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Oracle Database Master Index: V
10g Release 1 (10.1)

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Index Entries

V variable in SQLDA
how value is set (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
V$ACCESS view (Reference)
V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES view (Reference)
V$ACTIVE_SERVICES (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
V$ACTIVE_SERVICES view (Reference)
V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH view (Reference)
V$ALERT_TYPES view (Reference)
V$AQ view (Reference)
V$ARCHIVE view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$ARCHIVED_LOG view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #10] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #11] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #12] (Reference)
     [entry #13] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
determining the most recently archived redo log file (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
listing all archived logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
displaying implicit default value of STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
displaying information for all destinations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
obtaining destination status (Administrator's Guide)
V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
log apply services and MANAGED REAL TIME column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$ARCHIVE_GAP view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES view (Reference)
V$ASM_ALIAS view (Reference)
V$ASM_CLIENT view (Reference)
V$ASM_DISK view (Reference)
V$ASM_DISKGROUP view (Reference)
V$ASM_FILE view (Reference)
V$ASM_OPERATION view (Reference)
V$ASM_TEMPLATE view (Reference)
V$AW_AGGREGATE_OP view (OLAP Reference)
V$AW_ALLOCATE_OP view (OLAP Reference)
V$AW_CALC view (OLAP Reference)
V$AW_OLAP view (OLAP Reference)
V$AW_SESSION_INFO view (OLAP Reference)
V$BACKUP view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO view (Reference)
V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$BACKUP_DATAFILE view (Reference)
V$BACKUP_DEVICE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$BACKUP_FILES view (Reference)
V$BACKUP_PIECE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
V$BACKUP_REDOLOG view (Reference)
V$BACKUP_SET view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #4] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
V$BACKUP_SPFILE view (Reference)
V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO view (Reference)
V$BGPROCESS view (Reference)
V$BH view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
V$BUFFERED_QUEUES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
V$BUFFER_POOL view (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$CACHE view (Reference)
V$CACHE_LOCK view (Reference)
V$CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
V$CIRCUIT view (Reference)
V$CLIENT_STATS view (Reference)
V$CONTEXT view (Reference)
V$CONTROLFILE view (Reference)
V$COPY_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$CR_BLOCK_SERVER view (Reference)
V$DATABASE view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
     [entry #5] (Utilities)
supplemental logging (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_PK column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_UI column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
switchover and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SWITCHOVER_STATUS column and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Basics)
     [entry #4] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #6] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #7] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #10] (Reference)
V$DATABASE_INCARNATION view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
obtaining database incarnation information
V$DATAFILE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
listing files for backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
V$DATAFILE_COPY view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
V$DATAFILE_HEADER view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$DATAGUARD_STATUS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$DBFILE view (Reference)
V$DBLINK view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #4] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #5] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #6] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #7] (Reference)
V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE view (Reference)
V$DB_PIPES view (Reference)
V$DELETED_OBJECT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
V$DISPATCHER_CONFIG view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
V$ENABLEDPRIVS view (Reference)
V$ENQUEUE_LOCK view (Reference)
V$ENQUEUE_STAT view (Reference)
V$EVENTMETRIC view (Reference)
V$EVENT_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$EVENT_NAME view (Reference)
V$EXECUTION view (Reference)
V$FALSE_PING view (Reference)
V$FAST_START_SERVERS view (Reference)
V$FILEMETRIC view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
and parallel query (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
V$FILE_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$FIXED_TABLE view (Reference)
V$GCSHVMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
V$GCSPFMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
V$GC_ELEMENT view (Reference)
V$GES_CONVERT_LOCAL view (Reference)
V$GES_CONVERT_REMOTE view (Reference)
V$GES_ENQUEUE view (Reference)
V$GES_LATCH view (Reference)
V$GES_RESOURCE view (Reference)
V$GES_STATISTICS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
determining which agents are on host (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
listing HS parameters (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
determining open sessions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
V$HVMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
for database quiesce state (Administrator's Guide)
V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY view (Reference)
V$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$LATCH view (Reference)
V$LATCHHOLDER view (Reference)
V$LATCHNAME view (Reference)
V$LATCH_CHILDREN view (Reference)
V$LATCH_MISSES view (Reference)
V$LATCH_PARENT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
NAMESPACE column (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$LICENSE view (Reference)
V$LOADISTAT view (Reference)
V$LOADPSTAT view (Reference)
V$LOCK view (Reference)
V$LOCKED_OBJECT view (Reference)
V$LOCK_ACTIVITY view (Reference)
V$LOG view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
displaying archiving status (Administrator's Guide)
