needed for SQL*Net release 2.3. It describes what components they are used by, their purpose, and their contents. The syntax of the files is described in Appendix B, "Syntax Rules for Configuration Files." However, because you create and maintain the configuration files using Network Manager, you probably do not need to be concerned about the details of their syntax.

This appendix provides a brief overview of all the configuration files for the Oracle network products, then describes the files for SQL*Net in detail. These files are:

Configuration files for the related Oracle networking products, the MultiProtocol Interchange and Oracle Names, are not described in detail here. They are discussed in detail in the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide, respectively.

Configuration files for the Oracle Server, such as INIT.ORA, are described in detail in the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.

Overview of the Configuration Files

This section provides a brief description of the configuration files for each component in the network. It includes the types of information required in each file, and shows the relationships between them. Information about the locations of these files is in Chapter 6, ``Distributing the Configuration Files," of the Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide and in the Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platform. Each file is described in more detail in later sections of this chapter.

Client Configuration Files

Clients typically have three configuration files that are created by Oracle Network Manager. These files provide information about the following:


This file contains a list of the service names and addresses of network destinations. A client (or a server that is part of a distributed database) needs this file to tell it where it can make connections.

Note: This file is not necessary if Oracle Names is used.

Note: This file should be generated and modified by Oracle Network Manager. Do not edit it manually.


This file is used only in a network that includes one or more Oracle MultiProtocol Interchanges. It lists the communities of which the client (or server) is a member and includes the names and addresses of the Interchanges available in local communities as a first hop toward destinations in other communities.

Note: This file should be generated and modified by the Oracle Network Manager. Do not edit it manually.


This file contains optional diagnostic parameters, client information about Oracle Names, and may contain other optional parameters such as native naming or security (encryption and checksumming) parameters.

Note: SQLNET.ORA may contain node-specific parameters. Unless you are using Oracle Names and the Dynamic Discovery Option, you should create it with Network Manager. You may edit the SQLNET.ORA file for an individual client by using the SQLNET.ORA Editor, which is described in the Oracle Network Products Troubleshooting Guide.

In addition, clients and servers on some protocols may require PROTOCOL.ORA, which you must create manually.


This file contains protocol- and platform-specific options for protocols that require them, such as Async and APPC/LU6.2.

Server Configuration Files

Servers in a network that includes distributed databases also require the files that are needed by clients, because when servers connect to other database servers through database links they are, in effect, acting like clients.

In addition to the client configuration files described above, each server machine needs a LISTENER.ORA file to identify and control the behavior of the listeners that listen for the databases on the machine.


This file includes service names and addresses of all listeners on a machine, the system identifiers (SIDs) of the databases they listen for, and various control parameters used by the Listener Control Utility.


Unless you are using Oracle Names and the Dynamic Discovery Option, this file should be generated and modified by the Oracle Network Manager. You should not edit it manually.

Note: LISTENER.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA contain some similar information. The address of the server in TNSNAMES.ORA is the same as the address of the listener for a server in LISTENER.ORA. Similarly, the address in the TNSNAMES.ORA file includes the SID which is required (as SID_NAME) in the LISTENER.ORA file. Figure A - 1 shows the similarities between these files for a single server.

Figure A - 1. Similarities Between TNSNAMES.ORA and LISTENER.ORA

Interchange Configuration Files

Each Interchange in a network requires three configuration files. The files provide information about the following:


This file contains a list of the communities in the network and the relative cost of traversing them, and the names and addresses of all the Interchanges in the network. This file provides an overview of the layout of the network for all the Interchanges.


This file describes the communities of each individual Interchange on the network.


This file provides both required and optional parameters that control the behavior of each Interchange.

Note: These files should be generated and modified through Oracle Network Manager. They should not be edited by hand.

For detailed information about the configuration files for the Interchange, see the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide.

Oracle Names Configuration Files

Unless you are using the Dynamic Discovery Option, each Names Server in the network requires an individual configuration file called NAMES.ORA, as well as parameters in SQLNET.ORA.

For more information about the NAMES.ORA file for the Names Server, see Chapter 6 in the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.


Unless you are using the Dynamic Discovery Option, every node running a Names Server must have a NAMES.ORA file. NAMES.ORA contains control parameters for the Names Server and points the Names Server to the database where the network definition is stored.

Note: This file should be generated and modified by Oracle Network Manager. Do not edit it manually.


This file contains client information about Oracle Names such as the default domain for service names stored in Oracle Names, and lists preferred Oracle Names Servers. It may also contain optional logging and tracing (diagnostic), native naming, and security (encryption, checksumming, and authentication) parameters.

