Oracle Database Master Index: V
10g Release 1 (10.1)
Shortcuts to Letters
Index Entries
- V variable in SQLDA
- how value is set (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- purpose of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- V$ACCESS view (Reference)
- V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
- V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES view (Reference)
- V$ACTIVE_SERVICES (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- V$ACTIVE_SERVICES view (Reference)
- V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH view (Reference)
- V$ALERT_TYPES view (Reference)
- V$AQ view (Reference)
- V$ARCHIVE view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$ARCHIVED_LOG view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #10] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #11] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #12] (Reference)
- [entry #13] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- determining the most recently archived redo log file (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- listing all archived logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
- displaying implicit default value of STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- displaying information for all destinations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- obtaining destination status (Administrator's Guide)
- V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- log apply services and MANAGED REAL TIME column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$ARCHIVE_GAP view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES view (Reference)
- V$ASM_ALIAS view (Reference)
- V$ASM_CLIENT view (Reference)
- V$ASM_DISK view (Reference)
- V$ASM_DISKGROUP view (Reference)
- V$ASM_FILE view (Reference)
- V$ASM_OPERATION view (Reference)
- V$ASM_TEMPLATE view (Reference)
- V$AW_AGGREGATE_OP view (OLAP Reference)
- V$AW_ALLOCATE_OP view (OLAP Reference)
- V$AW_CALC view (OLAP Reference)
- V$AW_OLAP view (OLAP Reference)
- V$AW_SESSION_INFO view (OLAP Reference)
- V$BACKUP view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO view (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_DATAFILE view (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_DEVICE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_FILES view (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_PIECE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_REDOLOG view (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_SET view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #4] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_SPFILE view (Reference)
- V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO view (Reference)
- V$BGPROCESS view (Reference)
- V$BH view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING view (Reference)
- V$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- V$BUFFERED_QUEUES view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- V$BUFFER_POOL view (Concepts)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$CACHE view (Reference)
- V$CACHE_LOCK view (Reference)
- V$CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
- V$CIRCUIT view (Reference)
- V$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
- V$CLIENT_STATS view (Reference)
- V$CONTEXT view (Reference)
- V$CONTROLFILE view (Reference)
- V$COPY_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$CR_BLOCK_SERVER view (Reference)
- V$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER view (Reference)
- V$DATABASE view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Utilities)
- supplemental logging (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_PK column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_UI column (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- switchover and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- SWITCHOVER_STATUS column and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Basics)
- [entry #4] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #6] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #7] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #10] (Reference)
- V$DATABASE_INCARNATION view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- obtaining database incarnation information
- V$DATAFILE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
- listing files for backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- V$DATAFILE_COPY view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #3] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- V$DATAFILE_HEADER view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$DATAGUARD_STATUS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$DBFILE view (Reference)
- V$DBLINK view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #4] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #5] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #6] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #7] (Reference)
- V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE view (Reference)
- V$DB_PIPES view (Reference)
- V$DELETED_OBJECT view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
- V$DISPATCHER_CONFIG view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
- V$ENABLEDPRIVS view (Reference)
- V$ENQUEUE_LOCK view (Reference)
- V$ENQUEUE_STAT view (Reference)
- V$EVENTMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$EVENT_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$EVENT_NAME view (Reference)
- V$EXECUTION view (Reference)
- V$FALSE_PING view (Reference)
- V$FAST_START_SERVERS view (Reference)
- V$FILEMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$FILEMETRIC_HISTORY view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- and parallel query (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
- V$FILE_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$FIXED_TABLE view (Reference)
- V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION view (Reference)
- V$GCSHVMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
- V$GCSPFMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
- V$GC_ELEMENT view (Reference)
- V$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE view (Reference)
- V$GES_CONVERT_LOCAL view (Reference)
- V$GES_CONVERT_REMOTE view (Reference)
- V$GES_ENQUEUE view (Reference)
- V$GES_LATCH view (Reference)
- V$GES_RESOURCE view (Reference)
- V$GES_STATISTICS view (Reference)
- V$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS view (Reference)
- V$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION view (Reference)
- V$HS_AGENT view
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- determining which agents are on host (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- listing HS parameters (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- determining open sessions (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- V$HVMASTER_INFO view (Reference)
- V$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- for database quiesce state (Administrator's Guide)
- V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY view (Reference)
- V$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$LATCH view (Reference)
- V$LATCHHOLDER view (Reference)
- V$LATCHNAME view (Reference)
- V$LATCH_CHILDREN view (Reference)
- V$LATCH_MISSES view (Reference)
- V$LATCH_PARENT view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- NAMESPACE column (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$LICENSE view (Reference)
- V$LOADISTAT view (Reference)
- V$LOADPSTAT view (Reference)
- V$LOCK view (Reference)
- V$LOCKED_OBJECT view (Reference)
- V$LOCK_ACTIVITY view (Reference)