online redo log (Administrator's Guide)
viewing redo data with (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
listing files for backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
listing online redo logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
log file status (Administrator's Guide)
viewing redo data (Administrator's Guide)
V$LOGHIST view (Reference)
V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
formatting information returned to (Utilities)
impact of querying (Utilities)
information within (Utilities)
limiting information returned to (Utilities)
LogMiner utility (Utilities)
requirements for querying (Utilities)
     [subentry #2] (Utilities)
V$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
V$LOGMNR_LOGS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
     [entry #3] (Utilities)
querying (Utilities)
V$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
     [entry #3] (Utilities)
V$LOGSTDBY view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
viewing SQL Apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$LOGSTDBY_STATS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
listing all archived logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
viewing redo data (Administrator's Guide)
V$MANAGED_STANDBY view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$MAP_COMP_LIST view (Reference)
V$MAP_ELEMENT view (Reference)
V$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT view (Reference)
V$MAP_FILE view (Reference)
V$MAP_FILE_EXTENT view (Reference)
V$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK view (Reference)
V$MAP_LIBRARY view (Reference)
V$MAP_SUBELEMENT view (Reference)
V$METRICNAME view (Reference)
V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE view (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$MVREFRESH view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$MYSTAT view (Reference)
V$NLS_PARAMETERS dynamic performance view (Globalization Support Guide)
V$NLS_PARAMETERS view (Reference)
V$NLS_VALID_VALUES dynamic performance view (Globalization Support Guide)
V$NLS_VALID_VALUES view (Reference)
V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
for monitoring index usage (Administrator's Guide)
V$OFFLINE_RANGE view (Reference)
V$OPEN_CURSOR view (Reference)
V$OPTION view (Reference)
V$OSSTAT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PARAMETER view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PARAMETER2 view (Reference)
V$PGASTAT view (Reference)
V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE view (Reference)
V$PQ_SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$PQ_SLAVE view (Reference)
V$PQ_SYSSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PQ_TQSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$PROCESS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG view (Reference)
V$PROXY_DATAFILE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PWFILE_USERS view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PX_PROCESS view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT view (Reference)
V$PX_SESSION view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$PX_SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$QUEUE view
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
V$QUEUEING_MTH view (Reference)
V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
listing logs needed for recovery (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
V$RECOVERY_PROGRESS view (Reference)
V$RECOVERY_STATUS view (Reference)
V$RECOVER_FILE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
V$REPLPROP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$REPLQUEUE view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$REQDIST view (Reference)
V$RESERVED_WORDS view (Reference)
V$RESOURCE view (Reference)
V$RESOURCE_LIMIT view (Reference)
V$RMAN_OUTPUT view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$RMAN_STATUS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$ROLLNAME view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
undo segments (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
GETMISSES column (Performance Tuning Guide)
GETS column (Performance Tuning Guide)
performance statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$ROWCACHE_PARENT view (Reference)
V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$RSRC_PLAN view (Reference)
V$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH view (Reference)
V$RULE view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
V$RULE_SET view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
V$SEGSTAT view (Reference)
V$SEGSTAT_NAME view (Reference)
V$SERVICEMETRIC view (Reference)
V$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
V$SERVICES view (Reference)
V$SERVICE_EVENT view (Reference)
V$SERVICE_STATS view (Reference)
V$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS view (Reference)
V$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS view (Reference)
V$SESSION (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
V$SESSION table (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
V$SESSION view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #6] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #7] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #10] (Reference)
     [entry #11] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #12] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #13] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #14] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #15] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
V$SESSION virtual table (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
V$SESSION_EVENT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SESSION_LONGOPS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
monitoring Data Pump jobs with (Utilities)
V$SESSION_WAIT view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$SESSMETRIC view (Reference)
V$SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
using (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SESS_IO view (Reference)
V$SESS_TIME_MODEL view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
V$SGA view (Reference)
V$SGAINFO view (Reference)
V$SGASTAT table (Java Developer's Guide)
V$SGASTAT view (Reference)
V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS view (Reference)
V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$SHARED_SERVER view (Reference)
V$SORT_SEGMENT view (Reference)
V$SPPARAMETER view (Reference)
V$SQL (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
V$SQL view (Reference)
V$SQLAREA view (Reference)
V$SQLAREA virtual table (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
V$SQLTEXT view (Reference)
V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE view (Reference)