Oracle SNMP Support Configuration File

Each node managed by Oracle SNMP Support requires a configuration file named SNMP.ORA. The parameters in SNMP.ORA:

For information on how to configure SNMP support so that the listener, Oracle7 Server, MultiProtocol Interchange, and Oracle Names Server can be queried by any SNMP-based network management system, see the Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide and the Oracle operating system-specific documentation.

Note: You must generate the SNMP.ORA file with Network Manager.

For detailed information about the Oracle SNMP Support feature and a description of its Management Information Base (MIB) variables, see the Oracle SNMP Support Reference Guide.

Configuring the Network Listener: LISTENER.ORA

Before a database server can receive connections from SQL*Net version 2 (and later) clients, a listener must be active on the server platform. On most platforms, a network listener is used. The configuration file for the network listener is LISTENER.ORA. It contains four parts:

Note: This file should be generated and modified through the Oracle Network Manager. It should not be edited manually.

Listener Names

The listener name can be any easy-to-use name. The default listener name is LISTENER, which is the recommended name in a standard installation that requires only one listener on a machine. The listener name must be unique on the network. However, this uniqueness is assured by the fact that Network Manager appends the name of the node and its domain to the listener name you supply. For example, if there is a listener on a node named RACER and a listener on a node named RABBIT, Network Manager will append the node names and the domain to their names so that they will be identified as LISTENER_RACER.WORLD and LISTENER_RABBIT.WORLD.

The listener name must be unique to the machine. If you have more than one listener on a machine, each must have a unique name. The TURTLE node, for example, might have three listeners with the names LSNR1_TURTLE.WORLD, LSNR2_TURTLE.WORLD, and LSNR3_TURTLE.WORLD.

Listener Addresses

The listener usually listens both for internal connection requests and for connection requests from across the network.

IPC Addresses

The listener listens for interprocess calls (IPC) as well as calls from other nodes. For example, on a UNIX machine, an IPC adapter is the adapter for the UNIX domain socket communication mechanism; on VMS, it is the adapter for the mailbox communication mechanism. IPC addresses must be included in the LISTENER.ORA file. Oracle Network Manager generates the IPC entries automatically, without input from you.

The IPC address format, which is the same across platforms, is as follows:


Network Manager creates two IPC addresses for each database for which a listener listens. In one, the key value is equal to the service name. This IPC address is used for connections from other applications on the same node. Service names are described later in this chapter, in the section "TNSNAMES.ORA." In the other IPC address, the key value is equal to the database system identifier (SID), which is described in the next section. This IPC address is used by the database dispatcher to identify the listener.

Note: If the service name is the same as the SID, only one IPC address is needed, and only one is generated by Network Manager.

If the network includes Oracle Names, and if you create an alias (a second service name) for the address using Network Manager, an IPC address using the alias as a key is included in LISTENER.ORA.

Network Addresses

The network address of a listener includes the community in which the destination resides, the protocol it uses, and protocol-specific parameters. If the listener is on a node that is on more than one community, it has more than one address.

The Network Manager automatically provides the correct protocol specific parameters for any protocol you use, but you must provide the appropriate values. For information about the values for the parameters for a given protocol, see the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform.

Sample Addresses

Here is an example of an address for a listener on in a TCP/IP community:


Describing the Databases on the Listener

The next section of the LISTENER.ORA file describes the system identifiers (SIDs) of the databases for whom the listener listens. It is made up of keyword-value pairs.


The GLOBAL_DBNAME is the name and domain of the database as given in the database initialization parameter file. The SID is the Oracle system ID of the database server. In the next keyword-value pair, the keyword is operating system specific: it is indicated here as the variable OS Oracle environment. Its value, indicated here as db_location, is the specific location of the database executables.

An example typical of the UNIX operating system follows:


An example from a VMS environment follows:


An example for OS/2 might be:


An example of a complete SID_LIST_listener_name section on a UNIX operating system follows:


Note that a listener can listen for more than one database on a machine. However, you may create different listeners for the databases if you wish. All the listeners on a single machine share one LISTENER.ORA file.

Prespawned Dedicated Server Processes

If you want the listener to create prespawned dedicated server processes when it is started, use Network Manager to include the following parameters in each SID_DESC in LISTENER.ORA.


The maximum number of prespawned dedicated server processes the listener will create. This number must be at least as many as the sum of the pool size for each protocol. For greatest efficiency, Oracle Corporation recommends a large value, so that prespawned dedicated server processes are always available for new connection requests.


The protocol on which the listener creates prespawned dedicated server processes. If a listener listens on more than one community, you can choose whether to have pre-spawned servers on any or all of them.


The number of unused prespawned dedicated server processes for the listener to maintain on the selected protocol. Choose a number that is greater than 0 but no greater than the PRESPAWN_MAXIMUM value. The value should be about what you expect the average number of connections to be at any given time.