- V$LOG view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- displaying archiving status (Administrator's Guide)
- online redo log (Administrator's Guide)
- viewing redo data with (Administrator's Guide)
- V$LOGFILE view
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- listing files for backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- listing online redo logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- log file status (Administrator's Guide)
- viewing redo data (Administrator's Guide)
- V$LOGHIST view (Reference)
- V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- formatting information returned to (Utilities)
- impact of querying (Utilities)
- information within (Utilities)
- limiting information returned to (Utilities)
- LogMiner utility (Utilities)
- requirements for querying (Utilities)
- [subentry #2] (Utilities)
- V$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- V$LOGMNR_LOGS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- [entry #3] (Utilities)
- querying (Utilities)
- V$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- [entry #3] (Utilities)
- V$LOGSTDBY view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- viewing SQL Apply (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$LOGSTDBY_STATS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- listing all archived logs (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- viewing redo data (Administrator's Guide)
- V$MANAGED_STANDBY view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$MAP_COMP_LIST view (Reference)
- V$MAP_ELEMENT view (Reference)
- V$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT view (Reference)
- V$MAP_FILE view (Reference)
- V$MAP_FILE_EXTENT view (Reference)
- V$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK view (Reference)
- V$MAP_LIBRARY view (Reference)
- V$MAP_SUBELEMENT view (Reference)
- V$METRICNAME view (Reference)
- V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE view (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$MVREFRESH view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$MYSTAT view (Reference)
- V$NLS_PARAMETERS dynamic performance view (Globalization Support Guide)
- V$NLS_PARAMETERS view (Reference)
- V$NLS_VALID_VALUES dynamic performance view (Globalization Support Guide)
- V$NLS_VALID_VALUES view (Reference)
- V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- for monitoring index usage (Administrator's Guide)
- V$OBSOLETE_BACKUP_FILES view (Reference)
- V$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER view (Reference)
- V$OFFLINE_RANGE view (Reference)
- V$OPEN_CURSOR view (Reference)
- V$OPTION view (Reference)
- V$OSSTAT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PARAMETER view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PARAMETER2 view (Reference)
- V$PGASTAT view (Reference)
- V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE view (Reference)
- V$PQ_SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$PQ_SLAVE view (Reference)
- V$PQ_SYSSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PQ_TQSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$PROCESS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- V$PROPAGATION_SENDER view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #4] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG view (Reference)
- V$PROXY_DATAFILE view (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PWFILE_USERS view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PX_PROCESS view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT view (Reference)
- V$PX_SESSION view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$PX_SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$QUEUE view
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- monitoring shared server dispatchers (Administrator's Guide)
- V$QUEUEING_MTH view (Reference)
- V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST view (Reference)
- V$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- listing logs needed for recovery (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- V$RECOVERY_PROGRESS view (Reference)
- V$RECOVERY_STATUS view (Reference)
- V$RECOVER_FILE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- V$REPLPROP view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- [entry #2] (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$REPLQUEUE view (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$REQDIST view (Reference)
- V$RESERVED_WORDS view (Reference)
- V$RESOURCE view (Reference)
- V$RESOURCE_LIMIT view (Reference)
- V$RMAN_CONFIGURATION view (Reference)
- V$RMAN_OUTPUT view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$RMAN_STATUS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$ROLLNAME view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- undo segments (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- GETMISSES column (Performance Tuning Guide)
- GETS column (Performance Tuning Guide)
- performance statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$ROWCACHE_PARENT view (Reference)
- V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$RSRC_PLAN view (Reference)
- V$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH view (Reference)
- V$RULE view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$RULE_SET view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS view (Reference)
- V$SEGSTAT view (Reference)
- V$SEGSTAT_NAME view (Reference)
- V$SERVICEMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- V$SERVICES view (Reference)
- V$SERVICE_EVENT view (Reference)
- V$SERVICE_STATS view (Reference)
- V$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS view (Reference)
- V$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS view (Reference)
- V$SESSION (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- V$SESSION table (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- V$SESSION view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #6] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #7] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #8] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #9] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- [entry #10] (Reference)
- [entry #11] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #12] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #13] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #14] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #15] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$SESSION virtual table (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO view (Reference)
- V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE view (Reference)
- V$SESSION_EVENT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$SESSION_LONGOPS view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- monitoring Data Pump jobs with (Utilities)
- V$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE view (Reference)
- V$SESSION_WAIT view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$SESSMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$SESSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- [entry #6] (Reference)
- network information (Performance Tuning Guide)
- using (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$SESS_IO view (Reference)
- V$SESS_TIME_MODEL view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
- V$SGA view (Reference)
- V$SGAINFO view (Reference)
- V$SGASTAT table (Java Developer's Guide)
- V$SGASTAT view (Reference)
- V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS view (Reference)
- V$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY view (Reference)