V$SQL_BIND_DATA view (Reference)
V$SQL_BIND_METADATA view (Reference)
V$SQL_CURSOR view (Reference)
V$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
using to display execution plan (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
using to display execution plan statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
using to display execution plan information (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SQL_REDIRECTION view (Reference)
V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR view (Reference)
V$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY view (Reference)
V$SQL_WORKAREA view (Reference)
V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE view (Reference)
V$STANDBY_LOG view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$STATISTICS_LEVEL view (Reference)
V$STATNAME view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
V$STREAMS_CAPTURE view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #7] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #8] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
V$SUBCACHE view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
occupants of SYSAUX tablespace (Administrator's Guide)
V$SYSMETRIC view (Reference)
V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY view (Reference)
V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY view (Reference)
V$SYSSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
redo buffer allocation (Performance Tuning Guide)
using (Performance Tuning Guide)
V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE view (Reference)
V$SYSTEM_EVENT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view (Reference)
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 view (Reference)
V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
V$SYS_TIME_MODEL view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$TABLESPACE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$TEMPFILE view (Reference)
V$TEMPORARY_LOBS view (Reference)
V$TEMPSEG_USAGE view (Reference)
V$TEMPSTAT view (Reference)
V$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
V$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP view (Reference)
V$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL view (Reference)
V$TEMP_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER view (Reference)
V$THREAD view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
V$THRESHOLD_TYPES view (Reference)
V$TIMER view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
time zone table information (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
undo tablespaces information (Administrator's Guide)
V$TYPE_SIZE view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #3] (Reference)
statistics for undo tablespaces (Administrator's Guide)
V$VERSION view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
v$vpd_policies (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
V$VPD_POLICY view (Reference)
V$WAITCLASSMETRIC view (Reference)
V$WAITSTAT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
value of DBMS option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
valid node checking (Security Guide)
     [entry #2] (Security Guide)
     [entry #3] (Security Overview)
     [entry #4] (Security Overview)
valid time support (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
altering version-enabled table to add valid time support (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
operators (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
setting valid time for session (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
valid, definition (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
of DROP TYPE (SQL Reference)
VALIDATE command (Recovery Manager Reference)
VALIDATE procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
of ANALYZE (SQL Reference)
of ANALYZE (SQL Reference)
of ANALYZE statement (Administrator's Guide)
of ANALYZE statement (Administrator's Guide)
validateGeoraster function (Spatial GeoRaster)
VALIDATE_DIMENSION procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VALIDATE_EXPRESSIONS procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
     [entry #3] (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
VALIDATE_GEOMETRY function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALIDATE_LAYER procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALIDATE_LINK_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_LRS_GEOMETRY function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALIDATE_LRS_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_NETWORK function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_NODE_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_PATH_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_PENDING_AREA procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VALIDATE_TOPOLOGY procedure (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_TOPO_MAP function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
VALIDATE_WKT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Basics)
examples (XML DB Developer's Guide)
GeoRaster objects (Spatial GeoRaster)
isSchemaValid (XML DB Developer's Guide)
isSchemaValidated (XML DB Developer's Guide)
redo data (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
schemaValidate (XML DB Developer's Guide)
SetSchemaValidated (XML DB Developer's Guide)
with XML schema (XML DB Developer's Guide)
XMLIsValid (XML DB Developer's Guide)
validating designs (Performance Tuning Guide)
validating dimensions (Data Warehousing Guide)
validating OLAP metadata (OLAP Reference)
auto validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
DTD validating Mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
failure (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
object types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
of clusters (SQL Reference)
of database objects
offline (SQL Reference)
of database objects, online (SQL Reference)
of indexes (SQL Reference)
of tables (SQL Reference)
partial validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
schema validation (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
schema validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
validation caching
for mod_plsql (HTTP Server mod_plsql User's Guide)
technique (HTTP Server mod_plsql User's Guide)
validation of restore (Backup and Recovery Basics)
validation semantics (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
validation trigger (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
VALID_FOR attribute
     [entry #2] (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
defining role-based destinations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
examples (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