Time in minutes that an inactive prespawned dedicated server process waits for the next connection. The value should be greater than 0. (A value of 0 will allow an inactive shadow process to continue indefinitely, thus wasting machine resources.) For greatest efficiency, Oracle Corporation recommends a short Time Out value. The time out is activated only after a prespawned dedicated server process has carried a connection and been disconnected. In other words, prespawned dedicated server processes that are waiting for their first connection do not time out.

Here is an example of a SID_DESC section of LISTENER.ORA that includes information about prespawned dedicated server processes:

		(GLOBAL_DBNAME = sales.acme.com
		(SID_NAME = DB1)
		(ORACLE_HOME = /usr/bin/oracle)
				(TIMEOUT = 2)

LISTENER.ORA Control Parameters

The third section of the LISTENER.ORA file contains a list of parameters that control the behavior of the listener. The parameters and their defaults (if any) follow:


This optional parameter allows one or more passwords. If this parameter is specified with one or more passwords, then the use of one of these passwords is required to perform certain DBA tasks against the listener using the Listener Control Utility. See "Using the Listener Control Utility"[*] If this parameter is not included in the file, then anyone can access the Listener Control Utility to stop or alter the listener.

You may choose to have Network Manager encrypt the password in this file. If you choose to have the password encrypted, unauthorized people cannot see it in the LISTENER.ORA file and use it to manipulate the listener. However, if you want the password to be encrypted, you can enter only one password. The default is to encrypt the password.

If you do not care about password encryption, you can enter more than one password. If more than one password is entered, all of them must be surrounded by parentheses. For example:

PASSWORDS_LISTENER=(super32, sly51)

Network Manager creates the parentheses automatically.


This parameter sets the number of seconds that the listener sleeps before responding to the first listener control status command. This feature assures that a listener with a slow protocol will have had time to start up before responding to a status request. Default is 0.

For example, in the case of SPX, if you use the Listener Control Utility to request a STATUS immediately after the START command, and if this parameter is set to 0, you will get an error stack indicating that the listener is not available. If this parameter is set to 2, however, the Listener Control Utility will wait briefly, and the STATUS command will return a message showing that the listener is available and listening. (For information about using the Listener Control Utility, see Chapter 5.)


This parameter sets the number of seconds that the listener waits to get a valid SQL*Net version 2 connection request after a connection has been started. The listener drops the connection if the timeout is reached. Default is 10; if set to 0, it will wait forever.


This parameter indicates the level of detail the trace facility records for listener events. Choices are OFF, USER,or ADMIN. Default is OFF. USER provides a limited level of tracing; ADMIN provides a more detailed trace.


This parameter sets the directory where the trace file is placed. Default is operating system specific. On UNIX, for example, it is $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace.


This parameter establishes the name of the file to which trace information is written. Default is listener_name.trc on most platforms.


This parameter indicates the directory in which to find the log file that is automatically generated for listener events. Default is operating system specific. On UNIX, for example, it is $ORACLE_HOME/network/log.


This parameter sets the name of the log file for the listener. Default is listener_name.log on most platforms.


In this example, each element is laid out on a separate line, so that it is easy to see the file's structure. This is the recommended format, and this is how the files created by Network Manager look. If you must edit a LISTENER.ORA file by hand, you do not have to put each element on a separate line. Be careful, though, to include all the appropriate parentheses, and to indent if you must continue an element onto the next line. Again, we strongly recommend that you use Network Manager. This example assumes the UNIX operating system.


#The following parameters have default values


Note that if the listener were on a different operating system, the default file and path names for tracing and logging might be different. See your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for further information.

Special Parameters for the Dynamic Discovery Option

If you are using Oracle Names and the Dynamic Discovery Option in your network, you will need to hand edit the LISTENER.ORA files to add two extra parameters. These parameters identify the default Oracle Names domain of the listener, and provide a list of addresses for any Names Servers that are not at well-known addresses.

The parameters are:

names.default_domain = default_domain
names.preferred_servers = 
     (ADDRESS = 
       ( names_server_address)

An example follows:

names.default_domain = world
names.preferred_servers =
        (ADDRESS = 
          (COMMUNITY = tcpcom)
          (PROTOCOL = TCP)
          (Host = vance.world)
          (Port = 1522)

For more information about using Oracle Names with the Dynamic Discovery Option, see the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.

Controlling the Network Listener

The listener is controlled by the Listener Control Utility, LSNRCTL. For information on how to use LSNRCTL to start and control the listener, refer to Chapter 5, "Using SQL*Net".

The Server as a Client

When the server does more than its traditional role of receiving connections and responding to queries, it requires the client configuration. Server initiated connections are technically identical to client connections. Specifically, when using database links to initiate connections to other servers, the server needs all of the same configuration information as a client. It must have access to the TNSNAMES.ORA file and a SQLNET.ORA file. If it might use an Interchange, it must have its own TNSNAV.ORA file. The server has the following requirements:

The following sections, which describe TNSNAMES.ORA and SQLNET.ORA for clients, are therefore applicable to servers as well. Oracle Network Manager automatically generates these files for every server.