- V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS view (Reference)
- V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$SHARED_SERVER view (Reference)
- V$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR view (Reference)
- V$SORT_SEGMENT view (Reference)
- V$SPPARAMETER view (Reference)
- V$SQL (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- V$SQL view (Reference)
- V$SQLAREA view (Reference)
- V$SQLAREA virtual table (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- V$SQLTEXT view (Reference)
- V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES view (Reference)
- V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE view (Reference)
- V$SQL_BIND_DATA view (Reference)
- V$SQL_BIND_METADATA view (Reference)
- V$SQL_CURSOR view (Reference)
- V$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
- V$SQL_PLAN view
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- using to display execution plan (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- using to display execution plan statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- using to display execution plan information (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$SQL_REDIRECTION view (Reference)
- V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR view (Reference)
- V$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY view (Reference)
- V$SQL_WORKAREA view (Reference)
- V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE view (Reference)
- V$STANDBY_LOG view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$STATISTICS_LEVEL view (Reference)
- V$STATNAME view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$STREAMS_APPLY_READER view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Streams Replication Administrator's Guide)
- V$STREAMS_CAPTURE view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #4] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #5] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #6] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #7] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #8] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
- V$SUBCACHE view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- occupants of SYSAUX tablespace (Administrator's Guide)
- V$SYSMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY view (Reference)
- V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY view (Reference)
- V$SYSSTAT view (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- [entry #5] (Reference)
- redo buffer allocation (Performance Tuning Guide)
- using (Performance Tuning Guide)
- V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE view (Reference)
- V$SYSTEM_EVENT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- [entry #4] (Reference)
- V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view (Reference)
- V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 view (Reference)
- V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV view (Reference)
- V$SYS_TIME_MODEL view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$TABLESPACE view (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$TEMPFILE view (Reference)
- V$TEMPORARY_LOBS view (Reference)
- V$TEMPSEG_USAGE view (Reference)
- V$TEMPSTAT view (Reference)
- V$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER view (Reference)
- V$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP view (Reference)
- V$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL view (Reference)
- V$TEMP_HISTOGRAM view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER view (Reference)
- V$THREAD view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- V$THRESHOLD_TYPES view (Reference)
- V$TIMER view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- time zone table information (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- undo tablespaces information (Administrator's Guide)
- V$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE view (Reference)
- V$TYPE_SIZE view (Reference)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #3] (Reference)
- statistics for undo tablespaces (Administrator's Guide)
- V$VERSION view (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- v$vpd_policies (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- V$VPD_POLICY view (Reference)
- V$WAITCLASSMETRIC view (Reference)
- V$WAITSTAT view (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #2] (Reference)
- V7
- value of DBMS option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- valid node checking (Security Guide)
- [entry #2] (Security Guide)
- [entry #3] (Security Overview)
- [entry #4] (Security Overview)
- valid time support (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- altering version-enabled table to add valid time support (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- operators (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- setting valid time for session (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- valid, definition (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- VALIDATE clause
- of DROP TYPE (SQL Reference)
- VALIDATE command (Recovery Manager Reference)
- VALIDATE procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- of ANALYZE (SQL Reference)
- of ANALYZE (SQL Reference)
- of ANALYZE statement (Administrator's Guide)
- of ANALYZE statement (Administrator's Guide)
- validateGeoraster function (Spatial GeoRaster)
- VALIDATE_DIMENSION procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VALIDATE_EXPRESSIONS procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
- [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
- [entry #3] (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
- VALIDATE_GEOMETRY function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALIDATE_LAYER procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALIDATE_LINK_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_LRS_GEOMETRY function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALIDATE_LRS_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_NETWORK function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_NODE_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_PATH_SCHEMA function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_PENDING_AREA procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VALIDATE_TOPOLOGY procedure (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_TOPO_MAP function (Spatial Topology and Network Data Models)
- VALIDATE_WKT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- validating
- backups (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Basics)
- examples (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- GeoRaster objects (Spatial GeoRaster)
- isSchemaValid (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- isSchemaValidated (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- redo data (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- schemaValidate (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- SetSchemaValidated (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- with XML schema (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- XMLIsValid (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- validating designs (Performance Tuning Guide)
- validating dimensions (Data Warehousing Guide)
- validating OLAP metadata (OLAP Reference)
- validation
- auto validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- DTD validating Mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- failure (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- object types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- of clusters (SQL Reference)
- of database objects
- offline (SQL Reference)