format for keywords (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
overview (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
values and role-based conditions (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
verifying (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
VALID_GEOM_SEGMENT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALID_LRS_PT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALID_MEASURE function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VALSPERPAGE program (OLAP DML Reference)
value area (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
value attribute table (VAT)
description (Spatial GeoRaster)
getting name of (Spatial GeoRaster)
setting name of (Spatial GeoRaster)
VALUE clause
initializing host variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
value datatypes (Utilities)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
VALUE function (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Quick Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
VALUE functions (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
value hierarchy (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
value method (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
description (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
example of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
value name format
defined (OLAP DML Reference)
Value OLAP API data type (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
Value property (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
value screen area (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
value separation string (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
ValueCursor objects
getting from a parent CompoundCursor, example (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
getting values from, example (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
position (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
VALUEOF procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
assigning to objects
in context of this document (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
in object applications (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
restoring previous (OLAP DML Reference)
saving current (OLAP DML Reference)
VALUES clause
in INS (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
INSERT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of CREATE INDEX (SQL Reference)
of embedded SQL INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of INSERT (SQL Reference)
of INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
use of subqueries in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
using a subquery (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VALUES function (OLAP DML Reference)
VALUES LESS THAN clause (Data Warehousing Guide)
MAXVALUE (Data Warehousing Guide)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
VALUES OF clause (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
values of command-line options (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
VALUESET statement (OLAP DML Reference)
assigning values to (OLAP DML Reference)
checking (OLAP DML Reference)
checking current status list (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #6] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #7] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #8] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #9] (OLAP DML Reference)
defining (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
deleting (OLAP DML Reference)
limiting (OLAP DML Reference)
listing values (OLAP DML Reference)
multidimensional (OLAP DML Reference)
null (OLAP DML Reference)
setting the status of (OLAP DML Reference)
sorting values (OLAP DML Reference)
VALUE_ERROR exception (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
VAR directive
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
examples (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VAR SQL directive (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VAR statement
CONVBUFSZ clause (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
syntax for (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
using the CHARF datatype specifier (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VARCACHE option (OLAP DML Reference)
VARCACHE property
arrays of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
VARCHAR columns
default format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
VARCHAR datatype (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
Pro*C/C++ (Globalization Support Guide)
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
VARCHAR datatype, (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VARCHAR group items
implicit form (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VARCHAR precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VARCHAR pseudotype
requirements for using with PL/SQL (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
using with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VARCHAR subtype (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
VARCHAR variables
advantages (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
advantages of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
as input variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
as output variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
declaring (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
implicit group items (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
length element (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
length member in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
maximum length (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
must be passed to a function by reference (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
referencing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
server handling (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
specifying the length of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
string element (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
structure (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
structure of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
using macros to define length of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
versus character arrays (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
versus fixed-length strings (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
accessing CLOB data when treated as (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
also RAW, applied to CLOBs and BLOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
column definition from DESCRIBE (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