Identifying Destinations: TNSNAMES.ORA

The TNSNAMES.ORA file is used by clients and distributed database servers to identify potential destinations, both servers and, optionally, Interchanges. (If Oracle Names is used in the network, the TNSNAMES.ORA files are not necessary; the Names Servers get the needed information from the network definition stored on a database. Similarly, if an Oracle Native Naming Adapter such as NIS or DCE's CDS is used in the network, then service names can be resolved by one or more native naming services.) Unless you are using Oracle Names or an Oracle Native Naming Adapter, Network Manager generates the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Each entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA file includes two elements:

These elements are described in the following sections.

Service Names

All connect descriptors are assigned service names in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The user specifies the service name, a single word rather than the lengthier connect descriptor, to identify the service to which the user wants to connect. (These are comparable to the aliases used for connect_strings in SQL*Net version 1.) The contents of a TNSNAMES.ORA file consists of a series of service names mapped to TNS connect descriptors.

The service name for a database must be exactly the same as the global database name defined by the system administrator. SQL*Net limits the total length of a global database name to 64 characters. Of these, up to eight are the DB_NAME as defined by the database administrator, and the remainder show the service's place in the domain hierarchy (DB_DOMAIN). The name part of the service name can be longer than eight characters only if the DBA changes the name of the database with a RENAME GLOBAL_NAME parameter. The total global database name, or service name, must remain at or below 64 characters. See "Global Naming Issues" in Chapter 2 of Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I for more information on creating a global database name.

Alternate service names, or aliases, may be assigned to a database service through the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The alternate service names may be any convenient, easy to remember names you choose. For example, if a database were used by two different divisions of a company, Human Resources and Finance, you might want to map two different service name aliases, HR and FINANCE, to the database. The TNSNAMES.ORA file would then have three separate entries: a service name that is the same as the global database name, and two aliases, mapped to the same connect descriptor.

The service name for an Interchange is the name of the Interchange or its Connection Manager component. Typically, the Interchange and the Connection Manager are referred to by the same name.

Connect Descriptors

Every service requires a connect descriptor. For a database, a connect descriptor describes the location of the network listener and the system identifier (SID) of the database to which to connect. Database connect descriptors commonly consist of two sections:


The application address is the information required to reach the application within a given protocol environment. It includes the community in which the destination resides, the protocol it uses, and protocol-specific parameters. Oracle Network Manager automatically provides the correct protocol specific parameters for any protocol you use, but you must provide the appropriate values. For information about the values for the parameters for a given protocol, see the Oracle operating system-specific documentation for your platform.

Note: If you specify a TCP/IP address prefixed with a "0", it is assumed to be an octal number, not a decimal number. For example, is a decimal number, but is an octal number.


SQL*Net uses the CONNECT_DATA keyword to denote the system identifier (SID) of the remote database. When SQL*Net on the server side receives the connection request, TNS passes the CONNECT_DATA contents to the listener, which identifies the desired database. For SQL*Net use, sample CONNECT_DATA might look like:


CONNECT_DATA is a protocol independent keyword indicating that application-specific data will be supplied at connect time, and SID specifies the Oracle System ID of the database server. You must specify the SID in the CONNECT DATA section of the connect descriptor.

With this release of SQL*Net, the CONNECT_DATA section must also include the global database name of the database. In most instances the global database name is the same as the service name. However, if you have a replicated database, you may have assigned a single service name that maps to more than one database name.

Interchange Addresses

A connect descriptor for an Interchange consists of only one section, an ADDRESS_LIST section. Within the ADDRESS_LIST section all the addresses of the Interchange are listed, including the required protocol specific keywords.

There is no CONNECT_DATA section in the connect descriptor of an Interchange.

Example of the Use of TNSNAMES.ORA

Figure A - 2 shows a simple network in which client applications access a database on the server NY_VAX. In this example, the SID of the database is DB1. Its service name and connect descriptor are found in the TNSNAMES.ORA entry that follows.

Figure A - 2. SQL*Net Connect Descriptor

The following TNSNAMES.ORA entry maps the service name NY_FIN to the connect descriptor:


A user who wished to access the database would use NY_FIN to identify the appropriate connect descriptor. For example:


This example assumes that NY_FIN is in the user's default domain. If it is not, the whole service name (NY_FIN.FIN.HQ.ACME) would need to be used.

Updating connect descriptors

Whenever you add a new database to the network, you must add a new service name and connect descriptor to the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Use Oracle Network Manager to update TNSNAMES.ORA.