- of database objects, online (SQL Reference)
- of indexes (SQL Reference)
- of tables (SQL Reference)
- partial validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- schema validation (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- schema validation mode (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
- validation caching
- for mod_plsql (HTTP Server mod_plsql User's Guide)
- technique (HTTP Server mod_plsql User's Guide)
- validation of restore (Backup and Recovery Basics)
- validation semantics (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
- validation trigger (Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter)
- VALID_FOR attribute
- [entry #2] (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
- defining role-based destinations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- examples (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- format for keywords (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- overview (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- values and role-based conditions (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- verifying (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- VALID_GEOM_SEGMENT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALID_LRS_PT function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALID_MEASURE function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VALSPERPAGE program (OLAP DML Reference)
- value area (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- value attribute table (VAT)
- description (Spatial GeoRaster)
- getting name of (Spatial GeoRaster)
- setting name of (Spatial GeoRaster)
- VALUE clause
- initializing host variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- value datatypes (Utilities)
- [entry #2] (Utilities)
- VALUE function (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL Quick Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
- VALUE functions (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- value hierarchy (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- value method (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- description (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- example of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- value name format
- defined (OLAP DML Reference)
- Value OLAP API data type (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- Value property (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
- value screen area (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- value separation string (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- ValueCursor objects
- getting from a parent CompoundCursor, example (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- getting values from, example (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- position (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- VALUEOF procedure (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- values
- [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- assigning to objects
- in context of this document (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- in object applications (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- restoring previous (OLAP DML Reference)
- saving current (OLAP DML Reference)
- VALUES clause
- in INS (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- INSERT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- of CREATE INDEX (SQL Reference)
- of embedded SQL INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- of INSERT (SQL Reference)
- of INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- use of subqueries in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using a subquery (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VALUES function (OLAP DML Reference)
- VALUES LESS THAN clause (Data Warehousing Guide)
- MAXVALUE (Data Warehousing Guide)
- of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
- VALUES OF clause (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- values of command-line options (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
- VALUESET statement (OLAP DML Reference)
- valuesets
- assigning values to (OLAP DML Reference)
- checking (OLAP DML Reference)
- checking current status list (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #6] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #7] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #8] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #9] (OLAP DML Reference)
- defining (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- deleting (OLAP DML Reference)
- limiting (OLAP DML Reference)
- listing values (OLAP DML Reference)
- multidimensional (OLAP DML Reference)
- null (OLAP DML Reference)
- setting the status of (OLAP DML Reference)
- sorting values (OLAP DML Reference)
- VALUE_ERROR exception (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- VAR directive
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- examples (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VAR SQL directive (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VAR statement
- CONVBUFSZ clause (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- syntax for (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- using the CHARF datatype specifier (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VARCACHE option (OLAP DML Reference)
- VARCACHE property
- arrays of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- VARCHAR columns
- default format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VARCHAR datatype (Concepts)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
- Pro*C/C++ (Globalization Support Guide)
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- VARCHAR datatype, (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VARCHAR group items
- implicit form (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VARCHAR precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VARCHAR pseudotype
- requirements for using with PL/SQL (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VARCHAR subtype (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- VARCHAR variables
- advantages (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- advantages of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- as input variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- as output variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- implicit group items (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- length element (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- length member in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- maximum length (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- must be passed to a function by reference (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- referencing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- server handling (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- specifying the length of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- string element (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- structure (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- structure of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- using macros to define length of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- versus character arrays (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- versus fixed-length strings (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- with PL/SQL (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- accessing CLOB data when treated as (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- also RAW, applied to CLOBs and BLOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- column definition from DESCRIBE (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- defining CLOB variable on (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- VARCHAR2 clause