defining CLOB variable on (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
VARCHAR2 clause
VARIABLE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
VARCHAR2 column (Text Application Developer's Guide)
indexing (Text Reference)
VARCHAR2 columns (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
changing format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
default format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
VARCHAR2 datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
     [entry #4] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #5] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (SQL Reference)
column length (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
converting to NUMBER (SQL Reference)
external (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
non-padded comparison semantics (Concepts)
semantics (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
similarity to RAW datatype (Concepts)
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
VARCHAR2, using SQL functions and operators with LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
VARCHAR2_ARG procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
VARCHARC datatype
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
DB2 (SQL Quick Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Quick Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
SQL/DS (SQL Quick Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Quick Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
VARIABLE command (OLAP DML Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
BINARY_DOUBLE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
BINARY_FLOAT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
CHAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
CLOB clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
NCHAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
NCLOB clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
NUMBER clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
REFCURSOR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
VARCHAR2 clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
variable clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
variable expression (SQL Quick Reference)
variable expressions (SQL Reference)
VARIABLE function
of HTF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VARIABLE procedure
of HTP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
variable records (Utilities)
format (Utilities)
variable text in messages (Error Messages)
variable values (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
variable-length records
external tables (Utilities)
variable-width multibyte encoding schemes (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
accessing (OLAP DML Reference)
adding partition (OLAP DML Reference)
analytic workspace (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
assigning values (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
assigning values to (OLAP DML Reference)
bind (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
bind variables
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
user-defined types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
cursor (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
declaring (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
defining (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
defining in a program (OLAP DML Reference)
defining with composite (OLAP DML Reference)
defining with unnamed composite (OLAP DML Reference)
deleting (OLAP DML Reference)
embedded SQL (Concepts)
global (HTML DB User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
host (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
how data is stored (OLAP DML Reference)
in stored procedures (Concepts)
indicator (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
initializing (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
limiting to single value (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
local to a program (OLAP DML Reference)
object variables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
partitioned (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
QDR with (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
replacing dimension of (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
reshaping dimensionality of (OLAP DML Reference)
sparse data in (OLAP DML Reference)
static (Java Developer's Guide)
storage of (OLAP DML Reference)
substitution variables (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
system variables (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
targeting cells (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
VARIABLE_VALUE procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VARIANCE function (SQL Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
VARNUM datatype (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
VARRAW datatype (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Utilities)
VARRAWC datatype (Utilities)
LOB restriction (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
VARRAY clause
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
VARRAY column properties
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
VARRAY columns
memory issues when loading (Utilities)
VARRAY datatype (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
VARRAY, output (JPublisher User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
accessing (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
changing returned value (SQL Reference)
compared with nested tables (SQL Reference)
comparison rules (SQL Reference)
creating (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
creating VARRAYs (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
creation (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
dropping the body of (SQL Reference)
dropping the specification of (SQL Reference)
increasing size of (SQL Reference)
increasing the number of elements (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
index-organized tables (Concepts)
key compression (Concepts)
materialized views (Advanced Replication)
restrictions (Advanced Replication)
modifying column properties (SQL Reference)
querying (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
replication (Advanced Replication)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Replication)
See also arrays, collections
size limit (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
storage (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
storage characteristics (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
storage parameters for (Administrator's Guide)
stored as LOBs
compatibility (Upgrade Guide)
storing out of line (SQL Reference)
syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
updating (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