System and User TNSNAMES.ORA Files

On most platforms, there can be two versions of the TNSNAMES.ORA file, one at the system level (all users) and an optional private one at the user level. If a private TNSNAMES.ORA file exists, its contents take precedence over the system-level file. That is, if both files have the same service name mapped to different connect descriptors, the connect descriptor in the user's local file will be used.

A local TNSNAMES.ORA file does not replace the system file, but exists in addition to it. For example, if a developer creates a database which is not generally accessible to other users, he might want to create a private TNSNAMES.ORA file with a simple service name mapped to its connect descriptor. By creating his own TNSNAMES.ORA file, the developer can have the convenience of using a service name without having to go through the system administrator.

Note: For more specific information about the name, location, and use of the TNSNAMES.ORA file on your operating system, refer to your Oracle operating system-specific manual.

Configuring Listener Load Balancing

To configure listener load balancing, the administrator must configure multiple listeners for each database. There can be multiple listeners on the same platform as the database, or, for multi-threaded servers, the listeners can be on different nodes. For multi-threaded servers, the administrator must add some parameters to the database parameter file. (On UNIX systems, this is INIT.ORA.)

Note: The administrator does not need to add or change any parameters in the database parameter file for dedicated servers.

Database Parameter File

For multiple listeners to be enabled for multi-threaded servers, the database initialization parameter file must include the following parameter:


Note: Unless MTS_MULTIPLE_LISTENERS=TRUE is included, listener load balancing is not enabled.

If there is a single listener for each multi-threaded server, each address of the single listener is listed on a separate line, as follows:


If multiple listeners are enabled, each listener must be on a separate line. If a listener has multiple addresses, each one is listed within an address list, as follows:


Note: If you decide to change back so that each dispatcher registers with only one listener, you must remove the ADDRESS_LIST keyword and place alternative addresses for the same listener on separate lines:



For clients to be able to randomize connections between listeners, a new address format is needed in TNSNAMES.ORA, as follows:

service_name = 
    [(CONNECT_DATA =(SID=sid)(GLOBAL_NAME=global_dbname))])

In this syntax, each description in the description list is for a different listener. If the connect data is the same for all the descriptions in a description list, it need be entered only once, in the last line.

The global name is a concatenation of the db_name and the db_domain from the INIT.ORA file.

Note: The old format for TNSNAMES.ORA entries continues to work only for those databases that have only one listener.

TNSNAMES.ORA Example for a Single Database Instance with Two Listeners


In this example, there are two listeners for the database, on two different nodes, each listening on two different protocols. This example matches the example illustrated in Figure 2 - 4.

Many-to-Many Relationships

If equivalent databases use listener load balancing, a single service name may have descriptions with different SIDs and global database names. There may be several listeners, each listening for several database instances. In this case, there is Connect Data in every description, and no final Connect Data without an associated address.

If there are replicated databases that are equivalent, create a service name that maps to more than one SID and global database name. For example, the following portion of a TNSNAMES.ORA file is for a replicated server with two listeners. The example matches that shown in Figure 2 - 5.

TNSNAMES.ORA Example for Equivalent Databases


Configuring Clients: SQLNET.ORA

The SQLNET.ORA file is created for all clients and nodes on the network. It contains five types of information:

These parameters are described in the following sections.

Dead Connection Detection

The optional parameter SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME determines how often SQL*Net sends a probe to verify that a client-server connection is still active. If a client is abnormally terminated, a connection may be left open indefinitely unless identified and closed by the system. If this parameter is specified, SQL*Net sends a probe periodically to determine whether there is an invalid connection that should be terminated. If it finds a dead connection, or a connection no longer in use, it returns an error, causing the server process to exit.

Specify this parameter in the Connection Expire Time field of the Client Profile property sheet of Network Manager. Enter the time, in minutes, between probes for a dead connection. The range of possible values is from one to a very large number. However, a value of approximately 10 is recommended. If no value is entered in this field, the broken connections may be maintained indefinitely.

Note: The time set in this parameter is not necessarily the amount of time a dead connection will remain. This parameter sets the time between probes for dead connections. Depending on the underlying protocol, it may be somewhat longer before a dead process is shut down.

Dead connection detection has some costs associated with it.

In short, you should evaluate carefully whether you would benefit from enabling the dead connection detection feature. It should only be turned on if necessary.

Optional Logging and Tracing Parameters

If you select any optional logging and tracing parameters in the Client Profile property sheet of Network Manager, the following parameters appear in the SQLNET.ORA file:

Note: Comparable parameters may be created for servers (for example, LOG_FILE_SERVER, TRACE_DIRECTORY_SERVER). You must add any logging and tracing parameters for servers to the SQLNET.ORA file by hand; they are not generated by Network Manager or by the SQLNET.ORA Editor.