- VARIABLE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VARCHAR2 column (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- indexing (Text Reference)
- VARCHAR2 columns (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- changing format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- default format (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VARCHAR2 datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- [entry #4] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #5] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #6] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #7] (SQL Reference)
- column length (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- converting to NUMBER (SQL Reference)
- external (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- non-padded comparison semantics (Concepts)
- semantics (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- similarity to RAW datatype (Concepts)
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- VARCHAR2, using SQL functions and operators with LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- VARCHAR2_ARG procedure (Advanced Replication Management API Reference)
- VARCHARC datatype
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- VARGRAPHIC datatype
- DB2 (SQL Quick Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Quick Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
- SQL*Loader (Utilities)
- SQL/DS (SQL Quick Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Quick Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
- VARIABLE command (OLAP DML Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- BINARY_DOUBLE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- BINARY_FLOAT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- CHAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- CLOB clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- NCHAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- NCLOB clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- NUMBER clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- REFCURSOR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VARCHAR2 clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- variable clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- variable expression (SQL Quick Reference)
- variable expressions (SQL Reference)
- VARIABLE function
- of HTF package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VARIABLE procedure
- of HTP package (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- variable records (Utilities)
- format (Utilities)
- variable text in messages (Error Messages)
- variable values (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
- variable-length records
- external tables (Utilities)
- variable-width multibyte encoding schemes (Globalization Support Guide)
- variables
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- accessing (OLAP DML Reference)
- adding partition (OLAP DML Reference)
- analytic workspace (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
- assigning values (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- assigning values to (OLAP DML Reference)
- bind (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
- bind variables
- [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- user-defined types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- cursor (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- declaring (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- defining (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- defining in a program (OLAP DML Reference)
- defining with composite (OLAP DML Reference)
- defining with unnamed composite (OLAP DML Reference)
- deleting (OLAP DML Reference)
- embedded SQL (Concepts)
- global (HTML DB User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- host (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- how data is stored (OLAP DML Reference)
- in stored procedures (Concepts)
- indicator (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- initializing (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- limiting to single value (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
- local to a program (OLAP DML Reference)
- object variables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- partitioned (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
- QDR with (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #4] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #5] (OLAP DML Reference)
- replacing dimension of (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- [subentry #3] (OLAP DML Reference)
- reshaping dimensionality of (OLAP DML Reference)
- sparse data in (OLAP DML Reference)
- static (Java Developer's Guide)
- storage of (OLAP DML Reference)
- substitution variables (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- system variables (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- targeting cells (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
- VARIABLE_VALUE procedures (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VARIANCE function (SQL Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- VARNUM datatype (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- external datatype (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- Oracle external datatype (Pro*PL/1 Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
- VARRAW datatype (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Utilities)
- VARRAWC datatype (Utilities)
- LOB restriction (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- VARRAY clause
- of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
- VARRAY column properties
- of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- VARRAY columns
- memory issues when loading (Utilities)
- VARRAY datatype (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- VARRAY, output (JPublisher User's Guide)
- varrays
- [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [entry #3] (Concepts)
- [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
- accessing (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- changing returned value (SQL Reference)
- compared with nested tables (SQL Reference)
- comparison rules (SQL Reference)
- creating (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
- creating VARRAYs (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- creation (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- dropping the body of (SQL Reference)
- dropping the specification of (SQL Reference)
- increasing size of (SQL Reference)
- increasing the number of elements (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- index-organized tables (Concepts)
- key compression (Concepts)
- materialized views (Advanced Replication)
- restrictions (Advanced Replication)
- modifying column properties (SQL Reference)
- querying (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- replication (Advanced Replication)
- [subentry #2] (Advanced Replication)
- See also arrays, collections
- size limit (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- storage (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- storage characteristics (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
- [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
- storage parameters for (Administrator's Guide)
- stored as LOBs
- compatibility (Upgrade Guide)
- storing out of line (SQL Reference)
- syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- updating (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- versus nested tables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- view hierarchies (Concepts)
- vs nested tables (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- varying arrays. See varrays
- VARYING keyword
- versus VARYING phrase (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- varying length arrays (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- varying-width character data (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- VAR_POP function (SQL Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- VAR_SAMP function (SQL Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- connection string (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
- examples (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide)
- VBScript, translating to PSP (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- vcacct.dll file (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
- building (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
- VCR (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- access control and security (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- vector data
- description (Spatial GeoRaster)
- vector machines
- support (New Features Guide)
- verb_adjective attribute (Text Reference)
- verification
- datafiles, online files (Real Application Clusters Administrator's Guide)
- verifier (Java Developer's Guide)
- VERIFY attribute
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- VERIFY clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- VERIFY variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- [entry #4] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
- verifying
- a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
- contents of archived redo log files (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- physical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- role-based destination settings (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- standby redo log groups (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- verifying an Oracle interMedia installation (interMedia User's Guide)
- verifying blocks
- redo log files (Administrator's Guide)
- VERIFY_VALUES function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VeriSign (Security Overview)
- [entry #2] (Security Overview)
- [entry #3] (Security Overview)
- version (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #2] (OLAP DML Reference)
- compatibility (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
- retrieving (Java Developer's Guide)
- version 8 NCHAR columns
- migrating to Oracle9i and later (Globalization Support Guide)
- VERSION command
- of Listener Control utility (Net Services Reference Guide)
- version number
- Workspace Manager (OWM_VERSION) (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- version number (Spatial)
- retrieving (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- version numbers
- viewing (Text Reference)
- VERSION parameter
- Data Pump Export utility (Utilities)
- Data Pump Import utility (Utilities)
- VERSION precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- version-controlled resource (VCR) (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- version-enabled tables
- definition (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- version-exclusive locks (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- versioning
- [entry #2] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- [entry #3] (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- disabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- enabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- FAQs (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- infrastructure created for (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- versions
- operating system, patch, driver (High Availability Architecture and Best Practices)
- upgrading Oracle database software (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- versions of COBOL supported (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- VERSIONS_ENDSCN pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERSIONS_ENDTIME pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERSIONS_OPERATION pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERSIONS_STARTSCN pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERSIONS_STARTTIME pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERSIONS_XID pseudocolumn (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- VERTEX_SET_TYPE data type (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- VERTEX_TYPE object type (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- vertices
- removing duplicate (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- returning geometry coordinates as (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- interconnect protocol (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- video compression formats (interMedia Reference)
- video data formats
- MPEG (interMedia Reference)
- video file formats (interMedia Reference)
- video formats
- Apple QuickTime 3.0 (interMedia Reference)
- AVI (interMedia Reference)
- RealNetworks Real Video (interMedia Reference)
- video SQL scripts (interMedia User's Guide)
- view (Security Guide)
- view constraints (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- dropping (SQL Reference)
- View Export Repository (HTML DB User's Guide)
- viewer tool for GeoRaster (Spatial GeoRaster)
- viewing
- log file details (Data Guard Broker)
- operator expansion (Text Reference)
- operator precedence (Text Reference)
- password file (Platform Guide for Windows)
- viewing information on indexes and queries (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- viewing mapping in CDS namespace, for listener endpoint (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- viewing property information about databases (Data Guard Broker)
- [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
- viewing size of index (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- viewing the database wallet DN (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
- VIEWPORT_TRANSFORM function (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- views
- [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [entry #3] (Advanced Replication)
- [entry #4] (Concepts)
- [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [entry #7] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [entry #8] (Security Guide)
- [entry #9] (Text Reference)
- [entry #10] (Ultra Search User's Guide)
- access mediation (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- Active Catalog (OLAP Reference)
- ALL_SA_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_PROG_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_SCHEMA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_TABLE_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_USERS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_USER_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_USER_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SA_USER_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- ALL_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA (Spatial GeoRaster)
- ALL_SDO_INDEX_INFO (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- ALL_SDO_INDEX_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- altering base tables and (Concepts)
- analytic workspace maintenance information (OLAP Reference)
- and indexing (Text Application Developer's Guide)
- attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- auditing (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- base (Enterprise Manager Concepts)
- base tables
- adding rows (SQL Reference)
- changing
- definition (SQL Reference)
- values in base tables (SQL Reference)
- complex and dynamic (Security Overview)
- constraints indirectly affect (Concepts)
- containing expressions (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- creating (Administrator's Guide)
- before base tables (SQL Reference)
- comments about (SQL Reference)
- multiple (SQL Reference)
- creating embedded total dimensions (OLAP Reference)
- creating for analytic workspaces (OLAP Reference)
- creating for Discoverer (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
- creating for Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- creating object subviews (SQL Reference)
- creating with errors (Administrator's Guide)
- CTX_CLASSES (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEXES (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEX_ERRORS (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEX_OBJECTS (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEX_SUB_LEXER (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEX_SUB_LEXERS (Text Reference)
- CTX_INDEX_VALUES (Text Reference)
- CTX_OBJECTS (Text Reference)
- CTX_PARAMETERS (Text Reference)
- CTX_PENDING (Text Reference)
- CTX_PREFERENCES (Text Reference)
- CTX_SECTIONS (Text Reference)
- CTX_SECTION_GROUPS (Text Reference)
- CTX_SQES (Text Reference)
- CTX_STOPLISTS (Text Reference)
- CTX_STOPWORDS (Text Reference)
- CTX_SUB_LEXERS (Text Reference)
- CTX_THESAURI (Text Reference)
- CTX_TRACE_VALUES (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_INDEXES (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_INDEX_ERRORS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_INDEX_SETS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_INDEX_VALUES (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_PENDING (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_SECTIONS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_SQES (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_STOPLISTS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_STOPWORDS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_SUB_LEXERS (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_THESAURI (Text Reference)
- CTX_USER_THES_PHRASES (Text Reference)
- CTX_VERSION (Text Reference)
- data dictionary
- updatable columns (Concepts)
- data dictionary views (Reference)
- data files (Reference)
- Database Resource Manager (Administrator's Guide)
- DATABASE_PROPERTIES (Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS (Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_2PC_PENDING (Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_DATA_FILES (Data Warehousing Guide)
- DBA_DB_LINKS (Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_EXTENTS (Data Warehousing Guide)
- DBA_HIST (Performance Tuning Guide)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_NOT_UNIQUE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_PARAMETERS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP_TRANSACTION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- DBA_policyname_AUDIT_TRAIL (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_RESUMABLE (Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_AUDIT_OPTIONS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_DATA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_GROUP_HIERARCHY (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_PROG_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_SCHEMA_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_TABLE_POLICIES (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USERS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USER_COMPARTMENTS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USER_GROUPS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USER_LABELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USER_LEVELS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_SA_USER_PRIVS (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- DBA_TABLESPACES (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- defining (SQL Reference)
- definition expanded (Concepts)
- dependency status of (Concepts)
- describing (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
- description (2 Day DBA)
- displaying dependencies of (Administrator's Guide)
- dropping (Administrator's Guide)
- dropping constraints on (SQL Reference)
- file mapping views (Administrator's Guide)
- fixed views (Concepts)
- FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- for monitoring datafiles (Administrator's Guide)
- for performance monitoring (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- FOR UPDATE clause and (Administrator's Guide)
- globalization support parameters in (Concepts)
- granting
- system privileges for (SQL Reference)
- Grid Control (Enterprise Manager Concepts)
- GV$INSTANCE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- how stored (Concepts)
- indexes and (Concepts)
- inherently modifiable (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- inline views (Concepts)
- inserting rows into (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- INSTEAD OF triggers (Concepts)
- invalid (Administrator's Guide)
- join. See join views.
- location transparency in distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
- managing (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- managing privileges (Security Overview)
- [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
- managing privileges with (Administrator's Guide)
- materialized views (Concepts)
- maximum number of columns in (Concepts)
- modifiable (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- modifying (Concepts)
- modifying constraints on (SQL Reference)
- name resolution in distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
- object views (Concepts)
- updatability (Concepts)
- object, creating (SQL Reference)
- objects in analytic workspaces (OLAP Reference)
- OLAP Catalog metadata (OLAP Reference)
- oramts_2pc_pending (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
- ORDER BY clause and (Administrator's Guide)
- OUS_CRAWLER_SETTINGS (Ultra Search User's Guide)
- OUS_DEFAULT_CRAWLER_SETTINGS (Ultra Search User's Guide)
- OUS_INSTANCES (Ultra Search User's Guide)
- OUS_SCHEDULES (Ultra Search User's Guide)
- overview of (Concepts)
- prerequisites for compilation of (Concepts)
- privileges for (Security Guide)
- pseudocolumns (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- re-creating (SQL Reference)
- recompiling (SQL Reference)
- recovery catalog (Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
- remote object security (Administrator's Guide)
- remote, accessing (SQL Reference)
- removing
- from the database (SQL Reference)
- rows from the base table of (SQL Reference)
- renaming (SQL Reference)
- replication (Advanced Replication)
- RESOURCE and PATH (XML DB Developer's Guide)
- restrictions (Administrator's Guide)
- retrieving data from (SQL Reference)
- schema object dependencies (Concepts)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- security applications of (Security Guide)
- See also object views
- SI_IMAGE_FORMAT_CONVRSNS (interMedia Reference)
- SI_IMAGE_FORMAT_FEATURES (interMedia Reference)
- SI_IMAGE_FRMT_FTRS (interMedia Reference)
- SI_INFORMTN_FORMATS (interMedia Reference)
- SI_THUMBNAIL_FORMATS (interMedia Reference)
- SI_THUMBNAIL_FRMTS (interMedia Reference)
- SI_VALUES (interMedia Reference)
- SQL functions in (Concepts)
- statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference)
- subquery of (SQL Reference)