versus nested tables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
view hierarchies (Concepts)
vs nested tables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
varying arrays. See varrays
VARYING keyword
versus VARYING phrase (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
varying length arrays (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
varying-width character data (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
VAR_POP function (SQL Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
VAR_SAMP function (SQL Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
connection string (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
examples (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
VBScript, translating to PSP (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
vcacct.dll file (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
building (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
VCR (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
access control and security (XML DB Developer's Guide)
vector data
description (Spatial GeoRaster)
vector machines
support (New Features Guide)
verb_adjective attribute (Text Reference)
datafiles, online files (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
verifier (Java Developer's Guide)
VERIFY attribute
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
VERIFY clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
VERIFY variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
contents of archived redo log files (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
physical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
role-based destination settings (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
standby redo log groups (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
verifying an Oracle interMedia installation (interMedia User's Guide)
verifying blocks
redo log files (Administrator's Guide)
VERIFY_VALUES function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VeriSign (Security Overview)
     [entry #2] (Security Overview)
     [entry #3] (Security Overview)
version (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
compatibility (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
retrieving (Java Developer's Guide)
version 8 NCHAR columns
migrating to Oracle9i and later (Globalization Support Guide)
VERSION command
of Listener Control utility (Net Services Reference Guide)
version number
Workspace Manager (OWM_VERSION) (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
version number (Spatial)
retrieving (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
version numbers
viewing (Text Reference)
VERSION parameter
Data Pump Export utility (Utilities)
Data Pump Import utility (Utilities)
VERSION precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
version-controlled resource (VCR) (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
version-enabled tables
definition (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
version-exclusive locks (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
disabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
enabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
FAQs (XML DB Developer's Guide)
infrastructure created for (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
operating system, patch, driver (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
upgrading Oracle database software (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
versions of COBOL supported (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
VERSIONS_ENDSCN pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERSIONS_ENDTIME pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERSIONS_OPERATION pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERSIONS_STARTSCN pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERSIONS_STARTTIME pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERSIONS_XID pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
VERTEX_SET_TYPE data type (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
VERTEX_TYPE object type (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
removing duplicate (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
returning geometry coordinates as (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
interconnect protocol (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
video compression formats (interMedia Reference)
video data formats
MPEG (interMedia Reference)
video file formats (interMedia Reference)
video formats
Apple QuickTime 3.0 (interMedia Reference)
AVI (interMedia Reference)
RealNetworks Real Video (interMedia Reference)
video SQL scripts (interMedia User's Guide)
view (Security Guide)
view constraints (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
dropping (SQL Reference)
View Export Repository (HTML DB User's Guide)
viewer tool for GeoRaster (Spatial GeoRaster)
log file details (Data Guard Broker)
operator expansion (Text Reference)
operator precedence (Text Reference)
password file (Platform Guide for Windows)
viewing information on indexes and queries (Text Application Developer's Guide)
viewing mapping in CDS namespace, for listener endpoint (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
viewing property information about databases (Data Guard Broker)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
viewing size of index (Text Application Developer's Guide)
viewing the database wallet DN (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #4] (Concepts)
     [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #7] (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [entry #8] (Security Guide)
     [entry #9] (Text Reference)
     [entry #10] (Ultra Search User's Guide)
access mediation (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
Active Catalog (OLAP Reference)
ALL_SA_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_PROG_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_SCHEMA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_TABLE_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USERS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALL_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA (Spatial GeoRaster)
ALL_SDO_INDEX_INFO (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALL_SDO_INDEX_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
altering base tables and (Concepts)
analytic workspace maintenance information (OLAP Reference)
and indexing (Text Application Developer's Guide)
attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
auditing (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
base (Enterprise Manager Concepts)
base tables
adding rows (SQL Reference)
definition (SQL Reference)
values in base tables (SQL Reference)