You can add the following optional tracing parameters for the TNSPING utility to SQLNET.ORA using the SQLNET.ORA Editor. (They produce messages similar to the SQL*Net trace parameters mentioned above.)

For more information about the logging and tracing parameters in SQLNET.ORA, see Chapters 2and 3 in the Oracle Network Products Troubleshooting Guide.

Default Domains

Whether or not you are using Oracle Names, the SQLNET.ORA file includes a parameter that shows the default domain. This parameter is normally set through Network Manager, but can be modified using the SQLNET.ORA Editor.

Name Resolution Services

The order in which different names resolution services are attempted is determined by the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter. By default, TNSNAMES.ORA file is the first method listed, with Oracle Names next. If you have installed a native naming adapter, it would appear on the list also. You can change the order in which the names services appear, and therefore are used by the client, by changing them in the Client Profile using Network Manager. By default, Network Manager generates the following parameter and value in the SQLNET.ORA file:


Oracle Names Parameters

If you are using Oracle Names, another parameter, NAMES.PREFERRED_SERVERS, is required. This parameter includes one or more addresses of the Names Servers the client prefers to use. Several optional Oracle Names tracing parameters may also appear; they are described in Appendix B of the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide. These parameters are created using the Oracle Network Manager.

Additional SQLNET.ORA Parameters

The SQLNET.ORA file is used primarily for specifying the Dead Connection Detection parameter, tracing parameters, and default domain information. However, there are additional optional parameters which provide other functions you may find useful. The following parameters must be edited manually in the SQLNET.ORA file; they are not affected by Network Manager.

Turning Off IPCs

If for some reason you do not want IPC addresses to be sought automatically on some nodes in your network, you should add the following parameter to the SQLNET.ORA files for those nodes:


Without this parameter, the default is for a connection to look for an IPC address.

Using a Dedicated Server

Generally when the listener receives a connection request, it hands off the request to an existing process. That is, it makes use of the multi-threaded server. If you prefer that the listener spawn a dedicated server task or process for connections to this database, add the following line to the SQLNET.ORA file for the listener node:


The default is OFF.

Note: For further information about dedicated server processes and the multi-threaded server, see Chapter 2 in the Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I.

It is important that any manually-edited entries be made in SQLNET.ORA after the file is distributed to the destination. Because this file is generated to be common to all clients with the same client profile, changing it for specific nodes or a specific operating system's file structure before moving it to other nodes may have unintended results.

Note: Also, you can configure a service name alias to use a dedicated server process (instead of the multi-threaded server) in Network Manager. After generating configuration files, then add the USE_DEDICATED_SERVER=ON to the SQLNET.ORA file for the listener node.

Disabling Out of Band Breaks

If you want to disable out-of-band breaks, set the DISABLE_OOB=ON parameter in SQLNET.ORA on clients (and servers that will act as clients) to ON. The default is OFF. If you are using an Interchange, out-of-band breaks are not implemented, regardless of how this parameter is set.


Currently, you need to add this parameter manually to SQLNET.ORA; you cannot configure it through Network Manager.

Sample SQLNET.ORA Files

This sample SQLNET.ORA file is for a client in a network that does not include Oracle Names and that accepts the default trace parameters. No value is specified for SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME, which means that dead connection detection is not enabled.

sqlnet.expire_time = 
names.default_domain = world
name.default_zone = world

The NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter is created whether or not Oracle Names is part of the network. Oracle Network Manager puts a comparable parameter, NAME.DEFAULT_ZONE, into the file for backward compatibility with an earlier version of SQL*Net.

The following SQLNET.ORA file is for a client in a network that includes Oracle Names. A value has been included for SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME.

sqlnet.expire_time = 10
names.default_domain = world
name.default_zone = world
names.preferred_servers =
        (ADDRESS = 
          (COMMUNITY = tcpcom)
          (PROTOCOL = TCP)
          (Host = vance.world)
          (Port = 1522)
name.preferred_servers =
        (ADDRESS = 
          (COMMUNITY = tcpcom)
          (PROTOCOL = TCP)
          (Host = vance.world)
          (Port = 1522)

This file includes a parameter that shows the client's preferred Names Server. As in the previous sample, there are two different versions of this parameter to provide backward compatibility with an earlier version of the product. Oracle Network Manager creates these parameters automatically.

Creating Special Address Parameters: PROTOCOL.ORA

PROTOCOL.ORA defines node specific and protocol specific addressing information for certain protocols. It also includes Validnode verification on those protocols that support it.

Protocol-Specific Address Parameters

The following protocols require parameters to be listed in PROTOCOL.ORA:

This file contains node-specific non-global address parameters and other protocol specific configuration parameters. Protocols that require address information in PROTOCOL.ORA typically have LOCAL_LOOKUP=alias as one of their address parameters in TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA, or TNSNET.ORA. The LOCAL_LOOKUP parameter points to a non-global address in a PROTOCOL.ORA file. Oracle Network Manager does not create PROTOCOL.ORA files; they must be created by hand.