- restricting (SQL Reference)
- substitutability (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- summary (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- synonyms for (SQL Reference)
- tables (Administrator's Guide)
- tablespace information (Administrator's Guide)
- template for creating (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
- updatability (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- [subentry #2] (Concepts)
- [subentry #3] (Concepts)
- [subentry #4] (Concepts)
- updatable (SQL Reference)
- updating rows in (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- USER_RESUMABLE (Administrator's Guide)
- USER_SA_SESSION (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA (Spatial GeoRaster)
- USER_SDO_INDEX_INFO (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
- uses of (Concepts)
- using (Administrator's Guide)
- V$ARCHIVE (Administrator's Guide)
- V$ARCHIVED_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$ARCHIVE_DEST (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$ARCHIVE_GAP (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATABASE (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATABASE_INCARNATION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATAFILE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$DATAGUARD_STATUS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$FILESTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$LOG (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$LOGFILE (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$LOGSTDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$LOGSTDBY_STATS (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$LOG_HISTORY (Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$MANAGED_STANDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$OBJECT_USAGE (Administrator's Guide)
- V$PARAMETER (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$PQ_SESSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$PQ_TQSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$PX_PROCESS (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$RECOVER_FILE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$SESSION (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$SESSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$STANDBY_LOG (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- V$SYSSTAT (Data Warehousing Guide)
- V$THREAD (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
- wildcards in (Administrator's Guide)
- WITH CHECK OPTION (Administrator's Guide)
- with joins
- and key-preserved tables (SQL Reference)
- with joins, making updatable (SQL Reference)
- XMLType (SQL Reference)
- XMLType, creating (SQL Reference)
- XMLType, querying (SQL Reference)
- views on DIRECTORY object (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- disabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- enabling (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- VINTSCHED function (OLAP DML Reference)
- virtual circuits (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
- virtual Cursor
- definition (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- virtual hosts
- access control (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- host-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- IP-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- name-based (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- non-IP (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- virtual hosts parameters (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- virtual IP address (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance Guide)
- virtual memory statistics (Performance Tuning Guide)
- Virtual Private Database
- new features (Security Guide)
- Virtual Private Database (VPD) (HTML DB User's Guide)
- virtual private database (VPD)
- [entry #2] (Security Guide)
- [entry #3] (Security Guide)
- [entry #4] (Security Guide)
- [entry #5] (Security Guide)
- [entry #6] (Security Guide)
- [entry #7] (Security Overview)
- application context (Security Overview)
- column-level VPD (Security Guide)
- database enforced network access (Security Overview)
- defined (Security Guide)
- how it works (Security Overview)
- introduction (Security Overview)
- network security (Security Overview)
- Oracle Label Security (Security Overview)
- [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
- Oracle Policy Manager (Security Overview)
- overview (Security Overview)
- policies (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
- [subentry #2] (Security Guide)
- user models (Security Overview)
- Virtual Private Database attribute (HTML DB User's Guide)
- Virtual Private Database. See VPD (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- virtual private databases
- with Workspace Manager (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- VirtualHost directive (HTTP Server Administrator's Guide)
- visibility
- [entry #2] (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference)
- of package contents (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- transaction (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- versus scope (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
- visible flag for field sections (Text Reference)
- visible flag in field sections (Text Reference)
- VISIBLE variable (OLAP Application Developer's Guide)
- visual attributes (interMedia User's Guide)
- Visual Basic (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects)
- [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
- Visual C++
- using with the Microsoft application demo (Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide)
- VLDB support (New Features Guide)
- vm option (JPublisher User's Guide)
- linking a precompiler application (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
- vmstat UNIX command (Data Warehousing Guide)
- [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
- VNF command (OLAP DML Reference)
- Void OLAP API data type (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
- VOLSIZE parameter
- Export utility (Utilities)
- Import utility (Utilities)
- and materialized views (Data Warehousing Guide)
- column masking (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- column masking behavior (Security Guide)
- column masking restrictions (Security Guide)
- enabling column-level (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- objects it applies to (Security Guide)
- restrictions with materialized views (Data Warehousing Guide)
- sec_relevant_cols parameter (Security Guide)
- sel_relevant_cols_opt parameter (Security Guide)
- viewing current cursors and policy predicates (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- with flashback query (Security Guide)
- VPD (virtual private database)
- with Workspace Manager (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
- VPD default behavior (Security Guide)
- VPD policies
- dynamic (Security Guide)
- testing with dynamic policy type (Security Guide)
- VPD static and dynamic policies (New Features Guide)
- VPD support
- parallel query (New Features Guide)
- VPD use of DBMS_RLS (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VPDs
- column-level (New Features Guide)
- VPMTSCHED function (OLAP DML Reference)
- VRFY function (PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
- VSIZE function (SQL Quick Reference)
- [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
- vulnerable data behind firewalls (Security Guide)
- [entry #2] (Security Guide)
- vulnerable run-time call (Security Guide)
- made more secure (Security Guide)
- V_$ and V$ views (Concepts)
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