complex and dynamic (Security Overview)
constraints indirectly affect (Concepts)
containing expressions (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
creating (Administrator's Guide)
before base tables (SQL Reference)
comments about (SQL Reference)
multiple (SQL Reference)
creating embedded total dimensions (OLAP Reference)
creating for analytic workspaces (OLAP Reference)
creating for Discoverer (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
creating for Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
creating object subviews (SQL Reference)
creating with errors (Administrator's Guide)
CTX_CLASSES (Text Reference)
CTX_INDEXES (Text Reference)
CTX_INDEX_ERRORS (Text Reference)
CTX_INDEX_OBJECTS (Text Reference)
CTX_INDEX_SUB_LEXER (Text Reference)
CTX_INDEX_VALUES (Text Reference)
CTX_OBJECTS (Text Reference)
CTX_PARAMETERS (Text Reference)
CTX_PENDING (Text Reference)
CTX_PREFERENCES (Text Reference)
CTX_SECTIONS (Text Reference)
CTX_SQES (Text Reference)
CTX_STOPLISTS (Text Reference)
CTX_STOPWORDS (Text Reference)
CTX_SUB_LEXERS (Text Reference)
CTX_THESAURI (Text Reference)
CTX_TRACE_VALUES (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_INDEXES (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_INDEX_SETS (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_PENDING (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_SECTIONS (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_SQES (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_SUB_LEXERS (Text Reference)
CTX_USER_THESAURI (Text Reference)
CTX_VERSION (Text Reference)
data dictionary
updatable columns (Concepts)
data dictionary views (Reference)
data files (Reference)
Database Resource Manager (Administrator's Guide)
DATABASE_PROPERTIES (Administrator's Guide)
DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS (Administrator's Guide)
DBA_2PC_PENDING (Administrator's Guide)
DBA_DATA_FILES (Data Warehousing Guide)
DBA_DB_LINKS (Administrator's Guide)
DBA_EXTENTS (Data Warehousing Guide)
DBA_HIST (Performance Tuning Guide)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_NOT_UNIQUE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_PARAMETERS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP_TRANSACTION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DBA_policyname_AUDIT_TRAIL (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_RESUMABLE (Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_AUDIT_OPTIONS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_DATA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_GROUP_HIERARCHY (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_PROG_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_SCHEMA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_TABLE_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USERS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USER_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USER_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USER_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USER_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_SA_USER_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
DBA_TABLESPACES (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
defining (SQL Reference)
definition expanded (Concepts)
dependency status of (Concepts)
describing (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
description (2 Day DBA)
displaying dependencies of (Administrator's Guide)
dropping (Administrator's Guide)
dropping constraints on (SQL Reference)
file mapping views (Administrator's Guide)
fixed views (Concepts)
FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
for monitoring datafiles (Administrator's Guide)
for performance monitoring (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
FOR UPDATE clause and (Administrator's Guide)
globalization support parameters in (Concepts)
system privileges for (SQL Reference)
Grid Control (Enterprise Manager Concepts)
GV$INSTANCE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
how stored (Concepts)
indexes and (Concepts)
inherently modifiable (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
inline views (Concepts)
inserting rows into (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
INSTEAD OF triggers (Concepts)
invalid (Administrator's Guide)
join. See join views.
location transparency in distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
managing (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
managing privileges (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
managing privileges with (Administrator's Guide)
materialized views (Concepts)
maximum number of columns in (Concepts)
modifiable (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
modifying (Concepts)
modifying constraints on (SQL Reference)
name resolution in distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
object views (Concepts)
updatability (Concepts)
object, creating (SQL Reference)
objects in analytic workspaces (OLAP Reference)
OLAP Catalog metadata (OLAP Reference)
oramts_2pc_pending (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
ORDER BY clause and (Administrator's Guide)
OUS_CRAWLER_SETTINGS (Ultra Search User's Guide)
OUS_INSTANCES (Ultra Search User's Guide)
OUS_SCHEDULES (Ultra Search User's Guide)
overview of (Concepts)
prerequisites for compilation of (Concepts)
privileges for (Security Guide)
pseudocolumns (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
re-creating (SQL Reference)
recompiling (SQL Reference)
recovery catalog (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
remote object security (Administrator's Guide)
remote, accessing (SQL Reference)
from the database (SQL Reference)
rows from the base table of (SQL Reference)
renaming (SQL Reference)
replication (Advanced Replication)
RESOURCE and PATH (XML DB Developer's Guide)
restrictions (Administrator's Guide)
retrieving data from (SQL Reference)
schema object dependencies (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
security applications of (Security Guide)
See also object views
SI_IMAGE_FORMAT_CONVRSNS (interMedia Reference)
SI_IMAGE_FORMAT_FEATURES (interMedia Reference)
SI_IMAGE_FRMT_FTRS (interMedia Reference)
SI_INFORMTN_FORMATS (interMedia Reference)
SI_THUMBNAIL_FORMATS (interMedia Reference)
SI_THUMBNAIL_FRMTS (interMedia Reference)
SI_VALUES (interMedia Reference)
SQL functions in (Concepts)
statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference)
subquery of (SQL Reference)
restricting (SQL Reference)
substitutability (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
summary (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
synonyms for (SQL Reference)
tables (Administrator's Guide)
tablespace information (Administrator's Guide)