For example, consider the partial TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA, and PROTOCOL.ORA files for LU6.2 shown in Figure A - 3.


The global information address information for the server HORNET.WORLD is contained in the TNSNAMES.ORA and LISTENER.ORA files. This information can be used by any client in the network. The PROTOCOL.ORA entry contains additional address parameters needed for a specific node to reach HORNET.WORLD.

See the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform for further information.

Validnode Verification

The objective of Validnode verification is to restrict connection access of network clients to those with enabling host privilege. The access list is in the PROTOCOL.ORA file. The list is dynamic and used by the Validnode component to decide on granting access to incoming connection requests.

To activate Validnode checking, the following parameter must be entered in PROTOCOL.ORA:

protocol.validnode_checking = yes

For example, for the TCP/IP protocol, the parameter would be:

tcp.validnode_checking = yes

The default is for Validnode checking to be off.

Note: The DECnet protocol does not currently support Validnode checking.

The access list for Validnode checking can take two forms: an INVITED_NODES list and an EXCLUDED_NODES list. The two lists are mutually exclusive. If both are present, the INVITED_NODES list takes precedence over the EXCLUDED_NODES list.

Sample Access List

The following is a sample access list in PROTOCOL.ORA for the TCP/IP protocol:

tcp.invited_nodes = (drummer.us.com,

This list grants access to the three nodes listed, and excludes all others.

An alternative way of limiting connection requests is to exclude specific nodes. The following list provides access to all nodes except those listed:

tcp.excluded_nodes = (drummer.us.com,

Note: Not all protocols and operating systems support Validnode verification. See the operating system-specific documentation for your platform for further details.

Enabling SNMP Support: SNMP.ORA

To enable SNMP support, you must create an SNMP.ORA file for every node containing a service. You do this by using the SNMP pages for the Oracle7 Server, listener, Oracle Names, and Interchange in Network Manager, and then generating configuration files. (See Chapter 5 in the Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide for information on these pages.)

If a node has more than one service, the SNMP.ORA file includes information for all of them. For example, the SNMP.ORA file for a particular node might contain information so that an Interchange and a Names Server can respond to SNMP queries from an SNMP-based network management system. Or, an SNMP.ORA file on a particular node might include parameters for a listener and a database only.

The sample SNMP.ORA file in this section enables SNMP support for five services including a listener, two databases (HR.WORLD and SALES.WORLD), an Interchange and a Names Server. These five services are configured to respond to queries from an SNMP-based network management system.


# Filename......: snmp.ora
# Node..........: heather.world
# Date..........: 11-MAR-95 14:23:45
SNMP.INDEX.hr = 10
SNMP.INDEX.NameServer = 40
SNMP.INDEX.sales = 50
SNMP.CONTACT.LISTENER = "jadmin, 415 528-6293"
SNMP.SID.hr = hr
SNMP.CONTACT.hr = "jadmin, 415 528-6293"
SNMP.CONTACT.INTCHG_1 = "jadmin, 415 528-6293"
SNMP.CONTACT.NameServer = "jadmin, 415 528-6293"
SNMP.SID.sales = sales
SNMP.CONTACT.sales = "jadmin, 415 528-6293"

SNMP.ORA Control Parameters

The SNMP.ORA file contains parameters that allow an Oracle7 Server, listener, MultiProtocol Interchange, or Oracle Names Server to be queried by any SNMP-based network management system. The parameters and their defaults (if any) follow:

SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES=(svc-name-x, svc-name-y, svc-name-z...)

This parameter specifies a list of SNMP-managed services. For each database or Oracle network service for which SNMP support is enabled, the name of that service must in the SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES list. The other SNMP.ORA parameters refer to these service names.

You must specify service names for database names in the SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES list, for example, HR or SALES. The service name can be an alias to a SQL*Net V1 connect string or the SQL*Net version 2 service name.


Each service listed in the SNMP.VISIBLESERVICES line must have an index entry of an integer 1 or greater.

Note: The integer must be unique on the host.

The integer is used as the value of applIndex, which indexes the applTable of the Network Services MIB, and almost all of the tables in the RDBMS MIB and private MIB.

Attention: The selected integer must not conflict with those assigned to other applications implementing the Network Services MIB on this host such as other databases, mail, or directory servers.


This parameter specifies the ORACLE_SID associated with the database. ORACLE_SID is used by the database subagent as the value of applName for this database.