template for creating (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
updatability (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Concepts)
     [subentry #4] (Concepts)
updatable (SQL Reference)
updating rows in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
USER_RESUMABLE (Administrator's Guide)
USER_SA_SESSION (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
uses of (Concepts)
using (Administrator's Guide)
V$ARCHIVE (Administrator's Guide)
V$ARCHIVED_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$ARCHIVE_DEST (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$ARCHIVE_GAP (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATABASE (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATABASE_INCARNATION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATAFILE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$DATAGUARD_STATUS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$FILESTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$LOG (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$LOGFILE (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$LOGSTDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$LOGSTDBY_STATS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$LOG_HISTORY (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$MANAGED_STANDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$OBJECT_USAGE (Administrator's Guide)
V$PARAMETER (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$PQ_SESSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$PQ_TQSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$PX_PROCESS (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$RECOVER_FILE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$SESSION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$SESSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$STANDBY_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
V$SYSSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
V$THREAD (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
wildcards in (Administrator's Guide)
WITH CHECK OPTION (Administrator's Guide)
with joins
and key-preserved tables (SQL Reference)
with joins, making updatable (SQL Reference)
XMLType (SQL Reference)
XMLType, creating (SQL Reference)
XMLType, querying (SQL Reference)
views on DIRECTORY object (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
disabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
enabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
VINTSCHED function (OLAP DML Reference)
virtual circuits (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
virtual Cursor
definition (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
virtual hosts
access control (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
host-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
IP-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
name-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
non-IP (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
virtual hosts parameters (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
virtual IP address (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
virtual memory statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
Virtual Private Database
new features (Security Guide)
Virtual Private Database (VPD) (HTML DB User's Guide)
virtual private database (VPD)
     [entry #2] (Security Guide)
     [entry #3] (Security Guide)
     [entry #4] (Security Guide)
     [entry #5] (Security Guide)
     [entry #6] (Security Guide)
     [entry #7] (Security Overview)
application context (Security Overview)
column-level VPD (Security Guide)
database enforced network access (Security Overview)
defined (Security Guide)
how it works (Security Overview)
introduction (Security Overview)
network security (Security Overview)
Oracle Label Security (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
Oracle Policy Manager (Security Overview)
overview (Security Overview)
policies (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
user models (Security Overview)
Virtual Private Database attribute (HTML DB User's Guide)
Virtual Private Database. See VPD (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
virtual private databases
with Workspace Manager (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
VirtualHost directive (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference)
of package contents (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
transaction (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
versus scope (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
visible flag for field sections (Text Reference)
visible flag in field sections (Text Reference)
VISIBLE variable (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
visual attributes (interMedia User's Guide)
Visual Basic (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
Visual C++
using with the Microsoft application demo (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
VLDB support (New Features Guide)
vm option (JPublisher User's Guide)
linking a precompiler application (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
vmstat UNIX command (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
VNF command (OLAP DML Reference)
Void OLAP API data type (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
VOLSIZE parameter
Export utility (Utilities)
Import utility (Utilities)
and materialized views (Data Warehousing Guide)
column masking (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
column masking behavior (Security Guide)
column masking restrictions (Security Guide)
enabling column-level (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
objects it applies to (Security Guide)
restrictions with materialized views (Data Warehousing Guide)
sec_relevant_cols parameter (Security Guide)
sel_relevant_cols_opt parameter (Security Guide)
viewing current cursors and policy predicates (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
with flashback query (Security Guide)
VPD (virtual private database)
with Workspace Manager (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
VPD default behavior (Security Guide)
VPD policies
dynamic (Security Guide)
testing with dynamic policy type (Security Guide)
VPD static and dynamic policies (New Features Guide)
VPD support
parallel query (New Features Guide)
VPD use of DBMS_RLS (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
column-level (New Features Guide)
VPMTSCHED function (OLAP DML Reference)
VRFY function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
VSIZE function (SQL Quick Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
vulnerable data behind firewalls (Security Guide)
     [entry #2] (Security Guide)
vulnerable run-time call (Security Guide)
made more secure (Security Guide)
V_$ and V$ views (Concepts)