The subagent uses the SID in the following ways:

				·	Returns the SID as rdbmsSrvName
				·	Assumes that services with SIDs are databases
				·	Assumes that services without SIDs are other
					types of services 

Note: If you do not include a SID for a database, the Subagent assumes that it is a non-database service, and will not connect to it or register any MIB variables for it.


This parameter overrides the default username created for the database Subagent.

Note: This optional parameter is only for databases.


This parameter overrides the default username created for the database Subagent.

SNMP.CONTACT.SERVICE_NAME="Contact Name, Phone Number, etc.

Note: This parameter is optional; however, a name and phone number are recommended. Network Manager automatically creates the quotation marks (") around the value for this parameter.

This parameter can be used for any SNMP-managed service and answers queries for the following:






If this parameter is not used for SNMP service, then either noSuchName is returned for SNMPv1 or noSuchIndex for SNMPv2.

Note: You cannot configure the following seven parameters from Network Manager. After you have generated configuration files with Network Manager, you must add them manually using a file editor of your choice.


The integer signifies the interval (in seconds) to be used as a polling interval for the status of each SNMP-managed database. Default is 30 seconds.

The Subagent tries every 30 seconds to connect to SNMP-managed databases that are down.


This parameter indicates the level of detail the trace facility records for database subagent events. Choices are OFF, USER, or ADMIN. Default is OFF. Selecting USER provides a limited level of tracing; ADMIN provides a more detailed trace.


This parameter sets the directory where the trace file is placed. Default is operating system specific. On UNIX, for example, it is $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace.


This parameter establishes the name of the file to which trace information is written. Default is DBSNMP.TRC on most platforms.


If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended to the name of each trace file generated so that several can coexist. The default is OFF.


This parameter indicates the directory in which to find the log file that is automatically generated for SNMP events. Default is operating system specific. On UNIX, for example, it is $ORACLE_HOME/network/log.


This parameter sets the name of the log file for Oracle SNMP support. Default is DBSNMP.LOG on most platforms.

Increasing the Queue Size for the Listeners

You can increase the listening queue, or backlog, for a listening process (that is, for TNSLSNR, INTLSNR, NAMES) to dynamically handle larger numbers of concurrent connection requests by adding a (QUEUESIZE=n) parameter to the end of any listening address in LISTENER.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, or NAMES.ORA. The parameter must be added as the last parameter in the network address (see sample files).

Note: Currently, you need to add this parameter manually to LISTENER.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and NAMES.ORA--you cannot set it through Network Manager.

Note: Currently, you can configure the QUEUESIZE parameter for listeners on DECnet and TCP/IP protocols only. Also, if the QUEUESIZE parameter is not present in the appropriate configuration file (TNSNET.ORA, LISTENER.ORA, or NAMES.ORA), TCP/IP defaults to 17.

Increasing the Queue Size for the Listener

This section describes how to increase the queue size for the network listener. Add this parameter as the last parameter in the network address (see sample file). Currently, you need to add this parameter manually to LISTENER.ORA--you cannot set it through Network Manager. For information on other configuration parameters in LISTENER.ORA refer to "Configuring the Network Listener: LISTENER.ORA" in this chapter.


# Filename......: listener.ora
# Node..........: mike.world
# Date..........: 11-OCT-94 14:23:45

LISTENER_mike.world=(ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=IPC) (KEY=prod.world) ) (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=IPC) (KEY=db1) ) (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=mike.world) (PORT=1521) (QUEUESIZE=20) ) )

Increasing the Queue Size for the Interchange Listener

This section describes how to increase the queue size for the Interchange listener. Add this parameter as the last parameter in the network address (see sample file). Currently, you need to add this parameter manually to TNSNET.ORA--you cannot set it through Network Manager. For information on other configuration parameters in TNSNET.ORA, see the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide.


# Filename......: tnsnet.ora
# Node..........: heather.world
# Date..........: 11-OCT-94 14:23:45
(COMMUNITY = spxcom.world)
(COST = 10)
(COMMUNITY = tcpcom.world)
(COST = 10)
INTCHG_1.world =
(COMMUNITY = spxcom.world)
(Service = heather_INT_1)
(COMMUNITY = tcpcom.world)
(Host = heather)
(Port = 1526)

Increasing the Queue Size for the Oracle Names Server

This section describes how to increase the queue size for the Names Server. The parameter should be added as the last parameter in the network address (see sample file). Currently, you need to add this parameter manually to NAMES.ORA; you cannot set it through Network Manager. For information on other configuration parameters in NAMES.ORA, see Chapter 6 in the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.


names.server_name = NameServer.us.oracle.com
names.admin_region = (REGION=
				(NAME= LOCAL_REGION.world)
				(PASSWORD= netadmin)
				(VERSION= 34611200)
				(RETRY = 600))
names.config_checkpoint_file= cfg00406
names.trace_level= OFF
names.trace_unique= FALSE

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